blob: 9f91567da6f1f6507af8494340d8e512b9035ddc [file] [log] [blame]
//! Parse [path specifications]( and
//! see if a path matches.
#![deny(missing_docs, rust_2018_idioms)]
use std::path::PathBuf;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use bstr::BString;
/// `gix-glob` types are available through [`attributes::glob`].
pub use gix_attributes as attributes;
pub mod normalize {
use std::path::PathBuf;
/// The error returned by [Pattern::normalize()](super::Pattern::normalize()).
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("The path '{}' is not inside of the worktree '{}'", path.display(), worktree_path.display())]
AbsolutePathOutsideOfWorktree { path: PathBuf, worktree_path: PathBuf },
#[error("The path '{}' leaves the repository", path.display())]
OutsideOfWorktree { path: PathBuf },
mod pattern;
pub mod search;
pub mod parse;
/// Default settings for some fields of a [`Pattern`].
/// These can be used to represent `GIT_*_PATHSPECS` environment variables, for example.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Defaults {
/// The default signature.
pub signature: MagicSignature,
/// The default search-mode.
/// Note that even if it's [`SearchMode::Literal`], the pathspecs will be parsed as usual, but matched verbatim afterwards.
/// Note that pathspecs can override this the [`SearchMode::Literal`] variant with an explicit `:(glob)` prefix.
pub search_mode: SearchMode,
/// If set, the pathspec will not be parsed but used verbatim. Implies [`SearchMode::Literal`] for `search_mode`.
pub literal: bool,
pub mod defaults;
/// A lists of pathspec patterns, possibly from a file.
/// Pathspecs are generally relative to the root of the repository.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Search {
/// Patterns and their associated data in the order they were loaded in or specified,
/// the line number in its source file or its sequence number (_`(pattern, value, line_number)`_).
/// During matching, this order is reversed.
patterns: Vec<gix_glob::search::pattern::Mapping<search::Spec>>,
/// The path from which the patterns were read, or `None` if the patterns
/// don't originate in a file on disk.
pub source: Option<PathBuf>,
/// If `true`, this means all `patterns` are exclude patterns. This means that if there is no match
/// (which would exclude an item), we would actually match it for lack of exclusion.
all_patterns_are_excluded: bool,
/// The amount of bytes that are in common among all `patterns` and that aren't matched case-insensitively
common_prefix_len: usize,
/// The output of a pathspec [parsing][parse()] operation. It can be used to match against a one or more paths.
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone)]
pub struct Pattern {
/// The path part of a pathspec, which is typically a path possibly mixed with glob patterns.
/// Note that it might be an empty string as well.
/// For example, `:(top,literal,icase,attr,exclude)some/path` would yield `some/path`.
path: BString,
/// All magic signatures that were included in the pathspec.
pub signature: MagicSignature,
/// The search mode of the pathspec.
pub search_mode: SearchMode,
/// All attributes that were included in the `ATTR` part of the pathspec, if present.
/// `:(attr:a=one b=):path` would yield attribute `a` and `b`.
pub attributes: Vec<gix_attributes::Assignment>,
/// If `true`, we are a special Nil pattern and always match.
nil: bool,
/// The length of bytes in `path` that belong to the prefix, which will always be matched case-sensitively
/// on case-sensitive filesystems.
/// That way, even though pathspecs are applied from the top, we can emulate having changed directory into
/// a specific sub-directory in a case-sensitive file-system, even if the rest of the pathspec can be set to
/// match case-insensitively.
/// Is set by [Pattern::normalize()].
prefix_len: usize,
bitflags! {
/// Flags to represent 'magic signatures' which are parsed behind colons, like `:top:`.
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct MagicSignature: u32 {
/// Matches patterns from the root of the repository
const TOP = 1 << 0;
/// Matches patterns in case insensitive mode
const ICASE = 1 << 1;
/// Excludes the matching patterns from the previous results
const EXCLUDE = 1 << 2;
/// The pattern must match a directory, and not a file.
/// This is equivalent to how it's handled in `gix-glob`
const MUST_BE_DIR = 1 << 3;
/// Parts of [magic signatures][MagicSignature] which don't stack as they all configure
/// the way path specs are matched.
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum SearchMode {
/// Expand special characters like `*` similar to how the shell would do it.
/// See [`PathAwareGlob`](SearchMode::PathAwareGlob) for the alternative.
/// Special characters in the pattern, like `*` or `?`, are treated literally, effectively turning off globbing.
/// A single `*` will not match a `/` in the pattern, but a `**` will
/// Parse a git-style pathspec into a [`Pattern`][Pattern],
/// setting the given `default` values in case these aren't specified in `input`.
/// Note that empty [paths](Pattern::path) are allowed here, and generally some processing has to be performed.
pub fn parse(input: &[u8], default: Defaults) -> Result<Pattern, parse::Error> {
Pattern::from_bytes(input, default)