blob: 5b04b43a756238fbf2b989f28e29caeeeb877074 [file] [log] [blame]
use gix_hash::ObjectId;
use gix_odb::FindExt;
use crate::{revision, Repository};
/// A platform to traverse the revision graph by adding starting points as well as points which shouldn't be crossed,
/// returned by [`Repository::rev_walk()`].
pub struct Platform<'repo> {
pub(crate) repo: &'repo Repository,
pub(crate) tips: Vec<ObjectId>,
pub(crate) sorting: gix_traverse::commit::Sorting,
pub(crate) parents: gix_traverse::commit::Parents,
impl<'repo> Platform<'repo> {
pub(crate) fn new(tips: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<ObjectId>>, repo: &'repo Repository) -> Self {
revision::walk::Platform {
tips: tips.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
sorting: Default::default(),
parents: Default::default(),
/// Create-time builder methods
impl<'repo> Platform<'repo> {
/// Set the sort mode for commits to the given value. The default is to order by topology.
pub fn sorting(mut self, sorting: gix_traverse::commit::Sorting) -> Self {
self.sorting = sorting;
/// Only traverse the first parent of the commit graph.
pub fn first_parent_only(mut self) -> Self {
self.parents = gix_traverse::commit::Parents::First;
/// Produce the iterator
impl<'repo> Platform<'repo> {
/// Return an iterator to traverse all commits reachable as configured by the [Platform].
/// # Performance
/// It's highly recommended to set an [`object cache`][Repository::object_cache_size()] on the parent repo
/// to greatly speed up performance if the returned id is supposed to be looked up right after.
pub fn all(self) -> Result<revision::Walk<'repo>, gix_traverse::commit::ancestors::Error> {
let Platform {
} = self;
Ok(revision::Walk {
inner: Box::new(
move |oid, buf| repo.objects.find_commit_iter(oid, buf),
is_shallow: None,
error_on_missing_commit: false,
pub(crate) mod iter {
use crate::{ext::ObjectIdExt, Id};
/// The iterator returned by [`crate::revision::walk::Platform::all()`].
pub struct Walk<'repo> {
pub(crate) repo: &'repo crate::Repository,
pub(crate) inner:
Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<gix_hash::ObjectId, gix_traverse::commit::ancestors::Error>> + 'repo>,
pub(crate) error_on_missing_commit: bool,
// TODO: tests
/// After iteration this flag is true if the iteration was stopped prematurely due to missing parent commits.
/// Note that this flag won't be `Some` if any iteration error occurs, which is the case if
/// [`error_on_missing_commit()`][Walk::error_on_missing_commit()] was called.
/// This happens if a repository is a shallow clone.
/// Note that this value is `None` as long as the iteration isn't complete.
pub is_shallow: Option<bool>,
impl<'repo> Walk<'repo> {
// TODO: tests
/// Once invoked, the iteration will return an error if a commit cannot be found in the object database. This typically happens
/// when operating on a shallow clone and thus is non-critical by default.
/// Check the [`is_shallow`][Walk::is_shallow] field once the iteration ended otherwise to learn if a shallow commit graph
/// was encountered.
pub fn error_on_missing_commit(mut self) -> Self {
self.error_on_missing_commit = true;
impl<'repo> Iterator for Walk<'repo> {
type Item = Result<Id<'repo>, gix_traverse::commit::ancestors::Error>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match {
None => {
self.is_shallow = Some(false);
Some(Ok(oid)) => Some(Ok(oid.attach(self.repo))),
Some(Err(err @ gix_traverse::commit::ancestors::Error::FindExisting { .. })) => {
if self.error_on_missing_commit {
} else {
self.is_shallow = Some(true);
Some(Err(err)) => Some(Err(err)),