| //! UEFI Reference Specification Protocol Constants and Definitions |
| //! |
| //! This project provides protocol constants and definitions as defined in the UEFI Reference |
| //! Specification. The aim is to provide all these constants as C-ABI compatible imports to rust. |
| //! Safe rust abstractions over the UEFI API are out of scope of this project. That is, the |
| //! purpose is really just to extract all the bits and pieces from the specification and provide |
| //! them as rust types and constants. |
| //! |
| //! While we strongly recommend using safe abstractions to interact with UEFI systems, this |
| //! project serves both as base to write those abstractions, but also as last resort if you have |
| //! to deal with quirks and peculiarities of UEFI systems directly. Therefore, several examples |
| //! are included, which show how to interact with UEFI systems from rust. These serve both as |
| //! documentation for anyone interested in how the system works, but also as base for anyone |
| //! implementing safe abstractions on top. |
| //! |
| //! # Target Configuration |
| //! |
| //! Rust code can be compiled natively for UEFI systems. However, you are quite unlikely to have a |
| //! rust compiler running in an UEFI environment. Therefore, you will most likely want to cross |
| //! compile your rust code for UEFI systems. To do this, you need a target-configuration for UEFI |
| //! systems. As of rust-1.61, upstream rust includes the following UEFI targets: |
| //! |
| //! * `aarch64-unknown-uefi`: A native UEFI target for aarch64 systems (64bit ARM). |
| //! * `i686-unknown-uefi`: A native UEFI target for i686 systems (32bit Intel x86). |
| //! * `x86_64-unknown-uefi`: A native UEFI target for x86-64 systems (64bit Intel x86). |
| //! |
| //! If none of these targets match your architecture, you have to create the target specification |
| //! yourself. Feel free to contact the `r-efi` project for help. |
| //! |
| //! # Transpose Guidelines |
| //! |
| //! The UEFI specification provides C language symbols and definitions of all |
| //! its protocols and features. Those are integral parts of the specification |
| //! and UEFI programming is often tightly coupled with the C language. For |
| //! better compatibility to existing UEFI documentation, all the rust symbols |
| //! are transposed from C following strict rules, aiming for close similarity |
| //! to specification. This section gives a rationale on some of the less |
| //! obvious choices and tries to describe as many of those rules as possible. |
| //! |
| //! * `no enums`: Rust enums do not allow random discriminant values. However, |
| //! many UEFI enumerations use reserved ranges for vendor defined values. |
| //! These cannot be represented with rust enums in an efficient manner. |
| //! Hence, any enumerations are turned into rust constants with an |
| //! accompanying type alias. |
| //! |
| //! A detailed discussion can be found in: |
| //! |
| //! ```gitlog |
| //! commit 401a91901e860a5c0cd0f92b75dda0a72cf65322 |
| //! Author: David Rheinsberg <[email protected]> |
| //! Date: Wed Apr 21 12:07:07 2021 +0200 |
| //! |
| //! r-efi: convert enums to constants |
| //! ``` |
| //! |
| //! * `no incomplete types`: Several structures use incomplete structure types |
| //! by using an unbound array as last member. While rust can easily |
| //! represent those within its type-system, such structures become DSTs, |
| //! hence even raw pointers to them become fat-pointers, and would thus |
| //! violate the UEFI ABI. |
| //! |
| //! Instead, we use const-generics to allow compile-time adjustment of the |
| //! variable-sized structures, with a default value of 0. This allows |
| //! computing different sizes of the structures without any runtime overhead. |
| //! |
| //! * `nullable callbacks as Option`: Rust has no raw function pointers, but |
| //! just normal Rust function pointers. Those, however, have no valid null |
| //! value. The Rust ABI guarantees that `Option<fn ...>` is an C-ABI |
| //! compatible replacement for nullable function pointers, with `None` being |
| //! mapped to `NULL`. Hence, whenever UEFI APIs require nullable function |
| //! pointers, we use `Option<fn ...>`. |
| //! |
| //! * `prefer *mut over *const`: Whenever we transpose pointers from the |
| //! specification into Rust, we prefer `*mut` in almost all cases. `*const` |
| //! should only be used if the underlying value is known not to be accessible |
| //! via any other mutable pointer type. Since this is rarely the case in |
| //! UEFI, we avoid it. |
| //! |
| //! The reasoning is that Rust allows coercing immutable types into `*const` |
| //! pointers, without any explicit casting required. However, immutable Rust |
| //! references require that no other mutable reference exists simultaneously. |
| //! This is not a guarantee of `const`-pointers in C / UEFI, hence this |
| //! coercion is usually ill-advised or even wrong. |
| //! |
| //! Lastly, note that `*mut` and `*const` and be `as`-casted in both |
| //! directions without violating any Rust guarantees. Any UB concerns always |
| //! stem from the safety guarantees of the surrounding code, not of the |
| //! raw-pointer handling. |
| //! |
| //! # Examples |
| //! |
| //! To write free-standing UEFI applications, you need to disable the entry-point provided by rust |
| //! and instead provide your own. Most target-configurations look for a function called `efi_main` |
| //! during linking and set it as entry point. If you use the target-configurations provided with |
| //! upstream rust, they will pick the function called `efi_main` as entry-point. |
| //! |
| //! The following example shows a minimal UEFI application, which simply returns success upon |
| //! invocation. Note that you must provide your own panic-handler when running without `libstd`. |
| //! In our case, we use a trivial implementation that simply loops forever. |
| //! |
| //! ```ignore |
| //! #![no_main] |
| //! #![no_std] |
| //! |
| //! use r_efi::efi; |
| //! |
| //! #[panic_handler] |
| //! fn panic_handler(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! { |
| //! loop {} |
| //! } |
| //! |
| //! #[export_name = "efi_main"] |
| //! pub extern fn main(_h: efi::Handle, _st: *mut efi::SystemTable) -> efi::Status { |
| //! efi::Status::SUCCESS |
| //! } |
| //! ``` |
| |
| // Mark this crate as `no_std`. We have no std::* dependencies (and we better don't have them), |
| // so no reason to require it. This does not mean that you cannot use std::* with UEFI. You have |
| // to port it to UEFI first, though. |
| // |
| // In case of unit-test compilation, we pull in `std` and drop the `no_std` marker. This allows |
| // basic unit-tests on the compilation host. For integration tests, we have separate compilation |
| // units, so they will be unaffected by this. |
| #![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)] |
| |
| // Import the different core modules. We separate them into different modules to make it easier to |
| // work on them and describe what each part implements. This is different to the reference |
| // implementation, which uses a flat namespace due to its origins in the C language. For |
| // compatibility, we provide this flat namespace as well. See the `efi` submodule. |
| #[macro_use] |
| pub mod base; |
| #[macro_use] |
| pub mod hii; |
| #[macro_use] |
| pub mod system; |
| |
| // Import the protocols. Each protocol is separated into its own module, readily imported by the |
| // meta `protocols` module. Note that this puts all symbols into their respective protocol |
| // namespace, thus clearly separating them (unlike the UEFI Specification, which more often than |
| // not violates its own namespacing). |
| pub mod protocols; |
| |
| // Import vendor protocols. They are just like protocols in `protocols`, but |
| // separated for better namespacing. |
| pub mod vendor; |
| |
| /// Flat EFI Namespace |
| /// |
| /// The EFI namespace re-exports all symbols in a single, flat namespace. This allows mirroring |
| /// the entire EFI namespace as given in the specification and makes it easier to refer to them |
| /// with the same names as the reference C implementation. |
| /// |
| /// Note that the individual protocols are put into submodules. The specification does this in |
| /// most parts as well (by prefixing all symbols). This is not true in all cases, as the |
| /// specification suffers from lack of namespaces in the reference C language. However, we decided |
| /// to namespace the remaining bits as well, for better consistency throughout the API. This |
| /// should be self-explanatory in nearly all cases. |
| pub mod efi { |
| // |
| // Re-export base |
| // |
| |
| pub use crate::base::Boolean; |
| pub use crate::base::Char16; |
| pub use crate::base::Char8; |
| pub use crate::base::Event; |
| pub use crate::base::Guid; |
| pub use crate::base::Handle; |
| pub use crate::base::ImageEntryPoint; |
| pub use crate::base::IpAddress; |
| pub use crate::base::Ipv4Address; |
| pub use crate::base::Ipv6Address; |
| pub use crate::base::Lba; |
| pub use crate::base::MacAddress; |
| pub use crate::base::PhysicalAddress; |
| pub use crate::base::Status; |
| pub use crate::base::Tpl; |
| pub use crate::base::VirtualAddress; |
| |
| // |
| // Re-export system |
| // |
| |
| pub use crate::system::Time; |
| pub use crate::system::TimeCapabilities; |
| pub use crate::system::TIME_ADJUST_DAYLIGHT; |
| pub use crate::system::TIME_IN_DAYLIGHT; |
| pub use crate::system::UNSPECIFIED_TIMEZONE; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::VariableAuthentication; |
| pub use crate::system::VariableAuthentication2; |
| pub use crate::system::VariableAuthentication3; |
| pub use crate::system::VariableAuthentication3CertId; |
| pub use crate::system::VariableAuthentication3Nonce; |
| pub use crate::system::HARDWARE_ERROR_VARIABLE_GUID; |
| pub use crate::system::VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE; |
| pub use crate::system::VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_3_CERT_ID_SHA256; |
| pub use crate::system::VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_3_NONCE_TYPE; |
| pub use crate::system::VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS; |
| pub use crate::system::VARIABLE_HARDWARE_ERROR_RECORD; |
| pub use crate::system::VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE; |
| pub use crate::system::VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::OPTIONAL_POINTER; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::ResetType; |
| pub use crate::system::RESET_COLD; |
| pub use crate::system::RESET_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC; |
| pub use crate::system::RESET_SHUTDOWN; |
| pub use crate::system::RESET_WARM; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::CapsuleBlockDescriptor; |
| pub use crate::system::CapsuleBlockDescriptorUnion; |
| pub use crate::system::CapsuleHeader; |
| pub use crate::system::CapsuleResultVariableFMP; |
| pub use crate::system::CapsuleResultVariableHeader; |
| pub use crate::system::CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET; |
| pub use crate::system::CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET; |
| pub use crate::system::CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE; |
| pub use crate::system::CAPSULE_REPORT_GUID; |
| pub use crate::system::OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI; |
| pub use crate::system::OS_INDICATIONS_FMP_CAPSULE_SUPPORTED; |
| pub use crate::system::OS_INDICATIONS_START_OS_RECOVERY; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::EventNotify; |
| pub use crate::system::TimerDelay; |
| pub use crate::system::EVENT_GROUP_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES; |
| pub use crate::system::EVENT_GROUP_MEMORY_MAP_CHANGE; |
| pub use crate::system::EVENT_GROUP_READY_TO_BOOT; |
| pub use crate::system::EVENT_GROUP_RESET_SYSTEM; |
| pub use crate::system::EVENT_GROUP_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_CHANGE; |
| pub use crate::system::EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL; |
| pub use crate::system::EVT_NOTIFY_WAIT; |
| pub use crate::system::EVT_RUNTIME; |
| pub use crate::system::EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES; |
| pub use crate::system::EVT_SIGNAL_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_CHANGE; |
| pub use crate::system::EVT_TIMER; |
| pub use crate::system::TIMER_CANCEL; |
| pub use crate::system::TIMER_PERIODIC; |
| pub use crate::system::TIMER_RELATIVE; |
| pub use crate::system::TPL_APPLICATION; |
| pub use crate::system::TPL_CALLBACK; |
| pub use crate::system::TPL_HIGH_LEVEL; |
| pub use crate::system::TPL_NOTIFY; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::AllocateType; |
| pub use crate::system::MemoryDescriptor; |
| pub use crate::system::MemoryType; |
| pub use crate::system::ACPI_MEMORY_NVS; |
| pub use crate::system::ACPI_RECLAIM_MEMORY; |
| pub use crate::system::ALLOCATE_ADDRESS; |
| pub use crate::system::ALLOCATE_ANY_PAGES; |
| pub use crate::system::ALLOCATE_MAX_ADDRESS; |
| pub use crate::system::BOOT_SERVICES_CODE; |
| pub use crate::system::BOOT_SERVICES_DATA; |
| pub use crate::system::CONVENTIONAL_MEMORY; |
| pub use crate::system::LOADER_CODE; |
| pub use crate::system::LOADER_DATA; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_MAPPED_IO; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_MAPPED_IO_PORT_SPACE; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_MORE_RELIABLE; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_NV; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_RO; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_RP; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_RUNTIME; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_UC; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_UCE; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_WB; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_WC; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_WP; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_WT; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_XP; |
| pub use crate::system::PAL_CODE; |
| pub use crate::system::PERSISTENT_MEMORY; |
| pub use crate::system::RESERVED_MEMORY_TYPE; |
| pub use crate::system::RUNTIME_SERVICES_CODE; |
| pub use crate::system::RUNTIME_SERVICES_DATA; |
| pub use crate::system::UNUSABLE_MEMORY; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::InterfaceType; |
| pub use crate::system::LocateSearchType; |
| pub use crate::system::OpenProtocolInformationEntry; |
| pub use crate::system::ALL_HANDLES; |
| pub use crate::system::BY_PROTOCOL; |
| pub use crate::system::BY_REGISTER_NOTIFY; |
| pub use crate::system::NATIVE_INTERFACE; |
| pub use crate::system::OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER; |
| pub use crate::system::OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER; |
| pub use crate::system::OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_HANDLE_PROTOCOL; |
| pub use crate::system::OPEN_PROTOCOL_EXCLUSIVE; |
| pub use crate::system::OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL; |
| pub use crate::system::OPEN_PROTOCOL_TEST_PROTOCOL; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::ConfigurationTable; |
| pub use crate::system::MemoryAttributesTable; |
| pub use crate::system::PropertiesTable; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_GUID; |
| pub use crate::system::MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE_VERSION; |
| pub use crate::system::PROPERTIES_TABLE_GUID; |
| pub use crate::system::PROPERTIES_TABLE_VERSION; |
| |
| pub use crate::system::BootServices; |
| pub use crate::system::RuntimeServices; |
| pub use crate::system::SystemTable; |
| pub use crate::system::TableHeader; |
| pub use crate::system::BOOT_SERVICES_REVISION; |
| pub use crate::system::BOOT_SERVICES_SIGNATURE; |
| pub use crate::system::RUNTIME_SERVICES_REVISION; |
| pub use crate::system::RUNTIME_SERVICES_SIGNATURE; |
| pub use crate::system::SPECIFICATION_REVISION; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_1_02; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_1_10; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_00; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_10; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_20; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_30; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_31; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_40; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_50; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_60; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_REVISION_2_70; |
| pub use crate::system::SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE; |
| |
| // |
| // Re-export HII |
| // |
| |
| pub use crate::hii; |
| |
| // |
| // Re-export protocols |
| // |
| |
| pub use crate::protocols; |
| |
| // |
| // Re-export vendor. |
| // |
| |
| pub use crate::vendor; |
| } |