blob: 7bdf527d8842bbedba3da1795ea5a4bd8b57a165 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::{Command, Output};
fn check_html_file(file: &Path) -> usize {
let to_mute = &[
// "disabled" on <link> or "autocomplete" on <select> emit this warning
// It complains when multiple in the same page link to the same anchor for some reason...
// If a <span> contains only HTML elements and no text, it complains about it.
// FIXME: the three next warnings are about <pre> elements which are not supposed to
// contain HTML. The solution here would be to replace them with a <div>
// This error is caused by nesting the Notable Traits tooltip within an <h4> tag.
// The solution is to avoid doing that, but we need to have the <h4> tags for accessibility
// reasons, and we need the Notable Traits tooltip to help everyone understand the Iterator
// combinators
let to_mute_s = to_mute.join(",");
let mut command = Command::new("tidy");
.arg("--mute-id") // this option is useful in case we want to mute more warnings
let Output { status, stderr, .. } = command.output().expect("failed to run tidy command");
if status.success() {
} else {
let stderr = String::from_utf8(stderr).expect("String::from_utf8 failed...");
if stderr.is_empty() && status.code() != Some(2) {
} else {
"=> Errors for `{}` (error code: {}) <=",
eprintln!("{}", stderr);
const DOCS_TO_CHECK: &[&str] =
&["alloc", "core", "proc_macro", "implementors", "src", "std", "test"];
// Returns the number of files read and the number of errors.
fn find_all_html_files(dir: &Path) -> (usize, usize) {
let mut files_read = 0;
let mut errors = 0;
for entry in walkdir::WalkDir::new(dir).into_iter().filter_entry(|e| {
e.depth() != 1
|| e.file_name()
.map(|s| DOCS_TO_CHECK.into_iter().any(|d| *d == s))
}) {
let entry = entry.expect("failed to read file");
if !entry.file_type().is_file() {
let entry = entry.path();
if entry.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) == Some("html") {
errors += check_html_file(&entry);
files_read += 1;
(files_read, errors)
fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
let args = env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
if args.len() != 2 {
return Err(format!("Usage: {} <doc folder>", args[0]));
println!("Running HTML checker...");
let (files_read, errors) = find_all_html_files(&Path::new(&args[1]));
println!("Done! Read {} files...", files_read);
if errors > 0 {
Err(format!("HTML check failed: {} errors", errors))
} else {
println!("No error found!");