blob: 886ec6750304abb092266e2f6832e5aa95f7f36d [file] [log] [blame]
#![crate_name = "foo"]
// @has 'foo/index.html'
// @matches '-' '//*[@class="item-left module-item"]//*[@class="stab portability"]' '^sync$'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="item-left module-item"]//*[@class="stab portability"]/@title' 'This is supported on crate feature `sync` only'
// @has 'foo/struct.Foo.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'sync'
#[doc(cfg(feature = "sync"))]
#[doc(cfg(feature = "sync"))]
/// my feature sync struct
pub struct Foo;
// @has 'foo/bar/index.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate feature sync only.'
#[doc(cfg(feature = "sync"))]
pub mod bar {
// @has 'foo/bar/struct.Bar.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate feature sync only.'
#[doc(cfg(feature = "sync"))]
pub struct Bar;
// @has 'foo/baz/index.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate features sync and send only.'
#[doc(cfg(all(feature = "sync", feature = "send")))]
pub mod baz {
// @has 'foo/baz/struct.Baz.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate features sync and send only.'
#[doc(cfg(feature = "sync"))]
pub struct Baz;
// @has 'foo/qux/index.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate feature sync only.'
#[doc(cfg(feature = "sync"))]
pub mod qux {
// @has 'foo/qux/struct.Qux.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate features sync and send only.'
#[doc(cfg(all(feature = "sync", feature = "send")))]
pub struct Qux;
// @has 'foo/quux/index.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate feature sync and crate feature send and foo only.'
#[doc(cfg(all(feature = "sync", feature = "send", foo)))]
pub mod quux {
// @has 'foo/quux/struct.Quux.html'
// @has '-' '//*[@class="stab portability"]' 'This is supported on crate feature sync and crate feature send and foo and bar only.'
#[doc(cfg(all(feature = "send", feature = "sync", bar)))]
pub struct Quux;