blob: 24b76cf690ccc17117b144ffdef2cece2a990620 [file] [log] [blame]
//! An implementation of negotiation algorithms to help the server figure out what we have in common so it can optimize
//! the pack it sends to only contain what we don't have.
#![deny(rust_2018_idioms, missing_docs)]
mod consecutive;
mod noop;
mod skipping;
bitflags::bitflags! {
/// Multi purpose, shared flags that are used by negotiation algorithms and by the caller as well
/// However, in this crate we can't implement the calling side, so we marry this type to whatever is needed in downstream crates.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Flags: u8 {
/// The object is already available locally and doesn't need to be fetched by the remote.
const COMPLETE = 1 << 0;
/// A commit from an alternate object database.
const ALTERNATE = 1 << 1;
/// The revision is known to be in common with the remote.
/// Used by `consecutive` and `skipping`.
const COMMON = 1 << 2;
/// The revision has entered the priority queue.
/// Used by `consecutive` and `skipping`.
const SEEN = 1 << 3;
/// The revision was popped off our primary priority queue, used to avoid double-counting of `non_common_revs`
/// Used by `consecutive` and `skipping`.
const POPPED = 1 << 4;
/// The revision is common and was set by merit of a remote tracking ref (e.g. `refs/heads/origin/main`).
/// Used by `consecutive`.
const COMMON_REF = 1 << 5;
/// The remote let us know it has the object. We still have to tell the server we have this object or one of its descendants.
/// We won't tell the server about its ancestors.
/// Used by `skipping`.
const ADVERTISED = 1 << 6;
/// Additional data to store with each commit when used by any of our algorithms.
/// It's shared among those who use the [`Negotiator`] trait, and all implementations of it.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Metadata {
/// Used by `skipping`.
/// Only used if commit is not COMMON
pub original_ttl: u16,
/// Used by `skipping`.
pub ttl: u16,
/// Additional information about each commit
pub flags: Flags,
/// The graph our callers use to store traversal information, for (re-)use in the negotiation implementation.
pub type Graph<'find> = gix_revwalk::Graph<'find, gix_revwalk::graph::Commit<Metadata>>;
/// A map associating an object id with its commit-metadata.
pub type IdMap = gix_revwalk::graph::IdMap<gix_revwalk::graph::Commit<Metadata>>;
/// The way the negotiation is performed.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Algorithm {
/// Do not send any information at all, which typically leads to complete packs to be sent.
/// Walk over consecutive commits and check each one. This can be costly be assures packs are exactly the size they need to be.
/// Like `Consecutive`, but skips commits to converge faster, at the cost of receiving packs that are larger than they have to be.
impl std::fmt::Display for Algorithm {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Algorithm::Noop => "noop",
Algorithm::Consecutive => "consecutive",
Algorithm::Skipping => "skipping",
/// Calculate how many `HAVE` lines we may send in one round, with variation depending on whether the `transport_is_stateless` or not.
/// `window_size` is the previous (or initial) value of the window size.
pub fn window_size(transport_is_stateless: bool, window_size: Option<usize>) -> usize {
let current_size = match window_size {
None => return 16,
Some(cs) => cs,
const PIPESAFE_FLUSH: usize = 32;
const LARGE_FLUSH: usize = 16384;
if transport_is_stateless {
if current_size < LARGE_FLUSH {
current_size * 2
} else {
current_size * 11 / 10
} else if current_size < PIPESAFE_FLUSH {
current_size * 2
} else {
current_size + PIPESAFE_FLUSH
impl Algorithm {
/// Create an instance of a negotiator which implements this algorithm.
pub fn into_negotiator(self) -> Box<dyn Negotiator> {
match &self {
Algorithm::Noop => Box::new(noop::Noop) as Box<dyn Negotiator>,
Algorithm::Consecutive => Box::<consecutive::Algorithm>::default(),
Algorithm::Skipping => Box::<skipping::Algorithm>::default(),
/// A delegate to implement a negotiation algorithm.
pub trait Negotiator {
/// Mark `id` as common between the remote and us.
/// These ids are typically the local tips of remote tracking branches.
fn known_common(&mut self, id: gix_hash::ObjectId, graph: &mut Graph<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Add `id` as starting point of a traversal across commits that aren't necessarily common between the remote and us.
/// These tips are usually the commits of local references whose tips should lead to objects that we have in common with the remote.
fn add_tip(&mut self, id: gix_hash::ObjectId, graph: &mut Graph<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Produce the next id of an object that we want the server to know we have. It's an object we don't know we have in common or not.
/// Returns `None` if we have exhausted all options, which might mean we have traversed the entire commit graph.
fn next_have(&mut self, graph: &mut Graph<'_>) -> Option<Result<gix_hash::ObjectId, Error>>;
/// Mark `id` as being common with the remote (as informed by the remote itself) and return `true` if we knew it was common already.
/// We can assume to have already seen `id` as we were the one to inform the remote in a prior `have`.
fn in_common_with_remote(&mut self, id: gix_hash::ObjectId, graph: &mut Graph<'_>) -> Result<bool, Error>;
/// An error that happened during any of the methods on a [`Negotiator`].
pub type Error = gix_revwalk::graph::lookup::commit::Error;