| /* |
| * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with |
| * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. |
| */ |
| #ifndef INCLUDE_userdiff_h__ |
| #define INCLUDE_userdiff_h__ |
| |
| /* |
| * This file isolates the built in diff driver function name patterns. |
| * Most of these patterns are taken from Git (with permission from the |
| * original authors for relicensing to libgit2). |
| */ |
| |
| typedef struct { |
| const char *name; |
| const char *fns; |
| const char *words; |
| int flags; |
| } git_diff_driver_definition; |
| |
| #define WORD_DEFAULT "|[^[:space:]]|[\xc0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]+" |
| |
| /* |
| * These builtin driver definition macros have same signature as in core |
| * git userdiff.c so that the data can be extracted verbatim |
| */ |
| |
| /* |
| * The table of diff driver patterns |
| * |
| * Function name patterns are a list of newline separated patterns that |
| * match a function declaration (i.e. the line you want in the hunk header), |
| * or a negative pattern prefixed with a '!' to reject a pattern (such as |
| * rejecting goto labels in C code). |
| * |
| * Word boundary patterns are just a simple pattern that will be OR'ed with |
| * the default value above (i.e. whitespace or non-ASCII characters). |
| */ |
| static git_diff_driver_definition builtin_defs[] = { |
| |
| IPATTERN("ada", |
| "!^(.*[ \t])?(is[ \t]+new|renames|is[ \t]+separate)([ \t].*)?$\n" |
| "!^[ \t]*with[ \t].*$\n" |
| "^[ \t]*((procedure|function)[ \t]+.*)$\n" |
| "^[ \t]*((package|protected|task)[ \t]+.*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+]?[0-9][0-9#_.aAbBcCdDeEfF]*([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?" |
| "|=>|\\.\\.|\\*\\*|:=|/=|>=|<=|<<|>>|<>"), |
| |
| IPATTERN("fortran", |
| "!^([C*]|[ \t]*!)\n" |
| "!^[ \t]*MODULE[ \t]+PROCEDURE[ \t]\n" |
| "^[ \t]*((END[ \t]+)?(PROGRAM|MODULE|BLOCK[ \t]+DATA" |
| "|([^'\" \t]+[ \t]+)*(SUBROUTINE|FUNCTION))[ \t]+[A-Z].*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|\\.([Ee][Qq]|[Nn][Ee]|[Gg][TtEe]|[Ll][TtEe]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]|[Aa][Nn][Dd]|[Oo][Rr]|[Nn]?[Ee][Qq][Vv]|[Nn][Oo][Tt])\\." |
| /* numbers and format statements like 2E14.4, or ES12.6, 9X. |
| * Don't worry about format statements without leading digits since |
| * they would have been matched above as a variable anyway. */ |
| "|[-+]?[0-9.]+([AaIiDdEeFfLlTtXx][Ss]?[-+]?[0-9.]*)?(_[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?" |
| "|//|\\*\\*|::|[/<>=]="), |
| |
| PATTERNS("html", "^[ \t]*(<[Hh][1-6][ \t].*>.*)$", |
| "[^<>= \t]+"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("java", |
| "!^[ \t]*(catch|do|for|if|instanceof|new|return|switch|throw|while)\n" |
| "^[ \t]*(([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*[ \t]+)+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*[ \t]*\\([^;]*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+[fFlL]?|0[xXbB]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?" |
| "|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=" |
| "|--|\\+\\+|<<=?|>>>?=?|&&|\\|\\|"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("matlab", |
| "^[[:space:]]*((classdef|function)[[:space:]].*)$|^%%[[:space:]].*$", |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|[-+0-9.e]+|[=~<>]=|\\.[*/\\^']|\\|\\||&&"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("objc", |
| /* Negate C statements that can look like functions */ |
| "!^[ \t]*(do|for|if|else|return|switch|while)\n" |
| /* Objective-C methods */ |
| "^[ \t]*([-+][ \t]*\\([ \t]*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9* \t]*\\)[ \t]*[A-Za-z_].*)$\n" |
| /* C functions */ |
| "^[ \t]*(([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*[ \t]+)+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*[ \t]*\\([^;]*)$\n" |
| /* Objective-C class/protocol definitions */ |
| "^(@(implementation|interface|protocol)[ \t].*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+[fFlL]?|0[xXbB]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?" |
| "|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=|--|\\+\\+|<<=?|>>=?|&&|\\|\\||::|->"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("pascal", |
| "^(((class[ \t]+)?(procedure|function)|constructor|destructor|interface|" |
| "implementation|initialization|finalization)[ \t]*.*)$" |
| "\n" |
| "^(.*=[ \t]*(class|record).*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+|0[xXbB]?[0-9a-fA-F]+" |
| "|<>|<=|>=|:=|\\.\\."), |
| |
| PATTERNS("perl", |
| "^package .*\n" |
| "^sub [[:alnum:]_':]+[ \t]*" |
| "(\\([^)]*\\)[ \t]*)?" /* prototype */ |
| /* |
| * Attributes. A regex can't count nested parentheses, |
| * so just slurp up whatever we see, taking care not |
| * to accept lines like "sub foo; # defined elsewhere". |
| * |
| * An attribute could contain a semicolon, but at that |
| * point it seems reasonable enough to give up. |
| */ |
| "(:[^;#]*)?" |
| "(\\{[ \t]*)?" /* brace can come here or on the next line */ |
| "(#.*)?$\n" /* comment */ |
| "(\\{[ \t]*)?" /* brace can come here or on the next line */ |
| "(#.*)?$\n" |
| "^=head[0-9] .*", /* POD */ |
| /* -- */ |
| "[[:alpha:]_'][[:alnum:]_']*" |
| "|0[xb]?[0-9a-fA-F_]*" |
| /* taking care not to interpret 3..5 as (3.)(.5) */ |
| "|[0-9a-fA-F_]+(\\.[0-9a-fA-F_]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9_]+)?" |
| "|=>|-[rwxoRWXOezsfdlpSugkbctTBMAC>]|~~|::" |
| "|&&=|\\|\\|=|//=|\\*\\*=" |
| "|&&|\\|\\||//|\\+\\+|--|\\*\\*|\\.\\.\\.?" |
| "|[-+*/%.^&<>=!|]=" |
| "|=~|!~" |
| "|<<|<>|<=>|>>"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("python", "^[ \t]*((class|def)[ \t].*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+[jJlL]?|0[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?" |
| "|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=|//=?|<<=?|>>=?|\\*\\*=?"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("ruby", "^[ \t]*((class|module|def)[ \t].*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "(@|@@|\\$)?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+|0[xXbB]?[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\?(\\\\C-)?(\\\\M-)?." |
| "|//=?|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=|<<=?|>>=?|===|\\.{1,3}|::|[!=]~"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("bibtex", "(@[a-zA-Z]{1,}[ \t]*\\{{0,1}[ \t]*[^ \t\"@',\\#}{~%]*).*$", |
| "[={}\"]|[^={}\" \t]+"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("tex", "^(\\\\((sub)*section|chapter|part)\\*{0,1}\\{.*)$", |
| "\\\\[a-zA-Z@]+|\\\\.|[a-zA-Z0-9\x80-\xff]+"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("cpp", |
| /* Jump targets or access declarations */ |
| "!^[ \t]*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*:[[:space:]]*($|/[/*])\n" |
| /* functions/methods, variables, and compounds at top level */ |
| "^((::[[:space:]]*)?[A-Za-z_].*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+[fFlL]?|0[xXbB]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[lLuU]*" |
| "|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=|--|\\+\\+|<<=?|>>=?|&&|\\|\\||::|->\\*?|\\.\\*"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("csharp", |
| /* Keywords */ |
| "!^[ \t]*(do|while|for|if|else|instanceof|new|return|switch|case|throw|catch|using)\n" |
| /* Methods and constructors */ |
| "^[ \t]*(((static|public|internal|private|protected|new|virtual|sealed|override|unsafe)[ \t]+)*[][<>@.~_[:alnum:]]+[ \t]+[<>@._[:alnum:]]+[ \t]*\\(.*\\))[ \t]*$\n" |
| /* Properties */ |
| "^[ \t]*(((static|public|internal|private|protected|new|virtual|sealed|override|unsafe)[ \t]+)*[][<>@.~_[:alnum:]]+[ \t]+[@._[:alnum:]]+)[ \t]*$\n" |
| /* Type definitions */ |
| "^[ \t]*(((static|public|internal|private|protected|new|unsafe|sealed|abstract|partial)[ \t]+)*(class|enum|interface|struct)[ \t]+.*)$\n" |
| /* Namespace */ |
| "^[ \t]*(namespace[ \t]+.*)$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+[fFlL]?|0[xXbB]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?" |
| "|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=|--|\\+\\+|<<=?|>>=?|&&|\\|\\||::|->"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("php", |
| "^[ \t]*(((public|private|protected|static|final)[ \t]+)*((class|function)[ \t].*))$", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+[fFlL]?|0[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?" |
| "|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=|--|\\+\\+|<<=?|>>=?|&&|\\|\\||::|->"), |
| |
| PATTERNS("javascript", |
| "([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]+)*[ \t]*=[ \t]*function([ \t][a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)?[^\\{]*)\n" |
| "([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*[ \t]*:[ \t]*function([ \t][a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)?[^\\{]*)\n" |
| "[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\$](function([ \t][a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)?[^\\{]*)", |
| /* -- */ |
| "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" |
| "|[-+0-9.e]+[fFlL]?|0[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?" |
| "|[-+*/<>%&^|=!]=|--|\\+\\+|<<=?|>>=?|&&|\\|\\||::|->"), |
| }; |
| |
| #undef IPATTERN |
| #undef PATTERNS |
| #undef WORD_DEFAULT |
| |
| #endif |
| |