blob: e6a099f0e81a0ad141b1f2950e34ed78c8987db4 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::backtrace_rs::{self, BacktraceFmt, BytesOrWideString, PrintFmt};
use crate::borrow::Cow;
/// Common code for printing the backtrace in the same way across the different
/// supported platforms.
use crate::env;
use crate::fmt;
use crate::io;
use crate::io::prelude::*;
use crate::path::{self, Path, PathBuf};
use crate::sync::atomic::{self, Ordering};
use crate::sys_common::mutex::StaticMutex;
/// Max number of frames to print.
const MAX_NB_FRAMES: usize = 100;
// SAFETY: Don't attempt to lock this reentrantly.
pub unsafe fn lock() -> impl Drop {
static LOCK: StaticMutex = StaticMutex::new();
/// Prints the current backtrace.
pub fn print(w: &mut dyn Write, format: PrintFmt) -> io::Result<()> {
// There are issues currently linking libbacktrace into tests, and in
// general during libstd's own unit tests we're not testing this path. In
// test mode immediately return here to optimize away any references to the
// libbacktrace symbols
if cfg!(test) {
return Ok(());
// Use a lock to prevent mixed output in multithreading context.
// Some platforms also requires it, like `SymFromAddr` on Windows.
unsafe {
let _lock = lock();
_print(w, format)
unsafe fn _print(w: &mut dyn Write, format: PrintFmt) -> io::Result<()> {
struct DisplayBacktrace {
format: PrintFmt,
impl fmt::Display for DisplayBacktrace {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
unsafe { _print_fmt(fmt, self.format) }
write!(w, "{}", DisplayBacktrace { format })
unsafe fn _print_fmt(fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, print_fmt: PrintFmt) -> fmt::Result {
// Always 'fail' to get the cwd when running under Miri -
// this allows Miri to display backtraces in isolation mode
let cwd = if !cfg!(miri) { env::current_dir().ok() } else { None };
let mut print_path = move |fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, bows: BytesOrWideString<'_>| {
output_filename(fmt, bows, print_fmt, cwd.as_ref())
writeln!(fmt, "stack backtrace:")?;
let mut bt_fmt = BacktraceFmt::new(fmt, print_fmt, &mut print_path);
let mut idx = 0;
let mut res = Ok(());
// Start immediately if we're not using a short backtrace.
let mut start = print_fmt != PrintFmt::Short;
backtrace_rs::trace_unsynchronized(|frame| {
if print_fmt == PrintFmt::Short && idx > MAX_NB_FRAMES {
return false;
let mut hit = false;
let mut stop = false;
backtrace_rs::resolve_frame_unsynchronized(frame, |symbol| {
hit = true;
if print_fmt == PrintFmt::Short {
if let Some(sym) =|s| s.as_str()) {
if start && sym.contains("__rust_begin_short_backtrace") {
stop = true;
if sym.contains("__rust_end_short_backtrace") {
start = true;
if start {
res = bt_fmt.frame().symbol(frame, symbol);
if stop {
return false;
if !hit {
if start {
res = bt_fmt.frame().print_raw(frame.ip(), None, None, None);
idx += 1;
if print_fmt == PrintFmt::Short {
"note: Some details are omitted, \
run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace."
/// Fixed frame used to clean the backtrace with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1`. Note that
/// this is only inline(never) when backtraces in libstd are enabled, otherwise
/// it's fine to optimize away.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "backtrace", inline(never))]
pub fn __rust_begin_short_backtrace<F, T>(f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce() -> T,
let result = f();
// prevent this frame from being tail-call optimised away
/// Fixed frame used to clean the backtrace with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1`. Note that
/// this is only inline(never) when backtraces in libstd are enabled, otherwise
/// it's fine to optimize away.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "backtrace", inline(never))]
pub fn __rust_end_short_backtrace<F, T>(f: F) -> T
F: FnOnce() -> T,
let result = f();
// prevent this frame from being tail-call optimised away
pub enum RustBacktrace {
// For now logging is turned off by default, and this function checks to see
// whether the magical environment variable is present to see if it's turned on.
pub fn rust_backtrace_env() -> RustBacktrace {
// If the `backtrace` feature of this crate isn't enabled quickly return
// `None` so this can be constant propagated all over the place to turn
// optimize away callers.
if !cfg!(feature = "backtrace") {
return RustBacktrace::Disabled;
// Setting environment variables for Fuchsia components isn't a standard
// or easily supported workflow. For now, always display backtraces.
if cfg!(target_os = "fuchsia") {
return RustBacktrace::Print(PrintFmt::Full);
static ENABLED: atomic::AtomicIsize = atomic::AtomicIsize::new(0);
match ENABLED.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
0 => {}
1 => return RustBacktrace::RuntimeDisabled,
2 => return RustBacktrace::Print(PrintFmt::Short),
_ => return RustBacktrace::Print(PrintFmt::Full),
let (format, cache) = env::var_os("RUST_BACKTRACE")
.map(|x| {
if &x == "0" {
(RustBacktrace::RuntimeDisabled, 1)
} else if &x == "full" {
(RustBacktrace::Print(PrintFmt::Full), 3)
} else {
(RustBacktrace::Print(PrintFmt::Short), 2)
.unwrap_or((RustBacktrace::RuntimeDisabled, 1));, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Prints the filename of the backtrace frame.
/// See also `output`.
pub fn output_filename(
fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>,
bows: BytesOrWideString<'_>,
print_fmt: PrintFmt,
cwd: Option<&PathBuf>,
) -> fmt::Result {
let file: Cow<'_, Path> = match bows {
BytesOrWideString::Bytes(bytes) => {
use crate::os::unix::prelude::*;
BytesOrWideString::Bytes(bytes) => {
BytesOrWideString::Wide(wide) => {
use crate::os::windows::prelude::*;
BytesOrWideString::Wide(_wide) => Path::new("<unknown>").into(),
if print_fmt == PrintFmt::Short && file.is_absolute() {
if let Some(cwd) = cwd {
if let Ok(stripped) = file.strip_prefix(&cwd) {
if let Some(s) = stripped.to_str() {
return write!(fmt, ".{}{}", path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, s);
fmt::Display::fmt(&file.display(), fmt)