blob: b37ec2696de2f95cbc6dc8980ec9a47e73d40e3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Verifies that MIR building for a call expression respects
// privacy when checking if a call return type is uninhabited.
pub mod widget {
enum Unimplemented {}
pub struct Widget(Unimplemented);
impl Widget {
pub fn new() -> Widget {
pub fn f() {
let x: &mut u32;
// Ok. Widget type returned from new is known to be uninhabited
// and the following code is considered unreachable.
*x = 1;
fn main() {
let y: &mut u32;
// Error. Widget type is not known to be uninhabited here,
// so the following code is considered reachable.
*y = 2; //~ ERROR use of possibly-uninitialized variable