blob: 9f7ef3981c75b6ff5a922a5164bb2b1abde43b21 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::LazyQueryDecodable;
use crate::creader::{CStore, LoadedMacro};
use crate::foreign_modules;
use crate::native_libs;
use rustc_ast as ast;
use rustc_hir::def::{CtorKind, DefKind, Res};
use rustc_hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, DefIdMap, LOCAL_CRATE};
use rustc_hir::definitions::{DefKey, DefPath, DefPathHash};
use rustc_middle::metadata::ModChild;
use rustc_middle::middle::exported_symbols::ExportedSymbol;
use rustc_middle::ty::fast_reject::SimplifiedType;
use rustc_middle::ty::query::{ExternProviders, Providers};
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt, Visibility};
use rustc_session::cstore::{CrateSource, CrateStore};
use rustc_session::utils::NativeLibKind;
use rustc_session::{Session, StableCrateId};
use rustc_span::hygiene::{ExpnHash, ExpnId};
use rustc_span::source_map::{Span, Spanned};
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, Symbol};
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::any::Any;
macro_rules! provide_one {
(<$lt:tt> $tcx:ident, $def_id:ident, $other:ident, $cdata:ident, $name:ident => { table }) => {
provide_one! {
<$lt> $tcx, $def_id, $other, $cdata, $name => {
$cdata.root.tables.$name.get($cdata, $def_id.index).decode_query(
|| panic!("{:?} does not have a {:?}", $def_id, stringify!($name)),
(<$lt:tt> $tcx:ident, $def_id:ident, $other:ident, $cdata:ident, $name:ident => $compute:block) => {
fn $name<$lt>(
$tcx: TyCtxt<$lt>,
def_id_arg: ty::query::query_keys::$name<$lt>,
) -> ty::query::query_values::$name<$lt> {
let _prof_timer =
$!("metadata_decode_entry_", stringify!($name)));
let ($def_id, $other) = def_id_arg.into_args();
// External query providers call `crate_hash` in order to register a dependency
// on the crate metadata. The exception is `crate_hash` itself, which obviously
// doesn't need to do this (and can't, as it would cause a query cycle).
use rustc_middle::dep_graph::DepKind;
if DepKind::$name != DepKind::crate_hash && $tcx.dep_graph.is_fully_enabled() {
let $cdata = CStore::from_tcx($tcx).get_crate_data($def_id.krate);
macro_rules! provide {
(<$lt:tt> $tcx:ident, $def_id:ident, $other:ident, $cdata:ident,
$($name:ident => { $($compute:tt)* })*) => {
pub fn provide_extern(providers: &mut ExternProviders) {
$(provide_one! {
<$lt> $tcx, $def_id, $other, $cdata, $name => { $($compute)* }
*providers = ExternProviders {
// small trait to work around different signature queries all being defined via
// the macro above.
trait IntoArgs {
type Other;
fn into_args(self) -> (DefId, Self::Other);
impl IntoArgs for DefId {
type Other = ();
fn into_args(self) -> (DefId, ()) {
(self, ())
impl IntoArgs for CrateNum {
type Other = ();
fn into_args(self) -> (DefId, ()) {
(self.as_def_id(), ())
impl IntoArgs for (CrateNum, DefId) {
type Other = DefId;
fn into_args(self) -> (DefId, DefId) {
(self.0.as_def_id(), self.1)
impl<'tcx> IntoArgs for ty::InstanceDef<'tcx> {
type Other = ();
fn into_args(self) -> (DefId, ()) {
(self.def_id(), ())
impl IntoArgs for (CrateNum, SimplifiedType) {
type Other = SimplifiedType;
fn into_args(self) -> (DefId, SimplifiedType) {
(self.0.as_def_id(), self.1)
provide! { <'tcx> tcx, def_id, other, cdata,
explicit_item_bounds => { table }
explicit_predicates_of => { table }
generics_of => { table }
inferred_outlives_of => { table }
super_predicates_of => { table }
type_of => { table }
variances_of => { table }
fn_sig => { table }
codegen_fn_attrs => { table }
impl_trait_ref => { table }
const_param_default => { table }
thir_abstract_const => { table }
optimized_mir => { table }
mir_for_ctfe => { table }
promoted_mir => { table }
def_span => { table }
def_ident_span => { table }
lookup_stability => { table }
lookup_const_stability => { table }
lookup_deprecation_entry => { table }
visibility => { table }
unused_generic_params => { table }
opt_def_kind => { table }
impl_parent => { table }
impl_polarity => { table }
impl_defaultness => { table }
impl_constness => { table }
coerce_unsized_info => { table }
mir_const_qualif => { table }
rendered_const => { table }
asyncness => { table }
fn_arg_names => { table }
generator_kind => { table }
trait_def => { table }
adt_def => { cdata.get_adt_def(def_id.index, tcx) }
adt_destructor => {
let _ = cdata;
tcx.calculate_dtor(def_id, |_,_| Ok(()))
associated_item_def_ids => {
tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(cdata.get_associated_item_def_ids(def_id.index, tcx.sess))
associated_item => { cdata.get_associated_item(def_id.index) }
inherent_impls => { cdata.get_inherent_implementations_for_type(tcx, def_id.index) }
is_foreign_item => { cdata.is_foreign_item(def_id.index) }
item_attrs => { tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(cdata.get_item_attrs(def_id.index, tcx.sess)) }
trait_of_item => { cdata.get_trait_of_item(def_id.index) }
is_mir_available => { cdata.is_item_mir_available(def_id.index) }
is_ctfe_mir_available => { cdata.is_ctfe_mir_available(def_id.index) }
dylib_dependency_formats => { cdata.get_dylib_dependency_formats(tcx) }
is_private_dep => { cdata.private_dep }
is_panic_runtime => { cdata.root.panic_runtime }
is_compiler_builtins => { cdata.root.compiler_builtins }
has_global_allocator => { cdata.root.has_global_allocator }
has_panic_handler => { cdata.root.has_panic_handler }
is_profiler_runtime => { cdata.root.profiler_runtime }
panic_strategy => { cdata.root.panic_strategy }
panic_in_drop_strategy => { cdata.root.panic_in_drop_strategy }
extern_crate => {
let r = *cdata.extern_crate.lock();|c| &*tcx.arena.alloc(c))
is_no_builtins => { cdata.root.no_builtins }
symbol_mangling_version => { cdata.root.symbol_mangling_version }
reachable_non_generics => {
let reachable_non_generics = tcx
.filter_map(|&(exported_symbol, export_info)| {
if let ExportedSymbol::NonGeneric(def_id) = exported_symbol {
Some((def_id, export_info))
} else {
native_libraries => { cdata.get_native_libraries(tcx.sess).collect() }
foreign_modules => { cdata.get_foreign_modules(tcx.sess).map(|m| (m.def_id, m)).collect() }
crate_hash => { cdata.root.hash }
crate_host_hash => { cdata.host_hash }
crate_name => { }
extra_filename => { cdata.root.extra_filename.clone() }
traits_in_crate => { tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(cdata.get_traits()) }
implementations_of_trait => { cdata.get_implementations_of_trait(tcx, other) }
crate_incoherent_impls => { cdata.get_incoherent_impls(tcx, other) }
dep_kind => {
let r = *cdata.dep_kind.lock();
module_children => {
let mut result = SmallVec::<[_; 8]>::new();
cdata.for_each_module_child(def_id.index, |child| result.push(child), tcx.sess);
defined_lib_features => { cdata.get_lib_features(tcx) }
defined_lang_items => { cdata.get_lang_items(tcx) }
diagnostic_items => { cdata.get_diagnostic_items() }
missing_lang_items => { cdata.get_missing_lang_items(tcx) }
missing_extern_crate_item => {
let r = matches!(*cdata.extern_crate.borrow(), Some(extern_crate) if !extern_crate.is_direct());
used_crate_source => { Lrc::clone(&cdata.source) }
debugger_visualizers => { cdata.get_debugger_visualizers() }
exported_symbols => {
let syms = cdata.exported_symbols(tcx);
// FIXME rust-lang/rust#64319, rust-lang/rust#64872: We want
// to block export of generics from dylibs, but we must fix
// rust-lang/rust#65890 before we can do that robustly.
crate_extern_paths => { cdata.source().paths().cloned().collect() }
expn_that_defined => { cdata.get_expn_that_defined(def_id.index, tcx.sess) }
generator_diagnostic_data => { cdata.get_generator_diagnostic_data(tcx, def_id.index) }
pub(in crate::rmeta) fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
// FIXME(#44234) - almost all of these queries have no sub-queries and
// therefore no actual inputs, they're just reading tables calculated in
// resolve! Does this work? Unsure! That's what the issue is about
*providers = Providers {
allocator_kind: |tcx, ()| CStore::from_tcx(tcx).allocator_kind(),
is_dllimport_foreign_item: |tcx, id| match tcx.native_library_kind(id) {
NativeLibKind::Dylib { .. } | NativeLibKind::RawDylib | NativeLibKind::Unspecified,
) => true,
_ => false,
is_statically_included_foreign_item: |tcx, id| {
matches!(tcx.native_library_kind(id), Some(NativeLibKind::Static { .. }))
is_private_dep: |_tcx, cnum| {
assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
native_library_kind: |tcx, id| {
.filter(|lib| native_libs::relevant_lib(&tcx.sess, lib))
.find(|lib| {
let Some(fm_id) = lib.foreign_module else {
return false;
let map = tcx.foreign_modules(id.krate);
.expect("failed to find foreign module")
.map(|l| l.kind)
native_libraries: |tcx, cnum| {
assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
foreign_modules: |tcx, cnum| {
assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
foreign_modules::collect(tcx).into_iter().map(|m| (m.def_id, m)).collect()
// Returns a map from a sufficiently visible external item (i.e., an
// external item that is visible from at least one local module) to a
// sufficiently visible parent (considering modules that re-export the
// external item to be parents).
visible_parent_map: |tcx, ()| {
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::vec_deque::VecDeque;
let mut visible_parent_map: DefIdMap<DefId> = Default::default();
// This is a secondary visible_parent_map, storing the DefId of parents that re-export
// the child as `_`. Since we prefer parents that don't do this, merge this map at the
// end, only if we're missing any keys from the former.
let mut fallback_map: DefIdMap<DefId> = Default::default();
// Issue 46112: We want the map to prefer the shortest
// paths when reporting the path to an item. Therefore we
// build up the map via a breadth-first search (BFS),
// which naturally yields minimal-length paths.
// Note that it needs to be a BFS over the whole forest of
// crates, not just each individual crate; otherwise you
// only get paths that are locally minimal with respect to
// whatever crate we happened to encounter first in this
// traversal, but not globally minimal across all crates.
let bfs_queue = &mut VecDeque::new();
for &cnum in tcx.crates(()) {
// Ignore crates without a corresponding local `extern crate` item.
if tcx.missing_extern_crate_item(cnum) {
let mut add_child = |bfs_queue: &mut VecDeque<_>, child: &ModChild, parent: DefId| {
if !child.vis.is_public() {
if let Some(def_id) = child.res.opt_def_id() {
if == kw::Underscore {
fallback_map.insert(def_id, parent);
match visible_parent_map.entry(def_id) {
Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
// If `child` is defined in crate `cnum`, ensure
// that it is mapped to a parent in `cnum`.
if def_id.is_local() && entry.get().is_local() {
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
if matches!(
Res::Def(DefKind::Mod | DefKind::Enum | DefKind::Trait, _)
) {
while let Some(def) = bfs_queue.pop_front() {
for child in tcx.module_children(def).iter() {
add_child(bfs_queue, child, def);
// Fill in any missing entries with the (less preferable) path ending in `::_`.
// We still use this path in a diagnostic that suggests importing `::*`.
for (child, parent) in fallback_map {
dependency_formats: |tcx, ()| Lrc::new(crate::dependency_format::calculate(tcx)),
has_global_allocator: |tcx, cnum| {
assert_eq!(cnum, LOCAL_CRATE);
postorder_cnums: |tcx, ()| {
crates: |tcx, ()| tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(CStore::from_tcx(tcx).crates_untracked()),
impl CStore {
pub fn struct_field_names_untracked<'a>(
&'a self,
def: DefId,
sess: &'a Session,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Spanned<Symbol>> + 'a {
self.get_crate_data(def.krate).get_struct_field_names(def.index, sess)
pub fn struct_field_visibilities_untracked(
def: DefId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Visibility> + '_ {
pub fn ctor_def_id_and_kind_untracked(&self, def: DefId) -> Option<(DefId, CtorKind)> {
pub fn visibility_untracked(&self, def: DefId) -> Visibility {
pub fn module_children_untracked(&self, def_id: DefId, sess: &Session) -> Vec<ModChild> {
let mut result = vec![];
|child| result.push(child),
pub fn load_macro_untracked(&self, id: DefId, sess: &Session) -> LoadedMacro {
let _prof_timer ="metadata_load_macro");
let data = self.get_crate_data(id.krate);
if data.root.is_proc_macro_crate() {
return LoadedMacro::ProcMacro(data.load_proc_macro(id.index, sess));
let span = data.get_span(id.index, sess);
ast::Item {
ident: data.item_ident(id.index, sess),
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
attrs: data.get_item_attrs(id.index, sess).collect(),
kind: ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(data.get_macro(id.index, sess)),
vis: ast::Visibility {
span: span.shrink_to_lo(),
kind: ast::VisibilityKind::Inherited,
tokens: None,
tokens: None,
pub fn fn_has_self_parameter_untracked(&self, def: DefId) -> bool {
pub fn crate_source_untracked(&self, cnum: CrateNum) -> Lrc<CrateSource> {
pub fn get_span_untracked(&self, def_id: DefId, sess: &Session) -> Span {
self.get_crate_data(def_id.krate).get_span(def_id.index, sess)
pub fn def_kind(&self, def: DefId) -> DefKind {
pub fn crates_untracked(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = CrateNum> + '_ {
self.iter_crate_data().map(|(cnum, _)| cnum)
pub fn item_generics_num_lifetimes(&self, def_id: DefId, sess: &Session) -> usize {
self.get_crate_data(def_id.krate).get_generics(def_id.index, sess).own_counts().lifetimes
pub fn module_expansion_untracked(&self, def_id: DefId, sess: &Session) -> ExpnId {
self.get_crate_data(def_id.krate).module_expansion(def_id.index, sess)
/// Only public-facing way to traverse all the definitions in a non-local crate.
/// Critically useful for this third-party project: <>.
/// See <> for context.
pub fn num_def_ids_untracked(&self, cnum: CrateNum) -> usize {
pub fn item_attrs_untracked<'a>(
&'a self,
def_id: DefId,
sess: &'a Session,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = ast::Attribute> + 'a {
self.get_crate_data(def_id.krate).get_item_attrs(def_id.index, sess)
pub fn get_proc_macro_quoted_span_untracked(
cnum: CrateNum,
id: usize,
sess: &Session,
) -> Span {
self.get_crate_data(cnum).get_proc_macro_quoted_span(id, sess)
/// Decodes all traits in the crate (for rustdoc).
pub fn traits_in_crate_untracked(&self, cnum: CrateNum) -> impl Iterator<Item = DefId> + '_ {
/// Decodes all trait impls in the crate (for rustdoc).
pub fn trait_impls_in_crate_untracked(
cnum: CrateNum,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (DefId, DefId, Option<SimplifiedType>)> + '_ {
/// Decodes all inherent impls in the crate (for rustdoc).
pub fn inherent_impls_in_crate_untracked(
cnum: CrateNum,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (DefId, DefId)> + '_ {
/// Decodes all incoherent inherent impls in the crate (for rustdoc).
pub fn incoherent_impls_in_crate_untracked(
cnum: CrateNum,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = DefId> + '_ {
pub fn associated_item_def_ids_untracked<'a>(
&'a self,
def_id: DefId,
sess: &'a Session,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = DefId> + 'a {
self.get_crate_data(def_id.krate).get_associated_item_def_ids(def_id.index, sess)
pub fn may_have_doc_links_untracked(&self, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
impl CrateStore for CStore {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
fn crate_name(&self, cnum: CrateNum) -> Symbol {
fn stable_crate_id(&self, cnum: CrateNum) -> StableCrateId {
fn stable_crate_id_to_crate_num(&self, stable_crate_id: StableCrateId) -> CrateNum {
/// Returns the `DefKey` for a given `DefId`. This indicates the
/// parent `DefId` as well as some idea of what kind of data the
/// `DefId` refers to.
fn def_key(&self, def: DefId) -> DefKey {
fn def_path(&self, def: DefId) -> DefPath {
fn def_path_hash(&self, def: DefId) -> DefPathHash {
fn def_path_hash_to_def_id(&self, cnum: CrateNum, hash: DefPathHash) -> DefId {
let def_index = self.get_crate_data(cnum).def_path_hash_to_def_index(hash);
DefId { krate: cnum, index: def_index }
fn expn_hash_to_expn_id(
sess: &Session,
cnum: CrateNum,
index_guess: u32,
hash: ExpnHash,
) -> ExpnId {
self.get_crate_data(cnum).expn_hash_to_expn_id(sess, index_guess, hash)
fn import_source_files(&self, sess: &Session, cnum: CrateNum) {