blob: 1fda60c021eed7f744a53d30e97799cae93d8940 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module specifies the type based interner for constants.
//! After a const evaluation has computed a value, before we destroy the const evaluator's session
//! memory, we need to extract all memory allocations to the global memory pool so they stay around.
//! In principle, this is not very complicated: we recursively walk the final value, follow all the
//! pointers, and move all reachable allocations to the global `tcx` memory. The only complication
//! is picking the right mutability for the allocations in a `static` initializer: we want to make
//! as many allocations as possible immutable so LLVM can put them into read-only memory. At the
//! same time, we need to make memory that could be mutated by the program mutable to avoid
//! incorrect compilations. To achieve this, we do a type-based traversal of the final value,
//! tracking mutable and shared references and `UnsafeCell` to determine the current mutability.
//! (In principle, we could skip this type-based part for `const` and promoteds, as they need to be
//! always immutable. At least for `const` however we use this opportunity to reject any `const`
//! that contains allocations whose mutability we cannot identify.)
use super::validity::RefTracking;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use rustc_errors::ErrorGuaranteed;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_middle::mir::interpret::InterpResult;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, layout::TyAndLayout, Ty};
use rustc_ast::Mutability;
use super::{
AllocId, Allocation, ConstAllocation, InterpCx, MPlaceTy, Machine, MemoryKind, PlaceTy,
use crate::const_eval;
pub trait CompileTimeMachine<'mir, 'tcx, T> = Machine<
MemoryKind = T,
PointerTag = AllocId,
ExtraFnVal = !,
FrameExtra = (),
AllocExtra = (),
MemoryMap = FxHashMap<AllocId, (MemoryKind<T>, Allocation)>,
struct InternVisitor<'rt, 'mir, 'tcx, M: CompileTimeMachine<'mir, 'tcx, const_eval::MemoryKind>> {
/// The ectx from which we intern.
ecx: &'rt mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>,
/// Previously encountered safe references.
ref_tracking: &'rt mut RefTracking<(MPlaceTy<'tcx>, InternMode)>,
/// A list of all encountered allocations. After type-based interning, we traverse this list to
/// also intern allocations that are only referenced by a raw pointer or inside a union.
leftover_allocations: &'rt mut FxHashSet<AllocId>,
/// The root kind of the value that we're looking at. This field is never mutated for a
/// particular allocation. It is primarily used to make as many allocations as possible
/// read-only so LLVM can place them in const memory.
mode: InternMode,
/// This field stores whether we are *currently* inside an `UnsafeCell`. This can affect
/// the intern mode of references we encounter.
inside_unsafe_cell: bool,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Hash, Eq)]
enum InternMode {
/// A static and its current mutability. Below shared references inside a `static mut`,
/// this is *immutable*, and below mutable references inside an `UnsafeCell`, this
/// is *mutable*.
/// A `const`.
/// Signalling data structure to ensure we don't recurse
/// into the memory of other constants or statics
struct IsStaticOrFn;
/// Intern an allocation without looking at its children.
/// `mode` is the mode of the environment where we found this pointer.
/// `mutability` is the mutability of the place to be interned; even if that says
/// `immutable` things might become mutable if `ty` is not frozen.
/// `ty` can be `None` if there is no potential interior mutability
/// to account for (e.g. for vtables).
fn intern_shallow<'rt, 'mir, 'tcx, M: CompileTimeMachine<'mir, 'tcx, const_eval::MemoryKind>>(
ecx: &'rt mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>,
leftover_allocations: &'rt mut FxHashSet<AllocId>,
alloc_id: AllocId,
mode: InternMode,
ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
) -> Option<IsStaticOrFn> {
trace!("intern_shallow {:?} with {:?}", alloc_id, mode);
// remove allocation
let tcx = ecx.tcx;
let Some((kind, mut alloc)) = ecx.memory.alloc_map.remove(&alloc_id) else {
// Pointer not found in local memory map. It is either a pointer to the global
// map, or dangling.
// If the pointer is dangling (neither in local nor global memory), we leave it
// to validation to error -- it has the much better error messages, pointing out where
// in the value the dangling reference lies.
// The `delay_span_bug` ensures that we don't forget such a check in validation.
if tcx.get_global_alloc(alloc_id).is_none() {
tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(ecx.tcx.span, "tried to intern dangling pointer");
// treat dangling pointers like other statics
// just to stop trying to recurse into them
return Some(IsStaticOrFn);
// This match is just a canary for future changes to `MemoryKind`, which most likely need
// changes in this function.
match kind {
| MemoryKind::Machine(const_eval::MemoryKind::Heap)
| MemoryKind::CallerLocation => {}
// Set allocation mutability as appropriate. This is used by LLVM to put things into
// read-only memory, and also by Miri when evaluating other globals that
// access this one.
if let InternMode::Static(mutability) = mode {
// For this, we need to take into account `UnsafeCell`. When `ty` is `None`, we assume
// no interior mutability.
let frozen = ty.map_or(true, |ty| ty.is_freeze(ecx.tcx, ecx.param_env));
// For statics, allocation mutability is the combination of place mutability and
// type mutability.
// The entire allocation needs to be mutable if it contains an `UnsafeCell` anywhere.
let immutable = mutability == Mutability::Not && frozen;
if immutable {
alloc.mutability = Mutability::Not;
} else {
// Just making sure we are not "upgrading" an immutable allocation to mutable.
assert_eq!(alloc.mutability, Mutability::Mut);
} else {
// No matter what, *constants are never mutable*. Mutating them is UB.
// See const_eval::machine::MemoryExtra::can_access_statics for why
// immutability is so important.
// Validation will ensure that there is no `UnsafeCell` on an immutable allocation.
alloc.mutability = Mutability::Not;
// link the alloc id to the actual allocation
leftover_allocations.extend(alloc.relocations().iter().map(|&(_, alloc_id)| alloc_id));
let alloc = tcx.intern_const_alloc(alloc);
tcx.set_alloc_id_memory(alloc_id, alloc);
impl<'rt, 'mir, 'tcx, M: CompileTimeMachine<'mir, 'tcx, const_eval::MemoryKind>>
InternVisitor<'rt, 'mir, 'tcx, M>
fn intern_shallow(
&mut self,
alloc_id: AllocId,
mode: InternMode,
ty: Option<Ty<'tcx>>,
) -> Option<IsStaticOrFn> {
intern_shallow(self.ecx, self.leftover_allocations, alloc_id, mode, ty)
impl<'rt, 'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: CompileTimeMachine<'mir, 'tcx, const_eval::MemoryKind>>
ValueVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, M> for InternVisitor<'rt, 'mir, 'tcx, M>
type V = MPlaceTy<'tcx>;
fn ecx(&self) -> &InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M> {
fn visit_aggregate(
&mut self,
mplace: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
fields: impl Iterator<Item = InterpResult<'tcx, Self::V>>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
// ZSTs cannot contain pointers, so we can skip them.
if mplace.layout.is_zst() {
return Ok(());
if let Some(def) = mplace.layout.ty.ty_adt_def() {
if Some(def.did()) == self.ecx.tcx.lang_items().unsafe_cell_type() {
// We are crossing over an `UnsafeCell`, we can mutate again. This means that
// References we encounter inside here are interned as pointing to mutable
// allocations.
// Remember the `old` value to handle nested `UnsafeCell`.
let old = std::mem::replace(&mut self.inside_unsafe_cell, true);
let walked = self.walk_aggregate(mplace, fields);
self.inside_unsafe_cell = old;
return walked;
self.walk_aggregate(mplace, fields)
fn visit_value(&mut self, mplace: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
// Handle Reference types, as these are the only relocations supported by const eval.
// Raw pointers (and boxes) are handled by the `leftover_relocations` logic.
let tcx = self.ecx.tcx;
let ty = mplace.layout.ty;
if let ty::Ref(_, referenced_ty, ref_mutability) = *ty.kind() {
let value = self.ecx.read_immediate(&(*mplace).into())?;
let mplace = self.ecx.ref_to_mplace(&value)?;
assert_eq!(mplace.layout.ty, referenced_ty);
// Handle trait object vtables.
if let ty::Dynamic(..) =
tcx.struct_tail_erasing_lifetimes(referenced_ty, self.ecx.param_env).kind()
let ptr = self.ecx.scalar_to_ptr(mplace.meta.unwrap_meta())?;
if let Some(alloc_id) = ptr.provenance {
// Explicitly choose const mode here, since vtables are immutable, even
// if the reference of the fat pointer is mutable.
self.intern_shallow(alloc_id, InternMode::Const, None);
} else {
// Validation will error (with a better message) on an invalid vtable pointer.
// Let validation show the error message, but make sure it *does* error.
.delay_span_bug(tcx.span, "vtables pointers cannot be integer pointers");
// Check if we have encountered this pointer+layout combination before.
// Only recurse for allocation-backed pointers.
if let Some(alloc_id) = mplace.ptr.provenance {
// Compute the mode with which we intern this. Our goal here is to make as many
// statics as we can immutable so they can be placed in read-only memory by LLVM.
let ref_mode = match self.mode {
InternMode::Static(mutbl) => {
// In statics, merge outer mutability with reference mutability and
// take into account whether we are in an `UnsafeCell`.
// The only way a mutable reference actually works as a mutable reference is
// by being in a `static mut` directly or behind another mutable reference.
// If there's an immutable reference or we are inside a `static`, then our
// mutable reference is equivalent to an immutable one. As an example:
// `&&mut Foo` is semantically equivalent to `&&Foo`
match ref_mutability {
_ if self.inside_unsafe_cell => {
// Inside an `UnsafeCell` is like inside a `static mut`, the "outer"
// mutability does not matter.
Mutability::Not => {
// A shared reference, things become immutable.
// We do *not* consider `freeze` here: `intern_shallow` considers
// `freeze` for the actual mutability of this allocation; the intern
// mode for references contained in this allocation is tracked more
// precisely when traversing the referenced data (by tracking
// `UnsafeCell`). This makes sure that `&(&i32, &Cell<i32>)` still
// has the left inner reference interned into a read-only
// allocation.
Mutability::Mut => {
// Mutable reference.
InternMode::Const => {
// Ignore `UnsafeCell`, everything is immutable. Validity does some sanity
// checking for mutable references that we encounter -- they must all be
// ZST.
match self.intern_shallow(alloc_id, ref_mode, Some(referenced_ty)) {
// No need to recurse, these are interned already and statics may have
// cycles, so we don't want to recurse there
Some(IsStaticOrFn) => {}
// intern everything referenced by this value. The mutability is taken from the
// reference. It is checked above that mutable references only happen in
// `static mut`
None => self.ref_tracking.track((mplace, ref_mode), || ()),
} else {
// Not a reference -- proceed recursively.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Hash, Eq)]
pub enum InternKind {
/// The `mutability` of the static, ignoring the type which may have interior mutability.
/// Intern `ret` and everything it references.
/// This *cannot raise an interpreter error*. Doing so is left to validation, which
/// tracks where in the value we are and thus can show much better error messages.
/// Any errors here would anyway be turned into `const_err` lints, whereas validation failures
/// are hard errors.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(ecx))]
pub fn intern_const_alloc_recursive<
'tcx: 'mir,
M: CompileTimeMachine<'mir, 'tcx, const_eval::MemoryKind>,
ecx: &mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>,
intern_kind: InternKind,
ret: &MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
) -> Result<(), ErrorGuaranteed> {
let tcx = ecx.tcx;
let base_intern_mode = match intern_kind {
InternKind::Static(mutbl) => InternMode::Static(mutbl),
// `Constant` includes array lengths.
InternKind::Constant | InternKind::Promoted => InternMode::Const,
// Type based interning.
// `ref_tracking` tracks typed references we have already interned and still need to crawl for
// more typed information inside them.
// `leftover_allocations` collects *all* allocations we see, because some might not
// be available in a typed way. They get interned at the end.
let mut ref_tracking = RefTracking::empty();
let leftover_allocations = &mut FxHashSet::default();
// start with the outermost allocation
// The outermost allocation must exist, because we allocated it with
// `Memory::allocate`.
ref_tracking.track((*ret, base_intern_mode), || ());
while let Some(((mplace, mode), _)) = ref_tracking.todo.pop() {
let res = InternVisitor {
ref_tracking: &mut ref_tracking,
inside_unsafe_cell: false,
// We deliberately *ignore* interpreter errors here. When there is a problem, the remaining
// references are "leftover"-interned, and later validation will show a proper error
// and point at the right part of the value causing the problem.
match res {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(error) => {
"error during interning should later cause validation failure: {}",
// Intern the rest of the allocations as mutable. These might be inside unions, padding, raw
// pointers, ... So we can't intern them according to their type rules
let mut todo: Vec<_> = leftover_allocations.iter().cloned().collect();
debug!("dead_alloc_map: {:#?}", ecx.memory.dead_alloc_map);
while let Some(alloc_id) = todo.pop() {
if let Some((_, mut alloc)) = ecx.memory.alloc_map.remove(&alloc_id) {
// We can't call the `intern_shallow` method here, as its logic is tailored to safe
// references and a `leftover_allocations` set (where we only have a todo-list here).
// So we hand-roll the interning logic here again.
match intern_kind {
// Statics may contain mutable allocations even behind relocations.
// Even for immutable statics it would be ok to have mutable allocations behind
// raw pointers, e.g. for `static FOO: *const AtomicUsize = &AtomicUsize::new(42)`.
InternKind::Static(_) => {}
// Raw pointers in promoteds may only point to immutable things so we mark
// everything as immutable.
// It is UB to mutate through a raw pointer obtained via an immutable reference:
// Since all references and pointers inside a promoted must by their very definition
// be created from an immutable reference (and promotion also excludes interior
// mutability), mutating through them would be UB.
// There's no way we can check whether the user is using raw pointers correctly,
// so all we can do is mark this as immutable here.
InternKind::Promoted => {
// See const_eval::machine::MemoryExtra::can_access_statics for why
// immutability is so important.
alloc.mutability = Mutability::Not;
InternKind::Constant => {
// If it's a constant, we should not have any "leftovers" as everything
// is tracked by const-checking.
// FIXME: downgrade this to a warning? It rejects some legitimate consts,
// such as `const CONST_RAW: *const Vec<i32> = &Vec::new() as *const _;`.
.span_err(ecx.tcx.span, "untyped pointers are not allowed in constant");
// For better errors later, mark the allocation as immutable.
alloc.mutability = Mutability::Not;
let alloc = tcx.intern_const_alloc(alloc);
tcx.set_alloc_id_memory(alloc_id, alloc);
for &(_, alloc_id) in alloc.inner().relocations().iter() {
if leftover_allocations.insert(alloc_id) {
} else if ecx.memory.dead_alloc_map.contains_key(&alloc_id) {
// Codegen does not like dangling pointers, and generally `tcx` assumes that
// all allocations referenced anywhere actually exist. So, make sure we error here.
let reported = ecx
.span_err(ecx.tcx.span, "encountered dangling pointer in final constant");
return Err(reported);
} else if ecx.tcx.get_global_alloc(alloc_id).is_none() {
// We have hit an `AllocId` that is neither in local or global memory and isn't
// marked as dangling by local memory. That should be impossible.
span_bug!(ecx.tcx.span, "encountered unknown alloc id {:?}", alloc_id);
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir, M: super::intern::CompileTimeMachine<'mir, 'tcx, !>>
InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>
/// A helper function that allocates memory for the layout given and gives you access to mutate
/// it. Once your own mutation code is done, the backing `Allocation` is removed from the
/// current `Memory` and returned.
pub fn intern_with_temp_alloc(
&mut self,
layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
f: impl FnOnce(
&mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, M>,
&PlaceTy<'tcx, M::PointerTag>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ()>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ConstAllocation<'tcx>> {
let dest = self.allocate(layout, MemoryKind::Stack)?;
f(self, &dest.into())?;
let mut alloc = self.memory.alloc_map.remove(&dest.ptr.provenance.unwrap()).unwrap().1;
alloc.mutability = Mutability::Not;