blob: 7abec745828d748c2e6d9aa6bb59c9bf8705804d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014-2017 The html5ever Project Developers. See the
// COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! The HTML5 tokenizer.
pub use self::interface::{CharacterTokens, EOFToken, NullCharacterToken, ParseError};
pub use self::interface::{CommentToken, DoctypeToken, TagToken, Token};
pub use self::interface::{Doctype, EndTag, StartTag, Tag, TagKind};
pub use self::interface::{TokenSink, TokenSinkResult};
use self::states::{DoctypeIdKind, Public, System};
use self::states::{DoubleEscaped, Escaped};
use self::states::{DoubleQuoted, SingleQuoted, Unquoted};
use self::states::{Rawtext, Rcdata, ScriptData, ScriptDataEscaped};
use self::char_ref::{CharRef, CharRefTokenizer};
use crate::util::str::lower_ascii_letter;
use log::{debug, trace};
use mac::{_tt_as_expr_hack, format_if, matches};
use markup5ever::{namespace_url, ns, small_char_set};
use std::borrow::Cow::{self, Borrowed};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::default::Default;
use std::mem::replace;
pub use crate::buffer_queue::{BufferQueue, FromSet, NotFromSet, SetResult};
use crate::tendril::StrTendril;
use crate::{Attribute, LocalName, QualName, SmallCharSet};
mod char_ref;
mod interface;
pub mod states;
pub enum ProcessResult<Handle> {
pub enum TokenizerResult<Handle> {
fn option_push(opt_str: &mut Option<StrTendril>, c: char) {
match *opt_str {
Some(ref mut s) => s.push_char(c),
None => *opt_str = Some(StrTendril::from_char(c)),
/// Tokenizer options, with an impl for `Default`.
pub struct TokenizerOpts {
/// Report all parse errors described in the spec, at some
/// performance penalty? Default: false
pub exact_errors: bool,
/// Discard a `U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK` if we see one at the beginning
/// of the stream? Default: true
pub discard_bom: bool,
/// Keep a record of how long we spent in each state? Printed
/// when `end()` is called. Default: false
pub profile: bool,
/// Initial state override. Only the test runner should use
/// a non-`None` value!
pub initial_state: Option<states::State>,
/// Last start tag. Only the test runner should use a
/// non-`None` value!
/// FIXME: Can't use Tendril because we want TokenizerOpts
/// to be Send.
pub last_start_tag_name: Option<String>,
impl Default for TokenizerOpts {
fn default() -> TokenizerOpts {
TokenizerOpts {
exact_errors: false,
discard_bom: true,
profile: false,
initial_state: None,
last_start_tag_name: None,
/// The HTML tokenizer.
pub struct Tokenizer<Sink> {
/// Options controlling the behavior of the tokenizer.
opts: TokenizerOpts,
/// Destination for tokens we emit.
pub sink: Sink,
/// The abstract machine state as described in the spec.
state: states::State,
/// Are we at the end of the file, once buffers have been processed
/// completely? This affects whether we will wait for lookahead or not.
at_eof: bool,
/// Tokenizer for character references, if we're tokenizing
/// one at the moment.
char_ref_tokenizer: Option<Box<CharRefTokenizer>>,
/// Current input character. Just consumed, may reconsume.
current_char: char,
/// Should we reconsume the current input character?
reconsume: bool,
/// Did we just consume \r, translating it to \n? In that case we need
/// to ignore the next character if it's \n.
ignore_lf: bool,
/// Discard a U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK if we see one? Only done at the
/// beginning of the stream.
discard_bom: bool,
/// Current tag kind.
current_tag_kind: TagKind,
/// Current tag name.
current_tag_name: StrTendril,
/// Current tag is self-closing?
current_tag_self_closing: bool,
/// Current tag attributes.
current_tag_attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
/// Current attribute name.
current_attr_name: StrTendril,
/// Current attribute value.
current_attr_value: StrTendril,
/// Current comment.
current_comment: StrTendril,
/// Current doctype token.
current_doctype: Doctype,
/// Last start tag name, for use in checking "appropriate end tag".
last_start_tag_name: Option<LocalName>,
/// The "temporary buffer" mentioned in the spec.
temp_buf: StrTendril,
/// Record of how many ns we spent in each state, if profiling is enabled.
state_profile: BTreeMap<states::State, u64>,
/// Record of how many ns we spent in the token sink.
time_in_sink: u64,
/// Track current line
current_line: u64,
impl<Sink: TokenSink> Tokenizer<Sink> {
/// Create a new tokenizer which feeds tokens to a particular `TokenSink`.
pub fn new(sink: Sink, mut opts: TokenizerOpts) -> Tokenizer<Sink> {
let start_tag_name = opts
.map(|s| LocalName::from(&*s));
let state = opts.initial_state.unwrap_or(states::Data);
let discard_bom = opts.discard_bom;
Tokenizer {
char_ref_tokenizer: None,
at_eof: false,
current_char: '\0',
reconsume: false,
ignore_lf: false,
current_tag_kind: StartTag,
current_tag_name: StrTendril::new(),
current_tag_self_closing: false,
current_tag_attrs: vec![],
current_attr_name: StrTendril::new(),
current_attr_value: StrTendril::new(),
current_comment: StrTendril::new(),
current_doctype: Doctype::new(),
last_start_tag_name: start_tag_name,
temp_buf: StrTendril::new(),
state_profile: BTreeMap::new(),
time_in_sink: 0,
current_line: 1,
/// Feed an input string into the tokenizer.
pub fn feed(&mut self, input: &mut BufferQueue) -> TokenizerResult<Sink::Handle> {
if input.is_empty() {
return TokenizerResult::Done;
if self.discard_bom {
if let Some(c) = input.peek() {
if c == '\u{feff}' {;
} else {
return TokenizerResult::Done;
pub fn set_plaintext_state(&mut self) {
self.state = states::Plaintext;
fn process_token(&mut self, token: Token) -> TokenSinkResult<Sink::Handle> {
if self.opts.profile {
let (ret, dt) = time!(self.sink.process_token(token, self.current_line));
self.time_in_sink += dt;
} else {
self.sink.process_token(token, self.current_line)
fn process_token_and_continue(&mut self, token: Token) {
//§ preprocessing-the-input-stream
// Get the next input character, which might be the character
// 'c' that we already consumed from the buffers.
fn get_preprocessed_char(&mut self, mut c: char, input: &mut BufferQueue) -> Option<char> {
if self.ignore_lf {
self.ignore_lf = false;
if c == '\n' {
c = unwrap_or_return!(, None);
if c == '\r' {
self.ignore_lf = true;
c = '\n';
if c == '\n' {
self.current_line += 1;
if self.opts.exact_errors &&
match c as u32 {
0x01..=0x08 | 0x0B | 0x0E..=0x1F | 0x7F..=0x9F | 0xFDD0..=0xFDEF => true,
n if (n & 0xFFFE) == 0xFFFE => true,
_ => false,
let msg = format!("Bad character {}", c);
trace!("got character {}", c);
self.current_char = c;
//§ tokenization
// Get the next input character, if one is available.
fn get_char(&mut self, input: &mut BufferQueue) -> Option<char> {
if self.reconsume {
self.reconsume = false;
} else {
.and_then(|c| self.get_preprocessed_char(c, input))
fn pop_except_from(&mut self, input: &mut BufferQueue, set: SmallCharSet) -> Option<SetResult> {
// Bail to the slow path for various corner cases.
// This means that `FromSet` can contain characters not in the set!
// It shouldn't matter because the fallback `FromSet` case should
// always do the same thing as the `NotFromSet` case.
if self.opts.exact_errors || self.reconsume || self.ignore_lf {
return self.get_char(input).map(FromSet);
let d = input.pop_except_from(set);
trace!("got characters {:?}", d);
match d {
Some(FromSet(c)) => self.get_preprocessed_char(c, input).map(FromSet),
// NB: We don't set self.current_char for a run of characters not
// in the set. It shouldn't matter for the codepaths that use
// this.
_ => d,
// Check if the next characters are an ASCII case-insensitive match. See
// BufferQueue::eat.
// NB: this doesn't do input stream preprocessing or set the current input
// character.
fn eat(
&mut self,
input: &mut BufferQueue,
pat: &str,
eq: fn(&u8, &u8) -> bool,
) -> Option<bool> {
input.push_front(replace(&mut self.temp_buf, StrTendril::new()));
match, eq) {
None if self.at_eof => Some(false),
None => {
while let Some(c) = {
Some(matched) => Some(matched),
/// Run the state machine for as long as we can.
fn run(&mut self, input: &mut BufferQueue) -> TokenizerResult<Sink::Handle> {
if self.opts.profile {
loop {
let state = self.state;
let old_sink = self.time_in_sink;
let (run, mut dt) = time!(self.step(input));
dt -= (self.time_in_sink - old_sink);
let new = match self.state_profile.get_mut(&state) {
Some(x) => {
*x += dt;
None => true,
if new {
// do this here because of borrow shenanigans
self.state_profile.insert(state, dt);
match run {
ProcessResult::Continue => (),
ProcessResult::Suspend => break,
ProcessResult::Script(node) => return TokenizerResult::Script(node),
} else {
loop {
match self.step(input) {
ProcessResult::Continue => (),
ProcessResult::Suspend => break,
ProcessResult::Script(node) => return TokenizerResult::Script(node),
fn bad_char_error(&mut self) {
let msg = format_if!(
"Bad character",
"Saw {} in state {:?}",
fn bad_eof_error(&mut self) {
let msg = format_if!(
"Unexpected EOF",
"Saw EOF in state {:?}",
fn emit_char(&mut self, c: char) {
self.process_token_and_continue(match c {
'\0' => NullCharacterToken,
_ => CharacterTokens(StrTendril::from_char(c)),
// The string must not contain '\0'!
fn emit_chars(&mut self, b: StrTendril) {
fn emit_current_tag(&mut self) -> ProcessResult<Sink::Handle> {
let name = LocalName::from(&*self.current_tag_name);
match self.current_tag_kind {
StartTag => {
self.last_start_tag_name = Some(name.clone());
EndTag => {
if !self.current_tag_attrs.is_empty() {
self.emit_error(Borrowed("Attributes on an end tag"));
if self.current_tag_self_closing {
self.emit_error(Borrowed("Self-closing end tag"));
let token = TagToken(Tag {
kind: self.current_tag_kind,
self_closing: self.current_tag_self_closing,
attrs: replace(&mut self.current_tag_attrs, vec![]),
match self.process_token(token) {
TokenSinkResult::Continue => ProcessResult::Continue,
TokenSinkResult::Plaintext => {
self.state = states::Plaintext;
TokenSinkResult::Script(node) => {
self.state = states::Data;
TokenSinkResult::RawData(kind) => {
self.state = states::RawData(kind);
fn emit_temp_buf(&mut self) {
// FIXME: Make sure that clearing on emit is spec-compatible.
let buf = replace(&mut self.temp_buf, StrTendril::new());
fn clear_temp_buf(&mut self) {
// Do this without a new allocation.
fn emit_current_comment(&mut self) {
let comment = replace(&mut self.current_comment, StrTendril::new());
fn discard_tag(&mut self) {
self.current_tag_self_closing = false;
self.current_tag_attrs = vec![];
fn create_tag(&mut self, kind: TagKind, c: char) {
self.current_tag_kind = kind;
fn have_appropriate_end_tag(&self) -> bool {
match self.last_start_tag_name.as_ref() {
Some(last) => (self.current_tag_kind == EndTag) && (*self.current_tag_name == **last),
None => false,
fn create_attribute(&mut self, c: char) {
fn finish_attribute(&mut self) {
if self.current_attr_name.is_empty() {
// Check for a duplicate attribute.
// FIXME: the spec says we should error as soon as the name is finished.
// FIXME: linear time search, do we care?
let dup = {
let name = &*self.current_attr_name;
.any(|a| &* == name)
if dup {
self.emit_error(Borrowed("Duplicate attribute"));
} else {
let name = LocalName::from(&*self.current_attr_name);
self.current_tag_attrs.push(Attribute {
// The tree builder will adjust the namespace if necessary.
// This only happens in foreign elements.
name: QualName::new(None, ns!(), name),
value: replace(&mut self.current_attr_value, StrTendril::new()),
fn emit_current_doctype(&mut self) {
let doctype = replace(&mut self.current_doctype, Doctype::new());
fn doctype_id(&mut self, kind: DoctypeIdKind) -> &mut Option<StrTendril> {
match kind {
Public => &mut self.current_doctype.public_id,
System => &mut self.current_doctype.system_id,
fn clear_doctype_id(&mut self, kind: DoctypeIdKind) {
let id = self.doctype_id(kind);
match *id {
Some(ref mut s) => s.clear(),
None => *id = Some(StrTendril::new()),
fn consume_char_ref(&mut self, addnl_allowed: Option<char>) {
// NB: The char ref tokenizer assumes we have an additional allowed
// character iff we're tokenizing in an attribute value.
self.char_ref_tokenizer = Some(Box::new(CharRefTokenizer::new(addnl_allowed)));
fn emit_eof(&mut self) {
fn peek(&mut self, input: &BufferQueue) -> Option<char> {
if self.reconsume {
} else {
fn discard_char(&mut self, input: &mut BufferQueue) {
fn emit_error(&mut self, error: Cow<'static, str>) {
//§ END
// Shorthand for common state machine behaviors.
macro_rules! shorthand (
( $me:ident : emit $c:expr ) => ( $me.emit_char($c) );
( $me:ident : create_tag $kind:ident $c:expr ) => ( $me.create_tag($kind, $c) );
( $me:ident : push_tag $c:expr ) => ( $me.current_tag_name.push_char($c) );
( $me:ident : discard_tag ) => ( $me.discard_tag() );
( $me:ident : discard_char $input:expr ) => ( $me.discard_char($input) );
( $me:ident : push_temp $c:expr ) => ( $me.temp_buf.push_char($c) );
( $me:ident : emit_temp ) => ( $me.emit_temp_buf() );
( $me:ident : clear_temp ) => ( $me.clear_temp_buf() );
( $me:ident : create_attr $c:expr ) => ( $me.create_attribute($c) );
( $me:ident : push_name $c:expr ) => ( $me.current_attr_name.push_char($c) );
( $me:ident : push_value $c:expr ) => ( $me.current_attr_value.push_char($c) );
( $me:ident : append_value $c:expr ) => ( $me.current_attr_value.push_tendril($c) );
( $me:ident : push_comment $c:expr ) => ( $me.current_comment.push_char($c) );
( $me:ident : append_comment $c:expr ) => ( $me.current_comment.push_slice($c) );
( $me:ident : emit_comment ) => ( $me.emit_current_comment() );
( $me:ident : clear_comment ) => ( $me.current_comment.clear() );
( $me:ident : create_doctype ) => ( $me.current_doctype = Doctype::new() );
( $me:ident : push_doctype_name $c:expr ) => ( option_push(&mut $, $c) );
( $me:ident : push_doctype_id $k:ident $c:expr ) => ( option_push($me.doctype_id($k), $c) );
( $me:ident : clear_doctype_id $k:ident ) => ( $me.clear_doctype_id($k) );
( $me:ident : force_quirks ) => ( $me.current_doctype.force_quirks = true );
( $me:ident : emit_doctype ) => ( $me.emit_current_doctype() );
( $me:ident : error ) => ( $me.bad_char_error() );
( $me:ident : error_eof ) => ( $me.bad_eof_error() );
// Tracing of tokenizer actions. This adds significant bloat and compile time,
// so it's behind a cfg flag.
macro_rules! sh_trace ( ( $me:ident : $($cmds:tt)* ) => ({
trace!(" {:s}", stringify!($($cmds)*));
shorthand!($me:expr : $($cmds)*);
macro_rules! sh_trace ( ( $me:ident : $($cmds:tt)* ) => ( shorthand!($me: $($cmds)*) ) );
// A little DSL for sequencing shorthand actions.
macro_rules! go (
// A pattern like $($cmd:tt)* ; $($rest:tt)* causes parse ambiguity.
// We have to tell the parser how much lookahead we need.
( $me:ident : $a:tt ; $($rest:tt)* ) => ({ sh_trace!($me: $a); go!($me: $($rest)*); });
( $me:ident : $a:tt $b:tt ; $($rest:tt)* ) => ({ sh_trace!($me: $a $b); go!($me: $($rest)*); });
( $me:ident : $a:tt $b:tt $c:tt ; $($rest:tt)* ) => ({ sh_trace!($me: $a $b $c); go!($me: $($rest)*); });
( $me:ident : $a:tt $b:tt $c:tt $d:tt ; $($rest:tt)* ) => ({ sh_trace!($me: $a $b $c $d); go!($me: $($rest)*); });
// These can only come at the end.
( $me:ident : to $s:ident ) => ({ $me.state = states::$s; return ProcessResult::Continue; });
( $me:ident : to $s:ident $k1:expr ) => ({ $me.state = states::$s($k1); return ProcessResult::Continue; });
( $me:ident : to $s:ident $k1:ident $k2:expr ) => ({ $me.state = states::$s($k1($k2)); return ProcessResult::Continue; });
( $me:ident : reconsume $s:ident ) => ({ $me.reconsume = true; go!($me: to $s); });
( $me:ident : reconsume $s:ident $k1:expr ) => ({ $me.reconsume = true; go!($me: to $s $k1); });
( $me:ident : reconsume $s:ident $k1:ident $k2:expr ) => ({ $me.reconsume = true; go!($me: to $s $k1 $k2); });
( $me:ident : consume_char_ref ) => ({ $me.consume_char_ref(None); return ProcessResult::Continue; });
( $me:ident : consume_char_ref $addnl:expr ) => ({ $me.consume_char_ref(Some($addnl)); return ProcessResult::Continue; });
// We have a default next state after emitting a tag, but the sink can override.
( $me:ident : emit_tag $s:ident ) => ({
$me.state = states::$s;
return $me.emit_current_tag();
( $me:ident : eof ) => ({ $me.emit_eof(); return ProcessResult::Suspend; });
// If nothing else matched, it's a single command
( $me:ident : $($cmd:tt)+ ) => ( sh_trace!($me: $($cmd)+) );
// or nothing.
( $me:ident : ) => (());
macro_rules! go_match ( ( $me:ident : $x:expr, $($pats:pat),+ => $($cmds:tt)* ) => (
match $x {
$($pats)|+ => go!($me: $($cmds)*),
_ => (),
// This is a macro because it can cause early return
// from the function where it is used.
macro_rules! get_char ( ($me:expr, $input:expr) => (
unwrap_or_return!($me.get_char($input), ProcessResult::Suspend)
macro_rules! peek ( ($me:expr, $input:expr) => (
unwrap_or_return!($me.peek($input), ProcessResult::Suspend)
macro_rules! pop_except_from ( ($me:expr, $input:expr, $set:expr) => (
unwrap_or_return!($me.pop_except_from($input, $set), ProcessResult::Suspend)
macro_rules! eat ( ($me:expr, $input:expr, $pat:expr) => (
unwrap_or_return!($$input, $pat, u8::eq_ignore_ascii_case), ProcessResult::Suspend)
macro_rules! eat_exact ( ($me:expr, $input:expr, $pat:expr) => (
unwrap_or_return!($$input, $pat, u8::eq), ProcessResult::Suspend)
impl<Sink: TokenSink> Tokenizer<Sink> {
// Run the state machine for a while.
// Return true if we should be immediately re-invoked
// (this just simplifies control flow vs. break / continue).
fn step(&mut self, input: &mut BufferQueue) -> ProcessResult<Sink::Handle> {
if self.char_ref_tokenizer.is_some() {
return self.step_char_ref_tokenizer(input);
trace!("processing in state {:?}", self.state);
match self.state {
//§ data-state
states::Data => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\0' '&' '<' '\n')) {
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; emit '\0'),
FromSet('&') => go!(self: consume_char_ref),
FromSet('<') => go!(self: to TagOpen),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: emit c),
NotFromSet(b) => self.emit_chars(b),
//§ rcdata-state
states::RawData(Rcdata) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\0' '&' '<' '\n')) {
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet('&') => go!(self: consume_char_ref),
FromSet('<') => go!(self: to RawLessThanSign Rcdata),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: emit c),
NotFromSet(b) => self.emit_chars(b),
//§ rawtext-state
states::RawData(Rawtext) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\0' '<' '\n')) {
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet('<') => go!(self: to RawLessThanSign Rawtext),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: emit c),
NotFromSet(b) => self.emit_chars(b),
//§ script-data-state
states::RawData(ScriptData) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\0' '<' '\n')) {
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet('<') => go!(self: to RawLessThanSign ScriptData),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: emit c),
NotFromSet(b) => self.emit_chars(b),
//§ script-data-escaped-state
states::RawData(ScriptDataEscaped(Escaped)) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\0' '-' '<' '\n')) {
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet('-') => go!(self: emit '-'; to ScriptDataEscapedDash Escaped),
FromSet('<') => go!(self: to RawLessThanSign ScriptDataEscaped Escaped),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: emit c),
NotFromSet(b) => self.emit_chars(b),
//§ script-data-double-escaped-state
states::RawData(ScriptDataEscaped(DoubleEscaped)) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\0' '-' '<' '\n')) {
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet('-') => go!(self: emit '-'; to ScriptDataEscapedDash DoubleEscaped),
FromSet('<') => {
go!(self: emit '<'; to RawLessThanSign ScriptDataEscaped DoubleEscaped)
FromSet(c) => go!(self: emit c),
NotFromSet(b) => self.emit_chars(b),
//§ plaintext-state
states::Plaintext => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\0' '\n')) {
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: emit c),
NotFromSet(b) => self.emit_chars(b),
//§ tag-open-state
states::TagOpen => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'!' => go!(self: clear_temp; to MarkupDeclarationOpen),
'/' => go!(self: to EndTagOpen),
'?' => go!(self: error; clear_comment; push_comment '?'; to BogusComment),
c => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: create_tag StartTag cl; to TagName),
None => go!(self: error; emit '<'; reconsume Data),
//§ end-tag-open-state
states::EndTagOpen => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'>' => go!(self: error; to Data),
'\0' => {
go!(self: error; clear_comment; push_comment '\u{fffd}'; to BogusComment)
c => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: create_tag EndTag cl; to TagName),
None => go!(self: error; clear_comment; push_comment c; to BogusComment),
//§ tag-name-state
states::TagName => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: to BeforeAttributeName),
'/' => go!(self: to SelfClosingStartTag),
'>' => go!(self: emit_tag Data),
'\0' => go!(self: error; push_tag '\u{fffd}'),
c => go!(self: push_tag (c.to_ascii_lowercase())),
//§ script-data-escaped-less-than-sign-state
states::RawLessThanSign(ScriptDataEscaped(Escaped)) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'/' => go!(self: clear_temp; to RawEndTagOpen ScriptDataEscaped Escaped),
c => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: clear_temp; push_temp cl; emit '<'; emit c;
to ScriptDataEscapeStart DoubleEscaped),
None => go!(self: emit '<'; reconsume RawData ScriptDataEscaped Escaped),
//§ script-data-double-escaped-less-than-sign-state
states::RawLessThanSign(ScriptDataEscaped(DoubleEscaped)) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'/' => go!(self: clear_temp; emit '/'; to ScriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd),
_ => go!(self: reconsume RawData ScriptDataEscaped DoubleEscaped),
//§ rcdata-less-than-sign-state rawtext-less-than-sign-state script-data-less-than-sign-state
// otherwise
states::RawLessThanSign(kind) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'/' => go!(self: clear_temp; to RawEndTagOpen kind),
'!' if kind == ScriptData => {
go!(self: emit '<'; emit '!'; to ScriptDataEscapeStart Escaped)
_ => go!(self: emit '<'; reconsume RawData kind),
//§ rcdata-end-tag-open-state rawtext-end-tag-open-state script-data-end-tag-open-state script-data-escaped-end-tag-open-state
states::RawEndTagOpen(kind) => loop {
let c = get_char!(self, input);
match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: create_tag EndTag cl; push_temp c; to RawEndTagName kind),
None => go!(self: emit '<'; emit '/'; reconsume RawData kind),
//§ rcdata-end-tag-name-state rawtext-end-tag-name-state script-data-end-tag-name-state script-data-escaped-end-tag-name-state
states::RawEndTagName(kind) => loop {
let c = get_char!(self, input);
if self.have_appropriate_end_tag() {
match c {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: to BeforeAttributeName),
'/' => go!(self: to SelfClosingStartTag),
'>' => go!(self: emit_tag Data),
_ => (),
match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: push_tag cl; push_temp c),
None => {
go!(self: discard_tag; emit '<'; emit '/'; emit_temp; reconsume RawData kind)
//§ script-data-double-escape-start-state
states::ScriptDataEscapeStart(DoubleEscaped) => loop {
let c = get_char!(self, input);
match c {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' | '/' | '>' => {
let esc = if &*self.temp_buf == "script" {
} else {
go!(self: emit c; to RawData ScriptDataEscaped esc);
_ => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: push_temp cl; emit c),
None => go!(self: reconsume RawData ScriptDataEscaped Escaped),
//§ script-data-escape-start-state
states::ScriptDataEscapeStart(Escaped) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: emit '-'; to ScriptDataEscapeStartDash),
_ => go!(self: reconsume RawData ScriptData),
//§ script-data-escape-start-dash-state
states::ScriptDataEscapeStartDash => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: emit '-'; to ScriptDataEscapedDashDash Escaped),
_ => go!(self: reconsume RawData ScriptData),
//§ script-data-escaped-dash-state script-data-double-escaped-dash-state
states::ScriptDataEscapedDash(kind) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: emit '-'; to ScriptDataEscapedDashDash kind),
'<' => {
if kind == DoubleEscaped {
go!(self: emit '<');
go!(self: to RawLessThanSign ScriptDataEscaped kind);
'\0' => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'; to RawData ScriptDataEscaped kind),
c => go!(self: emit c; to RawData ScriptDataEscaped kind),
//§ script-data-escaped-dash-dash-state script-data-double-escaped-dash-dash-state
states::ScriptDataEscapedDashDash(kind) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: emit '-'),
'<' => {
if kind == DoubleEscaped {
go!(self: emit '<');
go!(self: to RawLessThanSign ScriptDataEscaped kind);
'>' => go!(self: emit '>'; to RawData ScriptData),
'\0' => go!(self: error; emit '\u{fffd}'; to RawData ScriptDataEscaped kind),
c => go!(self: emit c; to RawData ScriptDataEscaped kind),
//§ script-data-double-escape-end-state
states::ScriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd => loop {
let c = get_char!(self, input);
match c {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' | '/' | '>' => {
let esc = if &*self.temp_buf == "script" {
} else {
go!(self: emit c; to RawData ScriptDataEscaped esc);
_ => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: push_temp cl; emit c),
None => go!(self: reconsume RawData ScriptDataEscaped DoubleEscaped),
//§ before-attribute-name-state
states::BeforeAttributeName => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => (),
'/' => go!(self: to SelfClosingStartTag),
'>' => go!(self: emit_tag Data),
'\0' => go!(self: error; create_attr '\u{fffd}'; to AttributeName),
c => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: create_attr cl; to AttributeName),
None => {
go_match!(self: c,
'"' , '\'' , '<' , '=' => error);
go!(self: create_attr c; to AttributeName);
//§ attribute-name-state
states::AttributeName => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: to AfterAttributeName),
'/' => go!(self: to SelfClosingStartTag),
'=' => go!(self: to BeforeAttributeValue),
'>' => go!(self: emit_tag Data),
'\0' => go!(self: error; push_name '\u{fffd}'),
c => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: push_name cl),
None => {
go_match!(self: c,
'"' , '\'' , '<' => error);
go!(self: push_name c);
//§ after-attribute-name-state
states::AfterAttributeName => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => (),
'/' => go!(self: to SelfClosingStartTag),
'=' => go!(self: to BeforeAttributeValue),
'>' => go!(self: emit_tag Data),
'\0' => go!(self: error; create_attr '\u{fffd}'; to AttributeName),
c => match lower_ascii_letter(c) {
Some(cl) => go!(self: create_attr cl; to AttributeName),
None => {
go_match!(self: c,
'"' , '\'' , '<' => error);
go!(self: create_attr c; to AttributeName);
//§ before-attribute-value-state
// Use peek so we can handle the first attr character along with the rest,
// hopefully in the same zero-copy buffer.
states::BeforeAttributeValue => loop {
match peek!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\r' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: discard_char input),
'"' => go!(self: discard_char input; to AttributeValue DoubleQuoted),
'\'' => go!(self: discard_char input; to AttributeValue SingleQuoted),
'\0' => {
go!(self: discard_char input; error; push_value '\u{fffd}'; to AttributeValue Unquoted)
'>' => go!(self: discard_char input; error; emit_tag Data),
_ => go!(self: to AttributeValue Unquoted),
//§ attribute-value-(double-quoted)-state
states::AttributeValue(DoubleQuoted) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '"' '&' '\0' '\n')) {
FromSet('"') => go!(self: to AfterAttributeValueQuoted),
FromSet('&') => go!(self: consume_char_ref '"'),
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; push_value '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: push_value c),
NotFromSet(ref b) => go!(self: append_value b),
//§ attribute-value-(single-quoted)-state
states::AttributeValue(SingleQuoted) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(self, input, small_char_set!('\r' '\'' '&' '\0' '\n')) {
FromSet('\'') => go!(self: to AfterAttributeValueQuoted),
FromSet('&') => go!(self: consume_char_ref '\''),
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; push_value '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet(c) => go!(self: push_value c),
NotFromSet(ref b) => go!(self: append_value b),
//§ attribute-value-(unquoted)-state
states::AttributeValue(Unquoted) => loop {
match pop_except_from!(
small_char_set!('\r' '\t' '\n' '\x0C' ' ' '&' '>' '\0')
) {
FromSet('\t') | FromSet('\n') | FromSet('\x0C') | FromSet(' ') => {
go!(self: to BeforeAttributeName)
FromSet('&') => go!(self: consume_char_ref '>'),
FromSet('>') => go!(self: emit_tag Data),
FromSet('\0') => go!(self: error; push_value '\u{fffd}'),
FromSet(c) => {
go_match!(self: c,
'"' , '\'' , '<' , '=' , '`' => error);
go!(self: push_value c);
NotFromSet(ref b) => go!(self: append_value b),
//§ after-attribute-value-(quoted)-state
states::AfterAttributeValueQuoted => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: to BeforeAttributeName),
'/' => go!(self: to SelfClosingStartTag),
'>' => go!(self: emit_tag Data),
_ => go!(self: error; reconsume BeforeAttributeName),
//§ self-closing-start-tag-state
states::SelfClosingStartTag => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'>' => {
self.current_tag_self_closing = true;
go!(self: emit_tag Data);
_ => go!(self: error; reconsume BeforeAttributeName),
//§ comment-start-state
states::CommentStart => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: to CommentStartDash),
'\0' => go!(self: error; push_comment '\u{fffd}'; to Comment),
'>' => go!(self: error; emit_comment; to Data),
c => go!(self: push_comment c; to Comment),
//§ comment-start-dash-state
states::CommentStartDash => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: to CommentEnd),
'\0' => go!(self: error; append_comment "-\u{fffd}"; to Comment),
'>' => go!(self: error; emit_comment; to Data),
c => go!(self: push_comment '-'; push_comment c; to Comment),
//§ comment-state
states::Comment => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: to CommentEndDash),
'\0' => go!(self: error; push_comment '\u{fffd}'),
c => go!(self: push_comment c),
//§ comment-end-dash-state
states::CommentEndDash => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: to CommentEnd),
'\0' => go!(self: error; append_comment "-\u{fffd}"; to Comment),
c => go!(self: push_comment '-'; push_comment c; to Comment),
//§ comment-end-state
states::CommentEnd => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'>' => go!(self: emit_comment; to Data),
'\0' => go!(self: error; append_comment "--\u{fffd}"; to Comment),
'!' => go!(self: error; to CommentEndBang),
'-' => go!(self: error; push_comment '-'),
c => go!(self: error; append_comment "--"; push_comment c; to Comment),
//§ comment-end-bang-state
states::CommentEndBang => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'-' => go!(self: append_comment "--!"; to CommentEndDash),
'>' => go!(self: emit_comment; to Data),
'\0' => go!(self: error; append_comment "--!\u{fffd}"; to Comment),
c => go!(self: append_comment "--!"; push_comment c; to Comment),
//§ doctype-state
states::Doctype => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: to BeforeDoctypeName),
_ => go!(self: error; reconsume BeforeDoctypeName),
//§ before-doctype-name-state
states::BeforeDoctypeName => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => (),
'\0' => {
go!(self: error; create_doctype; push_doctype_name '\u{fffd}'; to DoctypeName)
'>' => go!(self: error; create_doctype; force_quirks; emit_doctype; to Data),
c => go!(self: create_doctype; push_doctype_name (c.to_ascii_lowercase());
to DoctypeName),
//§ doctype-name-state
states::DoctypeName => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: clear_temp; to AfterDoctypeName),
'>' => go!(self: emit_doctype; to Data),
'\0' => go!(self: error; push_doctype_name '\u{fffd}'),
c => go!(self: push_doctype_name (c.to_ascii_lowercase())),
//§ after-doctype-name-state
states::AfterDoctypeName => loop {
if eat!(self, input, "public") {
go!(self: to AfterDoctypeKeyword Public);
} else if eat!(self, input, "system") {
go!(self: to AfterDoctypeKeyword System);
} else {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => (),
'>' => go!(self: emit_doctype; to Data),
_ => go!(self: error; force_quirks; to BogusDoctype),
//§ after-doctype-public-keyword-state after-doctype-system-keyword-state
states::AfterDoctypeKeyword(kind) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => go!(self: to BeforeDoctypeIdentifier kind),
'"' => {
go!(self: error; clear_doctype_id kind; to DoctypeIdentifierDoubleQuoted kind)
'\'' => {
go!(self: error; clear_doctype_id kind; to DoctypeIdentifierSingleQuoted kind)
'>' => go!(self: error; force_quirks; emit_doctype; to Data),
_ => go!(self: error; force_quirks; to BogusDoctype),
//§ before-doctype-public-identifier-state before-doctype-system-identifier-state
states::BeforeDoctypeIdentifier(kind) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => (),
'"' => go!(self: clear_doctype_id kind; to DoctypeIdentifierDoubleQuoted kind),
'\'' => go!(self: clear_doctype_id kind; to DoctypeIdentifierSingleQuoted kind),
'>' => go!(self: error; force_quirks; emit_doctype; to Data),
_ => go!(self: error; force_quirks; to BogusDoctype),
//§ doctype-public-identifier-(double-quoted)-state doctype-system-identifier-(double-quoted)-state
states::DoctypeIdentifierDoubleQuoted(kind) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'"' => go!(self: to AfterDoctypeIdentifier kind),
'\0' => go!(self: error; push_doctype_id kind '\u{fffd}'),
'>' => go!(self: error; force_quirks; emit_doctype; to Data),
c => go!(self: push_doctype_id kind c),
//§ doctype-public-identifier-(single-quoted)-state doctype-system-identifier-(single-quoted)-state
states::DoctypeIdentifierSingleQuoted(kind) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\'' => go!(self: to AfterDoctypeIdentifier kind),
'\0' => go!(self: error; push_doctype_id kind '\u{fffd}'),
'>' => go!(self: error; force_quirks; emit_doctype; to Data),
c => go!(self: push_doctype_id kind c),
//§ after-doctype-public-identifier-state
states::AfterDoctypeIdentifier(Public) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => {
go!(self: to BetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers)
'>' => go!(self: emit_doctype; to Data),
'"' => {
go!(self: error; clear_doctype_id System; to DoctypeIdentifierDoubleQuoted System)
'\'' => {
go!(self: error; clear_doctype_id System; to DoctypeIdentifierSingleQuoted System)
_ => go!(self: error; force_quirks; to BogusDoctype),
//§ after-doctype-system-identifier-state
states::AfterDoctypeIdentifier(System) => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => (),
'>' => go!(self: emit_doctype; to Data),
_ => go!(self: error; to BogusDoctype),
//§ between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers-state
states::BetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'\t' | '\n' | '\x0C' | ' ' => (),
'>' => go!(self: emit_doctype; to Data),
'"' => {
go!(self: clear_doctype_id System; to DoctypeIdentifierDoubleQuoted System)
'\'' => {
go!(self: clear_doctype_id System; to DoctypeIdentifierSingleQuoted System)
_ => go!(self: error; force_quirks; to BogusDoctype),
//§ bogus-doctype-state
states::BogusDoctype => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'>' => go!(self: emit_doctype; to Data),
_ => (),
//§ bogus-comment-state
states::BogusComment => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
'>' => go!(self: emit_comment; to Data),
'\0' => go!(self: push_comment '\u{fffd}'),
c => go!(self: push_comment c),
//§ markup-declaration-open-state
states::MarkupDeclarationOpen => loop {
if eat_exact!(self, input, "--") {
go!(self: clear_comment; to CommentStart);
} else if eat!(self, input, "doctype") {
go!(self: to Doctype);
} else {
if self
if eat_exact!(self, input, "[CDATA[") {
go!(self: clear_temp; to CdataSection);
go!(self: error; to BogusComment);
//§ cdata-section-state
states::CdataSection => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
']' => go!(self: to CdataSectionBracket),
'\0' => go!(self: emit_temp; emit '\0'),
c => go!(self: push_temp c),
//§ cdata-section-bracket
states::CdataSectionBracket => match get_char!(self, input) {
']' => go!(self: to CdataSectionEnd),
_ => go!(self: push_temp ']'; reconsume CdataSection),
//§ cdata-section-end
states::CdataSectionEnd => loop {
match get_char!(self, input) {
']' => go!(self: push_temp ']'),
'>' => go!(self: emit_temp; to Data),
_ => go!(self: push_temp ']'; push_temp ']'; reconsume CdataSection),
//§ END
fn step_char_ref_tokenizer(&mut self, input: &mut BufferQueue) -> ProcessResult<Sink::Handle> {
// FIXME HACK: Take and replace the tokenizer so we don't
// double-mut-borrow self. This is why it's boxed.
let mut tok = self.char_ref_tokenizer.take().unwrap();
let outcome = tok.step(self, input);
let progress = match outcome {
char_ref::Done => {
return ProcessResult::Continue;
char_ref::Stuck => ProcessResult::Suspend,
char_ref::Progress => ProcessResult::Continue,
self.char_ref_tokenizer = Some(tok);
fn process_char_ref(&mut self, char_ref: CharRef) {
let CharRef {
mut chars,
mut num_chars,
} = char_ref;
if num_chars == 0 {
chars[0] = '&';
num_chars = 1;
for i in 0..num_chars {
let c = chars[i as usize];
match self.state {
states::Data | states::RawData(states::Rcdata) => go!(self: emit c),
states::AttributeValue(_) => go!(self: push_value c),
_ => panic!(
"state {:?} should not be reachable in process_char_ref",
/// Indicate that we have reached the end of the input.
pub fn end(&mut self) {
// Handle EOF in the char ref sub-tokenizer, if there is one.
// Do this first because it might un-consume stuff.
let mut input = BufferQueue::new();
match self.char_ref_tokenizer.take() {
None => (),
Some(mut tok) => {
tok.end_of_file(self, &mut input);
// Process all remaining buffered input.
// If we're waiting for lookahead, we're not gonna get it.
self.at_eof = true;
assert!(matches!( input), TokenizerResult::Done));
loop {
match self.eof_step() {
ProcessResult::Continue => (),
ProcessResult::Suspend => break,
ProcessResult::Script(_) => unreachable!(),
if self.opts.profile {
fn dump_profile(&self) {
let mut results: Vec<(states::State, u64)> =
self.state_profile.iter().map(|(s, t)| (*s, *t)).collect();
results.sort_by(|&(_, x), &(_, y)| y.cmp(&x));
let total: u64 = results
.map(|&(_, t)| t)
.fold(0, ::std::ops::Add::add);
println!("\nTokenizer profile, in nanoseconds");
println!("\n{:12} total in token sink", self.time_in_sink);
println!("\n{:12} total in tokenizer", total);
for (k, v) in results.into_iter() {
let pct = 100.0 * (v as f64) / (total as f64);
println!("{:12} {:4.1}% {:?}", v, pct, k);
fn eof_step(&mut self) -> ProcessResult<Sink::Handle> {
debug!("processing EOF in state {:?}", self.state);
match self.state {
states::Data |
states::RawData(Rcdata) |
states::RawData(Rawtext) |
states::RawData(ScriptData) |
states::Plaintext => go!(self: eof),
states::TagName |
states::RawData(ScriptDataEscaped(_)) |
states::BeforeAttributeName |
states::AttributeName |
states::AfterAttributeName |
states::BeforeAttributeValue |
states::AttributeValue(_) |
states::AfterAttributeValueQuoted |
states::SelfClosingStartTag |
states::ScriptDataEscapedDash(_) |
states::ScriptDataEscapedDashDash(_) => go!(self: error_eof; to Data),
states::TagOpen => go!(self: error_eof; emit '<'; to Data),
states::EndTagOpen => go!(self: error_eof; emit '<'; emit '/'; to Data),
states::RawLessThanSign(ScriptDataEscaped(DoubleEscaped)) => {
go!(self: to RawData ScriptDataEscaped DoubleEscaped)
states::RawLessThanSign(kind) => go!(self: emit '<'; to RawData kind),
states::RawEndTagOpen(kind) => go!(self: emit '<'; emit '/'; to RawData kind),
states::RawEndTagName(kind) => {
go!(self: emit '<'; emit '/'; emit_temp; to RawData kind)
states::ScriptDataEscapeStart(kind) => go!(self: to RawData ScriptDataEscaped kind),
states::ScriptDataEscapeStartDash => go!(self: to RawData ScriptData),
states::ScriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd => {
go!(self: to RawData ScriptDataEscaped DoubleEscaped)
states::CommentStart |
states::CommentStartDash |
states::Comment |
states::CommentEndDash |
states::CommentEnd |
states::CommentEndBang => go!(self: error_eof; emit_comment; to Data),
states::Doctype | states::BeforeDoctypeName => {
go!(self: error_eof; create_doctype; force_quirks; emit_doctype; to Data)
states::DoctypeName |
states::AfterDoctypeName |
states::AfterDoctypeKeyword(_) |
states::BeforeDoctypeIdentifier(_) |
states::DoctypeIdentifierDoubleQuoted(_) |
states::DoctypeIdentifierSingleQuoted(_) |
states::AfterDoctypeIdentifier(_) |
states::BetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers => {
go!(self: error_eof; force_quirks; emit_doctype; to Data)
states::BogusDoctype => go!(self: emit_doctype; to Data),
states::BogusComment => go!(self: emit_comment; to Data),
states::MarkupDeclarationOpen => go!(self: error; to BogusComment),
states::CdataSection => go!(self: emit_temp; error_eof; to Data),
states::CdataSectionBracket => go!(self: push_temp ']'; to CdataSection),
states::CdataSectionEnd => go!(self: push_temp ']'; push_temp ']'; to CdataSection),
mod test {
use super::option_push; // private items
use crate::tendril::{SliceExt, StrTendril};
use super::{TokenSink, TokenSinkResult, Tokenizer, TokenizerOpts};
use super::interface::{CharacterTokens, EOFToken, NullCharacterToken, ParseError};
use super::interface::{EndTag, StartTag, Tag, TagKind};
use super::interface::{TagToken, Token};
use markup5ever::buffer_queue::BufferQueue;
use std::mem::replace;
use crate::LocalName;
// LinesMatch implements the TokenSink trait. It is used for testing to see
// if current_line is being updated when process_token is called. The lines
// vector is a collection of the line numbers that each token is on.
struct LinesMatch {
tokens: Vec<Token>,
current_str: StrTendril,
lines: Vec<(Token, u64)>,
impl LinesMatch {
fn new() -> LinesMatch {
LinesMatch {
tokens: vec![],
current_str: StrTendril::new(),
lines: vec![],
fn push(&mut self, token: Token, line_number: u64) {
self.lines.push((token, line_number));
fn finish_str(&mut self) {
if self.current_str.len() > 0 {
let s = replace(&mut self.current_str, StrTendril::new());
impl TokenSink for LinesMatch {
type Handle = ();
fn process_token(
&mut self,
token: Token,
line_number: u64,
) -> TokenSinkResult<Self::Handle> {
match token {
CharacterTokens(b) => {
NullCharacterToken => {
ParseError(_) => {
panic!("unexpected parse error");
TagToken(mut t) => {
// The spec seems to indicate that one can emit
// erroneous end tags with attrs, but the test
// cases don't contain them.
match t.kind {
EndTag => {
t.self_closing = false;
t.attrs = vec![];
_ => t.attrs.sort_by(|a1, a2|,
self.push(TagToken(t), line_number);
EOFToken => (),
_ => self.push(token, line_number),
// Take in tokens, process them, and return vector with line
// numbers that each token is on
fn tokenize(input: Vec<StrTendril>, opts: TokenizerOpts) -> Vec<(Token, u64)> {
let sink = LinesMatch::new();
let mut tok = Tokenizer::new(sink, opts);
let mut buffer = BufferQueue::new();
for chunk in input.into_iter() {
let _ = tok.feed(&mut buffer);
// Create a tag token
fn create_tag(token: StrTendril, tagkind: TagKind) -> Token {
let name = LocalName::from(&*token);
let token = TagToken(Tag {
kind: tagkind,
self_closing: false,
attrs: vec![],
fn push_to_None_gives_singleton() {
let mut s: Option<StrTendril> = None;
option_push(&mut s, 'x');
assert_eq!(s, Some("x".to_tendril()));
fn push_to_empty_appends() {
let mut s: Option<StrTendril> = Some(StrTendril::new());
option_push(&mut s, 'x');
assert_eq!(s, Some("x".to_tendril()));
fn push_to_nonempty_appends() {
let mut s: Option<StrTendril> = Some(StrTendril::from_slice("y"));
option_push(&mut s, 'x');
assert_eq!(s, Some("yx".to_tendril()));
fn check_lines() {
let opts = TokenizerOpts {
exact_errors: false,
discard_bom: true,
profile: false,
initial_state: None,
last_start_tag_name: None,
let vector = vec![
let expected = vec![
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("a"), StartTag), 1),
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("b"), StartTag), 2),
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("b"), EndTag), 3),
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("a"), EndTag), 4),
let results = tokenize(vector, opts);
assert_eq!(results, expected);
fn check_lines_with_new_line() {
let opts = TokenizerOpts {
exact_errors: false,
discard_bom: true,
profile: false,
initial_state: None,
last_start_tag_name: None,
let vector = vec![
let expected = vec![
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("a"), StartTag), 1),
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("b"), StartTag), 2),
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("b"), EndTag), 3),
(create_tag(StrTendril::from("a"), EndTag), 4),
let results = tokenize(vector, opts);
assert_eq!(results, expected);