blob: 4906c62689d4c27671398aafd86862e7832274bb [file] [log] [blame]
use super::unsupported;
use crate::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::error::Error as StdError;
use crate::ffi::{CStr, CString, OsStr, OsString};
use crate::fmt;
use crate::io;
use crate::os::{
raw::{c_char, c_int},
solid::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt},
use crate::path::{self, PathBuf};
use crate::sync::RwLock;
use crate::sys::common::small_c_string::run_with_cstr;
use crate::vec;
use super::{error, itron, memchr};
// `solid` directly maps `errno`s to μITRON error codes.
impl itron::error::ItronError {
pub(crate) fn as_io_error(self) -> crate::io::Error {
pub fn errno() -> i32 {
pub fn error_string(errno: i32) -> String {
if let Some(name) = error::error_name(errno) { name.to_owned() } else { format!("{errno}") }
pub fn getcwd() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
pub fn chdir(_: &path::Path) -> io::Result<()> {
pub struct SplitPaths<'a>(&'a !);
pub fn split_paths(_unparsed: &OsStr) -> SplitPaths<'_> {
impl<'a> Iterator for SplitPaths<'a> {
type Item = PathBuf;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
pub struct JoinPathsError;
pub fn join_paths<I, T>(_paths: I) -> Result<OsString, JoinPathsError>
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
T: AsRef<OsStr>,
impl fmt::Display for JoinPathsError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"not supported on this platform yet".fmt(f)
impl StdError for JoinPathsError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
"not supported on this platform yet"
pub fn current_exe() -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
static ENV_LOCK: RwLock<()> = RwLock::new(());
pub struct Env {
iter: vec::IntoIter<(OsString, OsString)>,
impl !Send for Env {}
impl !Sync for Env {}
impl Iterator for Env {
type Item = (OsString, OsString);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(OsString, OsString)> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
/// Returns a vector of (variable, value) byte-vector pairs for all the
/// environment variables of the current process.
pub fn env() -> Env {
extern "C" {
static mut environ: *const *const c_char;
unsafe {
let _guard =;
let mut result = Vec::new();
if !environ.is_null() {
while !(*environ).is_null() {
if let Some(key_value) = parse(CStr::from_ptr(*environ).to_bytes()) {
environ = environ.add(1);
return Env { iter: result.into_iter() };
fn parse(input: &[u8]) -> Option<(OsString, OsString)> {
// Strategy (copied from glibc): Variable name and value are separated
// by an ASCII equals sign '='. Since a variable name must not be
// empty, allow variable names starting with an equals sign. Skip all
// malformed lines.
if input.is_empty() {
return None;
let pos = memchr::memchr(b'=', &input[1..]).map(|p| p + 1);|p| {
OsStringExt::from_vec(input[p + 1..].to_vec()),
pub fn getenv(k: &OsStr) -> Option<OsString> {
// environment variables with a nul byte can't be set, so their value is
// always None as well
let s = run_with_cstr(k.as_bytes(), |k| {
let _guard =;
Ok(unsafe { libc::getenv(k.as_ptr()) } as *const libc::c_char)
if s.is_null() {
} else {
Some(OsStringExt::from_vec(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(s) }.to_bytes().to_vec()))
pub fn setenv(k: &OsStr, v: &OsStr) -> io::Result<()> {
run_with_cstr(k.as_bytes(), |k| {
run_with_cstr(v.as_bytes(), |v| {
let _guard = ENV_LOCK.write();
cvt_env(unsafe { libc::setenv(k.as_ptr(), v.as_ptr(), 1) }).map(drop)
pub fn unsetenv(n: &OsStr) -> io::Result<()> {
run_with_cstr(n.as_bytes(), |nbuf| {
let _guard = ENV_LOCK.write();
cvt_env(unsafe { libc::unsetenv(nbuf.as_ptr()) }).map(drop)
/// In kmclib, `setenv` and `unsetenv` don't always set `errno`, so this
/// function just returns a generic error.
fn cvt_env(t: c_int) -> io::Result<c_int> {
if t == -1 { Err(io::const_io_error!(io::ErrorKind::Uncategorized, "failure")) } else { Ok(t) }
pub fn temp_dir() -> PathBuf {
panic!("no standard temporary directory on this platform")
pub fn home_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
pub fn exit(code: i32) -> ! {
rtabort!("exit({}) called", code);
pub fn getpid() -> u32 {
panic!("no pids on this platform")