blob: c30f21bbf8fb17725e66c44bbede04bd849aa449 [file] [log] [blame]
struct Bar;
struct Bar2;
struct Bar3;
mod allowed_unsafe {
fn allowed() { unsafe {} }
unsafe fn also_allowed() {}
unsafe trait AllowedUnsafe { }
unsafe impl AllowedUnsafe for super::Bar {}
#[no_mangle] fn allowed2() {}
#[export_name = "foo"] fn allowed3() {}
macro_rules! unsafe_in_macro {
() => {{
#[no_mangle] fn foo() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of a `no_mangle` function
#[no_mangle] static FOO: u32 = 5; //~ ERROR: declaration of a `no_mangle` static
#[export_name = "bar"] fn bar() {}
//~^ ERROR: declaration of a function with `export_name`
#[export_name = "BAR"] static BAR: u32 = 5;
//~^ ERROR: declaration of a static with `export_name`
unsafe {} //~ ERROR: usage of an `unsafe` block
#[no_mangle] fn foo() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of a `no_mangle` function
#[no_mangle] static FOO: u32 = 5; //~ ERROR: declaration of a `no_mangle` static
trait AssocFnTrait {
fn foo();
struct AssocFnFoo;
impl AssocFnFoo {
#[no_mangle] fn foo() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of a `no_mangle` method
impl AssocFnTrait for AssocFnFoo {
#[no_mangle] fn foo() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of a `no_mangle` method
#[export_name = "bar"] fn bar() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of a function with `export_name`
#[export_name = "BAR"] static BAR: u32 = 5; //~ ERROR: declaration of a static with `export_name`
struct AssocFnBar;
impl AssocFnBar {
#[export_name = "bar"] fn bar() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of a method with `export_name`
impl AssocFnTrait for AssocFnBar {
#[export_name = "bar"] fn foo() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of a method with `export_name`
unsafe fn baz() {} //~ ERROR: declaration of an `unsafe` function
unsafe trait Foo {} //~ ERROR: declaration of an `unsafe` trait
unsafe impl Foo for Bar {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` trait
trait Baz {
unsafe fn baz(&self); //~ ERROR: declaration of an `unsafe` method
unsafe fn provided(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
unsafe fn provided_override(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
impl Baz for Bar {
unsafe fn baz(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
unsafe fn provided_override(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
trait A {
unsafe fn allowed_unsafe(&self);
unsafe fn allowed_unsafe_provided(&self) {}
impl Baz for Bar2 {
unsafe fn baz(&self) {}
unsafe fn provided_override(&self) {}
impl Baz for Bar3 {
unsafe fn baz(&self) {}
unsafe fn provided_override(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
unsafe trait B {
fn dummy(&self) {}
trait C {
unsafe fn baz(&self);
unsafe fn provided(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
impl C for Bar {
unsafe fn baz(&self) {}
unsafe fn provided(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
impl C for Bar2 {
unsafe fn baz(&self) {} //~ ERROR: implementation of an `unsafe` method
trait D {
unsafe fn unsafe_provided(&self) {}
impl D for Bar {}
fn main() {
unsafe {} //~ ERROR: usage of an `unsafe` block