blob: 7955fcfe78bac57ee220190a222324574a32793b [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::marker;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::str;
use crate::object::CastOrPanic;
use crate::util::{c_cmp_to_ordering, Binding};
use crate::{
raw, Blob, Commit, Error, Object, ObjectType, Oid, ReferenceType, Repository, Tag, Tree,
struct Refdb<'repo>(&'repo Repository);
/// A structure to represent a git [reference][1].
/// [1]:
pub struct Reference<'repo> {
raw: *mut raw::git_reference,
_marker: marker::PhantomData<Refdb<'repo>>,
/// An iterator over the references in a repository.
pub struct References<'repo> {
raw: *mut raw::git_reference_iterator,
_marker: marker::PhantomData<Refdb<'repo>>,
/// An iterator over the names of references in a repository.
pub struct ReferenceNames<'repo, 'references> {
inner: &'references mut References<'repo>,
impl<'repo> Reference<'repo> {
/// Ensure the reference name is well-formed.
pub fn is_valid_name(refname: &str) -> bool {
let refname = CString::new(refname).unwrap();
unsafe { raw::git_reference_is_valid_name(refname.as_ptr()) == 1 }
/// Get access to the underlying raw pointer.
pub fn raw(&self) -> *mut raw::git_reference {
/// Delete an existing reference.
/// This method works for both direct and symbolic references. The reference
/// will be immediately removed on disk.
/// This function will return an error if the reference has changed from the
/// time it was looked up.
pub fn delete(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe {
/// Check if a reference is a local branch.
pub fn is_branch(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { raw::git_reference_is_branch(&*self.raw) == 1 }
/// Check if a reference is a note.
pub fn is_note(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { raw::git_reference_is_note(&*self.raw) == 1 }
/// Check if a reference is a remote tracking branch
pub fn is_remote(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { raw::git_reference_is_remote(&*self.raw) == 1 }
/// Check if a reference is a tag
pub fn is_tag(&self) -> bool {
unsafe { raw::git_reference_is_tag(&*self.raw) == 1 }
/// Get the reference type of a reference.
/// If the type is unknown, then `None` is returned.
pub fn kind(&self) -> Option<ReferenceType> {
ReferenceType::from_raw(unsafe { raw::git_reference_type(&*self.raw) })
/// Get the full name of a reference.
/// Returns `None` if the name is not valid utf-8.
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
/// Get the full name of a reference.
pub fn name_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe { crate::opt_bytes(self, raw::git_reference_name(&*self.raw)).unwrap() }
/// Get the full shorthand of a reference.
/// This will transform the reference name into a name "human-readable"
/// version. If no shortname is appropriate, it will return the full name.
/// Returns `None` if the shorthand is not valid utf-8.
pub fn shorthand(&self) -> Option<&str> {
/// Get the full shorthand of a reference.
pub fn shorthand_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe { crate::opt_bytes(self, raw::git_reference_shorthand(&*self.raw)).unwrap() }
/// Get the OID pointed to by a direct reference.
/// Only available if the reference is direct (i.e. an object id reference,
/// not a symbolic one).
pub fn target(&self) -> Option<Oid> {
unsafe { Binding::from_raw_opt(raw::git_reference_target(&*self.raw)) }
/// Return the peeled OID target of this reference.
/// This peeled OID only applies to direct references that point to a hard
/// Tag object: it is the result of peeling such Tag.
pub fn target_peel(&self) -> Option<Oid> {
unsafe { Binding::from_raw_opt(raw::git_reference_target_peel(&*self.raw)) }
/// Get full name to the reference pointed to by a symbolic reference.
/// May return `None` if the reference is either not symbolic or not a
/// valid utf-8 string.
pub fn symbolic_target(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.and_then(|s| str::from_utf8(s).ok())
/// Get full name to the reference pointed to by a symbolic reference.
/// Only available if the reference is symbolic.
pub fn symbolic_target_bytes(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
unsafe { crate::opt_bytes(self, raw::git_reference_symbolic_target(&*self.raw)) }
/// Resolve a symbolic reference to a direct reference.
/// This method iteratively peels a symbolic reference until it resolves to
/// a direct reference to an OID.
/// If a direct reference is passed as an argument, a copy of that
/// reference is returned.
pub fn resolve(&self) -> Result<Reference<'repo>, Error> {
let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
unsafe {
try_call!(raw::git_reference_resolve(&mut raw, &*self.raw));
/// Peel a reference to an object
/// This method recursively peels the reference until it reaches
/// an object of the specified type.
pub fn peel(&self, kind: ObjectType) -> Result<Object<'repo>, Error> {
let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
unsafe {
try_call!(raw::git_reference_peel(&mut raw, self.raw, kind));
/// Peel a reference to a blob
/// This method recursively peels the reference until it reaches
/// a blob.
pub fn peel_to_blob(&self) -> Result<Blob<'repo>, Error> {
/// Peel a reference to a commit
/// This method recursively peels the reference until it reaches
/// a commit.
pub fn peel_to_commit(&self) -> Result<Commit<'repo>, Error> {
/// Peel a reference to a tree
/// This method recursively peels the reference until it reaches
/// a tree.
pub fn peel_to_tree(&self) -> Result<Tree<'repo>, Error> {
/// Peel a reference to a tag
/// This method recursively peels the reference until it reaches
/// a tag.
pub fn peel_to_tag(&self) -> Result<Tag<'repo>, Error> {
/// Rename an existing reference.
/// This method works for both direct and symbolic references.
/// If the force flag is not enabled, and there's already a reference with
/// the given name, the renaming will fail.
pub fn rename(
&mut self,
new_name: &str,
force: bool,
msg: &str,
) -> Result<Reference<'repo>, Error> {
let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
let new_name = CString::new(new_name)?;
let msg = CString::new(msg)?;
unsafe {
&mut raw, self.raw, new_name, force, msg
/// Conditionally create a new reference with the same name as the given
/// reference but a different OID target. The reference must be a direct
/// reference, otherwise this will fail.
/// The new reference will be written to disk, overwriting the given
/// reference.
pub fn set_target(&mut self, id: Oid, reflog_msg: &str) -> Result<Reference<'repo>, Error> {
let mut raw = ptr::null_mut();
let msg = CString::new(reflog_msg)?;
unsafe {
&mut raw,
impl<'repo> PartialOrd for Reference<'repo> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Reference<'repo>) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'repo> Ord for Reference<'repo> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Reference<'repo>) -> Ordering {
c_cmp_to_ordering(unsafe { raw::git_reference_cmp(&*self.raw, &*other.raw) })
impl<'repo> PartialEq for Reference<'repo> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Reference<'repo>) -> bool {
self.cmp(other) == Ordering::Equal
impl<'repo> Eq for Reference<'repo> {}
impl<'repo> Binding for Reference<'repo> {
type Raw = *mut raw::git_reference;
unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut raw::git_reference) -> Reference<'repo> {
Reference {
raw: raw,
_marker: marker::PhantomData,
fn raw(&self) -> *mut raw::git_reference {
impl<'repo> Drop for Reference<'repo> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { raw::git_reference_free(self.raw) }
impl<'repo> References<'repo> {
/// Consumes a `References` iterator to create an iterator over just the
/// name of some references.
/// This is more efficient if only the names are desired of references as
/// the references themselves don't have to be allocated and deallocated.
/// The returned iterator will yield strings as opposed to a `Reference`.
pub fn names<'a>(&'a mut self) -> ReferenceNames<'repo, 'a> {
ReferenceNames { inner: self }
impl<'repo> Binding for References<'repo> {
type Raw = *mut raw::git_reference_iterator;
unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut raw::git_reference_iterator) -> References<'repo> {
References {
raw: raw,
_marker: marker::PhantomData,
fn raw(&self) -> *mut raw::git_reference_iterator {
impl<'repo> Iterator for References<'repo> {
type Item = Result<Reference<'repo>, Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Reference<'repo>, Error>> {
let mut out = ptr::null_mut();
unsafe {
try_call_iter!(raw::git_reference_next(&mut out, self.raw));
impl<'repo> Drop for References<'repo> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { raw::git_reference_iterator_free(self.raw) }
impl<'repo, 'references> Iterator for ReferenceNames<'repo, 'references> {
type Item = Result<&'references str, Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<&'references str, Error>> {
let mut out = ptr::null();
unsafe {
try_call_iter!(raw::git_reference_next_name(&mut out, self.inner.raw));
let bytes = crate::opt_bytes(self, out).unwrap();
let s = str::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
Some(Ok(mem::transmute::<&str, &'references str>(s)))
mod tests {
use crate::{ObjectType, Reference, ReferenceType};
fn smoke() {
fn smoke2() {
let (_td, repo) = crate::test::repo_init();
let mut head = repo.head().unwrap();
// HEAD is a symbolic reference but git_repository_head resolves it
assert_eq!(head.kind().unwrap(), ReferenceType::Direct);
assert!(head == repo.head().unwrap());
assert_eq!(, Some("refs/heads/master"));
assert!(head == repo.find_reference("refs/heads/master").unwrap());
assert_eq!(head.shorthand(), Some("master"));
assert!(head.resolve().unwrap() == head);
let mut tag1 = repo
.reference("refs/tags/tag1",, false, "test")
assert_eq!(tag1.kind().unwrap(), ReferenceType::Direct);
let peeled_commit = tag1.peel(ObjectType::Commit).unwrap();
assert_eq!(ObjectType::Commit, peeled_commit.kind().unwrap());
let mut sym1 = repo
.reference_symbolic("refs/tags/tag1", "refs/heads/master", false, "test")
assert_eq!(sym1.kind().unwrap(), ReferenceType::Symbolic);
assert!(repo.references().unwrap().count() == 1);
assert!(repo.references().unwrap().next().unwrap().unwrap() == head);
let mut names = repo.references().unwrap();
let mut names = names.names();
assert_eq!(, "refs/heads/master");
assert!(repo.references_glob("foo").unwrap().count() == 0);
assert!(repo.references_glob("refs/heads/*").unwrap().count() == 1);
let mut head = head.rename("refs/foo", true, "test").unwrap();