blob: 84c8312e9f01669c1257281cf9fbf6d3a128f87e [file] [log] [blame]
//! Cross-platform file system notification library
//! # Installation
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! notify = "6.1.1"
//! ```
//! If you want debounced events (or don't need them in-order), see [notify-debouncer-mini](
//! or [notify-debouncer-full](
//! ## Features
//! List of compilation features, see below for details
//! - `serde` for serialization of events
//! - `macos_fsevent` enabled by default, for fsevent backend on macos
//! - `macos_kqueue` for kqueue backend on macos
//! - `crossbeam-channel` enabled by default, see below
//! ### Serde
//! Events are serializable via [serde]( if the `serde` feature is enabled:
//! ```toml
//! notify = { version = "6.1.1", features = ["serde"] }
//! ```
//! ### Crossbeam-Channel & Tokio
//! By default crossbeam-channel is used internally by notify. Which also allows the [Watcher] to be sync.
//! This can [cause issues]( when used inside tokio.
//! You can disable crossbeam-channel, letting notify fallback to std channels via
//! ```toml
//! notify = { version = "6.1.1", default-features = false, features = ["macos_kqueue"] }
//! // Alternatively macos_fsevent instead of macos_kqueue
//! ```
//! Note the `macos_kqueue` requirement here, otherwise no native backend is available on macos.
//! # Known Problems
//! ### Network filesystems
//! Network mounted filesystems like NFS may not emit any events for notify to listen to.
//! This applies especially to WSL programs watching windows paths ([issue #254](
//! A workaround is the [PollWatcher] backend.
//! ### Docker with Linux on MacOS M1
//! Docker on macos M1 [throws]( `Function not implemented (os error 38)`.
//! You have to manually use the [PollWatcher], as the native backend isn't available inside the emulation.
//! ### MacOS, FSEvents and unowned files
//! Due to the inner security model of FSEvents (see [FileSystemEventSecurity](,
//! some events cannot be observed easily when trying to follow files that do not
//! belong to you. In this case, reverting to the pollwatcher can fix the issue,
//! with a slight performance cost.
//! ### Editor Behaviour
//! If you rely on precise events (Write/Delete/Create..), you will notice that the actual events
//! can differ a lot between file editors. Some truncate the file on save, some create a new one and replace the old one.
//! See also [this]( and [this]( issues for example.
//! ### Parent folder deletion
//! If you want to receive an event for a deletion of folder `b` for the path `/a/b/..`, you will have to watch its parent `/a`.
//! See [here]( for more details.
//! ### Pseudo Filesystems like /proc, /sys
//! Some filesystems like `/proc` and `/sys` on *nix do not emit change events or use correct file change dates.
//! To circumvent that problem you can use the [PollWatcher] with the `compare_contents` option.
//! ### Linux: Bad File Descriptor / No space left on device
//! This may be the case of running into the max-files watched limits of your user or system.
//! (Files also includes folders.) Note that for recursive watched folders each file and folder inside counts towards the limit.
//! You may increase this limit in linux via
//! ```sh
//! sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=8192 # example number
//! sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 # example number
//! sudo sysctl -p
//! ```
//! Note that the [PollWatcher] is not restricted by this limitation, so it may be an alternative if your users can't increase the limit.
//! ### Watching large directories
//! When watching a very large amount of files, notify may fail to receive all events.
//! For example the linux backend is documented to not be a 100% reliable source. See also issue [#412](
//! # Examples
//! For more examples visit the [examples folder]( in the repository.
//! ```rust
//! # use std::path::Path;
//! use notify::{Watcher, RecommendedWatcher, RecursiveMode, Result};
//! fn main() -> Result<()> {
//! // Automatically select the best implementation for your platform.
//! let mut watcher = notify::recommended_watcher(|res| {
//! match res {
//! Ok(event) => println!("event: {:?}", event),
//! Err(e) => println!("watch error: {:?}", e),
//! }
//! })?;
//! // Add a path to be watched. All files and directories at that path and
//! // below will be monitored for changes.
//! # #[cfg(not(any(
//! # target_os = "freebsd",
//! # target_os = "openbsd",
//! # target_os = "dragonflybsd",
//! # target_os = "netbsd")))]
//! # { // "." doesn't exist on BSD for some reason in CI
//!"."), RecursiveMode::Recursive)?;
//! # }
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ## With different configurations
//! It is possible to create several watchers with different configurations or implementations that
//! all call the same event function. This can accommodate advanced behaviour or work around limits.
//! ```rust
//! # use notify::{RecommendedWatcher, RecursiveMode, Result, Watcher};
//! # use std::path::Path;
//! #
//! # fn main() -> Result<()> {
//! fn event_fn(res: Result<notify::Event>) {
//! match res {
//! Ok(event) => println!("event: {:?}", event),
//! Err(e) => println!("watch error: {:?}", e),
//! }
//! }
//! let mut watcher1 = notify::recommended_watcher(event_fn)?;
//! // we will just use the same watcher kind again here
//! let mut watcher2 = notify::recommended_watcher(event_fn)?;
//! # #[cfg(not(any(
//! # target_os = "freebsd",
//! # target_os = "openbsd",
//! # target_os = "dragonflybsd",
//! # target_os = "netbsd")))]
//! # { // "." doesn't exist on BSD for some reason in CI
//! #"."), RecursiveMode::Recursive)?;
//! #"."), RecursiveMode::Recursive)?;
//! # }
//! // dropping the watcher1/2 here (no loop etc) will end the program
//! #
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
pub use config::{Config, RecursiveMode};
pub use error::{Error, ErrorKind, Result};
pub use event::{Event, EventKind};
use std::path::Path;
#[cfg(feature = "crossbeam-channel")]
pub(crate) type Receiver<T> = crossbeam_channel::Receiver<T>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "crossbeam-channel"))]
pub(crate) type Receiver<T> = std::sync::mpsc::Receiver<T>;
#[cfg(feature = "crossbeam-channel")]
pub(crate) type Sender<T> = crossbeam_channel::Sender<T>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "crossbeam-channel"))]
pub(crate) type Sender<T> = std::sync::mpsc::Sender<T>;
// std limitation
#[cfg(feature = "crossbeam-channel")]
pub(crate) type BoundSender<T> = crossbeam_channel::Sender<T>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "crossbeam-channel"))]
pub(crate) type BoundSender<T> = std::sync::mpsc::SyncSender<T>;
pub(crate) fn unbounded<T>() -> (Sender<T>, Receiver<T>) {
#[cfg(feature = "crossbeam-channel")]
return crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
#[cfg(not(feature = "crossbeam-channel"))]
return std::sync::mpsc::channel();
pub(crate) fn bounded<T>(cap: usize) -> (BoundSender<T>, Receiver<T>) {
#[cfg(feature = "crossbeam-channel")]
return crossbeam_channel::bounded(cap);
#[cfg(not(feature = "crossbeam-channel"))]
return std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(cap);
#[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", not(feature = "macos_kqueue")))]
pub use crate::fsevent::FsEventWatcher;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
pub use crate::inotify::INotifyWatcher;
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "openbsd",
target_os = "netbsd",
target_os = "dragonflybsd",
all(target_os = "macos", feature = "macos_kqueue")
pub use crate::kqueue::KqueueWatcher;
pub use null::NullWatcher;
pub use poll::PollWatcher;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub use windows::ReadDirectoryChangesWatcher;
#[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", not(feature = "macos_kqueue")))]
pub mod fsevent;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
pub mod inotify;
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "openbsd",
target_os = "dragonflybsd",
target_os = "netbsd",
all(target_os = "macos", feature = "macos_kqueue")
pub mod kqueue;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub mod windows;
pub mod event;
pub mod null;
pub mod poll;
mod config;
mod error;
/// The set of requirements for watcher event handling functions.
/// # Example implementation
/// ```no_run
/// use notify::{Event, Result, EventHandler};
/// /// Prints received events
/// struct EventPrinter;
/// impl EventHandler for EventPrinter {
/// fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Result<Event>) {
/// if let Ok(event) = event {
/// println!("Event: {:?}", event);
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait EventHandler: Send + 'static {
/// Handles an event.
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Result<Event>);
impl<F> EventHandler for F
F: FnMut(Result<Event>) + Send + 'static,
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Result<Event>) {
#[cfg(feature = "crossbeam-channel")]
impl EventHandler for crossbeam_channel::Sender<Result<Event>> {
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Result<Event>) {
let _ = self.send(event);
impl EventHandler for std::sync::mpsc::Sender<Result<Event>> {
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Result<Event>) {
let _ = self.send(event);
/// Watcher kind enumeration
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum WatcherKind {
/// inotify backend (linux)
/// FS-Event backend (mac)
/// KQueue backend (bsd,optionally mac)
/// Polling based backend (fallback)
/// Windows backend
/// Fake watcher for testing
/// Type that can deliver file activity notifications
/// Watcher is implemented per platform using the best implementation available on that platform.
/// In addition to such event driven implementations, a polling implementation is also provided
/// that should work on any platform.
pub trait Watcher {
/// Create a new watcher with an initial Config.
fn new<F: EventHandler>(event_handler: F, config: config::Config) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized;
/// Begin watching a new path.
/// If the `path` is a directory, `recursive_mode` will be evaluated. If `recursive_mode` is
/// `RecursiveMode::Recursive` events will be delivered for all files in that tree. Otherwise
/// only the directory and its immediate children will be watched.
/// If the `path` is a file, `recursive_mode` will be ignored and events will be delivered only
/// for the file.
/// On some platforms, if the `path` is renamed or removed while being watched, behaviour may
/// be unexpected. See discussions in [#165] and [#166]. If less surprising behaviour is wanted
/// one may non-recursively watch the _parent_ directory as well and manage related events.
/// [#165]:
/// [#166]:
fn watch(&mut self, path: &Path, recursive_mode: RecursiveMode) -> Result<()>;
/// Stop watching a path.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error in the case that `path` has not been watched or if removing the watch
/// fails.
fn unwatch(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<()>;
/// Configure the watcher at runtime.
/// See the [`Config`](config/enum.Config.html) enum for all configuration options.
/// # Returns
/// - `Ok(true)` on success.
/// - `Ok(false)` if the watcher does not support or implement the option.
/// - `Err(notify::Error)` on failure.
fn configure(&mut self, _option: Config) -> Result<bool> {
/// Returns the watcher kind, allowing to perform backend-specific tasks
fn kind() -> WatcherKind
Self: Sized;
/// The recommended `Watcher` implementation for the current platform
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
pub type RecommendedWatcher = INotifyWatcher;
/// The recommended `Watcher` implementation for the current platform
#[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", not(feature = "macos_kqueue")))]
pub type RecommendedWatcher = FsEventWatcher;
/// The recommended `Watcher` implementation for the current platform
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub type RecommendedWatcher = ReadDirectoryChangesWatcher;
/// The recommended `Watcher` implementation for the current platform
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "openbsd",
target_os = "netbsd",
target_os = "dragonflybsd",
all(target_os = "macos", feature = "macos_kqueue")
pub type RecommendedWatcher = KqueueWatcher;
/// The recommended `Watcher` implementation for the current platform
target_os = "linux",
target_os = "android",
target_os = "macos",
target_os = "windows",
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "openbsd",
target_os = "netbsd",
target_os = "dragonflybsd"
pub type RecommendedWatcher = PollWatcher;
/// Convenience method for creating the `RecommendedWatcher` for the current platform in
/// _immediate_ mode.
/// See [`Watcher::new_immediate`](trait.Watcher.html#tymethod.new_immediate).
pub fn recommended_watcher<F>(event_handler: F) -> Result<RecommendedWatcher>
F: EventHandler,
// All recommended watchers currently implement `new`, so just call that.
RecommendedWatcher::new(event_handler, Config::default())
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_object_safe() {
let _watcher: &dyn Watcher = &NullWatcher;
fn test_debug_impl() {
macro_rules! assert_debug_impl {
($t:ty) => {{
trait NeedsDebug: std::fmt::Debug {}
impl NeedsDebug for $t {}