blob: 9217209fcf0516a8348fdfc35854c4bbcaeffd20 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::lang_items::LangItem;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Region, RegionVid, TypeFoldable};
use rustc_trait_selection::traits::auto_trait::{self, AutoTraitResult};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use super::*;
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum RegionTarget<'tcx> {
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
struct RegionDeps<'tcx> {
larger: FxHashSet<RegionTarget<'tcx>>,
smaller: FxHashSet<RegionTarget<'tcx>>,
crate struct AutoTraitFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
crate cx: &'a mut core::DocContext<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> AutoTraitFinder<'a, 'tcx> {
crate fn new(cx: &'a mut core::DocContext<'tcx>) -> Self {
AutoTraitFinder { cx }
fn generate_for_trait(
&mut self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
trait_def_id: DefId,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
item_def_id: DefId,
f: &auto_trait::AutoTraitFinder<'tcx>,
// If this is set, show only negative trait implementations, not positive ones.
discard_positive_impl: bool,
) -> Option<Item> {
let tcx =;
let trait_ref = ty::TraitRef { def_id: trait_def_id, substs: tcx.mk_substs_trait(ty, &[]) };
if !, trait_def_id)) {
debug!("get_auto_trait_impl_for({:?}): already generated, aborting", trait_ref);
return None;
let result = f.find_auto_trait_generics(ty, param_env, trait_def_id, |info| {
let region_data = info.region_data;
let names_map = tcx
.filter_map(|param| match param.kind {
ty::GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => Some(,
_ => None,
.map(|name| (name, Lifetime(name)))
let lifetime_predicates = Self::handle_lifetimes(&region_data, &names_map);
let new_generics = self.param_env_to_generics(
"find_auto_trait_generics(item_def_id={:?}, trait_def_id={:?}): \
finished with {:?}",
item_def_id, trait_def_id, new_generics
let negative_polarity;
let new_generics = match result {
AutoTraitResult::PositiveImpl(new_generics) => {
negative_polarity = false;
if discard_positive_impl {
return None;
AutoTraitResult::NegativeImpl => {
negative_polarity = true;
// For negative impls, we use the generic params, but *not* the predicates,
// from the original type. Otherwise, the displayed impl appears to be a
// conditional negative impl, when it's really unconditional.
// For example, consider the struct Foo<T: Copy>(*mut T). Using
// the original predicates in our impl would cause us to generate
// `impl !Send for Foo<T: Copy>`, which makes it appear that Foo
// implements Send where T is not copy.
// Instead, we generate `impl !Send for Foo<T>`, which better
// expresses the fact that `Foo<T>` never implements `Send`,
// regardless of the choice of `T`.
let params = (tcx.generics_of(item_def_id), ty::GenericPredicates::default())
Generics { params, where_predicates: Vec::new() }
AutoTraitResult::ExplicitImpl => return None,
Some(Item {
name: None,
attrs: Default::default(),
visibility: Inherited,
def_id: ItemId::Auto { trait_: trait_def_id, for_: item_def_id },
kind: Box::new(ImplItem(Impl {
span: Span::dummy(),
unsafety: hir::Unsafety::Normal,
generics: new_generics,
trait_: Some(trait_ref.clean(,
for_: ty.clean(,
items: Vec::new(),
synthetic: true,
blanket_impl: None,
cfg: None,
crate fn get_auto_trait_impls(&mut self, item_def_id: DefId) -> Vec<Item> {
let tcx =;
let param_env = tcx.param_env(item_def_id);
let ty = tcx.type_of(item_def_id);
let f = auto_trait::AutoTraitFinder::new(tcx);
debug!("get_auto_trait_impls({:?})", ty);
let auto_traits: Vec<_> =;
let mut auto_traits: Vec<Item> = auto_traits
.filter_map(|trait_def_id| {
self.generate_for_trait(ty, trait_def_id, param_env, item_def_id, &f, false)
// We are only interested in case the type *doesn't* implement the Sized trait.
if !ty.is_sized(, param_env) {
// In case `#![no_core]` is used, `sized_trait` returns nothing.
if let Some(item) = tcx.lang_items().sized_trait().and_then(|sized_trait_did| {
self.generate_for_trait(ty, sized_trait_did, param_env, item_def_id, &f, true)
}) {
fn get_lifetime(region: Region<'_>, names_map: &FxHashMap<Symbol, Lifetime>) -> Lifetime {
.map(|name| {
names_map.get(&name).unwrap_or_else(|| {
panic!("Missing lifetime with name {:?} for {:?}", name.as_str(), region)
// This method calculates two things: Lifetime constraints of the form 'a: 'b,
// and region constraints of the form ReVar: 'a
// This is essentially a simplified version of lexical_region_resolve. However,
// handle_lifetimes determines what *needs be* true in order for an impl to hold.
// lexical_region_resolve, along with much of the rest of the compiler, is concerned
// with determining if a given set up constraints/predicates *are* met, given some
// starting conditions (e.g., user-provided code). For this reason, it's easier
// to perform the calculations we need on our own, rather than trying to make
// existing inference/solver code do what we want.
fn handle_lifetimes<'cx>(
regions: &RegionConstraintData<'cx>,
names_map: &FxHashMap<Symbol, Lifetime>,
) -> Vec<WherePredicate> {
// Our goal is to 'flatten' the list of constraints by eliminating
// all intermediate RegionVids. At the end, all constraints should
// be between Regions (aka region variables). This gives us the information
// we need to create the Generics.
let mut finished: FxHashMap<_, Vec<_>> = Default::default();
let mut vid_map: FxHashMap<RegionTarget<'_>, RegionDeps<'_>> = Default::default();
// Flattening is done in two parts. First, we insert all of the constraints
// into a map. Each RegionTarget (either a RegionVid or a Region) maps
// to its smaller and larger regions. Note that 'larger' regions correspond
// to sub-regions in Rust code (e.g., in 'a: 'b, 'a is the larger region).
for constraint in regions.constraints.keys() {
match constraint {
&Constraint::VarSubVar(r1, r2) => {
let deps1 = vid_map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(r1)).or_default();
let deps2 = vid_map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(r2)).or_default();
&Constraint::RegSubVar(region, vid) => {
let deps = vid_map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid)).or_default();
&Constraint::VarSubReg(vid, region) => {
let deps = vid_map.entry(RegionTarget::RegionVid(vid)).or_default();
&Constraint::RegSubReg(r1, r2) => {
// The constraint is already in the form that we want, so we're done with it
// Desired order is 'larger, smaller', so flip then
if region_name(r1) != region_name(r2) {
.entry(region_name(r2).expect("no region_name found"))
// Here, we 'flatten' the map one element at a time.
// All of the element's sub and super regions are connected
// to each other. For example, if we have a graph that looks like this:
// (A, B) - C - (D, E)
// Where (A, B) are subregions, and (D,E) are super-regions
// then after deleting 'C', the graph will look like this:
// ... - A - (D, E ...)
// ... - B - (D, E, ...)
// (A, B, ...) - D - ...
// (A, B, ...) - E - ...
// where '...' signifies the existing sub and super regions of an entry
// When two adjacent ty::Regions are encountered, we've computed a final
// constraint, and add it to our list. Since we make sure to never re-add
// deleted items, this process will always finish.
while !vid_map.is_empty() {
let target = *vid_map.keys().next().expect("Keys somehow empty");
let deps = vid_map.remove(&target).expect("Entry somehow missing");
for smaller in deps.smaller.iter() {
for larger in deps.larger.iter() {
match (smaller, larger) {
(&RegionTarget::Region(r1), &RegionTarget::Region(r2)) => {
if region_name(r1) != region_name(r2) {
.entry(region_name(r2).expect("no region name found"))
.push(r1) // Larger, smaller
(&RegionTarget::RegionVid(_), &RegionTarget::Region(_)) => {
if let Entry::Occupied(v) = vid_map.entry(*smaller) {
let smaller_deps = v.into_mut();
(&RegionTarget::Region(_), &RegionTarget::RegionVid(_)) => {
if let Entry::Occupied(v) = vid_map.entry(*larger) {
let deps = v.into_mut();
(&RegionTarget::RegionVid(_), &RegionTarget::RegionVid(_)) => {
if let Entry::Occupied(v) = vid_map.entry(*smaller) {
let smaller_deps = v.into_mut();
if let Entry::Occupied(v) = vid_map.entry(*larger) {
let larger_deps = v.into_mut();
let lifetime_predicates = names_map
.flat_map(|(name, lifetime)| {
let empty = Vec::new();
let bounds: FxHashSet<GenericBound> = finished
.map(|region| GenericBound::Outlives(Self::get_lifetime(region, names_map)))
if bounds.is_empty() {
return None;
Some(WherePredicate::RegionPredicate {
lifetime: lifetime.clone(),
bounds: bounds.into_iter().collect(),
fn extract_for_generics(&self, pred: ty::Predicate<'tcx>) -> FxHashSet<GenericParamDef> {
let bound_predicate = pred.kind();
let tcx =;
let regions = match bound_predicate.skip_binder() {
ty::PredicateKind::Trait(poly_trait_pred) => {
ty::PredicateKind::Projection(poly_proj_pred) => {
_ => return FxHashSet::default(),
.filter_map(|br| {
match br {
// We only care about named late bound regions, as we need to add them
// to the 'for<>' section
ty::BrNamed(_, name) => {
Some(GenericParamDef { name, kind: GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime })
_ => None,
fn make_final_bounds(
ty_to_bounds: FxHashMap<Type, FxHashSet<GenericBound>>,
ty_to_fn: FxHashMap<Type, (Option<PolyTrait>, Option<Type>)>,
lifetime_to_bounds: FxHashMap<Lifetime, FxHashSet<GenericBound>>,
) -> Vec<WherePredicate> {
.flat_map(|(ty, mut bounds)| {
if let Some(data) = ty_to_fn.get(&ty) {
let (poly_trait, output) =
(data.0.as_ref().unwrap().clone(), data.1.as_ref().cloned().map(Box::new));
let new_ty = match poly_trait.trait_ {
Type::ResolvedPath { ref path, ref did, ref is_generic } => {
let mut new_path = path.clone();
let last_segment =
new_path.segments.pop().expect("segments were empty");
let (old_input, old_output) = match last_segment.args {
GenericArgs::AngleBracketed { args, .. } => {
let types = args
.filter_map(|arg| match arg {
GenericArg::Type(ty) => Some(ty.clone()),
_ => None,
(types, None)
GenericArgs::Parenthesized { inputs, output, .. } => {
(inputs, output)
if old_output.is_some() && old_output != output {
"Output mismatch for {:?} {:?} {:?}",
ty, old_output, data.1
let new_params =
GenericArgs::Parenthesized { inputs: old_input, output };
.push(PathSegment { name:, args: new_params });
Type::ResolvedPath {
path: new_path,
did: *did,
is_generic: *is_generic,
_ => panic!("Unexpected data: {:?}, {:?}", ty, data),
PolyTrait { trait_: new_ty, generic_params: poly_trait.generic_params },
if bounds.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut bounds_vec = bounds.into_iter().collect();
self.sort_where_bounds(&mut bounds_vec);
Some(WherePredicate::BoundPredicate {
bounds: bounds_vec,
bound_params: Vec::new(),
lifetime_to_bounds.into_iter().filter(|&(_, ref bounds)| !bounds.is_empty()).map(
|(lifetime, bounds)| {
let mut bounds_vec = bounds.into_iter().collect();
self.sort_where_bounds(&mut bounds_vec);
WherePredicate::RegionPredicate { lifetime, bounds: bounds_vec }
// Converts the calculated ParamEnv and lifetime information to a clean::Generics, suitable for
// display on the docs page. Cleaning the Predicates produces sub-optimal `WherePredicate`s,
// so we fix them up:
// * Multiple bounds for the same type are coalesced into one: e.g., 'T: Copy', 'T: Debug'
// becomes 'T: Copy + Debug'
// * Fn bounds are handled specially - instead of leaving it as 'T: Fn(), <T as Fn::Output> =
// K', we use the dedicated syntax 'T: Fn() -> K'
// * We explicitly add a '?Sized' bound if we didn't find any 'Sized' predicates for a type
fn param_env_to_generics(
&mut self,
item_def_id: DefId,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
mut existing_predicates: Vec<WherePredicate>,
vid_to_region: FxHashMap<ty::RegionVid, ty::Region<'tcx>>,
) -> Generics {
"param_env_to_generics(item_def_id={:?}, param_env={:?}, \
item_def_id, param_env, existing_predicates
let tcx =;
// The `Sized` trait must be handled specially, since we only display it when
// it is *not* required (i.e., '?Sized')
let sized_trait = tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::Sized, None);
let mut replacer = RegionReplacer { vid_to_region: &vid_to_region, tcx };
let orig_bounds: FxHashSet<_> = tcx.param_env(item_def_id).caller_bounds().iter().collect();
let clean_where_predicates = param_env
.filter(|p| {
|| match p.kind().skip_binder() {
ty::PredicateKind::Trait(pred) => pred.def_id() == sized_trait,
_ => false,
.map(|p| p.fold_with(&mut replacer));
let mut generic_params =
(tcx.generics_of(item_def_id), tcx.explicit_predicates_of(item_def_id))
debug!("param_env_to_generics({:?}): generic_params={:?}", item_def_id, generic_params);
let mut has_sized = FxHashSet::default();
let mut ty_to_bounds: FxHashMap<_, FxHashSet<_>> = Default::default();
let mut lifetime_to_bounds: FxHashMap<_, FxHashSet<_>> = Default::default();
let mut ty_to_traits: FxHashMap<Type, FxHashSet<Type>> = Default::default();
let mut ty_to_fn: FxHashMap<Type, (Option<PolyTrait>, Option<Type>)> = Default::default();
for p in clean_where_predicates {
let (orig_p, p) = (p, p.clean(;
if p.is_none() {
let p = p.unwrap();
match p {
WherePredicate::BoundPredicate { ty, mut bounds, .. } => {
// Writing a projection trait bound of the form
// <T as Trait>::Name : ?Sized
// is illegal, because ?Sized bounds can only
// be written in the (here, nonexistent) definition
// of the type.
// Therefore, we make sure that we never add a ?Sized
// bound for projections
if let Type::QPath { .. } = ty {
if bounds.is_empty() {
let mut for_generics = self.extract_for_generics(orig_p);
assert!(bounds.len() == 1);
let mut b = bounds.pop().expect("bounds were empty");
if b.is_sized_bound( {
} else if !b
.and_then(|t| {
.map(|bounds| bounds.contains(&strip_type(t.clone())))
// If we've already added a projection bound for the same type, don't add
// this, as it would be a duplicate
// Handle any 'Fn/FnOnce/FnMut' bounds specially,
// as we want to combine them with any 'Output' qpaths
// later
let is_fn = match &mut b {
&mut GenericBound::TraitBound(ref mut p, _) => {
// Insert regions into the for_generics hash map first, to ensure
// that we don't end up with duplicate bounds (e.g., for<'b, 'b>)
p.generic_params = for_generics.into_iter().collect();
_ => false,
let poly_trait = b.get_poly_trait().expect("Cannot get poly trait");
if is_fn {
.and_modify(|e| *e = (Some(poly_trait.clone()), e.1.clone()))
.or_insert(((Some(poly_trait.clone())), None));
} else {
WherePredicate::RegionPredicate { lifetime, bounds } => {
WherePredicate::EqPredicate { lhs, rhs } => {
match lhs {
Type::QPath { name: left_name, ref self_type, ref trait_, .. } => {
let ty = &*self_type;
match **trait_ {
Type::ResolvedPath {
path: ref trait_path,
ref did,
ref is_generic,
} => {
let mut new_trait_path = trait_path.clone();
if self.is_fn_ty(trait_) && left_name == sym::Output {
.and_modify(|e| *e = (e.0.clone(), Some(rhs.clone())))
.or_insert((None, Some(rhs)));
let args = &mut new_trait_path
.expect("segments were empty")
match args {
// Convert something like '<T as Iterator::Item> = u8'
// to 'T: Iterator<Item=u8>'
GenericArgs::AngleBracketed {
ref mut bindings, ..
} => {
bindings.push(TypeBinding {
name: left_name,
kind: TypeBindingKind::Equality { ty: rhs },
GenericArgs::Parenthesized { .. } => {
existing_predicates.push(WherePredicate::EqPredicate {
lhs: lhs.clone(),
continue; // If something other than a Fn ends up
// with parenthesis, leave it alone
let bounds = ty_to_bounds.entry(*ty.clone()).or_default();
PolyTrait {
trait_: Type::ResolvedPath {
path: new_trait_path,
did: *did,
is_generic: *is_generic,
generic_params: Vec::new(),
// Remove any existing 'plain' bound (e.g., 'T: Iterator`) so
// that we don't see a
// duplicate bound like `T: Iterator + Iterator<Item=u8>`
// on the docs page.
PolyTrait {
trait_: *trait_.clone(),
generic_params: Vec::new(),
// Avoid creating any new duplicate bounds later in the outer
// loop
_ => panic!("Unexpected trait {:?} for {:?}", trait_, item_def_id),
_ => panic!("Unexpected LHS {:?} for {:?}", lhs, item_def_id),
let final_bounds = self.make_final_bounds(ty_to_bounds, ty_to_fn, lifetime_to_bounds);
for param in generic_params.iter_mut() {
match param.kind {
GenericParamDefKind::Type { ref mut default, ref mut bounds, .. } => {
// We never want something like `impl<T=Foo>`.
let generic_ty = Type::Generic(;
if !has_sized.contains(&generic_ty) {
bounds.insert(0, GenericBound::maybe_sized(;
GenericParamDefKind::Lifetime => {}
GenericParamDefKind::Const { ref mut default, .. } => {
// We never want something like `impl<const N: usize = 10>`
self.sort_where_predicates(&mut existing_predicates);
Generics { params: generic_params, where_predicates: existing_predicates }
// Ensure that the predicates are in a consistent order. The precise
// ordering doesn't actually matter, but it's important that
// a given set of predicates always appears in the same order -
// both for visual consistency between 'rustdoc' runs, and to
// make writing tests much easier
fn sort_where_predicates(&self, mut predicates: &mut Vec<WherePredicate>) {
// We should never have identical bounds - and if we do,
// they're visually identical as well. Therefore, using
// an unstable sort is fine.
self.unstable_debug_sort(&mut predicates);
// Ensure that the bounds are in a consistent order. The precise
// ordering doesn't actually matter, but it's important that
// a given set of bounds always appears in the same order -
// both for visual consistency between 'rustdoc' runs, and to
// make writing tests much easier
fn sort_where_bounds(&self, mut bounds: &mut Vec<GenericBound>) {
// We should never have identical bounds - and if we do,
// they're visually identical as well. Therefore, using
// an unstable sort is fine.
self.unstable_debug_sort(&mut bounds);
// This might look horrendously hacky, but it's actually not that bad.
// For performance reasons, we use several different FxHashMaps
// in the process of computing the final set of where predicates.
// However, the iteration order of a HashMap is completely unspecified.
// In fact, the iteration of an FxHashMap can even vary between platforms,
// since FxHasher has different behavior for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
// Obviously, it's extremely undesirable for documentation rendering
// to be dependent on the platform it's run on. Apart from being confusing
// to end users, it makes writing tests much more difficult, as predicates
// can appear in any order in the final result.
// To solve this problem, we sort WherePredicates and GenericBounds
// by their Debug string. The thing to keep in mind is that we don't really
// care what the final order is - we're synthesizing an impl or bound
// ourselves, so any order can be considered equally valid. By sorting the
// predicates and bounds, however, we ensure that for a given codebase, all
// auto-trait impls always render in exactly the same way.
// Using the Debug implementation for sorting prevents us from needing to
// write quite a bit of almost entirely useless code (e.g., how should two
// Types be sorted relative to each other). It also allows us to solve the
// problem for both WherePredicates and GenericBounds at the same time. This
// approach is probably somewhat slower, but the small number of items
// involved (impls rarely have more than a few bounds) means that it
// shouldn't matter in practice.
fn unstable_debug_sort<T: Debug>(&self, vec: &mut Vec<T>) {
vec.sort_by_cached_key(|x| format!("{:?}", x))
fn is_fn_ty(&self, ty: &Type) -> bool {
let tcx =;
match ty {
&Type::ResolvedPath { did, .. } => {
did == tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::Fn, None)
|| did == tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::FnMut, None)
|| did == tcx.require_lang_item(LangItem::FnOnce, None)
_ => false,
fn region_name(region: Region<'_>) -> Option<Symbol> {
match region {
&ty::ReEarlyBound(r) => Some(,
_ => None,
// Replaces all ReVars in a type with ty::Region's, using the provided map
struct RegionReplacer<'a, 'tcx> {
vid_to_region: &'a FxHashMap<ty::RegionVid, ty::Region<'tcx>>,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
impl<'a, 'tcx> TypeFolder<'tcx> for RegionReplacer<'a, 'tcx> {
fn tcx<'b>(&'b self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn fold_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> ty::Region<'tcx> {
(match r {
&ty::ReVar(vid) => self.vid_to_region.get(&vid).cloned(),
_ => None,
.unwrap_or_else(|| r.super_fold_with(self))