blob: 5ea2cdc2ad9093a239b8615303e409af1b828a72 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::mem;
use std::path::Path;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use rustc_hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX};
use rustc_middle::middle::privacy::AccessLevels;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
use crate::clean::{self, GetDefId, ItemId};
use crate::fold::DocFolder;
use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
use crate::formats::Impl;
use crate::html::markdown::short_markdown_summary;
use crate::html::render::cache::{get_index_search_type, ExternalLocation};
use crate::html::render::IndexItem;
/// This cache is used to store information about the [`clean::Crate`] being
/// rendered in order to provide more useful documentation. This contains
/// information like all implementors of a trait, all traits a type implements,
/// documentation for all known traits, etc.
/// This structure purposefully does not implement `Clone` because it's intended
/// to be a fairly large and expensive structure to clone. Instead this adheres
/// to `Send` so it may be stored in a `Arc` instance and shared among the various
/// rendering threads.
crate struct Cache {
/// Maps a type ID to all known implementations for that type. This is only
/// recognized for intra-crate `ResolvedPath` types, and is used to print
/// out extra documentation on the page of an enum/struct.
/// The values of the map are a list of implementations and documentation
/// found on that implementation.
crate impls: FxHashMap<DefId, Vec<Impl>>,
/// Maintains a mapping of local crate `DefId`s to the fully qualified name
/// and "short type description" of that node. This is used when generating
/// URLs when a type is being linked to. External paths are not located in
/// this map because the `External` type itself has all the information
/// necessary.
crate paths: FxHashMap<DefId, (Vec<String>, ItemType)>,
/// Similar to `paths`, but only holds external paths. This is only used for
/// generating explicit hyperlinks to other crates.
crate external_paths: FxHashMap<DefId, (Vec<String>, ItemType)>,
/// Maps local `DefId`s of exported types to fully qualified paths.
/// Unlike 'paths', this mapping ignores any renames that occur
/// due to 'use' statements.
/// This map is used when writing out the special 'implementors'
/// javascript file. By using the exact path that the type
/// is declared with, we ensure that each path will be identical
/// to the path used if the corresponding type is inlined. By
/// doing this, we can detect duplicate impls on a trait page, and only display
/// the impl for the inlined type.
crate exact_paths: FxHashMap<DefId, Vec<String>>,
/// This map contains information about all known traits of this crate.
/// Implementations of a crate should inherit the documentation of the
/// parent trait if no extra documentation is specified, and default methods
/// should show up in documentation about trait implementations.
crate traits: FxHashMap<DefId, clean::TraitWithExtraInfo>,
/// When rendering traits, it's often useful to be able to list all
/// implementors of the trait, and this mapping is exactly, that: a mapping
/// of trait ids to the list of known implementors of the trait
crate implementors: FxHashMap<DefId, Vec<Impl>>,
/// Cache of where external crate documentation can be found.
crate extern_locations: FxHashMap<CrateNum, ExternalLocation>,
/// Cache of where documentation for primitives can be found.
crate primitive_locations: FxHashMap<clean::PrimitiveType, DefId>,
// Note that external items for which `doc(hidden)` applies to are shown as
// non-reachable while local items aren't. This is because we're reusing
// the access levels from the privacy check pass.
crate access_levels: AccessLevels<DefId>,
/// The version of the crate being documented, if given from the `--crate-version` flag.
crate crate_version: Option<String>,
/// Whether to document private items.
/// This is stored in `Cache` so it doesn't need to be passed through all rustdoc functions.
crate document_private: bool,
/// Crates marked with [`#[doc(masked)]`][doc_masked].
/// [doc_masked]:
crate masked_crates: FxHashSet<CrateNum>,
// Private fields only used when initially crawling a crate to build a cache
stack: Vec<String>,
parent_stack: Vec<DefId>,
parent_is_trait_impl: bool,
stripped_mod: bool,
crate search_index: Vec<IndexItem>,
crate deref_trait_did: Option<DefId>,
crate deref_mut_trait_did: Option<DefId>,
crate owned_box_did: Option<DefId>,
// In rare case where a structure is defined in one module but implemented
// in another, if the implementing module is parsed before defining module,
// then the fully qualified name of the structure isn't presented in `paths`
// yet when its implementation methods are being indexed. Caches such methods
// and their parent id here and indexes them at the end of crate parsing.
crate orphan_impl_items: Vec<(DefId, clean::Item)>,
// Similarly to `orphan_impl_items`, sometimes trait impls are picked up
// even though the trait itself is not exported. This can happen if a trait
// was defined in function/expression scope, since the impl will be picked
// up by `collect-trait-impls` but the trait won't be scraped out in the HIR
// crawl. In order to prevent crashes when looking for notable traits or
// when gathering trait documentation on a type, hold impls here while
// folding and add them to the cache later on if we find the trait.
orphan_trait_impls: Vec<(DefId, FxHashSet<DefId>, Impl)>,
/// All intra-doc links resolved so far.
/// Links are indexed by the DefId of the item they document.
crate intra_doc_links: FxHashMap<ItemId, Vec<clean::ItemLink>>,
/// This struct is used to wrap the `cache` and `tcx` in order to run `DocFolder`.
struct CacheBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
cache: &'a mut Cache,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl Cache {
crate fn new(access_levels: AccessLevels<DefId>, document_private: bool) -> Self {
Cache { access_levels, document_private, ..Cache::default() }
/// Populates the `Cache` with more data. The returned `Crate` will be missing some data that was
/// in `krate` due to the data being moved into the `Cache`.
crate fn populate(
&mut self,
mut krate: clean::Crate,
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
extern_html_root_urls: &BTreeMap<String, String>,
dst: &Path,
) -> clean::Crate {
// Crawl the crate to build various caches used for the output
self.traits = krate.external_traits.take();
// Cache where all our extern crates are located
// FIXME: this part is specific to HTML so it'd be nice to remove it from the common code
for &e in &krate.externs {
let name =;
let extern_url = extern_html_root_urls.get(&*name.as_str()).map(|u| &**u);
self.extern_locations.insert(e.crate_num, e.location(extern_url, &dst, tcx));
self.external_paths.insert(e.def_id(), (vec![name.to_string()], ItemType::Module));
// Cache where all known primitives have their documentation located.
// Favor linking to as local extern as possible, so iterate all crates in
// reverse topological order.
for &e in krate.externs.iter().rev() {
for &(def_id, prim) in &e.primitives(tcx) {
self.primitive_locations.insert(prim, def_id);
for &(def_id, prim) in &krate.primitives {
self.primitive_locations.insert(prim, def_id);
krate = CacheBuilder { tcx, cache: self }.fold_crate(krate);
for (trait_did, dids, impl_) in self.orphan_trait_impls.drain(..) {
if self.traits.contains_key(&trait_did) {
for did in dids {
impl<'a, 'tcx> DocFolder for CacheBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
fn fold_item(&mut self, item: clean::Item) -> Option<clean::Item> {
if item.def_id.is_local() {
debug!("folding {} \"{:?}\", id {:?}", item.type_(),, item.def_id);
// If this is a stripped module,
// we don't want it or its children in the search index.
let orig_stripped_mod = match *item.kind {
clean::StrippedItem(box clean::ModuleItem(..)) => {
mem::replace(&mut self.cache.stripped_mod, true)
_ => self.cache.stripped_mod,
// If the impl is from a masked crate or references something from a
// masked crate then remove it completely.
if let clean::ImplItem(ref i) = *item.kind {
if self.cache.masked_crates.contains(&item.def_id.krate())
|| i.trait_.def_id().map_or(false, |d| self.cache.masked_crates.contains(&d.krate))
|| i.for_.def_id().map_or(false, |d| self.cache.masked_crates.contains(&d.krate))
return None;
// Propagate a trait method's documentation to all implementors of the
// trait.
if let clean::TraitItem(ref t) = *item.kind {
self.cache.traits.entry(item.def_id.expect_def_id()).or_insert_with(|| {
clean::TraitWithExtraInfo {
trait_: t.clone(),
is_notable: item.attrs.has_doc_flag(sym::notable_trait),
// Collect all the implementors of traits.
if let clean::ImplItem(ref i) = *item.kind {
if let Some(did) = i.trait_.def_id() {
if i.blanket_impl.is_none() {
.push(Impl { impl_item: item.clone() });
// Index this method for searching later on.
if let Some(ref s) = {
let (parent, is_inherent_impl_item) = match *item.kind {
clean::StrippedItem(..) => ((None, None), false),
clean::AssocConstItem(..) | clean::TypedefItem(_, true)
if self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl =>
// skip associated items in trait impls
((None, None), false)
| clean::TyMethodItem(..)
| clean::StructFieldItem(..)
| clean::VariantItem(..) => (
Some(*self.cache.parent_stack.last().expect("parent_stack is empty")),
Some(&self.cache.stack[..self.cache.stack.len() - 1]),
clean::MethodItem(..) | clean::AssocConstItem(..) => {
if self.cache.parent_stack.is_empty() {
((None, None), false)
} else {
let last = self.cache.parent_stack.last().expect("parent_stack is empty 2");
let did = *last;
let path = match self.cache.paths.get(&did) {
// The current stack not necessarily has correlation
// for where the type was defined. On the other
// hand, `paths` always has the right
// information if present.
ref fqp,
| ItemType::Struct
| ItemType::Union
| ItemType::Enum,
)) => Some(&fqp[..fqp.len() - 1]),
Some(..) => Some(&*self.cache.stack),
None => None,
((Some(*last), path), true)
_ => ((None, Some(&*self.cache.stack)), false),
match parent {
(parent, Some(path)) if is_inherent_impl_item || !self.cache.stripped_mod => {
// A crate has a module at its root, containing all items,
// which should not be indexed. The crate-item itself is
// inserted later on when serializing the search-index.
if item.def_id.index().map_or(false, |idx| idx != CRATE_DEF_INDEX) {
let desc = item.doc_value().map_or_else(String::new, |x| {
short_markdown_summary(&x.as_str(), &item.link_names(&self.cache))
self.cache.search_index.push(IndexItem {
ty: item.type_(),
name: s.to_string(),
path: path.join("::"),
parent_idx: None,
search_type: get_index_search_type(&item, self.tcx),
aliases: item.attrs.get_doc_aliases(),
(Some(parent), None) if is_inherent_impl_item => {
// We have a parent, but we don't know where they're
// defined yet. Wait for later to index this item.
self.cache.orphan_impl_items.push((parent, item.clone()));
_ => {}
// Keep track of the fully qualified path for this item.
let pushed = match {
Some(n) if !n.is_empty() => {
_ => false,
match *item.kind {
| clean::EnumItem(..)
| clean::TypedefItem(..)
| clean::TraitItem(..)
| clean::TraitAliasItem(..)
| clean::FunctionItem(..)
| clean::ModuleItem(..)
| clean::ForeignFunctionItem(..)
| clean::ForeignStaticItem(..)
| clean::ConstantItem(..)
| clean::StaticItem(..)
| clean::UnionItem(..)
| clean::ForeignTypeItem
| clean::MacroItem(..)
| clean::ProcMacroItem(..)
| clean::VariantItem(..) => {
if !self.cache.stripped_mod {
// Re-exported items mean that the same id can show up twice
// in the rustdoc ast that we're looking at. We know,
// however, that a re-exported item doesn't show up in the
// `public_items` map, so we can skip inserting into the
// paths map if there was already an entry present and we're
// not a public item.
if !self.cache.paths.contains_key(&item.def_id.expect_def_id())
|| self.cache.access_levels.is_public(item.def_id.expect_def_id())
(self.cache.stack.clone(), item.type_()),
clean::PrimitiveItem(..) => {
.insert(item.def_id.expect_def_id(), (self.cache.stack.clone(), item.type_()));
clean::ExternCrateItem { .. }
| clean::ImportItem(..)
| clean::OpaqueTyItem(..)
| clean::ImplItem(..)
| clean::TyMethodItem(..)
| clean::MethodItem(..)
| clean::StructFieldItem(..)
| clean::AssocConstItem(..)
| clean::AssocTypeItem(..)
| clean::StrippedItem(..)
| clean::KeywordItem(..) => {
// FIXME: Do these need handling?
// The person writing this comment doesn't know.
// So would rather leave them to an expert,
// as at least the list is better than `_ => {}`.
// Maintain the parent stack
let orig_parent_is_trait_impl = self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl;
let parent_pushed = match *item.kind {
| clean::EnumItem(..)
| clean::ForeignTypeItem
| clean::StructItem(..)
| clean::UnionItem(..)
| clean::VariantItem(..) => {
self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl = false;
clean::ImplItem(ref i) => {
self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl = i.trait_.is_some();
match i.for_ {
clean::ResolvedPath { did, .. } => {
clean::DynTrait(ref bounds, _)
| clean::BorrowedRef { type_: box clean::DynTrait(ref bounds, _), .. } => {
if let Some(did) = bounds[0].trait_.def_id() {
} else {
ref t => {
let prim_did = t
.and_then(|t| self.cache.primitive_locations.get(&t).cloned());
match prim_did {
Some(did) => {
None => false,
_ => false,
// Once we've recursively found all the generics, hoard off all the
// implementations elsewhere.
let item = self.fold_item_recur(item);
let ret = if let clean::Item { kind: box clean::ImplItem(ref i), .. } = item {
// Figure out the id of this impl. This may map to a
// primitive rather than always to a struct/enum.
// Note: matching twice to restrict the lifetime of the `i` borrow.
let mut dids = FxHashSet::default();
match i.for_ {
clean::ResolvedPath { did, .. }
| clean::BorrowedRef { type_: box clean::ResolvedPath { did, .. }, .. } => {
clean::DynTrait(ref bounds, _)
| clean::BorrowedRef { type_: box clean::DynTrait(ref bounds, _), .. } => {
if let Some(did) = bounds[0].trait_.def_id() {
ref t => {
let did = t
.and_then(|t| self.cache.primitive_locations.get(&t).cloned());
if let Some(did) = did {
if let Some(generics) = i.trait_.as_ref().and_then(|t| t.generics()) {
for bound in generics {
if let Some(did) = bound.def_id() {
let impl_item = Impl { impl_item: item };
if impl_item.trait_did().map_or(true, |d| self.cache.traits.contains_key(&d)) {
for did in dids {
} else {
let trait_did = impl_item.trait_did().expect("no trait did");
self.cache.orphan_trait_impls.push((trait_did, dids, impl_item));
} else {
if pushed {
self.cache.stack.pop().expect("stack already empty");
if parent_pushed {
self.cache.parent_stack.pop().expect("parent stack already empty");
self.cache.stripped_mod = orig_stripped_mod;
self.cache.parent_is_trait_impl = orig_parent_is_trait_impl;