blob: 8c21dbb248bbfb6f86dbac744f24f873381f6dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module implements lowering (instruction selection) from Cranelift IR
//! to machine instructions with virtual registers. This is *almost* the final
//! machine code, except for register allocation.
// TODO: separate the IR-query core of `Lower` from the lowering logic built on
// top of it, e.g. the side-effect/coloring analysis and the scan support.
use crate::entity::SecondaryMap;
use crate::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use crate::inst_predicates::{has_lowering_side_effect, is_constant_64bit};
use crate::ir::{
types::{FFLAGS, IFLAGS},
ArgumentPurpose, Block, Constant, ConstantData, DataFlowGraph, ExternalName, Function,
GlobalValue, GlobalValueData, Immediate, Inst, InstructionData, MemFlags, Opcode, RelSourceLoc,
Type, Value, ValueDef, ValueLabelAssignments, ValueLabelStart,
use crate::machinst::{
non_writable_value_regs, writable_value_regs, BlockIndex, BlockLoweringOrder, Callee,
LoweredBlock, MachLabel, Reg, SigSet, VCode, VCodeBuilder, VCodeConstant, VCodeConstantData,
VCodeConstants, VCodeInst, ValueRegs, Writable,
use crate::{trace, CodegenError, CodegenResult};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use regalloc2::VReg;
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use super::{first_user_vreg_index, VCodeBuildDirection};
/// An "instruction color" partitions CLIF instructions by side-effecting ops.
/// All instructions with the same "color" are guaranteed not to be separated by
/// any side-effecting op (for this purpose, loads are also considered
/// side-effecting, to avoid subtle questions w.r.t. the memory model), and
/// furthermore, it is guaranteed that for any two instructions A and B such
/// that color(A) == color(B), either A dominates B and B postdominates A, or
/// vice-versa. (For now, in practice, only ops in the same basic block can ever
/// have the same color, trivially providing the second condition.) Intuitively,
/// this means that the ops of the same color must always execute "together", as
/// part of one atomic contiguous section of the dynamic execution trace, and
/// they can be freely permuted (modulo true dataflow dependencies) without
/// affecting program behavior.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct InstColor(u32);
impl InstColor {
fn new(n: u32) -> InstColor {
/// Get an arbitrary index representing this color. The index is unique
/// *within a single function compilation*, but indices may be reused across
/// functions.
pub fn get(self) -> u32 {
/// A representation of all of the ways in which a value is available, aside
/// from as a direct register.
/// - An instruction, if it would be allowed to occur at the current location
/// instead (see [Lower::get_input_as_source_or_const()] for more details).
/// - A constant, if the value is known to be a constant.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct NonRegInput {
/// An instruction produces this value (as the given output), and its
/// computation (and side-effect if applicable) could occur at the
/// current instruction's location instead.
/// If this instruction's operation is merged into the current instruction,
/// the backend must call [Lower::sink_inst()].
/// This enum indicates whether this use of the source instruction
/// is unique or not.
pub inst: InputSourceInst,
/// The value is a known constant.
pub constant: Option<u64>,
/// When examining an input to an instruction, this enum provides one
/// of several options: there is or isn't a single instruction (that
/// we can see and merge with) that produces that input's value, and
/// we are or aren't the single user of that instruction.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum InputSourceInst {
/// The input in question is the single, unique use of the given
/// instruction and output index, and it can be sunk to the
/// location of this input.
UniqueUse(Inst, usize),
/// The input in question is one of multiple uses of the given
/// instruction. It can still be sunk to the location of this
/// input.
Use(Inst, usize),
/// We cannot determine which instruction produced the input, or
/// it is one of several instructions (e.g., due to a control-flow
/// merge and blockparam), or the source instruction cannot be
/// allowed to sink to the current location due to side-effects.
impl InputSourceInst {
/// Get the instruction and output index for this source, whether
/// we are its single or one of many users.
pub fn as_inst(&self) -> Option<(Inst, usize)> {
match self {
&InputSourceInst::UniqueUse(inst, output_idx)
| &InputSourceInst::Use(inst, output_idx) => Some((inst, output_idx)),
&InputSourceInst::None => None,
/// A machine backend.
pub trait LowerBackend {
/// The machine instruction type.
type MInst: VCodeInst;
/// Lower a single instruction.
/// For a branch, this function should not generate the actual branch
/// instruction. However, it must force any values it needs for the branch
/// edge (block-param actuals) into registers, because the actual branch
/// generation (`lower_branch_group()`) happens *after* any possible merged
/// out-edge.
fn lower(&self, ctx: &mut Lower<Self::MInst>, inst: Inst) -> CodegenResult<()>;
/// Lower a block-terminating group of branches (which together can be seen
/// as one N-way branch), given a vcode MachLabel for each target.
fn lower_branch_group(
ctx: &mut Lower<Self::MInst>,
insts: &[Inst],
targets: &[MachLabel],
) -> CodegenResult<()>;
/// A bit of a hack: give a fixed register that always holds the result of a
/// `get_pinned_reg` instruction, if known. This allows elision of moves
/// into the associated vreg, instead using the real reg directly.
fn maybe_pinned_reg(&self) -> Option<Reg> {
/// Machine-independent lowering driver / machine-instruction container. Maintains a correspondence
/// from original Inst to MachInsts.
pub struct Lower<'func, I: VCodeInst> {
/// The function to lower.
f: &'func Function,
/// Lowered machine instructions.
vcode: VCodeBuilder<I>,
/// Mapping from `Value` (SSA value in IR) to virtual register.
value_regs: SecondaryMap<Value, ValueRegs<Reg>>,
/// Return-value vregs.
retval_regs: Vec<ValueRegs<Reg>>,
/// Instruction colors at block exits. From this map, we can recover all
/// instruction colors by scanning backward from the block end and
/// decrementing on any color-changing (side-effecting) instruction.
block_end_colors: SecondaryMap<Block, InstColor>,
/// Instruction colors at side-effecting ops. This is the *entry* color,
/// i.e., the version of global state that exists before an instruction
/// executes. For each side-effecting instruction, the *exit* color is its
/// entry color plus one.
side_effect_inst_entry_colors: FxHashMap<Inst, InstColor>,
/// Current color as we scan during lowering. While we are lowering an
/// instruction, this is equal to the color *at entry to* the instruction.
cur_scan_entry_color: Option<InstColor>,
/// Current instruction as we scan during lowering.
cur_inst: Option<Inst>,
/// Instruction constant values, if known.
inst_constants: FxHashMap<Inst, u64>,
/// Use-counts per SSA value, as counted in the input IR. These
/// are "coarsened", in the abstract-interpretation sense: we only
/// care about "0, 1, many" states, as this is all we need and
/// this lets us do an efficient fixpoint analysis.
/// See doc comment on `ValueUseState` for more details.
value_ir_uses: SecondaryMap<Value, ValueUseState>,
/// Actual uses of each SSA value so far, incremented while lowering.
value_lowered_uses: SecondaryMap<Value, u32>,
/// Effectful instructions that have been sunk; they are not codegen'd at
/// their original locations.
inst_sunk: FxHashSet<Inst>,
/// Next virtual register number to allocate.
next_vreg: usize,
/// Instructions collected for the CLIF inst in progress, in forward order.
ir_insts: Vec<I>,
/// The register to use for GetPinnedReg, if any, on this architecture.
pinned_reg: Option<Reg>,
/// How is a value used in the IR?
/// This can be seen as a coarsening of an integer count. We only need
/// distinct states for zero, one, or many.
/// This analysis deserves further explanation. The basic idea is that
/// we want to allow instruction lowering to know whether a value that
/// an instruction references is *only* referenced by that one use, or
/// by others as well. This is necessary to know when we might want to
/// move a side-effect: we cannot, for example, duplicate a load, so
/// we cannot let instruction lowering match a load as part of a
/// subpattern and potentially incorporate it.
/// Note that a lot of subtlety comes into play once we have
/// *indirect* uses. The classical example of this in our development
/// history was the x86 compare instruction, which is incorporated
/// into flags users (e.g. `selectif`, `trueif`, branches) and can
/// subsequently incorporate loads, or at least we would like it
/// to. However, danger awaits: the compare might be the only user of
/// a load, so we might think we can just move the load (and nothing
/// is duplicated -- success!), except that the compare itself is
/// codegen'd in multiple places, where it is incorporated as a
/// subpattern itself.
/// So we really want a notion of "unique all the way along the
/// matching path". Rust's `&T` and `&mut T` offer a partial analogy
/// to the semantics that we want here: we want to know when we've
/// matched a unique use of an instruction, and that instruction's
/// unique use of another instruction, etc, just as `&mut T` can only
/// be obtained by going through a chain of `&mut T`. If one has a
/// `&T` to a struct containing `&mut T` (one of several uses of an
/// instruction that itself has a unique use of an instruction), one
/// can only get a `&T` (one can only get a "I am one of several users
/// of this instruction" result).
/// We could track these paths, either dynamically as one "looks up the operand
/// tree" or precomputed. But the former requires state and means that the
/// `Lower` API carries that state implicitly, which we'd like to avoid if we
/// can. And the latter implies O(n^2) storage: it is an all-pairs property (is
/// inst `i` unique from the point of view of `j`).
/// To make matters even a little more complex still, a value that is
/// not uniquely used when initially viewing the IR can *become*
/// uniquely used, at least as a root allowing further unique uses of
/// e.g. loads to merge, if no other instruction actually merges
/// it. To be more concrete, if we have `v1 := load; v2 := op v1; v3
/// := op v2; v4 := op v2` then `v2` is non-uniquely used, so from the
/// point of view of lowering `v4` or `v3`, we cannot merge the load
/// at `v1`. But if we decide just to use the assigned register for
/// `v2` at both `v3` and `v4`, then we only actually codegen `v2`
/// once, so it *is* a unique root at that point and we *can* merge
/// the load.
/// Note also that the color scheme is not sufficient to give us this
/// information, for various reasons: reasoning about side-effects
/// does not tell us about potential duplication of uses through pure
/// ops.
/// To keep things simple and avoid error-prone lowering APIs that
/// would extract more information about whether instruction merging
/// happens or not (we don't have that info now, and it would be
/// difficult to refactor to get it and make that refactor 100%
/// correct), we give up on the above "can become unique if not
/// actually merged" point. Instead, we compute a
/// transitive-uniqueness. That is what this enum represents.
/// To define it plainly: a value is `Unused` if no references exist
/// to it; `Once` if only one other op refers to it, *and* that other
/// op is `Unused` or `Once`; and `Multiple` otherwise. In other
/// words, `Multiple` is contagious: even if an op's result value is
/// directly used only once in the CLIF, that value is `Multiple` if
/// the op that uses it is itself used multiple times (hence could be
/// codegen'd multiple times). In brief, this analysis tells us
/// whether, if every op merged all of its operand tree, a given op
/// could be codegen'd in more than one place.
/// To compute this, we first consider direct uses. At this point
/// `Unused` answers are correct, `Multiple` answers are correct, but
/// some `Once`s may change to `Multiple`s. Then we propagate
/// `Multiple` transitively using a workqueue/fixpoint algorithm.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ValueUseState {
/// Not used at all.
/// Used exactly once.
/// Used multiple times.
impl ValueUseState {
/// Add one use.
fn inc(&mut self) {
let new = match self {
Self::Unused => Self::Once,
Self::Once | Self::Multiple => Self::Multiple,
*self = new;
/// Notion of "relocation distance". This gives an estimate of how far away a symbol will be from a
/// reference.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum RelocDistance {
/// Target of relocation is "nearby". The threshold for this is fuzzy but should be interpreted
/// as approximately "within the compiled output of one module"; e.g., within AArch64's +/-
/// 128MB offset. If unsure, use `Far` instead.
/// Target of relocation could be anywhere in the address space.
fn alloc_vregs<I: VCodeInst>(
ty: Type,
next_vreg: &mut usize,
vcode: &mut VCodeBuilder<I>,
) -> CodegenResult<ValueRegs<Reg>> {
let v = *next_vreg;
let (regclasses, tys) = I::rc_for_type(ty)?;
*next_vreg += regclasses.len();
if *next_vreg >= VReg::MAX {
return Err(CodegenError::CodeTooLarge);
let regs: ValueRegs<Reg> = match regclasses {
&[rc0] => ValueRegs::one(VReg::new(v, rc0).into()),
&[rc0, rc1] => ValueRegs::two(VReg::new(v, rc0).into(), VReg::new(v + 1, rc1).into()),
// We can extend this if/when we support 32-bit targets; e.g.,
// an i128 on a 32-bit machine will need up to four machine regs
// for a `Value`.
_ => panic!("Value must reside in 1 or 2 registers"),
for (&reg_ty, &reg) in tys.iter().zip(regs.regs().iter()) {
vcode.set_vreg_type(reg.to_virtual_reg().unwrap(), reg_ty);
impl<'func, I: VCodeInst> Lower<'func, I> {
/// Prepare a new lowering context for the given IR function.
pub fn new(
f: &'func Function,
abi: Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec>,
emit_info: I::Info,
block_order: BlockLoweringOrder,
sigs: SigSet,
) -> CodegenResult<Lower<'func, I>> {
let constants = VCodeConstants::with_capacity(f.dfg.constants.len());
let mut vcode = VCodeBuilder::new(
let mut next_vreg: usize = first_user_vreg_index();
let mut value_regs = SecondaryMap::with_default(ValueRegs::invalid());
// Assign a vreg to each block param and each inst result.
for bb in f.layout.blocks() {
for &param in f.dfg.block_params(bb) {
let ty = f.dfg.value_type(param);
if value_regs[param].is_invalid() {
let regs = alloc_vregs(ty, &mut next_vreg, &mut vcode)?;
value_regs[param] = regs;
trace!("bb {} param {}: regs {:?}", bb, param, regs);
for inst in f.layout.block_insts(bb) {
for &result in f.dfg.inst_results(inst) {
let ty = f.dfg.value_type(result);
if value_regs[result].is_invalid() {
let regs = alloc_vregs(ty, &mut next_vreg, &mut vcode)?;
value_regs[result] = regs;
"bb {} inst {} ({:?}): result {} regs {:?}",
// Assign vreg(s) to each return value.
let mut retval_regs = vec![];
for ret in &vcode.abi().signature().returns.clone() {
let regs = alloc_vregs(ret.value_type, &mut next_vreg, &mut vcode)?;
trace!("retval gets regs {:?}", regs);
// Compute instruction colors, find constant instructions, and find instructions with
// side-effects, in one combined pass.
let mut cur_color = 0;
let mut block_end_colors = SecondaryMap::with_default(InstColor::new(0));
let mut side_effect_inst_entry_colors = FxHashMap::default();
let mut inst_constants = FxHashMap::default();
for bb in f.layout.blocks() {
cur_color += 1;
for inst in f.layout.block_insts(bb) {
let side_effect = has_lowering_side_effect(f, inst);
trace!("bb {} inst {} has color {}", bb, inst, cur_color);
if side_effect {
side_effect_inst_entry_colors.insert(inst, InstColor::new(cur_color));
trace!(" -> side-effecting; incrementing color for next inst");
cur_color += 1;
// Determine if this is a constant; if so, add to the table.
if let Some(c) = is_constant_64bit(f, inst) {
trace!(" -> constant: {}", c);
inst_constants.insert(inst, c);
block_end_colors[bb] = InstColor::new(cur_color);
let value_ir_uses = Self::compute_use_states(f);
Ok(Lower {
value_lowered_uses: SecondaryMap::default(),
inst_sunk: FxHashSet::default(),
cur_scan_entry_color: None,
cur_inst: None,
ir_insts: vec![],
pinned_reg: None,
pub fn sigs(&self) -> &SigSet {
pub fn sigs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SigSet {
/// Pre-analysis: compute `value_ir_uses`. See comment on
/// `ValueUseState` for a description of what this analysis
/// computes.
fn compute_use_states<'a>(f: &'a Function) -> SecondaryMap<Value, ValueUseState> {
// We perform the analysis without recursion, so we don't
// overflow the stack on long chains of ops in the input.
// This is sort of a hybrid of a "shallow use-count" pass and
// a DFS. We iterate over all instructions and mark their args
// as used. However when we increment a use-count to
// "Multiple" we push its args onto the stack and do a DFS,
// immediately marking the whole dependency tree as
// Multiple. Doing both (shallow use-counting over all insts,
// and deep Multiple propagation) lets us trim both
// traversals, stopping recursion when a node is already at
// the appropriate state.
// In particular, note that the *coarsening* into {Unused,
// Once, Multiple} is part of what makes this pass more
// efficient than a full indirect-use-counting pass.
let mut value_ir_uses: SecondaryMap<Value, ValueUseState> =
// Stack of iterators over Values as we do DFS to mark
// Multiple-state subtrees.
type StackVec<'a> = SmallVec<[std::slice::Iter<'a, Value>; 16]>;
let mut stack: StackVec = smallvec![];
// Push args for a given inst onto the DFS stack.
let push_args_on_stack = |stack: &mut StackVec<'a>, value| {
trace!(" -> pushing args for {} onto stack", value);
if let ValueDef::Result(src_inst, _) = f.dfg.value_def(value) {
// Do a DFS through `value_ir_uses` to mark a subtree as
// Multiple.
let mark_all_uses_as_multiple =
|value_ir_uses: &mut SecondaryMap<Value, ValueUseState>, stack: &mut StackVec<'a>| {
while let Some(iter) = stack.last_mut() {
if let Some(&value) = {
let value = f.dfg.resolve_aliases(value);
trace!(" -> DFS reaches {}", value);
if value_ir_uses[value] == ValueUseState::Multiple {
// Truncate DFS here: no need to go further,
// as whole subtree must already be Multiple.
// With debug asserts, check one level
// of that invariant at least.
if let ValueDef::Result(src_inst, _) = f.dfg.value_def(value) {
debug_assert!(f.dfg.inst_args(src_inst).iter().all(|&arg| {
let arg = f.dfg.resolve_aliases(arg);
value_ir_uses[arg] == ValueUseState::Multiple
value_ir_uses[value] = ValueUseState::Multiple;
trace!(" -> became Multiple");
push_args_on_stack(stack, value);
} else {
// Empty iterator, discard.
for inst in f
.flat_map(|block| f.layout.block_insts(block))
// If this inst produces multiple values, we must mark all
// of its args as Multiple, because otherwise two uses
// could come in as Once on our two different results.
let force_multiple = f.dfg.inst_results(inst).len() > 1;
// Iterate over all args of all instructions, noting an
// additional use on each operand. If an operand becomes Multiple,
for &arg in f.dfg.inst_args(inst) {
let arg = f.dfg.resolve_aliases(arg);
let old = value_ir_uses[arg];
if force_multiple {
"forcing arg {} to Multiple because of multiple results of user inst",
value_ir_uses[arg] = ValueUseState::Multiple;
} else {
let new = value_ir_uses[arg];
trace!("arg {} used, old state {:?}, new {:?}", arg, old, new,);
// On transition to Multiple, do DFS.
if old != ValueUseState::Multiple && new == ValueUseState::Multiple {
push_args_on_stack(&mut stack, arg);
mark_all_uses_as_multiple(&mut value_ir_uses, &mut stack);
fn gen_arg_setup(&mut self) {
if let Some(entry_bb) = self.f.layout.entry_block() {
"gen_arg_setup: entry BB {} args are:\n{:?}",
// Make the vmctx available in debuginfo.
if let Some(vmctx_val) = self.f.special_param(ArgumentPurpose::VMContext) {
for (i, param) in self.f.dfg.block_params(entry_bb).iter().enumerate() {
if !self.vcode.abi().arg_is_needed_in_body(i) {
let regs = writable_value_regs(self.value_regs[*param]);
for insn in self
.gen_copy_arg_to_regs(self.sigs(), i, regs)
if self.abi().signature().params[i].purpose == ArgumentPurpose::StructReturn {
assert!(regs.len() == 1);
let ty = self.abi().signature().params[i].value_type;
// The ABI implementation must have ensured that a StructReturn
// arg is present in the return values.
let struct_ret_idx = self
.position(|ret| ret.purpose == ArgumentPurpose::StructReturn)
.expect("StructReturn return value not present!");
if let Some(insn) = self.vcode.abi().gen_retval_area_setup(self.sigs()) {
fn gen_retval_setup(&mut self) {
let retval_regs = self.retval_regs.clone();
for (i, regs) in retval_regs.into_iter().enumerate() {
let regs = writable_value_regs(regs);
for insn in self
.gen_copy_regs_to_retval(self.sigs(), i, regs)
let inst = self.vcode.abi().gen_ret(self.sigs());
// Hack: generate a virtual instruction that uses vmctx in
// order to keep it alive for the duration of the function,
// for the benefit of debuginfo.
if self.f.dfg.values_labels.is_some() {
if let Some(vmctx_val) = self.f.special_param(ArgumentPurpose::VMContext) {
let vmctx_reg = self.value_regs[vmctx_val].only_reg().unwrap();
/// Has this instruction been sunk to a use-site (i.e., away from its
/// original location)?
fn is_inst_sunk(&self, inst: Inst) -> bool {
// Is any result of this instruction needed?
fn is_any_inst_result_needed(&self, inst: Inst) -> bool {
.any(|&result| self.value_lowered_uses[result] > 0)
fn lower_clif_block<B: LowerBackend<MInst = I>>(
&mut self,
backend: &B,
block: Block,
) -> CodegenResult<()> {
self.cur_scan_entry_color = Some(self.block_end_colors[block]);
// Lowering loop:
// - For each non-branch instruction, in reverse order:
// - If side-effecting (load, store, branch/call/return,
// possible trap), or if used outside of this block, or if
// demanded by another inst, then lower.
// That's it! Lowering of side-effecting ops will force all *needed*
// (live) non-side-effecting ops to be lowered at the right places, via
// the `use_input_reg()` callback on the `Lower` (that's us). That's
// because `use_input_reg()` sets the eager/demand bit for any insts
// whose result registers are used.
// We set the VCodeBuilder to "backward" mode, so we emit
// blocks in reverse order wrt the BlockIndex sequence, and
// emit instructions in reverse order within blocks. Because
// the machine backend calls `ctx.emit()` in forward order, we
// collect per-IR-inst lowered instructions in `ir_insts`,
// then reverse these and append to the VCode at the end of
// each IR instruction.
for inst in self.f.layout.block_insts(block).rev() {
let data = &self.f.dfg[inst];
let has_side_effect = has_lowering_side_effect(self.f, inst);
// If inst has been sunk to another location, skip it.
if self.is_inst_sunk(inst) {
// Are any outputs used at least once?
let value_needed = self.is_any_inst_result_needed(inst);
"lower_clif_block: block {} inst {} ({:?}) is_branch {} side_effect {} value_needed {}",
// Update scan state to color prior to this inst (as we are scanning
// backward).
self.cur_inst = Some(inst);
if has_side_effect {
let entry_color = *self
.expect("every side-effecting inst should have a color-map entry");
self.cur_scan_entry_color = Some(entry_color);
// Skip lowering branches; these are handled separately
// (see `lower_clif_branches()` below).
if self.f.dfg[inst].opcode().is_branch() {
// Normal instruction: codegen if the instruction is side-effecting
// or any of its outputs its used.
if has_side_effect || value_needed {
trace!("lowering: inst {}: {:?}", inst, self.f.dfg[inst]);
backend.lower(self, inst)?;
if data.opcode().is_return() {
// Return: handle specially, using ABI-appropriate sequence.
let loc = self.srcloc(inst);
// Emit value-label markers if needed, to later recover
// debug mappings. This must happen before the instruction
// (so after we emit, in bottom-to-top pass).
// Add the block params to this block.
self.cur_scan_entry_color = None;
fn add_block_params(&mut self, block: Block) -> CodegenResult<()> {
for &param in self.f.dfg.block_params(block) {
let ty = self.f.dfg.value_type(param);
let (_reg_rcs, reg_tys) = I::rc_for_type(ty)?;
debug_assert_eq!(reg_tys.len(), self.value_regs[param].len());
for (&reg, &rty) in self.value_regs[param].regs().iter().zip(reg_tys.iter()) {
.add_block_param(reg.to_virtual_reg().unwrap(), rty);
fn get_value_labels<'a>(&'a self, val: Value, depth: usize) -> Option<&'a [ValueLabelStart]> {
if let Some(ref values_labels) = self.f.dfg.values_labels {
"get_value_labels: val {} -> {} -> {:?}",
let val = self.f.dfg.resolve_aliases(val);
match values_labels.get(&val) {
Some(&ValueLabelAssignments::Starts(ref list)) => Some(&list[..]),
Some(&ValueLabelAssignments::Alias { value, .. }) if depth < 10 => {
self.get_value_labels(value, depth + 1)
_ => None,
} else {
fn emit_value_label_marks_for_value(&mut self, val: Value) {
let regs = self.value_regs[val];
if regs.len() > 1 {
let reg = regs.only_reg().unwrap();
if let Some(label_starts) = self.get_value_labels(val, 0) {
let labels = label_starts
.map(|&ValueLabelStart { label, .. }| label)
for label in labels {
"value labeling: defines val {:?} -> reg {:?} -> label {:?}",
self.vcode.add_value_label(reg, label);
fn emit_value_label_markers_for_inst(&mut self, inst: Inst) {
if self.f.dfg.values_labels.is_none() {
"value labeling: srcloc {}: inst {}",
for &val in self.f.dfg.inst_results(inst) {
fn emit_value_label_markers_for_block_args(&mut self, block: Block) {
if self.f.dfg.values_labels.is_none() {
trace!("value labeling: block {}", block);
for &arg in self.f.dfg.block_params(block) {
fn finish_ir_inst(&mut self, loc: RelSourceLoc) {
// The VCodeBuilder builds in reverse order (and reverses at
// the end), but `ir_insts` is in forward order, so reverse
// it.
for inst in self.ir_insts.drain(..).rev() {
fn finish_bb(&mut self) {
fn lower_clif_branches<B: LowerBackend<MInst = I>>(
&mut self,
backend: &B,
// Lowered block index:
bindex: BlockIndex,
// Original CLIF block:
block: Block,
branches: &SmallVec<[Inst; 2]>,
targets: &SmallVec<[MachLabel; 2]>,
) -> CodegenResult<()> {
"lower_clif_branches: block {} branches {:?} targets {:?}",
// When considering code-motion opportunities, consider the current
// program point to be the first branch.
self.cur_inst = Some(branches[0]);
backend.lower_branch_group(self, branches, targets)?;
let loc = self.srcloc(branches[0]);
// Add block param outputs for current block.
fn lower_branch_blockparam_args(&mut self, block: BlockIndex) {
for succ_idx in 0..self.vcode.block_order().succ_indices(block).len() {
// Avoid immutable borrow by explicitly indexing.
let (inst, succ) = self.vcode.block_order().succ_indices(block)[succ_idx];
// Get branch args and convert to Regs.
let branch_args = self.f.dfg.inst_variable_args(inst);
let mut branch_arg_vregs: SmallVec<[Reg; 16]> = smallvec![];
for &arg in branch_args {
let arg = self.f.dfg.resolve_aliases(arg);
let regs = self.put_value_in_regs(arg);
for &vreg in regs.regs() {
let vreg = self.vcode.resolve_vreg_alias(vreg.into());
self.vcode.add_succ(succ, &branch_arg_vregs[..]);
fn collect_branches_and_targets(
bindex: BlockIndex,
_bb: Block,
branches: &mut SmallVec<[Inst; 2]>,
targets: &mut SmallVec<[MachLabel; 2]>,
) {
let mut last_inst = None;
for &(inst, succ) in self.vcode.block_order().succ_indices(bindex) {
// Avoid duplicates: this ensures a br_table is only inserted once.
if last_inst != Some(inst) {
} else {
debug_assert!(self.f.dfg[inst].opcode() == Opcode::BrTable);
debug_assert!(branches.len() == 1);
last_inst = Some(inst);
/// Lower the function.
pub fn lower<B: LowerBackend<MInst = I>>(mut self, backend: &B) -> CodegenResult<VCode<I>> {
trace!("about to lower function: {:?}", self.f);
// Initialize the ABI object, giving it temps if requested.
let temps = self
.map(|temp_ty| self.alloc_tmp(temp_ty).only_reg().unwrap())
// Get the pinned reg here (we only parameterize this function on `B`,
// not the whole `Lower` impl).
self.pinned_reg = backend.maybe_pinned_reg();
// Reused vectors for branch lowering.
let mut branches: SmallVec<[Inst; 2]> = SmallVec::new();
let mut targets: SmallVec<[MachLabel; 2]> = SmallVec::new();
// get a copy of the lowered order; we hold this separately because we
// need a mut ref to the vcode to mutate it below.
let lowered_order: SmallVec<[LoweredBlock; 64]> = self
// Main lowering loop over lowered blocks.
for (bindex, lb) in lowered_order.iter().enumerate().rev() {
let bindex = BlockIndex::new(bindex);
// Lower the block body in reverse order (see comment in
// `lower_clif_block()` for rationale).
// End branches.
if let Some(bb) = lb.orig_block() {
self.collect_branches_and_targets(bindex, bb, &mut branches, &mut targets);
if branches.len() > 0 {
self.lower_clif_branches(backend, bindex, bb, &branches, &targets)?;
} else {
// If no orig block, this must be a pure edge block;
// get the successor and emit a jump. Add block params
// according to the one successor, and pass them
// through; note that the successor must have an
// original block.
let (_, succ) = self.vcode.block_order().succ_indices(bindex)[0];
let orig_succ = lowered_order[succ.index()];
let orig_succ = orig_succ
.expect("Edge block succ must be body block");
let mut branch_arg_vregs: SmallVec<[Reg; 16]> = smallvec![];
for ty in self.f.dfg.block_param_types(orig_succ) {
let regs = alloc_vregs(ty, &mut self.next_vreg, &mut self.vcode)?;
for &reg in regs.regs() {
let vreg = reg.to_virtual_reg().unwrap();
.add_block_param(vreg, self.vcode.get_vreg_type(vreg));
self.vcode.add_succ(succ, &branch_arg_vregs[..]);
// Original block body.
if let Some(bb) = lb.orig_block() {
self.lower_clif_block(backend, bb)?;
if bindex.index() == 0 {
// Set up the function with arg vreg inits.
// Now that we've emitted all instructions into the
// VCodeBuilder, let's build the VCode.
let vcode =;
trace!("built vcode: {:?}", vcode);
/// Function-level queries.
impl<'func, I: VCodeInst> Lower<'func, I> {
pub fn dfg(&self) -> &DataFlowGraph {
/// Get the `Callee`.
pub fn abi(&self) -> &Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec> {
/// Get the `Callee`.
pub fn abi_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec> {
/// Get the (virtual) register that receives the return value. A return
/// instruction should lower into a sequence that fills this register. (Why
/// not allow the backend to specify its own result register for the return?
/// Because there may be multiple return points.)
pub fn retval(&self, idx: usize) -> ValueRegs<Writable<Reg>> {
/// Instruction input/output queries.
impl<'func, I: VCodeInst> Lower<'func, I> {
/// Get the instdata for a given IR instruction.
pub fn data(&self, ir_inst: Inst) -> &InstructionData {
/// Likewise, but starting with a GlobalValue identifier.
pub fn symbol_value_data<'b>(
&'b self,
global_value: GlobalValue,
) -> Option<(&'b ExternalName, RelocDistance, i64)> {
let gvdata = &self.f.global_values[global_value];
match gvdata {
&GlobalValueData::Symbol {
ref name,
ref offset,
} => {
let offset = offset.bits();
let dist = gvdata.maybe_reloc_distance().unwrap();
Some((name, dist, offset))
_ => None,
/// Returns the memory flags of a given memory access.
pub fn memflags(&self, ir_inst: Inst) -> Option<MemFlags> {
match &self.f.dfg[ir_inst] {
&InstructionData::AtomicCas { flags, .. } => Some(flags),
&InstructionData::AtomicRmw { flags, .. } => Some(flags),
&InstructionData::Load { flags, .. }
| &InstructionData::LoadNoOffset { flags, .. }
| &InstructionData::Store { flags, .. } => Some(flags),
&InstructionData::StoreNoOffset { flags, .. } => Some(flags),
_ => None,
/// Get the source location for a given instruction.
pub fn srcloc(&self, ir_inst: Inst) -> RelSourceLoc {
/// Get the number of inputs to the given IR instruction.
pub fn num_inputs(&self, ir_inst: Inst) -> usize {
/// Get the number of outputs to the given IR instruction.
pub fn num_outputs(&self, ir_inst: Inst) -> usize {
/// Get the type for an instruction's input.
pub fn input_ty(&self, ir_inst: Inst, idx: usize) -> Type {
self.value_ty(self.input_as_value(ir_inst, idx))
/// Get the type for a value.
pub fn value_ty(&self, val: Value) -> Type {
/// Get the type for an instruction's output.
pub fn output_ty(&self, ir_inst: Inst, idx: usize) -> Type {
/// Get the value of a constant instruction (`iconst`, etc.) as a 64-bit
/// value, if possible.
pub fn get_constant(&self, ir_inst: Inst) -> Option<u64> {
/// Get the input as one of two options other than a direct register:
/// - An instruction, given that it is effect-free or able to sink its
/// effect to the current instruction being lowered, and given it has only
/// one output, and if effect-ful, given that this is the only use;
/// - A constant, if the value is a constant.
/// The instruction input may be available in either of these forms. It may
/// be available in neither form, if the conditions are not met; if so, use
/// `put_input_in_regs()` instead to get it in a register.
/// If the backend merges the effect of a side-effecting instruction, it
/// must call `sink_inst()`. When this is called, it indicates that the
/// effect has been sunk to the current scan location. The sunk
/// instruction's result(s) must have *no* uses remaining, because it will
/// not be codegen'd (it has been integrated into the current instruction).
pub fn input_as_value(&self, ir_inst: Inst, idx: usize) -> Value {
let val = self.f.dfg.inst_args(ir_inst)[idx];
/// Like `get_input_as_source_or_const` but with a `Value`.
pub fn get_input_as_source_or_const(&self, ir_inst: Inst, idx: usize) -> NonRegInput {
let val = self.input_as_value(ir_inst, idx);
/// Resolves a particular input of an instruction to the `Value` that it is
/// represented with.
pub fn get_value_as_source_or_const(&self, val: Value) -> NonRegInput {
"get_input_for_val: val {} at cur_inst {:?} cur_scan_entry_color {:?}",
let inst = match self.f.dfg.value_def(val) {
// OK to merge source instruction if (i) we have a source
// instruction, and:
// - It has no side-effects, OR
// - It has a side-effect, has one output value, that one
// output has only one use, directly or indirectly (so
// cannot be duplicated -- see comment on
// `ValueUseState`), and the instruction's color is *one
// less than* the current scan color.
// This latter set of conditions is testing whether a
// side-effecting instruction can sink to the current scan
// location; this is possible if the in-color of this inst is
// equal to the out-color of the producing inst, so no other
// side-effecting ops occur between them (which will only be true
// if they are in the same BB, because color increments at each BB
// start).
// If it is actually sunk, then in `merge_inst()`, we update the
// scan color so that as we scan over the range past which the
// instruction was sunk, we allow other instructions (that came
// prior to the sunk instruction) to sink.
ValueDef::Result(src_inst, result_idx) => {
let src_side_effect = has_lowering_side_effect(self.f, src_inst);
trace!(" -> src inst {}", src_inst);
trace!(" -> has lowering side effect: {}", src_side_effect);
if !src_side_effect {
// Pure instruction: always possible to
// sink. Let's determine whether we are the only
// user or not.
if self.value_ir_uses[val] == ValueUseState::Once {
InputSourceInst::UniqueUse(src_inst, result_idx)
} else {
InputSourceInst::Use(src_inst, result_idx)
} else {
// Side-effect: test whether this is the only use of the
// only result of the instruction, and whether colors allow
// the code-motion.
" -> side-effecting op {} for val {}: use state {:?}",
if self.cur_scan_entry_color.is_some()
&& self.value_ir_uses[val] == ValueUseState::Once
&& self.num_outputs(src_inst) == 1
&& self
+ 1
== self.cur_scan_entry_color.unwrap().get()
InputSourceInst::UniqueUse(src_inst, 0)
} else {
_ => InputSourceInst::None,
let constant = inst.as_inst().and_then(|(inst, _)| self.get_constant(inst));
NonRegInput { inst, constant }
/// Increment the reference count for the Value, ensuring that it gets lowered.
pub fn increment_lowered_uses(&mut self, val: Value) {
self.value_lowered_uses[val] += 1
/// Put the `idx`th input into register(s) and return the assigned register.
pub fn put_input_in_regs(&mut self, ir_inst: Inst, idx: usize) -> ValueRegs<Reg> {
let val = self.f.dfg.inst_args(ir_inst)[idx];
/// Put the given value into register(s) and return the assigned register.
pub fn put_value_in_regs(&mut self, val: Value) -> ValueRegs<Reg> {
let val = self.f.dfg.resolve_aliases(val);
trace!("put_value_in_regs: val {}", val);
// Assert that the value is not `iflags`/`fflags`-typed; these
// cannot be reified into normal registers. TODO(#3249)
// eventually remove the `iflags` type altogether!
let ty = self.f.dfg.value_type(val);
assert!(ty != IFLAGS && ty != FFLAGS);
if let Some(inst) = self.f.dfg.value_def(val).inst() {
// If the value is a constant, then (re)materialize it at each use. This
// lowers register pressure.
if let Some(c) = self
.and_then(|inst| self.get_constant(inst))
let regs = self.alloc_tmp(ty);
trace!(" -> regs {:?}", regs);
let insts = I::gen_constant(regs, c.into(), ty, |ty| {
for inst in insts {
return non_writable_value_regs(regs);
let mut regs = self.value_regs[val];
trace!(" -> regs {:?}", regs);
self.value_lowered_uses[val] += 1;
// Pinned-reg hack: if backend specifies a fixed pinned register, use it
// directly when we encounter a GetPinnedReg op, rather than lowering
// the actual op, and do not return the source inst to the caller; the
// value comes "out of the ether" and we will not force generation of
// the superfluous move.
if let ValueDef::Result(i, 0) = self.f.dfg.value_def(val) {
if self.f.dfg[i].opcode() == Opcode::GetPinnedReg {
if let Some(pr) = self.pinned_reg {
regs = ValueRegs::one(pr);
/// Get the `idx`th output register(s) of the given IR instruction.
/// When `backend.lower_inst_to_regs(ctx, inst)` is called, it is expected
/// that the backend will write results to these output register(s). This
/// register will always be "fresh"; it is guaranteed not to overlap with
/// any of the inputs, and can be freely used as a scratch register within
/// the lowered instruction sequence, as long as its final value is the
/// result of the computation.
pub fn get_output(&self, ir_inst: Inst, idx: usize) -> ValueRegs<Writable<Reg>> {
let val = self.f.dfg.inst_results(ir_inst)[idx];
/// Codegen primitives: allocate temps, emit instructions, set result registers,
/// ask for an input to be gen'd into a register.
impl<'func, I: VCodeInst> Lower<'func, I> {
/// Get a new temp.
pub fn alloc_tmp(&mut self, ty: Type) -> ValueRegs<Writable<Reg>> {
writable_value_regs(alloc_vregs(ty, &mut self.next_vreg, &mut self.vcode).unwrap())
/// Emit a machine instruction.
pub fn emit(&mut self, mach_inst: I) {
trace!("emit: {:?}", mach_inst);
/// Indicate that the side-effect of an instruction has been sunk to the
/// current scan location. This should only be done with the instruction's
/// original results are not used (i.e., `put_input_in_regs` is not invoked
/// for the input produced by the sunk instruction), otherwise the
/// side-effect will occur twice.
pub fn sink_inst(&mut self, ir_inst: Inst) {
assert!(has_lowering_side_effect(self.f, ir_inst));
for result in self.dfg().inst_results(ir_inst) {
assert!(self.value_lowered_uses[*result] == 0);
let sunk_inst_entry_color = self
let sunk_inst_exit_color = InstColor::new(sunk_inst_entry_color.get() + 1);
assert!(sunk_inst_exit_color == self.cur_scan_entry_color.unwrap());
self.cur_scan_entry_color = Some(sunk_inst_entry_color);
/// Retrieve immediate data given a handle.
pub fn get_immediate_data(&self, imm: Immediate) -> &ConstantData {
/// Retrieve constant data given a handle.
pub fn get_constant_data(&self, constant_handle: Constant) -> &ConstantData {
/// Indicate that a constant should be emitted.
pub fn use_constant(&mut self, constant: VCodeConstantData) -> VCodeConstant {
/// Cause the value in `reg` to be in a virtual reg, by copying it into a new virtual reg
/// if `reg` is a real reg. `ty` describes the type of the value in `reg`.
pub fn ensure_in_vreg(&mut self, reg: Reg, ty: Type) -> Reg {
if reg.to_virtual_reg().is_some() {
} else {
let new_reg = self.alloc_tmp(ty).only_reg().unwrap();
self.emit(I::gen_move(new_reg, reg, ty));
/// Note that one vreg is to be treated as an alias of another.
pub fn set_vreg_alias(&mut self, from: Reg, to: Reg) {
trace!("set vreg alias: from {:?} to {:?}", from, to);
self.vcode.set_vreg_alias(from, to);