blob: 928ad5a9bbd6376d493b902cbc6dabdb1c0ff909 [file] [log] [blame]
// Checks if the correct annotation for the x86-interrupt ABI is passed to
// llvm. Also checks that the abi_x86_interrupt feature gate allows usage
// of the x86-interrupt abi.
// needs-llvm-components: x86
// compile-flags: -C no-prepopulate-passes --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -Copt-level=0
#![crate_type = "lib"]
#![feature(abi_x86_interrupt, no_core, lang_items)]
#[lang = "sized"]
trait Sized {}
#[lang = "copy"]
trait Copy {}
impl Copy for i64 {}
// CHECK: define x86_intrcc i64 @has_x86_interrupt_abi
pub extern "x86-interrupt" fn has_x86_interrupt_abi(a: i64) -> i64 {