blob: 5da1681662577648009f96b1da5b0aabfe02229d [file] [log] [blame]
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use rustc_errors::{DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorReported};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_middle::mir::AssertKind;
use rustc_middle::ty::{layout::LayoutError, query::TyCtxtAt, ConstInt};
use rustc_span::{Span, Symbol};
use super::InterpCx;
use crate::interpret::{
struct_error, ErrorHandled, FrameInfo, InterpError, InterpErrorInfo, Machine, MachineStopType,
/// The CTFE machine has some custom error kinds.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ConstEvalErrKind {
Panic { msg: Symbol, line: u32, col: u32, file: Symbol },
impl MachineStopType for ConstEvalErrKind {
fn is_hard_err(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Panic { .. } => true,
_ => false,
// The errors become `MachineStop` with plain strings when being raised.
// `ConstEvalErr` (in `librustc_middle/mir/interpret/`) knows to
// handle these.
impl<'tcx> Into<InterpErrorInfo<'tcx>> for ConstEvalErrKind {
fn into(self) -> InterpErrorInfo<'tcx> {
impl fmt::Display for ConstEvalErrKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use self::ConstEvalErrKind::*;
match *self {
NeedsRfc(ref msg) => {
write!(f, "\"{}\" needs an rfc before being allowed inside constants", msg)
ConstAccessesStatic => write!(f, "constant accesses static"),
ModifiedGlobal => {
write!(f, "modifying a static's initial value from another static's initializer")
AssertFailure(ref msg) => write!(f, "{:?}", msg),
Panic { msg, line, col, file } => {
write!(f, "the evaluated program panicked at '{}', {}:{}:{}", msg, file, line, col)
Abort(ref msg) => write!(f, "{}", msg),
impl Error for ConstEvalErrKind {}
/// When const-evaluation errors, this type is constructed with the resulting information,
/// and then used to emit the error as a lint or hard error.
pub struct ConstEvalErr<'tcx> {
pub span: Span,
pub error: InterpError<'tcx>,
pub stacktrace: Vec<FrameInfo<'tcx>>,
impl<'tcx> ConstEvalErr<'tcx> {
/// Turn an interpreter error into something to report to the user.
/// As a side-effect, if RUSTC_CTFE_BACKTRACE is set, this prints the backtrace.
/// Should be called only if the error is actually going to to be reported!
pub fn new<'mir, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>>(
ecx: &InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>,
error: InterpErrorInfo<'tcx>,
span: Option<Span>,
) -> ConstEvalErr<'tcx>
'tcx: 'mir,
let stacktrace = ecx.generate_stacktrace();
ConstEvalErr {
error: error.into_kind(),
span: span.unwrap_or_else(|| ecx.cur_span()),
pub fn struct_error(
tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>,
message: &str,
emit: impl FnOnce(DiagnosticBuilder<'_>),
) -> ErrorHandled {
self.struct_generic(tcx, message, emit, None)
pub fn report_as_error(&self, tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>, message: &str) -> ErrorHandled {
self.struct_error(tcx, message, |mut e| e.emit())
pub fn report_as_lint(
tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>,
message: &str,
lint_root: hir::HirId,
span: Option<Span>,
) -> ErrorHandled {
|mut lint: DiagnosticBuilder<'_>| {
// Apply the span.
if let Some(span) = span {
let primary_spans = lint.span.primary_spans().to_vec();
// point at the actual error as the primary span
// point to the `const` statement as a secondary span
// they don't have any label
for sp in primary_spans {
if sp != span {
lint.span_label(sp, "");
/// Create a diagnostic for this const eval error.
/// Sets the message passed in via `message` and adds span labels with detailed error
/// information before handing control back to `emit` to do any final processing.
/// It's the caller's responsibility to call emit(), stash(), etc. within the `emit`
/// function to dispose of the diagnostic properly.
/// If `lint_root.is_some()` report it as a lint, else report it as a hard error.
/// (Except that for some errors, we ignore all that -- see `must_error` below.)
fn struct_generic(
tcx: TyCtxtAt<'tcx>,
message: &str,
emit: impl FnOnce(DiagnosticBuilder<'_>),
lint_root: Option<hir::HirId>,
) -> ErrorHandled {
let finish = |mut err: DiagnosticBuilder<'_>, span_msg: Option<String>| {
trace!("reporting const eval failure at {:?}", self.span);
if let Some(span_msg) = span_msg {
err.span_label(self.span, span_msg);
// Add spans for the stacktrace. Don't print a single-line backtrace though.
if self.stacktrace.len() > 1 {
for frame_info in &self.stacktrace {
err.span_label(frame_info.span, frame_info.to_string());
// Let the caller finish the job.
// Special handling for certain errors
match &self.error {
// Don't emit a new diagnostic for these errors
err_inval!(Layout(LayoutError::Unknown(_))) | err_inval!(TooGeneric) => {
return ErrorHandled::TooGeneric;
err_inval!(AlreadyReported(error_reported)) => {
return ErrorHandled::Reported(*error_reported);
err_inval!(Layout(LayoutError::SizeOverflow(_))) => {
// We must *always* hard error on these, even if the caller wants just a lint.
// The `message` makes little sense here, this is a more serious error than the
// caller thinks anyway.
// See <>.
finish(struct_error(tcx, &self.error.to_string()), None);
return ErrorHandled::Reported(ErrorReported);
_ => {}
let err_msg = self.error.to_string();
// Regular case - emit a lint.
if let Some(lint_root) = lint_root {
// Report as lint.
let hir_id =
self.stacktrace.iter().rev().find_map(|frame| frame.lint_root).unwrap_or(lint_root);
|lint| finish(, Some(err_msg)),
} else {
// Report as hard error.
finish(struct_error(tcx, message), Some(err_msg));