blob: ca9a78f51b38ef441b7a821b257d615e3d6c894d [file] [log] [blame]
//! Static files bundled with documentation output.
//! All the static files are included here for centralized access in case anything other than the
//! HTML rendering code (say, the theme checker) needs to access one of these files.
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::{fmt, str};
pub(crate) struct StaticFile {
pub(crate) filename: PathBuf,
pub(crate) bytes: &'static [u8],
impl StaticFile {
fn new(filename: &str, bytes: &'static [u8]) -> StaticFile {
Self { filename: static_filename(filename, bytes), bytes }
pub(crate) fn minified(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let extension = match self.filename.extension() {
Some(e) => e,
None => return self.bytes.to_owned(),
if extension == "css" {
} else if extension == "js" {
} else {
pub(crate) fn output_filename(&self) -> &Path {
/// The Display implementation for a StaticFile outputs its filename. This makes it
/// convenient to interpolate static files into HTML templates.
impl fmt::Display for StaticFile {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.output_filename().display())
/// Insert the provided suffix into a filename just before the extension.
pub(crate) fn suffix_path(filename: &str, suffix: &str) -> PathBuf {
// We use splitn vs Path::extension here because we might get a filename
// like `style.min.css` and we want to process that into
// `style-suffix.min.css`. Path::extension would just return `css`
// which would result in `style.min-suffix.css` which isn't what we
// want.
let (base, ext) = filename.split_once('.').unwrap();
let filename = format!("{base}{suffix}.{ext}");
pub(crate) fn static_filename(filename: &str, contents: &[u8]) -> PathBuf {
let filename = filename.rsplit('/').next().unwrap();
suffix_path(filename, &static_suffix(contents))
fn static_suffix(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
let mut hasher = FxHasher::default();
format!("-{:016x}", hasher.finish())
macro_rules! static_files {
($($field:ident => $file_path:literal,)+) => {
pub(crate) struct StaticFiles {
$(pub $field: StaticFile,)+
pub(crate) static STATIC_FILES: std::sync::LazyLock<StaticFiles> = std::sync::LazyLock::new(|| StaticFiles {
$($field: StaticFile::new($file_path, include_bytes!($file_path)),)+
pub(crate) fn for_each<E>(f: impl Fn(&StaticFile) -> Result<(), E>) -> Result<(), E> {
for sf in [
] {
static_files! {
rustdoc_css => "static/css/rustdoc.css",
noscript_css => "static/css/noscript.css",
normalize_css => "static/css/normalize.css",
main_js => "static/js/main.js",
search_js => "static/js/search.js",
settings_js => "static/js/settings.js",
src_script_js => "static/js/src-script.js",
storage_js => "static/js/storage.js",
scrape_examples_js => "static/js/scrape-examples.js",
wheel_svg => "static/images/wheel.svg",
clipboard_svg => "static/images/clipboard.svg",
copyright => "static/COPYRIGHT.txt",
license_apache => "static/LICENSE-APACHE.txt",
license_mit => "static/LICENSE-MIT.txt",
rust_logo_svg => "static/images/rust-logo.svg",
rust_favicon_svg => "static/images/favicon.svg",
rust_favicon_png_16 => "static/images/favicon-16x16.png",
rust_favicon_png_32 => "static/images/favicon-32x32.png",
fira_sans_regular => "static/fonts/FiraSans-Regular.woff2",
fira_sans_medium => "static/fonts/FiraSans-Medium.woff2",
fira_sans_license => "static/fonts/FiraSans-LICENSE.txt",
source_serif_4_regular => "static/fonts/SourceSerif4-Regular.ttf.woff2",
source_serif_4_bold => "static/fonts/SourceSerif4-Bold.ttf.woff2",
source_serif_4_italic => "static/fonts/SourceSerif4-It.ttf.woff2",
source_serif_4_license => "static/fonts/",
source_code_pro_regular => "static/fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf.woff2",
source_code_pro_semibold => "static/fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold.ttf.woff2",
source_code_pro_italic => "static/fonts/SourceCodePro-It.ttf.woff2",
source_code_pro_license => "static/fonts/SourceCodePro-LICENSE.txt",
nanum_barun_gothic_regular => "static/fonts/NanumBarunGothic.ttf.woff2",
nanum_barun_gothic_license => "static/fonts/NanumBarunGothic-LICENSE.txt",
pub(crate) static SCRAPE_EXAMPLES_HELP_MD: &str = include_str!("static/");