blob: aadd087ba3ce0f1b0a5b499762542f2b608a45fb [file] [log] [blame]
pub mod set_target_id {
use gix_ref::{transaction::PreviousValue, Target};
use crate::{bstr::BString, Reference};
mod error {
use gix_ref::FullName;
/// The error returned by [`Reference::set_target_id()`][super::Reference::set_target_id()].
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Cannot change symbolic reference {name:?} into a direct one by setting it to an id")]
SymbolicReference { name: FullName },
ReferenceEdit(#[from] crate::reference::edit::Error),
pub use error::Error;
impl<'repo> Reference<'repo> {
/// Set the id of this direct reference to `id` and use `reflog_message` for the reflog (if enabled in the repository).
/// Note that the operation will fail on symbolic references, to change their type use the lower level reference database,
/// or if the reference was deleted or changed in the mean time.
/// Furthermore, refrain from using this method for more than a one-off change as it creates a transaction for each invocation.
/// If multiple reference should be changed, use [Repository::edit_references()][crate::Repository::edit_references()]
/// or the lower level reference database instead.
pub fn set_target_id(
&mut self,
id: impl Into<gix_hash::ObjectId>,
reflog_message: impl Into<BString>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
match & {
Target::Symbolic(name) => return Err(Error::SymbolicReference { name: name.clone() }),
Target::Peeled(current_id) => {
let changed = self.repo.reference(,
*self = changed;
pub mod delete {
use gix_ref::transaction::{Change, PreviousValue, RefEdit, RefLog};
use crate::Reference;
impl<'repo> Reference<'repo> {
/// Delete this reference or fail if it was changed since last observed.
/// Note that this instance remains available in memory but probably shouldn't be used anymore.
pub fn delete(&self) -> Result<(), crate::reference::edit::Error> {
.edit_reference(RefEdit {
change: Change::Delete {
expected: PreviousValue::MustExistAndMatch(,
log: RefLog::AndReference,
deref: false,
.map(|_| ())