| .. title:: clang-tidy - hicpp-exception-baseclass |
| hicpp-exception-baseclass |
| ========================= |
| Ensure that every value that in a ``throw`` expression is an instance of |
| This enforces `rule 15.1 <http://www.codingstandard.com/section/15-1-throwing-an-exception/>`_ |
| of the High Integrity C++ Coding Standard. |
| class custom_exception {}; |
| void throwing() noexcept(false) { |
| // Problematic throw expressions. |
| throw custom_exception(); |
| class mathematical_error : public std::exception {}; |
| void throwing2() noexcept(false) { |
| // These kind of throws are ok. |
| throw mathematical_error(); |
| throw std::runtime_error(); |