blob: 036c6138b49a288306ef5ac068e8e196d07ce578 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{io, path::Path};
use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, TempPath};
use crate::{AutoRemove, ContainingDirectory, ForksafeTempfile, Handle, NEXT_MAP_INDEX, REGISTRY};
/// Marker to signal the Registration is an open file able to be written to.
pub struct Writable;
/// Marker to signal the Registration is a closed file that consumes no additional process resources.
/// It can't ever be written to unless reopened after persisting it.
pub struct Closed;
pub(crate) enum Mode {
/// Utilities
impl Handle<()> {
fn at_path(path: &Path, directory: ContainingDirectory, cleanup: AutoRemove, mode: Mode) -> io::Result<usize> {
let tempfile = {
let mut builder = tempfile::Builder::new();
let dot_ext_storage;
match path.file_stem() {
Some(stem) => builder.prefix(stem),
None => builder.prefix(""),
if let Some(ext) = path.extension() {
dot_ext_storage = format!(".{}", ext.to_string_lossy());
let parent_dir = path.parent().expect("parent directory is present");
let parent_dir = directory.resolve(parent_dir)?;
ForksafeTempfile::new(builder.rand_bytes(0).tempfile_in(parent_dir)?, cleanup, mode)
let id = NEXT_MAP_INDEX.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
expect_none(REGISTRY.insert(id, Some(tempfile)));
fn new_writable_inner(
containing_directory: &Path,
directory: ContainingDirectory,
cleanup: AutoRemove,
mode: Mode,
) -> io::Result<usize> {
let containing_directory = directory.resolve(containing_directory)?;
let id = NEXT_MAP_INDEX.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Creation and ownership transfer
impl Handle<Closed> {
/// Create a registered tempfile at the given `path`, where `path` includes the desired filename and close it immediately.
/// Depending on the `directory` configuration, intermediate directories will be created, and depending on `cleanup` empty
/// intermediate directories will be removed.
/// ### Warning of potential leaks
/// Without [signal handlers](crate::signal) installed, tempfiles will remain once a termination
/// signal is encountered as destructors won't run. See [the top-level documentation](crate) for more.
pub fn at(path: impl AsRef<Path>, directory: ContainingDirectory, cleanup: AutoRemove) -> io::Result<Self> {
Ok(Handle {
id: Handle::<()>::at_path(path.as_ref(), directory, cleanup, Mode::Closed)?,
_marker: Default::default(),
/// Take ownership of the temporary file path, which deletes it when dropped without persisting it beforehand.
/// It's a theoretical possibility that the file isn't present anymore if signals interfere, hence the `Option`
pub fn take(self) -> Option<TempPath> {
let res = REGISTRY.remove(&;
res.and_then(|(_k, v)|
/// Creation and ownership transfer
impl Handle<Writable> {
/// Create a registered tempfile at the given `path`, where `path` includes the desired filename.
/// Depending on the `directory` configuration, intermediate directories will be created, and depending on `cleanup` empty
/// intermediate directories will be removed.
/// ### Warning of potential leaks
/// Without [signal handlers](crate::signal) installed, tempfiles will remain once a termination
/// signal is encountered as destructors won't run. See [the top-level documentation](crate) for more.
pub fn at(path: impl AsRef<Path>, directory: ContainingDirectory, cleanup: AutoRemove) -> io::Result<Self> {
Ok(Handle {
id: Handle::<()>::at_path(path.as_ref(), directory, cleanup, Mode::Writable)?,
_marker: Default::default(),
/// Create a registered tempfile within `containing_directory` with a name that won't clash, and clean it up as specified with `cleanup`.
/// Control how to deal with intermediate directories with `directory`.
/// The temporary file is opened and can be written to using the [`with_mut()`][Handle::with_mut()] method.
/// ### Warning of potential leaks
/// Without [signal handlers](crate::signal) installed, tempfiles will remain once a termination
/// signal is encountered as destructors won't run. See [the top-level documentation](crate) for more.
pub fn new(
containing_directory: impl AsRef<Path>,
directory: ContainingDirectory,
cleanup: AutoRemove,
) -> io::Result<Self> {
Ok(Handle {
id: Handle::<()>::new_writable_inner(containing_directory.as_ref(), directory, cleanup, Mode::Writable)?,
_marker: Default::default(),
/// Take ownership of the temporary file.
/// It's a theoretical possibility that the file isn't present anymore if signals interfere, hence the `Option`
pub fn take(self) -> Option<NamedTempFile> {
let res = REGISTRY.remove(&;
res.and_then(|(_k, v)||v| v.into_tempfile().expect("correct runtime typing")))
/// Close the underlying file handle but keep track of the temporary file as before for automatic cleanup.
/// This saves system resources in situations where one opens a tempfile file at a time, writes a new value, and closes
/// it right after to perform more updates of this kind in other tempfiles. When all succeed, they can be renamed one after
/// another.
pub fn close(self) -> std::io::Result<Handle<Closed>> {
match REGISTRY.remove(& {
Some((id, Some(t))) => {
expect_none(REGISTRY.insert(id, Some(t.close())));
Ok(Handle::<Closed> {
_marker: Default::default(),
None | Some((_, None)) => Err(std::io::Error::new(
format!("The tempfile with id {} wasn't available anymore",,
/// Mutation
impl Handle<Writable> {
/// Obtain a mutable handler to the underlying named tempfile and call `f(&mut named_tempfile)` on it.
/// Note that for the duration of the call, a signal interrupting the operation will cause the tempfile not to be cleaned up
/// as it is not visible anymore to the signal handler.
/// # Assumptions
/// The caller must assure that the signal handler for cleanup will be followed by an abort call so that
/// this code won't run again on a removed instance. An error will occur otherwise.
pub fn with_mut<T>(&mut self, once: impl FnOnce(&mut NamedTempFile) -> T) -> std::io::Result<T> {
match REGISTRY.remove(& {
Some((id, Some(mut t))) => {
let res = once(t.as_mut_tempfile().expect("correct runtime typing"));
expect_none(REGISTRY.insert(id, Some(t)));
None | Some((_, None)) => Err(std::io::Error::new(
format!("The tempfile with id {} wasn't available anymore",,
mod io_impls {
use std::{io, io::SeekFrom};
use super::{Handle, Writable};
impl io::Write for Handle<Writable> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
self.with_mut(|f| f.write(buf))?
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl io::Seek for Handle<Writable> {
fn seek(&mut self, pos: SeekFrom) -> io::Result<u64> {
impl io::Read for Handle<Writable> {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
pub mod persist {
use std::path::Path;
use crate::{
handle::{expect_none, Closed, Writable},
mod error {
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display};
use crate::Handle;
/// The error returned by various [`persist(…)`][Handle<crate::handle::Writable>::persist()] methods
pub struct Error<T: Debug> {
/// The io error that prevented the attempt to succeed
pub error: std::io::Error,
/// The registered handle to the tempfile which couldn't be persisted.
pub handle: Handle<T>,
impl<T: Debug> Display for Error<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
Display::fmt(&self.error, f)
impl<T: Debug> std::error::Error for Error<T> {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
pub use error::Error;
impl Handle<Writable> {
/// Persist this tempfile to replace the file at the given `path` if necessary, in a way that recovers the original instance
/// on error or returns the open now persisted former tempfile.
/// Note that it might not exist anymore if an interrupt handler managed to steal it and allowed the program to return to
/// its normal flow.
pub fn persist(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Option<std::fs::File>, Error<Writable>> {
let res = REGISTRY.remove(&;
match res.and_then(|(_k, v)||v| v.persist(path))) {
Some(Ok(Some(file))) => {
None => {
Some(Err((err, tempfile))) => {
expect_none(REGISTRY.insert(, Some(tempfile)));
Err(Error::<Writable> {
error: err,
handle: self,
Some(Ok(None)) => unreachable!("no open files in an open handle"),
impl Handle<Closed> {
/// Persist this tempfile to replace the file at the given `path` if necessary, in a way that recovers the original instance
/// on error.
pub fn persist(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(), Error<Closed>> {
let res = REGISTRY.remove(&;
match res.and_then(|(_k, v)||v| v.persist(path))) {
None | Some(Ok(None)) => {
Some(Err((err, tempfile))) => {
expect_none(REGISTRY.insert(, Some(tempfile)));
Err(Error::<Closed> {
error: err,
handle: self,
Some(Ok(Some(_file))) => unreachable!("no open files in a closed handle"),
impl ContainingDirectory {
fn resolve(self, dir: &Path) -> std::io::Result<&Path> {
match self {
ContainingDirectory::Exists => Ok(dir),
ContainingDirectory::CreateAllRaceProof(retries) => crate::create_dir::all(dir, retries),
fn expect_none<T>(v: Option<T>) {
"there should never be conflicts or old values as ids are never reused."
impl<T: std::fmt::Debug> Drop for Handle<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some((_id, Some(tempfile))) = REGISTRY.remove(& {