blob: 4d7442b6701291a18b6071e3b82a6b42c1eede7c [file] [log] [blame]
//! ABI definitions.
use crate::binemit::StackMap;
use crate::ir::{Signature, StackSlot};
use crate::isa::CallConv;
use crate::machinst::*;
use crate::settings;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
/// A small vector of instructions (with some reasonable size); appropriate for
/// a small fixed sequence implementing one operation.
pub type SmallInstVec<I> = SmallVec<[I; 4]>;
/// Trait implemented by an object that tracks ABI-related state (e.g., stack
/// layout) and can generate code while emitting the *body* of a function.
pub trait ABICallee {
/// The instruction type for the ISA associated with this ABI.
type I: VCodeInst;
/// Does the ABI-body code need a temp reg (and if so, of what type)? One
/// will be provided to `init()` as the `maybe_tmp` arg if so.
fn temp_needed(&self) -> Option<Type>;
/// Initialize. This is called after the ABICallee is constructed because it
/// may be provided with a temp vreg, which can only be allocated once the
/// lowering context exists.
fn init(&mut self, maybe_tmp: Option<Writable<Reg>>);
/// Access the (possibly legalized) signature.
fn signature(&self) -> &Signature;
/// Accumulate outgoing arguments. This ensures that at least SIZE bytes
/// are allocated in the prologue to be available for use in function calls
/// to hold arguments and/or return values. If this function is called
/// multiple times, the maximum of all SIZE values will be available.
fn accumulate_outgoing_args_size(&mut self, size: u32);
/// Get the settings controlling this function's compilation.
fn flags(&self) -> &settings::Flags;
/// Get the calling convention implemented by this ABI object.
fn call_conv(&self) -> CallConv;
/// Number of arguments.
fn num_args(&self) -> usize;
/// Number of return values.
fn num_retvals(&self) -> usize;
/// Number of stack slots (not spill slots).
fn num_stackslots(&self) -> usize;
/// The offsets of all stack slots (not spill slots) for debuginfo purposes.
fn stackslot_offsets(&self) -> &PrimaryMap<StackSlot, u32>;
/// Generate an instruction which copies an argument to a destination
/// register.
fn gen_copy_arg_to_regs(
idx: usize,
into_reg: ValueRegs<Writable<Reg>>,
) -> SmallInstVec<Self::I>;
/// Is the given argument needed in the body (as opposed to, e.g., serving
/// only as a special ABI-specific placeholder)? This controls whether
/// lowering will copy it to a virtual reg use by CLIF instructions.
fn arg_is_needed_in_body(&self, idx: usize) -> bool;
/// Generate any setup instruction needed to save values to the
/// return-value area. This is usually used when were are multiple return
/// values or an otherwise large return value that must be passed on the
/// stack; typically the ABI specifies an extra hidden argument that is a
/// pointer to that memory.
fn gen_retval_area_setup(&self) -> Option<Self::I>;
/// Generate an instruction which copies a source register to a return value slot.
fn gen_copy_regs_to_retval(
idx: usize,
from_reg: ValueRegs<Writable<Reg>>,
) -> SmallInstVec<Self::I>;
/// Generate a return instruction.
fn gen_ret(&self) -> Self::I;
/// Generate an epilogue placeholder. The returned instruction should return `true` from
/// `is_epilogue_placeholder()`; this is used to indicate to the lowering driver when
/// the epilogue should be inserted.
fn gen_epilogue_placeholder(&self) -> Self::I;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Every function above this line may only be called pre-regalloc.
// Every function below this line may only be called post-regalloc.
// `spillslots()` must be called before any other post-regalloc
// function.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Update with the number of spillslots, post-regalloc.
fn set_num_spillslots(&mut self, slots: usize);
/// Update with the clobbered registers, post-regalloc.
fn set_clobbered(&mut self, clobbered: Vec<Writable<RealReg>>);
/// Get the address of a stackslot.
fn stackslot_addr(&self, slot: StackSlot, offset: u32, into_reg: Writable<Reg>) -> Self::I;
/// Load from a spillslot.
fn load_spillslot(
slot: SpillSlot,
ty: Type,
into_reg: ValueRegs<Writable<Reg>>,
) -> SmallInstVec<Self::I>;
/// Store to a spillslot.
fn store_spillslot(
slot: SpillSlot,
ty: Type,
from_reg: ValueRegs<Reg>,
) -> SmallInstVec<Self::I>;
/// Generate a stack map, given a list of spillslots and the emission state
/// at a given program point (prior to emission fo the safepointing
/// instruction).
fn spillslots_to_stack_map(
slots: &[SpillSlot],
state: &<Self::I as MachInstEmit>::State,
) -> StackMap;
/// Generate a prologue, post-regalloc. This should include any stack
/// frame or other setup necessary to use the other methods (`load_arg`,
/// `store_retval`, and spillslot accesses.) `self` is mutable so that we
/// can store information in it which will be useful when creating the
/// epilogue.
fn gen_prologue(&mut self) -> SmallInstVec<Self::I>;
/// Generate an epilogue, post-regalloc. Note that this must generate the
/// actual return instruction (rather than emitting this in the lowering
/// logic), because the epilogue code comes before the return and the two are
/// likely closely related.
fn gen_epilogue(&self) -> SmallInstVec<Self::I>;
/// Returns the full frame size for the given function, after prologue
/// emission has run. This comprises the spill slots and stack-storage slots
/// (but not storage for clobbered callee-save registers, arguments pushed
/// at callsites within this function, or other ephemeral pushes). This is
/// used for ABI variants where the client generates prologue/epilogue code,
/// as in Baldrdash (SpiderMonkey integration).
fn frame_size(&self) -> u32;
/// Returns the size of arguments expected on the stack.
fn stack_args_size(&self) -> u32;
/// Get the spill-slot size.
fn get_spillslot_size(&self, rc: RegClass) -> u32;
/// Generate a spill.
fn gen_spill(&self, to_slot: SpillSlot, from_reg: RealReg) -> Self::I;
/// Generate a reload (fill).
fn gen_reload(&self, to_reg: Writable<RealReg>, from_slot: SpillSlot) -> Self::I;
/// Trait implemented by an object that tracks ABI-related state and can
/// generate code while emitting a *call* to a function.
/// An instance of this trait returns information for a *particular*
/// callsite. It will usually be computed from the called function's
/// signature.
/// Unlike `ABICallee` above, methods on this trait are not invoked directly
/// by the machine-independent code. Rather, the machine-specific lowering
/// code will typically create an `ABICaller` when creating machine instructions
/// for an IR call instruction inside `lower()`, directly emit the arg and
/// and retval copies, and attach the register use/def info to the call.
/// This trait is thus provided for convenience to the backends.
pub trait ABICaller {
/// The instruction type for the ISA associated with this ABI.
type I: VCodeInst;
/// Get the number of arguments expected.
fn num_args(&self) -> usize;
/// Access the (possibly legalized) signature.
fn signature(&self) -> &Signature;
/// Emit a copy of an argument value from a source register, prior to the call.
fn emit_copy_regs_to_arg<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>(
ctx: &mut C,
idx: usize,
from_reg: ValueRegs<Reg>,
/// Specific order for copying into arguments at callsites. We must be
/// careful to copy into StructArgs first, because we need to be able
/// to invoke memcpy() before we've loaded other arg regs (see above).
fn get_copy_to_arg_order(&self) -> SmallVec<[usize; 8]>;
/// Emit a copy a return value into a destination register, after the call returns.
fn emit_copy_retval_to_regs<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>(
ctx: &mut C,
idx: usize,
into_reg: ValueRegs<Writable<Reg>>,
/// Emit code to pre-adjust the stack, prior to argument copies and call.
fn emit_stack_pre_adjust<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>(&self, ctx: &mut C);
/// Emit code to post-adjust the satck, after call return and return-value copies.
fn emit_stack_post_adjust<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>(&self, ctx: &mut C);
/// Accumulate outgoing arguments. This ensures that the caller (as
/// identified via the CTX argument) allocates enough space in the
/// prologue to hold all arguments and return values for this call.
/// There is no code emitted at the call site, everything is done
/// in the caller's function prologue.
fn accumulate_outgoing_args_size<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>(&self, ctx: &mut C);
/// Emit the call itself.
/// The returned instruction should have proper use- and def-sets according
/// to the argument registers, return-value registers, and clobbered
/// registers for this function signature in this ABI.
/// (Arg registers are uses, and retval registers are defs. Clobbered
/// registers are also logically defs, but should never be read; their
/// values are "defined" (to the regalloc) but "undefined" in every other
/// sense.)
/// This function should only be called once, as it is allowed to re-use
/// parts of the ABICaller object in emitting instructions.
fn emit_call<C: LowerCtx<I = Self::I>>(&mut self, ctx: &mut C);