blob: 85e990bde86dc0d2f842e8d86516587766a9f1ba [file] [log] [blame]
//! Proc macro which builds the Symbol table
//! # Debugging
//! Since this proc-macro does some non-trivial work, debugging it is important.
//! This proc-macro can be invoked as an ordinary unit test, like so:
//! ```bash
//! cd compiler/rustc_macros
//! cargo test symbols::test_symbols -- --nocapture
//! ```
//! This unit test finds the `symbols!` invocation in `compiler/rustc_span/src/`
//! and runs it. It verifies that the output token stream can be parsed as valid module
//! items and that no errors were produced.
//! You can also view the generated code by using `cargo expand`:
//! ```bash
//! cargo install cargo-expand # this is necessary only once
//! cd compiler/rustc_span
//! cargo expand > /tmp/ # it's a big file
//! ```
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
use syn::{braced, punctuated::Punctuated, Ident, LitStr, Token};
mod tests;
mod kw {
struct Keyword {
name: Ident,
value: LitStr,
impl Parse for Keyword {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let name = input.parse()?;
let value = input.parse()?;
Ok(Keyword { name, value })
struct Symbol {
name: Ident,
value: Option<LitStr>,
impl Parse for Symbol {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let name = input.parse()?;
let value = match input.parse::<Token![:]>() {
Ok(_) => Some(input.parse()?),
Err(_) => None,
Ok(Symbol { name, value })
struct Input {
keywords: Punctuated<Keyword, Token![,]>,
symbols: Punctuated<Symbol, Token![,]>,
impl Parse for Input {
fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let content;
braced!(content in input);
let keywords = Punctuated::parse_terminated(&content)?;
let content;
braced!(content in input);
let symbols = Punctuated::parse_terminated(&content)?;
Ok(Input { keywords, symbols })
struct Errors {
list: Vec<syn::Error>,
impl Errors {
fn error(&mut self, span: Span, message: String) {
self.list.push(syn::Error::new(span, message));
pub fn symbols(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let (mut output, errors) = symbols_with_errors(input);
// If we generated any errors, then report them as compiler_error!() macro calls.
// This lets the errors point back to the most relevant span. It also allows us
// to report as many errors as we can during a single run.
output.extend(errors.into_iter().map(|e| e.to_compile_error()));
fn symbols_with_errors(input: TokenStream) -> (TokenStream, Vec<syn::Error>) {
let mut errors = Errors::default();
let input: Input = match syn::parse2(input) {
Ok(input) => input,
Err(e) => {
// This allows us to display errors at the proper span, while minimizing
// unrelated errors caused by bailing out (and not generating code).
Input { keywords: Default::default(), symbols: Default::default() }
let mut keyword_stream = quote! {};
let mut symbols_stream = quote! {};
let mut prefill_stream = quote! {};
let mut counter = 0u32;
let mut keys =
HashMap::<String, Span>::with_capacity(input.keywords.len() + input.symbols.len() + 10);
let mut prev_key: Option<(Span, String)> = None;
let mut check_dup = |span: Span, str: &str, errors: &mut Errors| {
if let Some(prev_span) = keys.get(str) {
errors.error(span, format!("Symbol `{}` is duplicated", str));
errors.error(*prev_span, "location of previous definition".to_string());
} else {
keys.insert(str.to_string(), span);
let mut check_order = |span: Span, str: &str, errors: &mut Errors| {
if let Some((prev_span, ref prev_str)) = prev_key {
if str < prev_str {
errors.error(span, format!("Symbol `{}` must precede `{}`", str, prev_str));
errors.error(prev_span, format!("location of previous symbol `{}`", prev_str));
prev_key = Some((span, str.to_string()));
// Generate the listed keywords.
for keyword in input.keywords.iter() {
let name = &;
let value = &keyword.value;
let value_string = value.value();
check_dup(, &value_string, &mut errors);
prefill_stream.extend(quote! {
keyword_stream.extend(quote! {
pub const #name: Symbol = Symbol::new(#counter);
counter += 1;
// Generate the listed symbols.
for symbol in input.symbols.iter() {
let name = &;
let value = match &symbol.value {
Some(value) => value.value(),
None => name.to_string(),
check_dup(, &value, &mut errors);
check_order(, &name.to_string(), &mut errors);
prefill_stream.extend(quote! {
symbols_stream.extend(quote! {
pub const #name: Symbol = Symbol::new(#counter);
counter += 1;
// Generate symbols for the strings "0", "1", ..., "9".
let digits_base = counter;
counter += 10;
for n in 0..10 {
let n = n.to_string();
check_dup(Span::call_site(), &n, &mut errors);
prefill_stream.extend(quote! {
let _ = counter; // for future use
let output = quote! {
const SYMBOL_DIGITS_BASE: u32 = #digits_base;
mod kw_generated {
use super::Symbol;
pub mod sym_generated {
use super::Symbol;
impl Interner {
pub fn fresh() -> Self {
(output, errors.list)
// To see the generated code, use the "cargo expand" command.
// Do this once to install:
// cargo install cargo-expand
// Then, cd to rustc_span and run:
// cargo expand > /tmp/
// and read that file.