blob: cdf59cdd3284576423f033bc801c988498e5d019 [file] [log] [blame]
//! These from impls are used to create the JSON types which get serialized. They're very close to
//! the `clean` types but with some fields removed or stringified to simplify the output and not
//! expose unstable compiler internals.
use std::convert::From;
use std::fmt;
use rustc_ast::ast;
use rustc_hir::{def::CtorKind, def_id::DefId};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc_span::{Pos, Symbol};
use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi as RustcAbi;
use rustdoc_json_types::*;
use crate::clean::utils::print_const_expr;
use crate::clean::{self, ItemId};
use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
use crate::json::JsonRenderer;
use crate::passes::collect_intra_doc_links::UrlFragment;
impl JsonRenderer<'_> {
pub(super) fn convert_item(&self, item: clean::Item) -> Option<Item> {
let deprecation = item.deprecation(self.tcx);
let links = self
.map(|clean::ItemLink { link, page_id, fragment, .. }| {
let id = match fragment {
Some(UrlFragment::Item(frag_id)) => *frag_id,
// FIXME: Pass the `UserWritten` segment to JSON consumer.
Some(UrlFragment::UserWritten(_)) | None => *page_id,
(link.clone(), from_item_id(id.into(), self.tcx))
let docs = item.attrs.collapsed_doc_value();
let attrs = item
let span = item.span(self.tcx);
let clean::Item { name, attrs: _, kind: _, visibility, item_id, cfg: _ } = item;
let inner = match *item.kind {
clean::KeywordItem => return None,
clean::StrippedItem(ref inner) => {
match &**inner {
// We document stripped modules as with `Module::is_stripped` set to
// `true`, to prevent contained items from being orphaned for downstream users,
// as JSON does no inlining.
if self.imported_items.contains(&item_id.expect_def_id()) =>
from_clean_item(item, self.tcx)
_ => return None,
_ => from_clean_item(item, self.tcx),
Some(Item {
id: from_item_id_with_name(item_id, self.tcx, name),
crate_id: item_id.krate().as_u32(),
name:|sym| sym.to_string()),
span: span.and_then(|span| self.convert_span(span)),
visibility: self.convert_visibility(visibility),
fn convert_span(&self, span: clean::Span) -> Option<Span> {
match span.filename(self.sess()) {
rustc_span::FileName::Real(name) => {
if let Some(local_path) = name.into_local_path() {
let hi = span.hi(self.sess());
let lo = span.lo(self.sess());
Some(Span {
filename: local_path,
begin: (lo.line, lo.col.to_usize()),
end: (hi.line, hi.col.to_usize()),
} else {
_ => None,
fn convert_visibility(&self, v: clean::Visibility) -> Visibility {
use clean::Visibility::*;
match v {
Public => Visibility::Public,
Inherited => Visibility::Default,
Restricted(did) if did.is_crate_root() => Visibility::Crate,
Restricted(did) => Visibility::Restricted {
parent: from_item_id(did.into(), self.tcx),
path: self.tcx.def_path(did).to_string_no_crate_verbose(),
pub(crate) trait FromWithTcx<T> {
fn from_tcx(f: T, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self;
pub(crate) trait IntoWithTcx<T> {
fn into_tcx(self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> T;
impl<T, U> IntoWithTcx<U> for T
U: FromWithTcx<T>,
fn into_tcx(self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> U {
U::from_tcx(self, tcx)
impl<I, T, U> FromWithTcx<I> for Vec<U>
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
U: FromWithTcx<T>,
fn from_tcx(f: I, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Vec<U> {
f.into_iter().map(|x| x.into_tcx(tcx)).collect()
pub(crate) fn from_deprecation(deprecation: rustc_attr::Deprecation) -> Deprecation {
let rustc_attr::Deprecation { since, note, is_since_rustc_version: _, suggestion: _ } = deprecation;
Deprecation { since:|s| s.to_string()), note:|s| s.to_string()) }
impl FromWithTcx<clean::GenericArgs> for GenericArgs {
fn from_tcx(args: clean::GenericArgs, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::GenericArgs::*;
match args {
AngleBracketed { args, bindings } => GenericArgs::AngleBracketed {
args: args.into_vec().into_tcx(tcx),
bindings: bindings.into_tcx(tcx),
Parenthesized { inputs, output } => GenericArgs::Parenthesized {
inputs: inputs.into_vec().into_tcx(tcx),
output:|a| (*a).into_tcx(tcx)),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::GenericArg> for GenericArg {
fn from_tcx(arg: clean::GenericArg, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::GenericArg::*;
match arg {
Lifetime(l) => GenericArg::Lifetime(convert_lifetime(l)),
Type(t) => GenericArg::Type(t.into_tcx(tcx)),
Const(box c) => GenericArg::Const(c.into_tcx(tcx)),
Infer => GenericArg::Infer,
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Constant> for Constant {
fn from_tcx(constant: clean::Constant, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let expr = constant.expr(tcx);
let value = constant.value(tcx);
let is_literal = constant.is_literal(tcx);
Constant { type_: constant.type_.into_tcx(tcx), expr, value, is_literal }
impl FromWithTcx<clean::TypeBinding> for TypeBinding {
fn from_tcx(binding: clean::TypeBinding, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
TypeBinding {
args: binding.assoc.args.into_tcx(tcx),
binding: binding.kind.into_tcx(tcx),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::TypeBindingKind> for TypeBindingKind {
fn from_tcx(kind: clean::TypeBindingKind, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::TypeBindingKind::*;
match kind {
Equality { term } => TypeBindingKind::Equality(term.into_tcx(tcx)),
Constraint { bounds } => TypeBindingKind::Constraint(bounds.into_tcx(tcx)),
/// It generates an ID as follows:
/// `CRATE_ID:ITEM_ID[:NAME_ID]` (if there is no name, NAME_ID is not generated).
pub(crate) fn from_item_id(item_id: ItemId, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Id {
from_item_id_with_name(item_id, tcx, None)
// FIXME: this function (and appending the name at the end of the ID) should be removed when
// reexports are not inlined anymore for json format. It should be done in #93518.
pub(crate) fn from_item_id_with_name(item_id: ItemId, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, name: Option<Symbol>) -> Id {
struct DisplayDefId<'a>(DefId, TyCtxt<'a>, Option<Symbol>);
impl<'a> fmt::Display for DisplayDefId<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let name = match self.2 {
Some(name) => format!(":{}", name.as_u32()),
None => self
.map(|n| format!(":{}", n.as_u32()))
write!(f, "{}:{}{}", self.0.krate.as_u32(), u32::from(self.0.index), name)
match item_id {
ItemId::DefId(did) => Id(format!("{}", DisplayDefId(did, tcx, name))),
ItemId::Blanket { for_, impl_id } => {
Id(format!("b:{}-{}", DisplayDefId(impl_id, tcx, None), DisplayDefId(for_, tcx, name)))
ItemId::Auto { for_, trait_ } => {
Id(format!("a:{}-{}", DisplayDefId(trait_, tcx, None), DisplayDefId(for_, tcx, name)))
ItemId::Primitive(ty, krate) => Id(format!("p:{}:{}", krate.as_u32(), ty.as_sym())),
fn from_clean_item(item: clean::Item, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> ItemEnum {
use clean::ItemKind::*;
let name =;
let is_crate = item.is_crate();
let header = item.fn_header(tcx);
match *item.kind {
ModuleItem(m) => {
ItemEnum::Module(Module { is_crate, items: ids(m.items, tcx), is_stripped: false })
ImportItem(i) => ItemEnum::Import(i.into_tcx(tcx)),
StructItem(s) => ItemEnum::Struct(s.into_tcx(tcx)),
UnionItem(u) => ItemEnum::Union(u.into_tcx(tcx)),
StructFieldItem(f) => ItemEnum::StructField(f.into_tcx(tcx)),
EnumItem(e) => ItemEnum::Enum(e.into_tcx(tcx)),
VariantItem(v) => ItemEnum::Variant(v.into_tcx(tcx)),
FunctionItem(f) => ItemEnum::Function(from_function(f, header.unwrap(), tcx)),
ForeignFunctionItem(f) => ItemEnum::Function(from_function(f, header.unwrap(), tcx)),
TraitItem(t) => ItemEnum::Trait((*t).into_tcx(tcx)),
TraitAliasItem(t) => ItemEnum::TraitAlias(t.into_tcx(tcx)),
MethodItem(m, _) => ItemEnum::Method(from_function_method(m, true, header.unwrap(), tcx)),
TyMethodItem(m) => ItemEnum::Method(from_function_method(m, false, header.unwrap(), tcx)),
ImplItem(i) => ItemEnum::Impl((*i).into_tcx(tcx)),
StaticItem(s) => ItemEnum::Static(s.into_tcx(tcx)),
ForeignStaticItem(s) => ItemEnum::Static(s.into_tcx(tcx)),
ForeignTypeItem => ItemEnum::ForeignType,
TypedefItem(t) => ItemEnum::Typedef(t.into_tcx(tcx)),
OpaqueTyItem(t) => ItemEnum::OpaqueTy(t.into_tcx(tcx)),
ConstantItem(c) => ItemEnum::Constant(c.into_tcx(tcx)),
MacroItem(m) => ItemEnum::Macro(m.source),
ProcMacroItem(m) => ItemEnum::ProcMacro(m.into_tcx(tcx)),
PrimitiveItem(p) => {
ItemEnum::Primitive(Primitive {
name: p.as_sym().to_string(),
impls: Vec::new(), // Added in JsonRenderer::item
TyAssocConstItem(ty) => ItemEnum::AssocConst { type_: ty.into_tcx(tcx), default: None },
AssocConstItem(ty, default) => {
ItemEnum::AssocConst { type_: ty.into_tcx(tcx), default: Some(default.expr(tcx)) }
TyAssocTypeItem(g, b) => ItemEnum::AssocType {
generics: (*g).into_tcx(tcx),
bounds: b.into_tcx(tcx),
default: None,
AssocTypeItem(t, b) => ItemEnum::AssocType {
generics: t.generics.into_tcx(tcx),
bounds: b.into_tcx(tcx),
default: Some(t.item_type.unwrap_or(t.type_).into_tcx(tcx)),
// `convert_item` early returns `None` for stripped items and keywords.
KeywordItem => unreachable!(),
StrippedItem(inner) => {
match *inner {
ModuleItem(m) => ItemEnum::Module(Module {
items: ids(m.items, tcx),
is_stripped: true,
// `convert_item` early returns `None` for stripped items we're not including
_ => unreachable!(),
ExternCrateItem { ref src } => ItemEnum::ExternCrate {
name: name.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
rename:|x| x.to_string()),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Struct> for Struct {
fn from_tcx(struct_: clean::Struct, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let fields_stripped = struct_.has_stripped_entries();
let clean::Struct { struct_type, generics, fields } = struct_;
let kind = match struct_type {
CtorKind::Fn => StructKind::Tuple(ids_keeping_stripped(fields, tcx)),
CtorKind::Const => {
CtorKind::Fictive => StructKind::Plain { fields: ids(fields, tcx), fields_stripped },
Struct {
generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx),
impls: Vec::new(), // Added in JsonRenderer::item
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Union> for Union {
fn from_tcx(union_: clean::Union, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let fields_stripped = union_.has_stripped_entries();
let clean::Union { generics, fields } = union_;
Union {
generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx),
fields: ids(fields, tcx),
impls: Vec::new(), // Added in JsonRenderer::item
pub(crate) fn from_fn_header(header: &rustc_hir::FnHeader) -> Header {
Header {
async_: header.is_async(),
const_: header.is_const(),
unsafe_: header.is_unsafe(),
abi: convert_abi(header.abi),
fn convert_abi(a: RustcAbi) -> Abi {
match a {
RustcAbi::Rust => Abi::Rust,
RustcAbi::C { unwind } => Abi::C { unwind },
RustcAbi::Cdecl { unwind } => Abi::Cdecl { unwind },
RustcAbi::Stdcall { unwind } => Abi::Stdcall { unwind },
RustcAbi::Fastcall { unwind } => Abi::Fastcall { unwind },
RustcAbi::Aapcs { unwind } => Abi::Aapcs { unwind },
RustcAbi::Win64 { unwind } => Abi::Win64 { unwind },
RustcAbi::SysV64 { unwind } => Abi::SysV64 { unwind },
RustcAbi::System { unwind } => Abi::System { unwind },
_ => Abi::Other(a.to_string()),
fn convert_lifetime(l: clean::Lifetime) -> String {
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Generics> for Generics {
fn from_tcx(generics: clean::Generics, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
Generics {
params: generics.params.into_tcx(tcx),
where_predicates: generics.where_predicates.into_tcx(tcx),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::GenericParamDef> for GenericParamDef {
fn from_tcx(generic_param: clean::GenericParamDef, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
GenericParamDef {
kind: generic_param.kind.into_tcx(tcx),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::GenericParamDefKind> for GenericParamDefKind {
fn from_tcx(kind: clean::GenericParamDefKind, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::GenericParamDefKind::*;
match kind {
Lifetime { outlives } => GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime {
outlives: outlives.into_iter().map(convert_lifetime).collect(),
Type { did: _, bounds, default, synthetic } => GenericParamDefKind::Type {
bounds: bounds.into_tcx(tcx),
default:|x| (*x).into_tcx(tcx)),
Const { did: _, ty, default } => GenericParamDefKind::Const {
type_: (*ty).into_tcx(tcx),
default:|x| *x),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::WherePredicate> for WherePredicate {
fn from_tcx(predicate: clean::WherePredicate, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::WherePredicate::*;
match predicate {
BoundPredicate { ty, bounds, bound_params } => WherePredicate::BoundPredicate {
type_: ty.into_tcx(tcx),
bounds: bounds.into_tcx(tcx),
generic_params: bound_params
.map(|x| GenericParamDef {
name: x.0.to_string(),
kind: GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime { outlives: vec![] },
RegionPredicate { lifetime, bounds } => WherePredicate::RegionPredicate {
lifetime: convert_lifetime(lifetime),
bounds: bounds.into_tcx(tcx),
// FIXME(fmease): Convert bound parameters as well.
EqPredicate { lhs, rhs, bound_params: _ } => {
WherePredicate::EqPredicate { lhs: (*lhs).into_tcx(tcx), rhs: (*rhs).into_tcx(tcx) }
impl FromWithTcx<clean::GenericBound> for GenericBound {
fn from_tcx(bound: clean::GenericBound, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::GenericBound::*;
match bound {
TraitBound(clean::PolyTrait { trait_, generic_params }, modifier) => {
GenericBound::TraitBound {
trait_: trait_.into_tcx(tcx),
generic_params: generic_params.into_tcx(tcx),
modifier: from_trait_bound_modifier(modifier),
Outlives(lifetime) => GenericBound::Outlives(convert_lifetime(lifetime)),
pub(crate) fn from_trait_bound_modifier(
modifier: rustc_hir::TraitBoundModifier,
) -> TraitBoundModifier {
use rustc_hir::TraitBoundModifier::*;
match modifier {
None => TraitBoundModifier::None,
Maybe => TraitBoundModifier::Maybe,
MaybeConst => TraitBoundModifier::MaybeConst,
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Type> for Type {
fn from_tcx(ty: clean::Type, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::Type::{
Array, BareFunction, BorrowedRef, Generic, ImplTrait, Infer, Primitive, QPath,
RawPointer, Slice, Tuple,
match ty {
clean::Type::Path { path } => Type::ResolvedPath(path.into_tcx(tcx)),
clean::Type::DynTrait(bounds, lt) => Type::DynTrait(DynTrait {
traits: bounds.into_tcx(tcx),
Generic(s) => Type::Generic(s.to_string()),
Primitive(p) => Type::Primitive(p.as_sym().to_string()),
BareFunction(f) => Type::FunctionPointer(Box::new((*f).into_tcx(tcx))),
Tuple(t) => Type::Tuple(t.into_tcx(tcx)),
Slice(t) => Type::Slice(Box::new((*t).into_tcx(tcx))),
Array(t, s) => Type::Array { type_: Box::new((*t).into_tcx(tcx)), len: s },
ImplTrait(g) => Type::ImplTrait(g.into_tcx(tcx)),
Infer => Type::Infer,
RawPointer(mutability, type_) => Type::RawPointer {
mutable: mutability == ast::Mutability::Mut,
type_: Box::new((*type_).into_tcx(tcx)),
BorrowedRef { lifetime, mutability, type_ } => Type::BorrowedRef {
mutable: mutability == ast::Mutability::Mut,
type_: Box::new((*type_).into_tcx(tcx)),
QPath(box clean::QPathData { assoc, self_type, trait_, .. }) => Type::QualifiedPath {
args: Box::new(assoc.args.into_tcx(tcx)),
self_type: Box::new(self_type.into_tcx(tcx)),
trait_: trait_.into_tcx(tcx),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Path> for Path {
fn from_tcx(path: clean::Path, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Path {
Path {
name: path.whole_name(),
id: from_item_id(path.def_id().into(), tcx),
args: path.segments.last().map(|args| Box::new(args.clone().args.into_tcx(tcx))),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Term> for Term {
fn from_tcx(term: clean::Term, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Term {
match term {
clean::Term::Type(ty) => Term::Type(FromWithTcx::from_tcx(ty, tcx)),
clean::Term::Constant(c) => Term::Constant(FromWithTcx::from_tcx(c, tcx)),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::BareFunctionDecl> for FunctionPointer {
fn from_tcx(bare_decl: clean::BareFunctionDecl, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let clean::BareFunctionDecl { unsafety, generic_params, decl, abi } = bare_decl;
FunctionPointer {
header: Header {
unsafe_: matches!(unsafety, rustc_hir::Unsafety::Unsafe),
const_: false,
async_: false,
abi: convert_abi(abi),
generic_params: generic_params.into_tcx(tcx),
decl: decl.into_tcx(tcx),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::FnDecl> for FnDecl {
fn from_tcx(decl: clean::FnDecl, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let clean::FnDecl { inputs, output, c_variadic } = decl;
FnDecl {
inputs: inputs
.map(|arg| (, arg.type_.into_tcx(tcx)))
output: match output {
clean::FnRetTy::Return(t) => Some(t.into_tcx(tcx)),
clean::FnRetTy::DefaultReturn => None,
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Trait> for Trait {
fn from_tcx(trait_: clean::Trait, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let is_auto = trait_.is_auto(tcx);
let is_unsafe = trait_.unsafety(tcx) == rustc_hir::Unsafety::Unsafe;
let clean::Trait { items, generics, bounds, .. } = trait_;
Trait {
items: ids(items, tcx),
generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx),
bounds: bounds.into_tcx(tcx),
implementations: Vec::new(), // Added in JsonRenderer::item
impl FromWithTcx<clean::PolyTrait> for PolyTrait {
fn from_tcx(
clean::PolyTrait { trait_, generic_params }: clean::PolyTrait,
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
) -> Self {
PolyTrait { trait_: trait_.into_tcx(tcx), generic_params: generic_params.into_tcx(tcx) }
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Impl> for Impl {
fn from_tcx(impl_: clean::Impl, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let provided_trait_methods = impl_.provided_trait_methods(tcx);
let clean::Impl { unsafety, generics, trait_, for_, items, polarity, kind } = impl_;
// FIXME: use something like ImplKind in JSON?
let (synthetic, blanket_impl) = match kind {
clean::ImplKind::Normal | clean::ImplKind::FakeVaradic => (false, None),
clean::ImplKind::Auto => (true, None),
clean::ImplKind::Blanket(ty) => (false, Some(*ty)),
let negative_polarity = match polarity {
ty::ImplPolarity::Positive | ty::ImplPolarity::Reservation => false,
ty::ImplPolarity::Negative => true,
Impl {
is_unsafe: unsafety == rustc_hir::Unsafety::Unsafe,
generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx),
provided_trait_methods: provided_trait_methods
.map(|x| x.to_string())
trait_:|path| path.into_tcx(tcx)),
for_: for_.into_tcx(tcx),
items: ids(items, tcx),
negative: negative_polarity,
blanket_impl:|x| x.into_tcx(tcx)),
pub(crate) fn from_function(
function: Box<clean::Function>,
header: rustc_hir::FnHeader,
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
) -> Function {
let clean::Function { decl, generics } = *function;
Function {
decl: decl.into_tcx(tcx),
generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx),
header: from_fn_header(&header),
pub(crate) fn from_function_method(
function: Box<clean::Function>,
has_body: bool,
header: rustc_hir::FnHeader,
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
) -> Method {
let clean::Function { decl, generics } = *function;
Method {
decl: decl.into_tcx(tcx),
generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx),
header: from_fn_header(&header),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Enum> for Enum {
fn from_tcx(enum_: clean::Enum, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let variants_stripped = enum_.has_stripped_entries();
let clean::Enum { variants, generics } = enum_;
Enum {
generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx),
variants: ids(variants, tcx),
impls: Vec::new(), // Added in JsonRenderer::item
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Variant> for Variant {
fn from_tcx(variant: clean::Variant, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::Variant::*;
match variant {
CLike(disr) => Variant::Plain(|disr| disr.into_tcx(tcx))),
Tuple(fields) => Variant::Tuple(ids_keeping_stripped(fields, tcx)),
Struct(s) => Variant::Struct {
fields_stripped: s.has_stripped_entries(),
fields: ids(s.fields, tcx),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Discriminant> for Discriminant {
fn from_tcx(disr: clean::Discriminant, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
Discriminant {
// expr is only none if going throught the inlineing path, which gets
// `rustc_middle` types, not `rustc_hir`, but because JSON never inlines
// the expr is always some.
expr: disr.expr(tcx).unwrap(),
value: disr.value(tcx),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Import> for Import {
fn from_tcx(import: clean::Import, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use clean::ImportKind::*;
let (name, glob) = match import.kind {
Simple(s) => (s.to_string(), false),
Glob => (
import.source.path.last_opt().unwrap_or_else(|| Symbol::intern("*")).to_string(),
Import {
source: import.source.path.whole_name(),
id:|i| from_item_id(i, tcx)),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::ProcMacro> for ProcMacro {
fn from_tcx(mac: clean::ProcMacro, _tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
ProcMacro {
kind: from_macro_kind(mac.kind),
helpers: mac.helpers.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(),
pub(crate) fn from_macro_kind(kind: rustc_span::hygiene::MacroKind) -> MacroKind {
use rustc_span::hygiene::MacroKind::*;
match kind {
Bang => MacroKind::Bang,
Attr => MacroKind::Attr,
Derive => MacroKind::Derive,
impl FromWithTcx<Box<clean::Typedef>> for Typedef {
fn from_tcx(typedef: Box<clean::Typedef>, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
let clean::Typedef { type_, generics, item_type: _ } = *typedef;
Typedef { type_: type_.into_tcx(tcx), generics: generics.into_tcx(tcx) }
impl FromWithTcx<clean::OpaqueTy> for OpaqueTy {
fn from_tcx(opaque: clean::OpaqueTy, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
OpaqueTy { bounds: opaque.bounds.into_tcx(tcx), generics: opaque.generics.into_tcx(tcx) }
impl FromWithTcx<clean::Static> for Static {
fn from_tcx(stat: clean::Static, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
Static {
type_: stat.type_.into_tcx(tcx),
mutable: stat.mutability == ast::Mutability::Mut,
expr:|e| print_const_expr(tcx, e)).unwrap_or_default(),
impl FromWithTcx<clean::TraitAlias> for TraitAlias {
fn from_tcx(alias: clean::TraitAlias, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
TraitAlias { generics: alias.generics.into_tcx(tcx), params: alias.bounds.into_tcx(tcx) }
impl FromWithTcx<ItemType> for ItemKind {
fn from_tcx(kind: ItemType, _tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Self {
use ItemType::*;
match kind {
Module => ItemKind::Module,
ExternCrate => ItemKind::ExternCrate,
Import => ItemKind::Import,
Struct => ItemKind::Struct,
Union => ItemKind::Union,
Enum => ItemKind::Enum,
Function => ItemKind::Function,
Typedef => ItemKind::Typedef,
OpaqueTy => ItemKind::OpaqueTy,
Static => ItemKind::Static,
Constant => ItemKind::Constant,
Trait => ItemKind::Trait,
Impl => ItemKind::Impl,
TyMethod | Method => ItemKind::Method,
StructField => ItemKind::StructField,
Variant => ItemKind::Variant,
Macro => ItemKind::Macro,
Primitive => ItemKind::Primitive,
AssocConst => ItemKind::AssocConst,
AssocType => ItemKind::AssocType,
ForeignType => ItemKind::ForeignType,
Keyword => ItemKind::Keyword,
TraitAlias => ItemKind::TraitAlias,
ProcAttribute => ItemKind::ProcAttribute,
ProcDerive => ItemKind::ProcDerive,
fn ids(items: impl IntoIterator<Item = clean::Item>, tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Vec<Id> {
.filter(|x| !x.is_stripped() && !x.is_keyword())
.map(|i| from_item_id_with_name(i.item_id, tcx,
fn ids_keeping_stripped(
items: impl IntoIterator<Item = clean::Item>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
) -> Vec<Option<Id>> {
.map(|i| {
if !i.is_stripped() && !i.is_keyword() {
Some(from_item_id_with_name(i.item_id, tcx,
} else {