blob: 609c7eb630770ae1d507e9e1b4a5ee3288f8564a [file] [log] [blame]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
/// Whether to remove the whitespace of a `{% %}` tag
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct WS {
/// `true` if the tag is `{%-`
pub left: bool,
/// `true` if the tag is `-%}`
pub right: bool,
impl Default for WS {
fn default() -> Self {
WS { left: false, right: false }
/// All math operators
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum MathOperator {
/// +
/// -
/// *
/// /
/// %
impl fmt::Display for MathOperator {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
MathOperator::Add => "+",
MathOperator::Sub => "-",
MathOperator::Mul => "*",
MathOperator::Div => "/",
MathOperator::Modulo => "%",
/// All logic operators
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum LogicOperator {
/// >
/// >=
/// <
/// <=
/// ==
/// !=
/// and
/// or
impl fmt::Display for LogicOperator {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
LogicOperator::Gt => ">",
LogicOperator::Gte => ">=",
LogicOperator::Lt => "<",
LogicOperator::Lte => "<=",
LogicOperator::Eq => "==",
LogicOperator::NotEq => "!=",
LogicOperator::And => "and",
LogicOperator::Or => "or",
/// A function call, can be a filter or a global function
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct FunctionCall {
/// The name of the function
pub name: String,
/// The args of the function: key -> value
pub args: HashMap<String, Expr>,
/// A mathematical expression
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct MathExpr {
/// The left hand side of the expression
pub lhs: Box<Expr>,
/// The right hand side of the expression
pub rhs: Box<Expr>,
/// The operator used
pub operator: MathOperator,
/// A logical expression
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct LogicExpr {
/// The left hand side of the expression
pub lhs: Box<Expr>,
/// The right hand side of the expression
pub rhs: Box<Expr>,
/// The operator used
pub operator: LogicOperator,
/// Can only be a combination of string + ident or ident + ident
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct StringConcat {
/// All the values we're concatening into a string
pub values: Vec<ExprVal>,
impl StringConcat {
pub(crate) fn to_template_string(&self) -> String {
let mut res = Vec::new();
for value in &self.values {
match value {
ExprVal::String(ref s) => res.push(format!("'{}'", s)),
ExprVal::Ident(ref s) => res.push(s.to_string()),
_ => res.push("unknown".to_string()),
res.join(" ~ ")
/// Something that checks whether the left side is contained in the right side
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct In {
/// The needle, a string or a basic expression/literal
pub lhs: Box<Expr>,
/// The haystack, can be a string, an array or an ident only currently
pub rhs: Box<Expr>,
/// Is it using `not` as in `b` not in `...`?
pub negated: bool,
/// An expression is the node found in variable block, kwargs and conditions.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExprVal {
// A vec of Expr, not ExprVal since filters are allowed
// on values inside arrays
/// An expression is a value that can be negated and followed by
/// optional filters
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Expr {
/// The expression we are evaluating
pub val: ExprVal,
/// Is it using `not`?
pub negated: bool,
/// List of filters used on that value
pub filters: Vec<FunctionCall>,
impl Expr {
/// Create a new basic Expr
pub fn new(val: ExprVal) -> Expr {
Expr { val, negated: false, filters: vec![] }
/// Create a new negated Expr
pub fn new_negated(val: ExprVal) -> Expr {
Expr { val, negated: true, filters: vec![] }
/// Create a new basic Expr with some filters
pub fn with_filters(val: ExprVal, filters: Vec<FunctionCall>) -> Expr {
Expr { val, filters, negated: false }
/// Check if the expr has a default filter as first filter
pub fn has_default_filter(&self) -> bool {
if self.filters.is_empty() {
return false;
self.filters[0].name == "default"
/// Check if the last filter is `safe`
pub fn is_marked_safe(&self) -> bool {
if self.filters.is_empty() {
return false;
self.filters[self.filters.len() - 1].name == "safe"
/// A test node `if my_var is odd`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Test {
/// Which variable is evaluated
pub ident: String,
/// Is it using `not`?
pub negated: bool,
/// Name of the test
pub name: String,
/// Any optional arg given to the test
pub args: Vec<Expr>,
/// A filter section node `{{ filter name(param="value") }} content {{ endfilter }}`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct FilterSection {
/// The filter call itsel
pub filter: FunctionCall,
/// The filter body
pub body: Vec<Node>,
/// Set a variable in the context `{% set val = "hey" %}`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Set {
/// The name for that value in the context
pub key: String,
/// The value to assign
pub value: Expr,
/// Whether we want to set the variable globally or locally
/// global_set is only useful in loops
pub global: bool,
/// A call to a namespaced macro `macros::my_macro()`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct MacroCall {
/// The namespace we're looking for that macro in
pub namespace: String,
/// The macro name
pub name: String,
/// The args for that macro: name -> value
pub args: HashMap<String, Expr>,
/// A Macro definition
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct MacroDefinition {
/// The macro name
pub name: String,
/// The args for that macro: name -> optional default value
pub args: HashMap<String, Option<Expr>>,
/// The macro content
pub body: Vec<Node>,
/// A block definition
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Block {
/// The block name
pub name: String,
/// The block content
pub body: Vec<Node>,
/// A forloop: can be over values or key/values
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Forloop {
/// Name of the key in the loop (only when iterating on map-like objects)
pub key: Option<String>,
/// Name of the local variable for the value in the loop
pub value: String,
/// Expression being iterated on
pub container: Expr,
/// What's in the forloop itself
pub body: Vec<Node>,
/// The body to execute in case of an empty object
pub empty_body: Option<Vec<Node>>,
/// An if/elif/else condition with their respective body
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct If {
/// First item if the if, all the ones after are elif
pub conditions: Vec<(WS, Expr, Vec<Node>)>,
/// The optional `else` block
pub otherwise: Option<(WS, Vec<Node>)>,
/// All Tera nodes that can be encountered
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Node {
/// A call to `{{ super() }}` in a block
/// Some actual text
/// A `{{ }}` block
VariableBlock(WS, Expr),
/// A `{% macro hello() %}...{% endmacro %}`
MacroDefinition(WS, MacroDefinition, WS),
/// The `{% extends "blabla.html" %}` node, contains the template name
Extends(WS, String),
/// The `{% include "blabla.html" %}` node, contains the template name
Include(WS, Vec<String>, bool),
/// The `{% import "macros.html" as macros %}`
ImportMacro(WS, String, String),
/// The `{% set val = something %}` tag
Set(WS, Set),
/// The text between `{% raw %}` and `{% endraw %}`
Raw(WS, String, WS),
/// A filter section node `{{ filter name(param="value") }} content {{ endfilter }}`
FilterSection(WS, FilterSection, WS),
/// A `{% block name %}...{% endblock %}`
Block(WS, Block, WS),
/// A `{% for i in items %}...{% endfor %}`
Forloop(WS, Forloop, WS),
/// A if/elif/else block, WS for the if/elif/else is directly in the struct
If(If, WS),
/// The `{% break %}` tag
/// The `{% continue %}` tag
/// The `{# #} `comment tag and its content
Comment(WS, String),