blob: e1e0ed7222d55fb39265197de0f449e32bf5d32d [file] [log] [blame]
use fluent_bundle::FluentResource;
use fluent_syntax::parser::ParserError;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use rustc_macros::{Decodable, Encodable};
use rustc_span::Span;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use tracing::{instrument, trace};
use std::lazy::Lazy;
use std::lazy::SyncLazy as Lazy;
use intl_memoizer::concurrent::IntlLangMemoizer;
use intl_memoizer::IntlLangMemoizer;
pub use fluent_bundle::{FluentArgs, FluentError, FluentValue};
pub use unic_langid::{langid, LanguageIdentifier};
pub static DEFAULT_LOCALE_RESOURCES: &'static [&'static str] =
&[include_str!("../locales/en-US/typeck.ftl"), include_str!("../locales/en-US/parser.ftl")];
pub type FluentBundle = fluent_bundle::bundle::FluentBundle<FluentResource, IntlLangMemoizer>;
fn new_bundle(locales: Vec<LanguageIdentifier>) -> FluentBundle {
fn new_bundle(locales: Vec<LanguageIdentifier>) -> FluentBundle {
pub enum TranslationBundleError {
/// Failed to read from `.ftl` file.
/// Failed to parse contents of `.ftl` file.
/// Failed to add `FluentResource` to `FluentBundle`.
/// `$sysroot/share/locale/$locale` does not exist.
/// Cannot read directory entries of `$sysroot/share/locale/$locale`.
/// Cannot read directory entry of `$sysroot/share/locale/$locale`.
/// `$sysroot/share/locale/$locale` is not a directory.
impl fmt::Display for TranslationBundleError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
TranslationBundleError::ReadFtl(e) => write!(f, "could not read ftl file: {}", e),
TranslationBundleError::ParseFtl(e) => {
write!(f, "could not parse ftl file: {}", e)
TranslationBundleError::AddResource(e) => write!(f, "failed to add resource: {}", e),
TranslationBundleError::MissingLocale => write!(f, "missing locale directory"),
TranslationBundleError::ReadLocalesDir(e) => {
write!(f, "could not read locales dir: {}", e)
TranslationBundleError::ReadLocalesDirEntry(e) => {
write!(f, "could not read locales dir entry: {}", e)
TranslationBundleError::LocaleIsNotDir => {
write!(f, "`$sysroot/share/locales/$locale` is not a directory")
impl Error for TranslationBundleError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match self {
TranslationBundleError::ReadFtl(e) => Some(e),
TranslationBundleError::ParseFtl(e) => Some(e),
TranslationBundleError::AddResource(e) => Some(e),
TranslationBundleError::MissingLocale => None,
TranslationBundleError::ReadLocalesDir(e) => Some(e),
TranslationBundleError::ReadLocalesDirEntry(e) => Some(e),
TranslationBundleError::LocaleIsNotDir => None,
impl From<(FluentResource, Vec<ParserError>)> for TranslationBundleError {
fn from((_, mut errs): (FluentResource, Vec<ParserError>)) -> Self {
TranslationBundleError::ParseFtl(errs.pop().expect("failed ftl parse with no errors"))
impl From<Vec<FluentError>> for TranslationBundleError {
fn from(mut errs: Vec<FluentError>) -> Self {
errs.pop().expect("failed adding resource to bundle with no errors"),
/// Returns Fluent bundle with the user's locale resources from
/// `$sysroot/share/locale/$requested_locale/*.ftl`.
/// If `-Z additional-ftl-path` was provided, load that resource and add it to the bundle
/// (overriding any conflicting messages).
#[instrument(level = "trace")]
pub fn fluent_bundle(
mut user_provided_sysroot: Option<PathBuf>,
mut sysroot_candidates: Vec<PathBuf>,
requested_locale: Option<LanguageIdentifier>,
additional_ftl_path: Option<&Path>,
with_directionality_markers: bool,
) -> Result<Option<Lrc<FluentBundle>>, TranslationBundleError> {
if requested_locale.is_none() && additional_ftl_path.is_none() {
return Ok(None);
let fallback_locale = langid!("en-US");
let requested_fallback_locale = requested_locale.as_ref() == Some(&fallback_locale);
// If there is only `-Z additional-ftl-path`, assume locale is "en-US", otherwise use user
// provided locale.
let locale = requested_locale.clone().unwrap_or(fallback_locale);
let mut bundle = new_bundle(vec![locale]);
// Fluent diagnostics can insert directionality isolation markers around interpolated variables
// indicating that there may be a shift from right-to-left to left-to-right text (or
// vice-versa). These are disabled because they are sometimes visible in the error output, but
// may be worth investigating in future (for example: if type names are left-to-right and the
// surrounding diagnostic messages are right-to-left, then these might be helpful).
// If the user requests the default locale then don't try to load anything.
if !requested_fallback_locale && let Some(requested_locale) = requested_locale {
let mut found_resources = false;
for sysroot in user_provided_sysroot.iter_mut().chain(sysroot_candidates.iter_mut()) {
if !sysroot.exists() {
if !sysroot.is_dir() {
return Err(TranslationBundleError::LocaleIsNotDir);
for entry in sysroot.read_dir().map_err(TranslationBundleError::ReadLocalesDir)? {
let entry = entry.map_err(TranslationBundleError::ReadLocalesDirEntry)?;
let path = entry.path();
if path.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) != Some("ftl") {
let resource_str =
let resource =
found_resources = true;
if !found_resources {
return Err(TranslationBundleError::MissingLocale);
if let Some(additional_ftl_path) = additional_ftl_path {
let resource_str =
let resource =
let bundle = Lrc::new(bundle);
/// Type alias for the result of `fallback_fluent_bundle` - a reference-counted pointer to a lazily
/// evaluated fluent bundle.
pub type LazyFallbackBundle = Lrc<Lazy<FluentBundle, impl FnOnce() -> FluentBundle>>;
/// Return the default `FluentBundle` with standard "en-US" diagnostic messages.
#[instrument(level = "trace")]
pub fn fallback_fluent_bundle(
resources: &'static [&'static str],
with_directionality_markers: bool,
) -> LazyFallbackBundle {
Lrc::new(Lazy::new(move || {
let mut fallback_bundle = new_bundle(vec![langid!("en-US")]);
// See comment in `fluent_bundle`.
for resource in resources {
let resource = FluentResource::try_new(resource.to_string())
.expect("failed to parse fallback fluent resource");
/// Identifier for the Fluent message/attribute corresponding to a diagnostic message.
type FluentId = Cow<'static, str>;
/// Abstraction over a message in a diagnostic to support both translatable and non-translatable
/// diagnostic messages.
/// Intended to be removed once diagnostics are entirely translatable.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub enum DiagnosticMessage {
/// Non-translatable diagnostic message.
// FIXME(davidtwco): can a `Cow<'static, str>` be used here?
/// Identifier for a Fluent message (with optional attribute) corresponding to the diagnostic
/// message.
/// <>
/// <>
FluentIdentifier(FluentId, Option<FluentId>),
impl DiagnosticMessage {
/// Returns the `String` contained within the `DiagnosticMessage::Str` variant, assuming that
/// this diagnostic message is of the legacy, non-translatable variety. Panics if this
/// assumption does not hold.
/// Don't use this - it exists to support some places that do comparison with diagnostic
/// strings.
pub fn expect_str(&self) -> &str {
match self {
DiagnosticMessage::Str(s) => s,
_ => panic!("expected non-translatable diagnostic message"),
/// Create a `DiagnosticMessage` for the provided Fluent identifier.
pub fn fluent(id: impl Into<FluentId>) -> Self {
DiagnosticMessage::FluentIdentifier(id.into(), None)
/// Create a `DiagnosticMessage` for the provided Fluent identifier and attribute.
pub fn fluent_attr(id: impl Into<FluentId>, attr: impl Into<FluentId>) -> Self {
DiagnosticMessage::FluentIdentifier(id.into(), Some(attr.into()))
/// `From` impl that enables existing diagnostic calls to functions which now take
/// `impl Into<DiagnosticMessage>` to continue to work as before.
impl<S: Into<String>> From<S> for DiagnosticMessage {
fn from(s: S) -> Self {
/// A span together with some additional data.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SpanLabel {
/// The span we are going to include in the final snippet.
pub span: Span,
/// Is this a primary span? This is the "locus" of the message,
/// and is indicated with a `^^^^` underline, versus `----`.
pub is_primary: bool,
/// What label should we attach to this span (if any)?
pub label: Option<DiagnosticMessage>,
/// A collection of `Span`s.
/// Spans have two orthogonal attributes:
/// - They can be *primary spans*. In this case they are the locus of
/// the error, and would be rendered with `^^^`.
/// - They can have a *label*. In this case, the label is written next
/// to the mark in the snippet when we render.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub struct MultiSpan {
primary_spans: Vec<Span>,
span_labels: Vec<(Span, DiagnosticMessage)>,
impl MultiSpan {
pub fn new() -> MultiSpan {
MultiSpan { primary_spans: vec![], span_labels: vec![] }
pub fn from_span(primary_span: Span) -> MultiSpan {
MultiSpan { primary_spans: vec![primary_span], span_labels: vec![] }
pub fn from_spans(mut vec: Vec<Span>) -> MultiSpan {
MultiSpan { primary_spans: vec, span_labels: vec![] }
pub fn push_span_label(&mut self, span: Span, label: impl Into<DiagnosticMessage>) {
self.span_labels.push((span, label.into()));
/// Selects the first primary span (if any).
pub fn primary_span(&self) -> Option<Span> {
/// Returns all primary spans.
pub fn primary_spans(&self) -> &[Span] {
/// Returns `true` if any of the primary spans are displayable.
pub fn has_primary_spans(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if this contains only a dummy primary span with any hygienic context.
pub fn is_dummy(&self) -> bool {
self.primary_spans.iter().all(|sp| sp.is_dummy())
/// Replaces all occurrences of one Span with another. Used to move `Span`s in areas that don't
/// display well (like std macros). Returns whether replacements occurred.
pub fn replace(&mut self, before: Span, after: Span) -> bool {
let mut replacements_occurred = false;
for primary_span in &mut self.primary_spans {
if *primary_span == before {
*primary_span = after;
replacements_occurred = true;
for span_label in &mut self.span_labels {
if span_label.0 == before {
span_label.0 = after;
replacements_occurred = true;
/// Returns the strings to highlight. We always ensure that there
/// is an entry for each of the primary spans -- for each primary
/// span `P`, if there is at least one label with span `P`, we return
/// those labels (marked as primary). But otherwise we return
/// `SpanLabel` instances with empty labels.
pub fn span_labels(&self) -> Vec<SpanLabel> {
let is_primary = |span| self.primary_spans.contains(&span);
let mut span_labels = self
.map(|&(span, ref label)| SpanLabel {
is_primary: is_primary(span),
label: Some(label.clone()),
for &span in &self.primary_spans {
if !span_labels.iter().any(|sl| sl.span == span) {
span_labels.push(SpanLabel { span, is_primary: true, label: None });
/// Returns `true` if any of the span labels is displayable.
pub fn has_span_labels(&self) -> bool {
self.span_labels.iter().any(|(sp, _)| !sp.is_dummy())
impl From<Span> for MultiSpan {
fn from(span: Span) -> MultiSpan {
impl From<Vec<Span>> for MultiSpan {
fn from(spans: Vec<Span>) -> MultiSpan {