blob: 58010afdc141fbee9f02793c6fc955159ff78139 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Rust bindings to the `jemalloc` C library.
//! `jemalloc` is a general purpose memory allocation, its documentation
//! can be found here:
//! * [API documentation][jemalloc_docs]
//! * [Wiki][jemalloc_wiki] (design documents, presentations, profiling, debugging, tuning, ...)
//! `jemalloc` exposes both a standard and a non-standard API.
//! # Standard API
//! The standard API includes: the [`malloc`], [`calloc`], [`realloc`], and
//! [`free`], which conform to to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (“ISO C90”),
//! [`posix_memalign`] which conforms to conforms to POSIX.1-2016, and
//! [`aligned_alloc`].
//! Note that these standard leave some details as _implementation defined_.
//! This docs document this behavior for `jemalloc`, but keep in mind that other
//! standard-conforming implementations of these functions in other allocators
//! might behave slightly different.
//! # Non-Standard API
//! The non-standard API includes: [`mallocx`], [`rallocx`], [`xallocx`],
//! [`sallocx`], [`dallocx`], [`sdallocx`], and [`nallocx`]. These functions all
//! have a `flags` argument that can be used to specify options. Use bitwise or
//! `|` to specify one or more of the following: [`MALLOCX_LG_ALIGN`],
//! # Environment variables
//! The `MALLOC_CONF` environment variable affects the execution of the allocation functions.
//! For the documentation of the [`MALLCTL` namespace visit the jemalloc
//! documenation][jemalloc_mallctl].
//! [jemalloc_docs]:
//! [jemalloc_wiki]:
//! [jemalloc_mallctl]:
#![allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types)]
feature = "cargo-clippy",
allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_possible_wrap)
// TODO: rename the following lint on next minor bump
#![deny(missing_docs, broken_intra_doc_links)]
use libc::{c_char, c_int, c_uint, c_void, size_t};
// jemalloc uses `stdbool.h` to define `bool` for which the Rust equivalent is `bool`.
// However jemalloc also has its own `stdbool.h` that it uses when compiling with MSVC,
// and this header defines `bool` as `BOOL` which in turn is `int`.
#[cfg(target_env = "msvc")]
type c_bool = c_int;
#[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))]
type c_bool = bool;
/// Align the memory allocation to start at an address that is a
/// multiple of `1 << la`.
/// # Safety
/// It does not validate that `la` is within the valid range.
pub const fn MALLOCX_LG_ALIGN(la: usize) -> c_int {
la as c_int
/// Align the memory allocation to start at an address that is a multiple of `align`,
/// where a is a power of two.
/// # Safety
/// This macro does not validate that a is a power of 2.
pub const fn MALLOCX_ALIGN(aling: usize) -> c_int {
aling.trailing_zeros() as c_int
/// Initialize newly allocated memory to contain zero bytes.
/// In the growing reallocation case, the real size prior to reallocation
/// defines the boundary between untouched bytes and those that are initialized
/// to contain zero bytes.
/// If this option is not set, newly allocated memory is uninitialized.
pub const MALLOCX_ZERO: c_int = 0x40;
/// Use the thread-specific cache (_tcache_) specified by the identifier `tc`.
/// # Safety
/// `tc` must have been acquired via the `tcache.create mallctl`. This function
/// does not validate that `tc` specifies a valid identifier.
pub const fn MALLOCX_TCACHE(tc: usize) -> c_int {
tc.wrapping_add(2).wrapping_shl(8) as c_int
/// Do not use a thread-specific cache (_tcache_).
/// Unless `MALLOCX_TCACHE(tc)` or `MALLOCX_TCACHE_NONE` is specified, an
/// automatically managed _tcache_ will be used under many circumstances.
/// # Safety
/// This option cannot be used in the same `flags` argument as
// FIXME: This should just be a const.
pub const MALLOCX_TCACHE_NONE: c_int = MALLOCX_TCACHE((-1isize) as usize);
/// Use the arena specified by the index `a`.
/// This option has no effect for regions that were allocated via an arena other
/// than the one specified.
/// # Safety
/// This function does not validate that `a` specifies an arena index in the
/// valid range.
pub const fn MALLOCX_ARENA(a: usize) -> c_int {
(a as c_int).wrapping_add(1).wrapping_shl(20)
extern "C" {
/// Allocates `size` bytes of uninitialized memory.
/// It returns a pointer to the start (lowest byte address) of the allocated
/// space. This pointer is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a
/// pointer to any type of object and then used to access such an object in
/// the space allocated until the space is explicitly deallocated. Each
/// yielded pointer points to an object disjoint from any other object.
/// If the `size` of the space requested is zero, either a null pointer is
/// returned, or the behavior is as if the `size` were some nonzero value,
/// except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object.
/// # Errors
/// If the space cannot be allocated, a null pointer is returned and `errno`
/// is set to `ENOMEM`.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_malloc")]
pub fn malloc(size: size_t) -> *mut c_void;
/// Allocates zero-initialized space for an array of `number` objects, each
/// of whose size is `size`.
/// The result is identical to calling [`malloc`] with an argument of
/// `number * size`, with the exception that the allocated memory is
/// explicitly initialized to _zero_ bytes.
/// Note: zero-initialized memory need not be the same as the
/// representation of floating-point zero or a null pointer constant.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_calloc")]
pub fn calloc(number: size_t, size: size_t) -> *mut c_void;
/// Allocates `size` bytes of memory at an address which is a multiple of
/// `alignment` and is placed in `*ptr`.
/// If `size` is zero, then the value placed in `*ptr` is either null, or
/// the behavior is as if the `size` were some nonzero value, except that
/// the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object.
/// # Errors
/// On success, it returns zero. On error, the value of `errno` is _not_ set,
/// `*ptr` is not modified, and the return values can be:
/// - `EINVAL`: the `alignment` argument was not a power-of-two or was not a multiple of
/// `mem::size_of::<*const c_void>()`.
/// - `ENOMEM`: there was insufficient memory to fulfill the allocation request.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `ptr` is null.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_posix_memalign")]
pub fn posix_memalign(ptr: *mut *mut c_void, alignment: size_t, size: size_t) -> c_int;
/// Allocates `size` bytes of memory at an address which is a multiple of
/// `alignment`.
/// If the `size` of the space requested is zero, either a null pointer is
/// returned, or the behavior is as if the `size` were some nonzero value,
/// except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object.
/// # Errors
/// Returns null if the request fails.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `alignment` is not a power-of-two
/// * `size` is not an integral multiple of `alignment`
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_aligned_alloc")]
pub fn aligned_alloc(alignment: size_t, size: size_t) -> *mut c_void;
/// Resizes the previously-allocated memory region referenced by `ptr` to
/// `size` bytes.
/// Deallocates the old object pointed to by `ptr` and returns a pointer to
/// a new object that has the size specified by `size`. The contents of the
/// new object are the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation,
/// up to the lesser of the new and old sizes.
/// The memory in the new object beyond the size of the old object is
/// uninitialized.
/// The returned pointer to a new object may have the same value as a
/// pointer to the old object, but [`realloc`] may move the memory
/// allocation, resulting in a different return value than `ptr`.
/// If `ptr` is null, [`realloc`] behaves identically to [`malloc`] for the
/// specified size.
/// If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is
/// implementation-defined: either a null pointer is returned, or the
/// behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value, except that the
/// returned pointer shall not be used to access an object # Errors
/// # Errors
/// If memory for the new object cannot be allocated, the old object is not
/// deallocated, its value is unchanged, [`realloc`] returns null, and
/// `errno` is set to `ENOMEM`.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer previously returned by the memory
/// allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_realloc")]
pub fn realloc(ptr: *mut c_void, size: size_t) -> *mut c_void;
/// Deallocates previously-allocated memory region referenced by `ptr`.
/// This makes the space available for future allocations.
/// If `ptr` is null, no action occurs.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by the memory
/// allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_free")]
pub fn free(ptr: *mut c_void);
/// Allocates at least `size` bytes of memory according to `flags`.
/// It returns a pointer to the start (lowest byte address) of the allocated
/// space. This pointer is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a
/// pointer to any type of object and then used to access such an object in
/// the space allocated until the space is explicitly deallocated. Each
/// yielded pointer points to an object disjoint from any other object.
/// # Errors
/// On success it returns a non-null pointer. A null pointer return value
/// indicates that insufficient contiguous memory was available to service
/// the allocation request.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if `size == 0`.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_mallocx")]
pub fn mallocx(size: size_t, flags: c_int) -> *mut c_void;
/// Resizes the previously-allocated memory region referenced by `ptr` to be
/// at least `size` bytes.
/// Deallocates the old object pointed to by `ptr` and returns a pointer to
/// a new object that has the size specified by `size`. The contents of the
/// new object are the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation,
/// up to the lesser of the new and old sizes.
/// The the memory in the new object beyond the size of the old object is
/// obtained according to `flags` (it might be uninitialized).
/// The returned pointer to a new object may have the same value as a
/// pointer to the old object, but [`rallocx`] may move the memory
/// allocation, resulting in a different return value than `ptr`.
/// # Errors
/// On success it returns a non-null pointer. A null pointer return value
/// indicates that insufficient contiguous memory was available to service
/// the allocation request. In this case, the old object is not
/// deallocated, and its value is unchanged.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefiend_ if:
/// * `size == 0`, or
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by
/// the memory allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_rallocx")]
pub fn rallocx(ptr: *mut c_void, size: size_t, flags: c_int) -> *mut c_void;
/// Resizes the previously-allocated memory region referenced by `ptr` _in
/// place_ to be at least `size` bytes, returning the real size of the
/// allocation.
/// Deallocates the old object pointed to by `ptr` and sets `ptr` to a new
/// object that has the size returned; the old a new objects share the same
/// base address. The contents of the new object are the same as that of the
/// old object prior to deallocation, up to the lesser of the new and old
/// sizes.
/// If `extra` is non-zero, an attempt is made to resize the allocation to
/// be at least `size + extra` bytes. Inability to allocate the `extra`
/// bytes will not by itself result in failure to resize.
/// The memory in the new object beyond the size of the old object is
/// obtained according to `flags` (it might be uninitialized).
/// # Errors
/// If the allocation cannot be adequately grown in place up to `size`, the
/// size returned is smaller than `size`.
/// Note:
/// * the size value returned can be larger than the size requested during
/// allocation
/// * when shrinking an allocation, use the size returned to determine
/// whether the allocation was shrunk sufficiently or not.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `size == 0`, or
/// * `size + extra > size_t::max_value()`, or
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by the memory
/// allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_xallocx")]
pub fn xallocx(ptr: *mut c_void, size: size_t, extra: size_t, flags: c_int) -> size_t;
/// Returns the real size of the previously-allocated memory region
/// referenced by `ptr`.
/// The value may be larger than the size requested on allocation.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by the memory
/// allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_sallocx")]
pub fn sallocx(ptr: *const c_void, flags: c_int) -> size_t;
/// Deallocates previously-allocated memory region referenced by `ptr`.
/// This makes the space available for future allocations.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by the memory
/// allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * `ptr` is null, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_dallocx")]
pub fn dallocx(ptr: *mut c_void, flags: c_int);
/// Deallocates previously-allocated memory region referenced by `ptr` with
/// `size` hint.
/// This makes the space available for future allocations.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `size` is not in range `[req_size, alloc_size]`, where `req_size` is
/// the size requested when performing the allocation, and `alloc_size` is
/// the allocation size returned by [`nallocx`], [`sallocx`], or
/// [`xallocx`],
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by the memory
/// allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * `ptr` is null, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_sdallocx")]
pub fn sdallocx(ptr: *mut c_void, size: size_t, flags: c_int);
/// Returns the real size of the allocation that would result from a
/// [`mallocx`] function call with the same arguments.
/// # Errors
/// If the inputs exceed the maximum supported size class and/or alignment
/// it returns zero.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if `size == 0`.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_nallocx")]
pub fn nallocx(size: size_t, flags: c_int) -> size_t;
/// Returns the real size of the previously-allocated memory region
/// referenced by `ptr`.
/// The value may be larger than the size requested on allocation.
/// Although the excess bytes can be overwritten by the application without
/// ill effects, this is not good programming practice: the number of excess
/// bytes in an allocation depends on the underlying implementation.
/// The main use of this function is for debugging and introspection.
/// # Errors
/// If `ptr` is null, 0 is returned.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * `ptr` does not match a pointer earlier returned by the memory
/// allocation functions of this crate, or
/// * the memory region referenced by `ptr` has been deallocated.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_malloc_usable_size")]
pub fn malloc_usable_size(ptr: *const c_void) -> size_t;
/// General interface for introspecting the memory allocator, as well as
/// setting modifiable parameters and triggering actions.
/// The period-separated name argument specifies a location in a
/// tree-structured namespace ([see jemalloc's `MALLCTL`
/// documentation][jemalloc_mallctl]).
/// To read a value, pass a pointer via `oldp` to adequate space to contain
/// the value, and a pointer to its length via `oldlenp``; otherwise pass
/// null and null. Similarly, to write a value, pass a pointer to the value
/// via `newp`, and its length via `newlen`; otherwise pass null and 0.
/// # Errors
/// Returns `0` on success, otherwise returns:
/// * `EINVAL`: if `newp` is not null, and `newlen` is too large or too
/// small. Alternatively, `*oldlenp` is too large or too small; in this case
/// as much data as possible are read despite the error.
/// * `ENOENT`: `name` or mib specifies an unknown/invalid value.
/// * `EPERM`: Attempt to read or write void value, or attempt to write read-only value.
/// * `EAGAIN`: A memory allocation failure occurred.
/// * `EFAULT`: An interface with side effects failed in some way not
/// directly related to `mallctl` read/write processing.
/// [jemalloc_mallctl]:
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_mallctl")]
pub fn mallctl(
name: *const c_char,
oldp: *mut c_void,
oldlenp: *mut size_t,
newp: *mut c_void,
newlen: size_t,
) -> c_int;
/// Translates a name to a “Management Information Base” (MIB) that can be
/// passed repeatedly to [`mallctlbymib`].
/// This avoids repeated name lookups for applications that repeatedly query
/// the same portion of the namespace.
/// On success, `mibp` contains an array of `*miblenp` integers, where
/// `*miblenp` is the lesser of the number of components in name and the
/// input value of `*miblenp`. Thus it is possible to pass a `*miblenp` that is
/// smaller than the number of period-separated name components, which
/// results in a partial MIB that can be used as the basis for constructing
/// a complete MIB. For name components that are integers (e.g. the 2 in
/// arenas.bin.2.size), the corresponding MIB component will always be that
/// integer.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_mallctlnametomib")]
pub fn mallctlnametomib(name: *const c_char, mibp: *mut size_t, miblenp: *mut size_t) -> c_int;
/// Like [`mallctl`] but taking a `mib` as input instead of a name.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_mallctlbymib")]
pub fn mallctlbymib(
mib: *const size_t,
miblen: size_t,
oldp: *mut c_void,
oldpenp: *mut size_t,
newp: *mut c_void,
newlen: size_t,
) -> c_int;
/// Writes summary statistics via the `write_cb` callback function pointer
/// and `cbopaque` data passed to `write_cb`, or [`malloc_message`] if `write_cb`
/// is null.
/// The statistics are presented in human-readable form unless “J”
/// is specified as a character within the opts string, in which case the
/// statistics are presented in JSON format.
/// This function can be called repeatedly.
/// General information that never changes during execution can be omitted
/// by specifying `g` as a character within the opts string.
/// Note that [`malloc_message`] uses the `mallctl*` functions internally,
/// so inconsistent statistics can be reported if multiple threads use these
/// functions simultaneously.
/// If the Cargo feature `stats` is enabled, `m`, `d`, and `a` can be
/// specified to omit merged arena, destroyed merged arena, and per arena
/// statistics, respectively; `b` and `l` can be specified to omit per size
/// class statistics for bins and large objects, respectively; `x` can be
/// specified to omit all mutex statistics. Unrecognized characters are
/// silently ignored.
/// Note that thread caching may prevent some statistics from being
/// completely up to date, since extra locking would be required to merge
/// counters that track thread cache operations.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_malloc_stats_print")]
pub fn malloc_stats_print(
write_cb: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, *const c_char)>,
cbopaque: *mut c_void,
opts: *const c_char,
/// Allows overriding the function which emits the text strings forming the
/// errors and warnings if for some reason the `STDERR_FILENO` file descriptor
/// is not suitable for this.
/// [`malloc_message`] takes the `cbopaque` pointer argument that is null,
/// unless overridden by the arguments in a call to [`malloc_stats_print`],
/// followed by a string pointer.
/// Please note that doing anything which tries to allocate memory in this
/// function is likely to result in a crash or deadlock.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_malloc_message")]
pub static mut malloc_message:
Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(cbopaque: *mut c_void, s: *const c_char)>;
/// Compile-time string of configuration options.
/// Once, when the first call is made to one of the memory allocation
/// routines, the allocator initializes its internals based in part on
/// various options that can be specified at compile- or run-time.
/// The string specified via `--with-malloc-conf`, the string pointed to by
/// the global variable `malloc_conf`, the “name” of the file referenced by
/// the symbolic link named `/etc/malloc.conf`, and the value of the
/// environment variable `MALLOC_CONF`, will be interpreted, in that order,
/// from left to right as options. Note that `malloc_conf` may be read
/// before `main()` is entered, so the declaration of `malloc_conf` should
/// specify an initializer that contains the final value to be read by
/// `jemalloc`.
/// `--with-malloc-conf` and `malloc_conf` are compile-time mechanisms, whereas
/// `/etc/malloc.conf` and `MALLOC_CONF` can be safely set any time prior to
/// program invocation.
/// An options string is a comma-separated list of `option:value` pairs.
/// There is one key corresponding to each `opt.* mallctl` (see the `MALLCTL
/// NAMESPACE` section for options documentation). For example,
/// `abort:true,narenas:1` sets the `opt.abort` and `opt.narenas` options.
/// Some options have boolean values (`true`/`false`), others have integer
/// values (base `8`, `10`, or `16`, depending on prefix), and yet others
/// have raw string values.
#[cfg_attr(prefixed, link_name = "_rjem_malloc_conf")]
pub static malloc_conf: Option<&'static c_char>;
/// Extent lifetime management functions.
pub type extent_hooks_t = extent_hooks_s;
// note: there are two structs here, one is used when compiling the crate normally,
// and the other one is behind the `--cfg jemallocator_docs` flag and used only
// when generating docs.
// For the docs we want to use type aliases here, but `ctest` does see through
// them when generating the code to verify the FFI bindings, and it needs to
// be able to tell that these are `fn` types so that `Option<fn>` gets lowered
// to C function pointers.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct extent_hooks_s {
pub alloc: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(
*mut extent_hooks_t,
*mut c_void,
*mut c_bool,
*mut c_bool,
) -> *mut c_void,
pub dalloc: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut extent_hooks_t, *mut c_void, size_t, c_bool, c_uint) -> c_bool,
pub destroy:
Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut extent_hooks_t, *mut c_void, size_t, c_bool, c_uint)>,
pub commit: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(
*mut extent_hooks_t,
*mut c_void,
) -> c_bool,
pub decommit: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(
*mut extent_hooks_t,
*mut c_void,
) -> c_bool,
pub purge_lazy: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(
*mut extent_hooks_t,
*mut c_void,
) -> c_bool,
pub purge_forced: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(
*mut extent_hooks_t,
*mut c_void,
) -> c_bool,
pub split: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(
*mut extent_hooks_t,
*mut c_void,
) -> c_bool,
pub merge: Option<
unsafe extern "C" fn(
*mut extent_hooks_t,
*mut c_void,
*mut c_void,
) -> c_bool,
/// Extent lifetime management functions.
/// The extent_hooks_t structure comprises function pointers which are described
/// individually below. `jemalloc` uses these functions to manage extent lifetime,
/// which starts off with allocation of mapped committed memory, in the simplest
/// case followed by deallocation. However, there are performance and platform
/// reasons to retain extents for later reuse. Cleanup attempts cascade from
/// deallocation to decommit to forced purging to lazy purging, which gives the
/// extent management functions opportunities to reject the most permanent
/// cleanup operations in favor of less permanent (and often less costly)
/// operations. All operations except allocation can be universally opted out of
/// by setting the hook pointers to `NULL`, or selectively opted out of by
/// returning failure. Note that once the extent hook is set, the structure is
/// accessed directly by the associated arenas, so it must remain valid for the
/// entire lifetime of the arenas.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct extent_hooks_s {
pub alloc: Option<extent_alloc_t>,
pub dalloc: Option<extent_dalloc_t>,
pub destroy: Option<extent_destroy_t>,
pub commit: Option<extent_commit_t>,
pub decommit: Option<extent_decommit_t>,
pub purge_lazy: Option<extent_purge_t>,
pub purge_forced: Option<extent_purge_t>,
pub split: Option<extent_split_t>,
pub merge: Option<extent_merge_t>,
/// Extent allocation function.
/// On success returns a pointer to `size` bytes of mapped memory on behalf of
/// arena `arena_ind` such that the extent's base address is a multiple of
/// `alignment`, as well as setting `*zero` to indicate whether the extent is
/// zeroed and `*commit` to indicate whether the extent is committed.
/// Zeroing is mandatory if `*zero` is `true` upon function entry. Committing is mandatory if
/// `*commit` is true upon function entry. If `new_addr` is not null, the returned
/// pointer must be `new_addr` on success or null on error.
/// Committed memory may be committed in absolute terms as on a system that does
/// not overcommit, or in implicit terms as on a system that overcommits and
/// satisfies physical memory needs on demand via soft page faults. Note that
/// replacing the default extent allocation function makes the arena's
/// `arena.<i>.dss` setting irrelevant.
/// # Errors
/// On error the function returns null and leaves `*zero` and `*commit` unmodified.
/// # Safety
/// The behavior is _undefined_ if:
/// * the `size` parameter is not a multiple of the page size
/// * the `alignment` parameter is not a power of two at least as large as the page size
pub type extent_alloc_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
new_addr: *mut c_void,
size: size_t,
alignment: size_t,
zero: *mut c_bool,
commit: *mut c_bool,
arena_ind: c_uint,
) -> *mut c_void;
/// Extent deallocation function.
/// Deallocates an extent at given `addr` and `size` with `committed`/decommited
/// memory as indicated, on behalf of arena `arena_ind`, returning `false` upon
/// success.
/// If the function returns `true`, this indicates opt-out from deallocation;
/// the virtual memory mapping associated with the extent remains mapped, in the
/// same commit state, and available for future use, in which case it will be
/// automatically retained for later reuse.
pub type extent_dalloc_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
addr: *mut c_void,
size: size_t,
committed: c_bool,
arena_ind: c_uint,
) -> c_bool;
/// Extent destruction function.
/// Unconditionally destroys an extent at given `addr` and `size` with
/// `committed`/decommited memory as indicated, on behalf of arena `arena_ind`.
/// This function may be called to destroy retained extents during arena
/// destruction (see `arena.<i>.destroy`).
pub type extent_destroy_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
addr: *mut c_void,
size: size_t,
committed: c_bool,
arena_ind: c_uint,
/// Extent commit function.
/// Commits zeroed physical memory to back pages within an extent at given
/// `addr` and `size` at `offset` bytes, extending for `length` on behalf of
/// arena `arena_ind`, returning `false` upon success.
/// Committed memory may be committed in absolute terms as on a system that does
/// not overcommit, or in implicit terms as on a system that overcommits and
/// satisfies physical memory needs on demand via soft page faults. If the
/// function returns `true`, this indicates insufficient physical memory to
/// satisfy the request.
pub type extent_commit_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
addr: *mut c_void,
size: size_t,
offset: size_t,
length: size_t,
arena_ind: c_uint,
) -> c_bool;
/// Extent decommit function.
/// Decommits any physical memory that is backing pages within an extent at
/// given `addr` and `size` at `offset` bytes, extending for `length` on behalf of arena
/// `arena_ind`, returning `false` upon success, in which case the pages will be
/// committed via the extent commit function before being reused.
/// If the function returns `true`, this indicates opt-out from decommit; the
/// memory remains committed and available for future use, in which case it will
/// be automatically retained for later reuse.
pub type extent_decommit_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
addr: *mut c_void,
size: size_t,
offset: size_t,
length: size_t,
arena_ind: c_uint,
) -> c_bool;
/// Extent purge function.
/// Discards physical pages within the virtual memory mapping associated with an
/// extent at given `addr` and `size` at `offset` bytes, extending for `length` on
/// behalf of arena `arena_ind`.
/// A lazy extent purge function (e.g. implemented via `madvise(...MADV_FREE)`)
/// can delay purging indefinitely and leave the pages within the purged virtual
/// memory range in an indeterminite state, whereas a forced extent purge
/// function immediately purges, and the pages within the virtual memory range
/// will be zero-filled the next time they are accessed. If the function returns
/// `true`, this indicates failure to purge.
pub type extent_purge_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
addr: *mut c_void,
size: size_t,
offset: size_t,
length: size_t,
arena_ind: c_uint,
) -> c_bool;
/// Extent split function.
/// Optionally splits an extent at given `addr` and `size` into two adjacent
/// extents, the first of `size_a` bytes, and the second of `size_b` bytes,
/// operating on `committed`/decommitted memory as indicated, on behalf of arena
/// `arena_ind`, returning `false` upon success.
/// If the function returns `true`, this indicates that the extent remains
/// unsplit and therefore should continue to be operated on as a whole.
pub type extent_split_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
addr: *mut c_void,
size: size_t,
size_a: size_t,
size_b: size_t,
committed: c_bool,
arena_ind: c_uint,
) -> c_bool;
/// Extent merge function.
/// Optionally merges adjacent extents, at given `addr_a` and `size_a` with given
/// `addr_b` and `size_b` into one contiguous extent, operating on
/// `committed`/decommitted memory as indicated, on behalf of arena `arena_ind`,
/// returning `false` upon success.
/// If the function returns `true`, this indicates that the extents remain
/// distinct mappings and therefore should continue to be operated on
/// independently.
pub type extent_merge_t = unsafe extern "C" fn(
extent_hooks: *mut extent_hooks_t,
addr_a: *mut c_void,
size_a: size_t,
addr_b: *mut c_void,
size_b: size_t,
committed: c_bool,
arena_ind: c_uint,
) -> c_bool;
// These symbols are used by jemalloc on android but the really old android
// we're building on doesn't have them defined, so just make sure the symbols
// are available.
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
pub extern "C" fn pthread_atfork(
_prefork: *mut u8,
_postfork_parent: *mut u8,
_postfork_child: *mut u8,
) -> i32 {
mod env;
pub use env::*;