blob: 280457d68b99e436502f18986b3bdc49a06c1705 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The `wasm32-wasi` target is a new and still (as of April 2019) an
//! experimental target. The definition in this file is likely to be tweaked
//! over time and shouldn't be relied on too much.
//! The `wasi` target is a proposal to define a standardized set of syscalls
//! that WebAssembly files can interoperate with. This set of syscalls is
//! intended to empower WebAssembly binaries with native capabilities such as
//! filesystem access, network access, etc.
//! You can see more about the proposal at <>.
//! The Rust target definition here is interesting in a few ways. We want to
//! serve two use cases here with this target:
//! * First, we want Rust usage of the target to be as hassle-free as possible,
//! ideally avoiding the need to configure and install a local wasm32-wasi
//! toolchain.
//! * Second, one of the primary use cases of LLVM's new wasm backend and the
//! wasm support in LLD is that any compiled language can interoperate with
//! any other. To that the `wasm32-wasi` target is the first with a viable C
//! standard library and sysroot common definition, so we want Rust and C/C++
//! code to interoperate when compiled to `wasm32-unknown-unknown`.
//! You'll note, however, that the two goals above are somewhat at odds with one
//! another. To attempt to solve both use cases in one go we define a target
//! that (ab)uses the `crt-static` target feature to indicate which one you're
//! in.
//! ## No interop with C required
//! By default the `crt-static` target feature is enabled, and when enabled
//! this means that the bundled version of `libc.a` found in `liblibc.rlib`
//! is used. This isn't intended really for interoperation with a C because it
//! may be the case that Rust's bundled C library is incompatible with a
//! foreign-compiled C library. In this use case, though, we use `rust-lld` and
//! some copied crt startup object files to ensure that you can download the
//! wasi target for Rust and you're off to the races, no further configuration
//! necessary.
//! All in all, by default, no external dependencies are required. You can
//! compile `wasm32-wasi` binaries straight out of the box. You can't, however,
//! reliably interoperate with C code in this mode (yet).
//! ## Interop with C required
//! For the second goal we repurpose the `target-feature` flag, meaning that
//! you'll need to do a few things to have C/Rust code interoperate.
//! 1. All Rust code needs to be compiled with `-C target-feature=-crt-static`,
//! indicating that the bundled C standard library in the Rust sysroot will
//! not be used.
//! 2. If you're using rustc to build a linked artifact then you'll need to
//! specify `-C linker` to a `clang` binary that supports
//! `wasm32-wasi` and is configured with the `wasm32-wasi` sysroot. This
//! will cause Rust code to be linked against the libc.a that the specified
//! `clang` provides.
//! 3. If you're building a staticlib and integrating Rust code elsewhere, then
//! compiling with `-C target-feature=-crt-static` is all you need to do.
//! You can configure the linker via Cargo using the
//! `CARGO_TARGET_WASM32_WASI_LINKER` env var. Be sure to also set
//! `CC_wasm32-wasi` if any crates in the dependency graph are using the `cc`
//! crate.
//! ## Remember, this is all in flux
//! The wasi target is **very** new in its specification. It's likely going to
//! be a long effort to get it standardized and stable. We'll be following it as
//! best we can with this target. Don't start relying on too much here unless
//! you know what you're getting in to!
use super::wasm_base;
use super::{crt_objects, LinkerFlavor, LldFlavor, Target};
pub fn target() -> Target {
let mut options = wasm_base::options();
options.os = "wasi".into();
options.linker_flavor = LinkerFlavor::Lld(LldFlavor::Wasm);
options.add_pre_link_args(LinkerFlavor::Gcc, &["--target=wasm32-wasi"]);
options.pre_link_objects_fallback = crt_objects::pre_wasi_fallback();
options.post_link_objects_fallback = crt_objects::post_wasi_fallback();
// Right now this is a bit of a workaround but we're currently saying that
// the target by default has a static crt which we're taking as a signal
// for "use the bundled crt". If that's turned off then the system's crt
// will be used, but this means that default usage of this target doesn't
// need an external compiler but it's still interoperable with an external
// compiler if configured correctly.
options.crt_static_default = true;
options.crt_static_respected = true;
// Allow `+crt-static` to create a "cdylib" output which is just a wasm file
// without a main function.
options.crt_static_allows_dylibs = true;
// WASI's `sys::args::init` function ignores its arguments; instead,
// `args::args()` makes the WASI API calls itself.
options.main_needs_argc_argv = false;
Target {
llvm_target: "wasm32-wasi".into(),
pointer_width: 32,
data_layout: "e-m:e-p:32:32-p10:8:8-p20:8:8-i64:64-n32:64-S128-ni:1:10:20".into(),
arch: "wasm32".into(),