blob: 7af1e5a8cc924f77a3f29fdddd8bdd424f8ec079 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Support for symbolication using the `gimli` crate on
//! This implementation is largely a work in progress and is off by default for
//! all platforms, but it's hoped to be developed over time! Long-term this is
//! intended to wholesale replace the `` implementation.
use self::gimli::read::EndianSlice;
use self::gimli::LittleEndian as Endian;
use crate::symbolize::dladdr;
use crate::symbolize::ResolveWhat;
use crate::types::BytesOrWideString;
use crate::SymbolName;
use addr2line::gimli;
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use core::mem;
use core::u32;
use findshlibs::{self, Segment, SharedLibrary};
use libc::c_void;
use memmap::Mmap;
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::prelude::v1::*;
const MAPPINGS_CACHE_SIZE: usize = 4;
struct Context<'a> {
dwarf: addr2line::Context<EndianSlice<'a, Endian>>,
object: Object<'a>,
struct Mapping {
// 'static lifetime is a lie to hack around lack of support for self-referential structs.
cx: Context<'static>,
_map: Mmap,
fn cx<'data>(object: Object<'data>) -> Option<Context<'data>> {
fn load_section<'data, S>(obj: &Object<'data>) -> S
S: gimli::Section<gimli::EndianSlice<'data, Endian>>,
let data = obj.section(S::section_name()).unwrap_or(&[]);
S::from(EndianSlice::new(data, Endian))
let dwarf = addr2line::Context::from_sections(
gimli::EndianSlice::new(&[], Endian),
Some(Context { dwarf, object })
fn assert_lifetimes<'a>(_: &'a Mmap, _: &Context<'a>) {}
macro_rules! mk {
(Mapping { $map:expr, $inner:expr }) => {{
assert_lifetimes(&$map, &$inner);
Mapping {
// Convert to 'static lifetimes since the symbols should
// only borrow `map` and we're preserving `map` below.
cx: unsafe { mem::transmute::<Context<'_>, Context<'static>>($inner) },
_map: $map,
fn mmap(path: &Path) -> Option<Mmap> {
let file = File::open(path).ok()?;
// TODO: not completely safe, see
unsafe { Mmap::map(&file).ok() }
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(windows)] {
use std::cmp;
use goblin::pe::{self, PE};
use goblin::strtab::Strtab;
struct Object<'a> {
pe: PE<'a>,
data: &'a [u8],
symbols: Vec<(usize, pe::symbol::Symbol)>,
strtab: Strtab<'a>,
impl<'a> Object<'a> {
fn parse(data: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Object<'a>> {
let pe = PE::parse(data).ok()?;
let syms = pe.header.coff_header.symbols(data).ok()?;
let strtab = pe.header.coff_header.strings(data).ok()?;
// Collect all the symbols into a local vector which is sorted
// by address and contains enough data to learn about the symbol
// name. Note that we only look at function symbols and also
// note that the sections are 1-indexed because the zero section
// is special (apparently).
let mut symbols = Vec::new();
for (_, _, sym) in syms.iter() {
if sym.derived_type() != pe::symbol::IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_FUNCTION
|| sym.section_number == 0
let addr = usize::try_from(sym.value).ok()?;
let section = pe.sections.get(usize::try_from(sym.section_number).ok()? - 1)?;
let va = usize::try_from(section.virtual_address).ok()?;
symbols.push((addr + va + pe.image_base, sym));
symbols.sort_unstable_by_key(|x| x.0);
Some(Object { pe, data, symbols, strtab })
fn section(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
let section =
.find(|section| == Some(name));
.and_then(|section| {
let offset = section.pointer_to_raw_data as usize;
let size = cmp::min(section.virtual_size, section.size_of_raw_data) as usize;|data| data.get(..size))
fn search_symtab<'b>(&'b self, addr: u64) -> Option<&'b [u8]> {
// Note that unlike other formats COFF doesn't embed the size of
// each symbol. As a last ditch effort search for the *closest*
// symbol to a particular address and return that one. This gets
// really wonky once symbols start getting removed because the
// symbols returned here can be totally incorrect, but we have
// no idea of knowing how to detect that.
let addr = usize::try_from(addr).ok()?;
let i = match self.symbols.binary_search_by_key(&addr, |p| p.0) {
Ok(i) => i,
// typically `addr` isn't in the array, but `i` is where
// we'd insert it, so the previous position must be the
// greatest less than `addr`
Err(i) => i.checked_sub(1)?,
} else if #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] {
use goblin::mach::MachO;
struct Object<'a> {
macho: MachO<'a>,
dwarf: Option<usize>,
impl<'a> Object<'a> {
fn parse(macho: MachO<'a>) -> Option<Object<'a>> {
if !macho.little_endian {
return None;
let dwarf = macho
.find(|(_, segment)| == Some("__DWARF"))
.map(|p| p.0);
Some(Object { macho, dwarf })
fn section(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
let dwarf = self.dwarf?;
let dwarf = &self.macho.segments[dwarf];
.filter_map(|s| s.ok())
.find(|(section, _data)| {
let section_name = match {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => return false,
&section_name[..] == name || {
&& name.starts_with(".")
&& &section_name[2..] == &name[1..]
.map(|p| p.1)
fn search_symtab<'b>(&'b self, _addr: u64) -> Option<&'b [u8]> {
// So far it seems that we don't need to implement this. Maybe
// `dladdr` on OSX has us covered? Maybe there's not much in the
// symbol table? In any case our relevant tests are passing
// without this being implemented, so let's skip it for now.
} else {
use goblin::elf::Elf;
struct Object<'a> {
elf: Elf<'a>,
data: &'a [u8],
impl<'a> Object<'a> {
fn parse(data: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Object<'a>> {
let elf = Elf::parse(data).ok()?;
if !elf.little_endian {
return None;
Some(Object { elf, data })
fn section(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
let section = self.elf.section_headers.iter().find(|section| {
match self.elf.shdr_strtab.get(section.sh_name) {
Some(Ok(section_name)) => section_name == name,
_ => false,
.and_then(|section| { as usize..)
.and_then(|data| data.get(..section.sh_size as usize))
fn search_symtab<'b>(&'b self, addr: u64) -> Option<&'b [u8]> {
let sym = self.elf.syms.iter()
.find(|sym| sym.st_value <= addr && addr <= sym.st_value + sym.st_size)?;
impl Mapping {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
fn new(path: &Path) -> Option<Mapping> {
let map = mmap(path)?;
let cx = cx(Object::parse(&map)?)?;
Some(mk!(Mapping { map, cx }))
// The loading path for OSX is is so different we just have a completely
// different implementation of the function here. On OSX we need to go
// probing the filesystem for a bunch of files.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn new(path: &Path) -> Option<Mapping> {
// First up we need to load the unique UUID which is stored in the macho
// header of the file we're reading, specified at `path`.
let map = mmap(path)?;
let macho = MachO::parse(&map, 0).ok()?;
let uuid = find_uuid(&macho)?;
// Next we need to look for a `*.dSYM` file. For now we just probe the
// containing directory and look around for something that matches
// `*.dSYM`. Once it's found we root through the dwarf resources that it
// contains and try to find a macho file which has a matching UUID as
// the one of our own file. If we find a match that's the dwarf file we
// want to return.
let parent = path.parent()?;
for entry in parent.read_dir().ok()? {
let entry = entry.ok()?;
let filename = match entry.file_name().into_string() {
Ok(name) => name,
Err(_) => continue,
if !filename.ends_with(".dSYM") {
let candidates = entry.path().join("Contents/Resources/DWARF");
if let Some(mapping) = load_dsym(&candidates, &uuid) {
return Some(mapping);
// Looks like nothing matched our UUID, so let's at least return our own
// file. This should have the symbol table for at least some
// symbolication purposes.
let inner = cx(Object::parse(macho)?)?;
return Some(mk!(Mapping { map, inner }));
fn load_dsym(dir: &Path, uuid: &[u8; 16]) -> Option<Mapping> {
for entry in dir.read_dir().ok()? {
let entry = entry.ok()?;
let map = mmap(&entry.path())?;
let macho = MachO::parse(&map, 0).ok()?;
let entry_uuid = find_uuid(&macho)?;
if entry_uuid != uuid {
if let Some(cx) = Object::parse(macho).and_then(cx) {
return Some(mk!(Mapping { map, cx }));
fn find_uuid<'a>(object: &'a MachO) -> Option<&'a [u8; 16]> {
use goblin::mach::load_command::CommandVariant;
.filter_map(|cmd| match &cmd.command {
CommandVariant::Uuid(u) => Some(&u.uuid),
_ => None,
// Ensure the 'static lifetimes don't leak.
fn rent<F>(&self, mut f: F)
F: FnMut(&Context<'_>),
type Cache = Vec<(PathBuf, Mapping)>;
// unsafe because this is required to be externally synchronized
unsafe fn with_cache(f: impl FnOnce(&mut Cache)) {
// A very small, very simple LRU cache for debug info mappings.
// The hit rate should be very high, since the typical stack doesn't cross
// between many shared libraries.
// The `addr2line::Context` structures are pretty expensive to create. Its
// cost is expected to be amortized by subsequent `locate` queries, which
// leverage the structures built when constructing `addr2line::Context`s to
// get nice speedups. If we didn't have this cache, that amortization would
// never happen, and symbolicating backtraces would be ssssllllooooowwww.
static mut MAPPINGS_CACHE: Option<Cache> = None;
f(MAPPINGS_CACHE.get_or_insert_with(|| Vec::with_capacity(MAPPINGS_CACHE_SIZE)))
// unsafe because this is required to be externally synchronized
pub unsafe fn clear_symbol_cache() {
with_cache(|cache| cache.clear());
unsafe fn with_mapping_for_path<F>(path: PathBuf, f: F)
F: FnMut(&Context<'_>),
with_cache(|cache| {
let idx = cache.iter().position(|&(ref p, _)| p == &path);
// Invariant: after this conditional completes without early returning
// from an error, the cache entry for this path is at index 0.
if let Some(idx) = idx {
// When the mapping is already in the cache, move it to the front.
if idx != 0 {
let entry = cache.remove(idx);
cache.insert(0, entry);
} else {
// When the mapping is not in the cache, create a new mapping,
// insert it into the front of the cache, and evict the oldest cache
// entry if necessary.
let mapping = match Mapping::new(&path) {
None => return,
Some(m) => m,
if cache.len() == MAPPINGS_CACHE_SIZE {
cache.insert(0, (path, mapping));
pub unsafe fn resolve(what: ResolveWhat, cb: &mut FnMut(&super::Symbol)) {
let addr = what.address_or_ip();
let mut cb = DladdrFallback {
called: false,
// First, find the file containing the segment that the given AVMA (after
// relocation) address falls within. Use the containing segment to compute
// the SVMA (before relocation) address.
// Note that the OS APIs that `SharedLibrary::each` is implemented with hold
// a lock for the duration of the `each` call, so we want to keep this
// section as short as possible to avoid contention with other threads
// capturing backtraces.
// Also note that for now `findshlibs` is unimplemented on Windows, so we
// just unhelpfully assume that the address is an SVMA. Surprisingly it
// seems to at least somewhat work on Wine on Linux though...
let (addr, path) = if cfg!(windows) {
let addr = findshlibs::Svma(addr as *mut u8 as *const u8);
(addr, String::new())
} else {
let addr = findshlibs::Avma(addr as *mut u8 as *const u8);
let mut so_info = None;
findshlibs::TargetSharedLibrary::each(|so| {
use findshlibs::IterationControl::*;
for segment in so.segments() {
if segment.contains_avma(so, addr) {
let addr = so.avma_to_svma(addr);
let path =;
so_info = Some((addr, path.to_string()));
return Break;
match so_info {
None => return,
Some((a, p)) => (a, p),
// Second, fixup the path. Empty path means that this address falls within
// the main executable, not a shared library.
let path = if path.is_empty() {
match env::current_exe() {
Err(_) => return,
Ok(p) => p,
} else {
// Finally, get a cached mapping or create a new mapping for this file, and
// evaluate the DWARF info to find the file/line/name for this address.
with_mapping_for_path(path, |cx| {
let mut called = false;
if let Ok(mut frames) = cx.dwarf.find_frames(addr.0 as u64) {
while let Ok(Some(mut frame)) = {
let function = frame.function.take();
let name = function.as_ref().and_then(|f| f.raw_name().ok());
let name = name.as_ref().map(|n| n.as_bytes());
called = true; {
addr: addr.0 as *mut c_void,
if !called {
if let Some(name) = cx.object.search_symtab(addr.0 as u64) { {
addr: addr.0 as *mut c_void,
struct DladdrFallback<'a, 'b> {
addr: *mut c_void,
called: bool,
cb: &'a mut (FnMut(&super::Symbol) + 'b),
impl DladdrFallback<'_, '_> {
fn call(&mut self, sym: Symbol) {
self.called = true;
// Extend the lifetime of `sym` to `'static` since we are unfortunately
// required to here, but it's ony ever going out as a reference so no
// reference to it should be persisted beyond this frame anyway.
let sym = unsafe { mem::transmute::<Symbol, Symbol<'static>>(sym) };
(self.cb)(&super::Symbol { inner: sym });
impl Drop for DladdrFallback<'_, '_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.called {
unsafe {
dladdr::resolve(self.addr, &mut |sym| {
(self.cb)(&super::Symbol {
inner: Symbol::Dladdr(sym),
pub enum Symbol<'a> {
/// We were able to locate frame information for this symbol, and
/// `addr2line`'s frame internally has all the nitty gritty details.
Frame {
addr: *mut c_void,
frame: addr2line::Frame<EndianSlice<'a, Endian>>,
name: Option<&'a [u8]>,
/// Couldn't find debug information, but we found it in the symbol table of
/// the elf executable.
Symtab { addr: *mut c_void, name: &'a [u8] },
/// We weren't able to find anything in the original file, so we had to fall
/// back to using `dladdr` which had a hit.
impl Symbol<'_> {
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<SymbolName> {
match self {
Symbol::Dladdr(s) =>,
Symbol::Frame { name, .. } => {
let name = name.as_ref()?;
Symbol::Symtab { name, .. } => Some(SymbolName::new(name)),
pub fn addr(&self) -> Option<*mut c_void> {
match self {
Symbol::Dladdr(s) => s.addr(),
Symbol::Frame { addr, .. } => Some(*addr),
Symbol::Symtab { .. } => None,
pub fn filename_raw(&self) -> Option<BytesOrWideString> {
match self {
Symbol::Dladdr(s) => return s.filename_raw(),
Symbol::Frame { frame, .. } => {
let location = frame.location.as_ref()?;
let file = location.file.as_ref()?;
Symbol::Symtab { .. } => None,
pub fn filename(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
match self {
Symbol::Dladdr(s) => return s.filename(),
Symbol::Frame { frame, .. } => {
let location = frame.location.as_ref()?;
let file = location.file.as_ref()?;
Symbol::Symtab { .. } => None,
pub fn lineno(&self) -> Option<u32> {
match self {
Symbol::Dladdr(s) => return s.lineno(),
Symbol::Frame { frame, .. } => {
let location = frame.location.as_ref()?;
location.line.and_then(|l| u32::try_from(l).ok())
Symbol::Symtab { .. } => None,