blob: 0e3fefd9728df064304fba4b0685c0e6ac9f8a18 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -O
// only-64bit (because we're using [ui]size)
// ignore-debug (because the assertions get in the way)
// min-llvm-version: 15.0 (because this is a relatively new instcombine)
#![crate_type = "lib"]
// This is intentionally using a non-power-of-two array length,
// as that's where the optimization differences show up
// CHECK-LABEL: @flatten_via_ptr_range
pub fn flatten_via_ptr_range(slice_of_arrays: &[[i32; 13]]) -> &[i32] {
// CHECK-NOT: lshr
// CHECK-NOT: udiv
// CHECK: mul nuw nsw i64 %{{.+}}, 13
// CHECK-NOT: lshr
// CHECK-NOT: udiv
let r = slice_of_arrays.as_ptr_range();
let r = r.start.cast()..r.end.cast();
unsafe { core::slice::from_ptr_range(r) }