blob: 67f5ea5d98b2a8f7c7e671971cc585bd20ed8326 [file] [log] [blame]
html_root_url = "",
html_playground_url = ""
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
#![allow(clippy::collapsible_if, clippy::collapsible_else_if)]
extern crate thin_vec;
extern crate tracing;
// N.B. these need `extern crate` even in 2018 edition
// because they're loaded implicitly from the sysroot.
// The reason they're loaded from the sysroot is because
// the rustdoc artifacts aren't stored in rustc's cargo target directory.
// So if `rustc` was specified in Cargo.toml, this would spuriously rebuild crates.
// Dependencies listed in Cargo.toml do not need `extern crate`.
extern crate pulldown_cmark;
extern crate rustc_abi;
extern crate rustc_ast;
extern crate rustc_ast_pretty;
extern crate rustc_attr;
extern crate rustc_const_eval;
extern crate rustc_data_structures;
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_errors;
extern crate rustc_expand;
extern crate rustc_feature;
extern crate rustc_hir;
extern crate rustc_hir_analysis;
extern crate rustc_hir_pretty;
extern crate rustc_index;
extern crate rustc_infer;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate rustc_lexer;
extern crate rustc_lint;
extern crate rustc_lint_defs;
extern crate rustc_macros;
extern crate rustc_metadata;
extern crate rustc_middle;
extern crate rustc_parse;
extern crate rustc_passes;
extern crate rustc_resolve;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate rustc_session;
extern crate rustc_span;
extern crate rustc_target;
extern crate rustc_trait_selection;
extern crate test;
// See docs in
// about jemalloc.
#[cfg(feature = "jemalloc")]
extern crate jemalloc_sys;
use std::env::{self, VarError};
use std::io::{self, IsTerminal};
use std::process;
use rustc_driver::abort_on_err;
use rustc_errors::ErrorGuaranteed;
use rustc_interface::interface;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_session::config::{make_crate_type_option, ErrorOutputType, RustcOptGroup};
use rustc_session::{getopts, EarlyErrorHandler};
use crate::clean::utils::DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_CHANNEL;
/// A macro to create a FxHashMap.
/// Example:
/// ```ignore(cannot-test-this-because-non-exported-macro)
/// let letters = map!{"a" => "b", "c" => "d"};
/// ```
/// Trailing commas are allowed.
/// Commas between elements are required (even if the expression is a block).
macro_rules! map {
($( $key: expr => $val: expr ),* $(,)*) => {{
let mut map = ::rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap::default();
$( map.insert($key, $val); )*
mod clean;
mod config;
mod core;
mod docfs;
mod doctest;
mod error;
mod externalfiles;
mod fold;
mod formats;
// used by the error-index generator, so it needs to be public
pub mod html;
mod json;
pub(crate) mod lint;
mod markdown;
mod passes;
mod scrape_examples;
mod theme;
mod visit;
mod visit_ast;
mod visit_lib;
pub fn main() {
// See docs in
// about jemalloc.
#[cfg(feature = "jemalloc")]
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
static _F1: unsafe extern "C" fn(usize, usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::calloc;
static _F2: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut *mut c_void, usize, usize) -> c_int =
static _F3: unsafe extern "C" fn(usize, usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::aligned_alloc;
static _F4: unsafe extern "C" fn(usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::malloc;
static _F5: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, usize) -> *mut c_void = jemalloc_sys::realloc;
static _F6: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut c_void) = jemalloc_sys::free;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
extern "C" {
fn _rjem_je_zone_register();
static _F7: unsafe extern "C" fn() = _rjem_je_zone_register;
let mut handler = EarlyErrorHandler::new(ErrorOutputType::default());
|_| (),
// When using CI artifacts with `download-rustc`, tracing is unconditionally built
// with `--features=static_max_level_info`, which disables almost all rustdoc logging. To avoid
// this, compile our own version of `tracing` that logs all levels.
// NOTE: this compiles both versions of tracing unconditionally, because
// - The compile time hit is not that bad, especially compared to rustdoc's incremental times, and
// - Otherwise, there's no warning that logging is being ignored when `download-rustc` is enabled
// NOTE: The reason this doesn't show double logging when `download-rustc = false` and
// `debug_logging = true` is because all rustc logging goes to its version of tracing (the one
// in the sysroot), and all of rustdoc's logging goes to its version (the one in Cargo.toml).
rustc_driver::init_env_logger(&handler, "RUSTDOC_LOG");
let exit_code = rustc_driver::catch_with_exit_code(|| match get_args(&handler) {
Some(args) => main_args(&mut handler, &args),
_ =>
fn init_logging(handler: &EarlyErrorHandler) {
let color_logs = match std::env::var("RUSTDOC_LOG_COLOR").as_deref() {
Ok("always") => true,
Ok("never") => false,
Ok("auto") | Err(VarError::NotPresent) => io::stdout().is_terminal(),
Ok(value) => handler.early_error(format!(
"invalid log color value '{value}': expected one of always, never, or auto",
Err(VarError::NotUnicode(value)) => handler.early_error(format!(
"invalid log color value '{}': expected one of always, never, or auto",
let filter = tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_env("RUSTDOC_LOG");
let layer = tracing_tree::HierarchicalLayer::default()
#[cfg(all(parallel_compiler, debug_assertions))]
let layer = layer.with_thread_ids(true).with_thread_names(true);
use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;
let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::Registry::default().with(filter).with(layer);
fn get_args(handler: &EarlyErrorHandler) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
.map(|(i, arg)| {
.map_err(|arg| {
handler.early_warn(format!("Argument {i} is not valid Unicode: {arg:?}"));
fn opts() -> Vec<RustcOptGroup> {
let stable: fn(_, fn(&mut getopts::Options) -> &mut _) -> _ = RustcOptGroup::stable;
let unstable: fn(_, fn(&mut getopts::Options) -> &mut _) -> _ = RustcOptGroup::unstable;
stable("h", |o| o.optflagmulti("h", "help", "show this help message")),
stable("V", |o| o.optflagmulti("V", "version", "print rustdoc's version")),
stable("v", |o| o.optflagmulti("v", "verbose", "use verbose output")),
stable("w", |o| o.optopt("w", "output-format", "the output type to write", "[html]")),
stable("output", |o| {
"Which directory to place the output. \
This option is deprecated, use --out-dir instead.",
stable("o", |o| o.optopt("o", "out-dir", "which directory to place the output", "PATH")),
stable("crate-name", |o| {
o.optopt("", "crate-name", "specify the name of this crate", "NAME")
stable("L", |o| {
o.optmulti("L", "library-path", "directory to add to crate search path", "DIR")
stable("cfg", |o| o.optmulti("", "cfg", "pass a --cfg to rustc", "")),
unstable("check-cfg", |o| o.optmulti("", "check-cfg", "pass a --check-cfg to rustc", "")),
stable("extern", |o| o.optmulti("", "extern", "pass an --extern to rustc", "NAME[=PATH]")),
unstable("extern-html-root-url", |o| {
"base URL to use for dependencies; for example, \
\"std=/doc\" links std::vec::Vec to /doc/std/vec/struct.Vec.html",
unstable("extern-html-root-takes-precedence", |o| {
"give precedence to `--extern-html-root-url`, not `html_root_url`",
stable("C", |o| {
o.optmulti("C", "codegen", "pass a codegen option to rustc", "OPT[=VALUE]")
stable("document-private-items", |o| {
o.optflagmulti("", "document-private-items", "document private items")
unstable("document-hidden-items", |o| {
o.optflagmulti("", "document-hidden-items", "document items that have doc(hidden)")
stable("test", |o| o.optflagmulti("", "test", "run code examples as tests")),
stable("test-args", |o| {
o.optmulti("", "test-args", "arguments to pass to the test runner", "ARGS")
stable("test-run-directory", |o| {
"The working directory in which to run tests",
stable("target", |o| o.optopt("", "target", "target triple to document", "TRIPLE")),
stable("markdown-css", |o| {
"CSS files to include via <link> in a rendered Markdown file",
stable("html-in-header", |o| {
"files to include inline in the <head> section of a rendered Markdown file \
or generated documentation",
stable("html-before-content", |o| {
"files to include inline between <body> and the content of a rendered \
Markdown file or generated documentation",
stable("html-after-content", |o| {
"files to include inline between the content and </body> of a rendered \
Markdown file or generated documentation",
unstable("markdown-before-content", |o| {
"files to include inline between <body> and the content of a rendered \
Markdown file or generated documentation",
unstable("markdown-after-content", |o| {
"files to include inline between the content and </body> of a rendered \
Markdown file or generated documentation",
stable("markdown-playground-url", |o| {
o.optopt("", "markdown-playground-url", "URL to send code snippets to", "URL")
stable("markdown-no-toc", |o| {
o.optflagmulti("", "markdown-no-toc", "don't include table of contents")
stable("e", |o| {
"To add some CSS rules with a given file to generate doc with your \
own theme. However, your theme might break if the rustdoc's generated HTML \
changes, so be careful!",
unstable("Z", |o| {
o.optmulti("Z", "", "unstable / perma-unstable options (only on nightly build)", "FLAG")
stable("sysroot", |o| o.optopt("", "sysroot", "Override the system root", "PATH")),
unstable("playground-url", |o| {
"URL to send code snippets to, may be reset by --markdown-playground-url \
or `#![doc(html_playground_url=...)]`",
unstable("display-doctest-warnings", |o| {
"show warnings that originate in doctests",
stable("crate-version", |o| {
o.optopt("", "crate-version", "crate version to print into documentation", "VERSION")
unstable("sort-modules-by-appearance", |o| {
"sort modules by where they appear in the program, rather than alphabetically",
stable("default-theme", |o| {
"Set the default theme. THEME should be the theme name, generally lowercase. \
If an unknown default theme is specified, the builtin default is used. \
The set of themes, and the rustdoc built-in default, are not stable.",
unstable("default-setting", |o| {
"Default value for a rustdoc setting (used when \"rustdoc-SETTING\" is absent \
from web browser Local Storage). If VALUE is not supplied, \"true\" is used. \
Supported SETTINGs and VALUEs are not documented and not stable.",
stable("theme", |o| {
"additional themes which will be added to the generated docs",
stable("check-theme", |o| {
o.optmulti("", "check-theme", "check if given theme is valid", "FILES")
unstable("resource-suffix", |o| {
"suffix to add to CSS and JavaScript files, e.g., \"search-index.js\" will \
become \"search-index-suffix.js\"",
stable("edition", |o| {
"edition to use when compiling rust code (default: 2015)",
stable("color", |o| {
"Configure coloring of output:
auto = colorize, if output goes to a tty (default);
always = always colorize output;
never = never colorize output",
stable("error-format", |o| {
"How errors and other messages are produced",
stable("diagnostic-width", |o| {
"Provide width of the output for truncated error messages",
stable("json", |o| {
o.optopt("", "json", "Configure the structure of JSON diagnostics", "CONFIG")
stable("allow", |o| o.optmulti("A", "allow", "Set lint allowed", "LINT")),
stable("warn", |o| o.optmulti("W", "warn", "Set lint warnings", "LINT")),
stable("force-warn", |o| o.optmulti("", "force-warn", "Set lint force-warn", "LINT")),
stable("deny", |o| o.optmulti("D", "deny", "Set lint denied", "LINT")),
stable("forbid", |o| o.optmulti("F", "forbid", "Set lint forbidden", "LINT")),
stable("cap-lints", |o| {
"Set the most restrictive lint level. \
More restrictive lints are capped at this \
level. By default, it is at `forbid` level.",
unstable("index-page", |o| {
o.optopt("", "index-page", "Markdown file to be used as index page", "PATH")
unstable("enable-index-page", |o| {
o.optflagmulti("", "enable-index-page", "To enable generation of the index page")
unstable("static-root-path", |o| {
"Path string to force loading static files from in output pages. \
If not set, uses combinations of '../' to reach the documentation root.",
unstable("persist-doctests", |o| {
"Directory to persist doctest executables into",
unstable("show-coverage", |o| {
"calculate percentage of public items with documentation",
unstable("enable-per-target-ignores", |o| {
"parse ignore-foo for ignoring doctests on a per-target basis",
unstable("runtool", |o| {
"The tool to run tests with when building for a different target than host",
unstable("runtool-arg", |o| {
"One (of possibly many) arguments to pass to the runtool",
unstable("test-builder", |o| {
o.optopt("", "test-builder", "The rustc-like binary to use as the test builder", "PATH")
unstable("check", |o| o.optflagmulti("", "check", "Run rustdoc checks")),
unstable("generate-redirect-map", |o| {
"Generate JSON file at the top level instead of generating HTML redirection files",
unstable("emit", |o| {
"Comma separated list of types of output for rustdoc to emit",
unstable("no-run", |o| {
o.optflagmulti("", "no-run", "Compile doctests without running them")
unstable("show-type-layout", |o| {
o.optflagmulti("", "show-type-layout", "Include the memory layout of types in the docs")
unstable("nocapture", |o| {
o.optflag("", "nocapture", "Don't capture stdout and stderr of tests")
unstable("generate-link-to-definition", |o| {
"Make the identifiers in the HTML source code pages navigable",
unstable("scrape-examples-output-path", |o| {
"collect function call information and output at the given path",
unstable("scrape-examples-target-crate", |o| {
"collect function call information for functions from the target crate",
unstable("scrape-tests", |o| {
o.optflag("", "scrape-tests", "Include test code when scraping examples")
unstable("with-examples", |o| {
"path to function call information (for displaying examples in the documentation)",
// deprecated / removed options
unstable("disable-minification", |o| o.optflagmulti("", "disable-minification", "removed")),
stable("plugin-path", |o| {
"removed, see issue #44136 <> \
for more information",
stable("passes", |o| {
"removed, see issue #44136 <> \
for more information",
stable("plugins", |o| {
"removed, see issue #44136 <> \
for more information",
stable("no-default", |o| {
"removed, see issue #44136 <> \
for more information",
stable("r", |o| {
"removed, see issue #44136 <> \
for more information",
unstable("html-no-source", |o| {
o.optflag("", "html-no-source", "Disable HTML source code pages generation")
fn usage(argv0: &str) {
let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
for option in opts() {
(option.apply)(&mut options);
println!("{}", options.usage(&format!("{argv0} [options] <input>")));
println!(" @path Read newline separated options from `path`\n");
"More information available at {DOC_RUST_LANG_ORG_CHANNEL}/rustdoc/what-is-rustdoc.html",
/// A result type used by several functions under `main()`.
type MainResult = Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed>;
fn wrap_return(diag: &rustc_errors::Handler, res: Result<(), String>) -> MainResult {
match res {
Ok(()) => diag.has_errors().map_or(Ok(()), Err),
Err(err) => {
let reported = diag.struct_err(err).emit();
fn run_renderer<'tcx, T: formats::FormatRenderer<'tcx>>(
krate: clean::Crate,
renderopts: config::RenderOptions,
cache: formats::cache::Cache,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
) -> MainResult {
match formats::run_format::<T>(krate, renderopts, cache, tcx) {
Ok(_) => tcx.sess.has_errors().map_or(Ok(()), Err),
Err(e) => {
let mut msg =
tcx.sess.struct_err(format!("couldn't generate documentation: {}", e.error));
let file = e.file.display().to_string();
if !file.is_empty() {
msg.note(format!("failed to create or modify \"{file}\""));
fn main_args(handler: &mut EarlyErrorHandler, at_args: &[String]) -> MainResult {
// Throw away the first argument, the name of the binary.
// In case of at_args being empty, as might be the case by
// passing empty argument array to execve under some platforms,
// just use an empty slice.
// This situation was possible before due to arg_expand_all being
// called before removing the argument, enabling a crash by calling
// the compiler with @empty_file as argv[0] and no more arguments.
let at_args = at_args.get(1..).unwrap_or_default();
let args = rustc_driver::args::arg_expand_all(handler, at_args);
let mut options = getopts::Options::new();
for option in opts() {
(option.apply)(&mut options);
let matches = match options.parse(&args) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(err) => {
// Note that we discard any distinction between different non-zero exit
// codes from `from_matches` here.
let (options, render_options) = match config::Options::from_matches(handler, &matches, args) {
Ok(opts) => opts,
Err(code) => {
return if code == 0 {
} else {
let diag = core::new_handler(
match (options.should_test, options.markdown_input()) {
(true, true) => return wrap_return(&diag, markdown::test(options)),
(true, false) => return doctest::run(options),
(false, true) => {
let input = options.input.clone();
let edition = options.edition;
let config = core::create_config(handler, options, &render_options);
// `markdown::render` can invoke `doctest::make_test`, which
// requires session globals and a thread pool, so we use
// `run_compiler`.
return wrap_return(
interface::run_compiler(config, |_compiler| {
markdown::render(&input, render_options, edition)
(false, false) => {}
// need to move these items separately because we lose them by the time the closure is called,
// but we can't create the Handler ahead of time because it's not Send
let show_coverage = options.show_coverage;
let run_check = options.run_check;
// First, parse the crate and extract all relevant information.
info!("starting to run rustc");
// Interpret the input file as a rust source file, passing it through the
// compiler all the way through the analysis passes. The rustdoc output is
// then generated from the cleaned AST of the crate. This runs all the
// plug/cleaning passes.
let crate_version = options.crate_version.clone();
let output_format = options.output_format;
let scrape_examples_options = options.scrape_examples_options.clone();
let bin_crate = options.bin_crate;
let config = core::create_config(handler, options, &render_options);
interface::run_compiler(config, |compiler| {
let sess = compiler.session();
if sess.opts.describe_lints {
let mut lint_store = rustc_lint::new_lint_store(sess.enable_internal_lints());
let registered_lints = if let Some(register_lints) = compiler.register_lints() {
register_lints(sess, &mut lint_store);
} else {
rustc_driver::describe_lints(sess, &lint_store, registered_lints);
return Ok(());
compiler.enter(|queries| {
let mut gcx = abort_on_err(queries.global_ctxt(), sess);
if sess.diagnostic().has_errors_or_lint_errors().is_some() {
sess.fatal("Compilation failed, aborting rustdoc");
gcx.enter(|tcx| {
let (krate, render_opts, mut cache) = sess.time("run_global_ctxt", || {
core::run_global_ctxt(tcx, show_coverage, render_options, output_format)
info!("finished with rustc");
if let Some(options) = scrape_examples_options {
return scrape_examples::run(
cache.crate_version = crate_version;
if show_coverage {
// if we ran coverage, bail early, we don't need to also generate docs at this point
// (also we didn't load in any of the useful passes)
return Ok(());
} else if run_check {
// Since we're in "check" mode, no need to generate anything beyond this point.
return Ok(());
info!("going to format");
match output_format {
config::OutputFormat::Html => sess.time("render_html", || {
run_renderer::<html::render::Context<'_>>(krate, render_opts, cache, tcx)
config::OutputFormat::Json => sess.time("render_json", || {
run_renderer::<json::JsonRenderer<'_>>(krate, render_opts, cache, tcx)