blob: e29050e301fe047c4902ae478c67ca9adf9b51f9 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Timestamps for files in Rust
//! This library provides platform-agnostic inspection of the various timestamps
//! present in the standard `fs::Metadata` structure.
//! # Installation
//! Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! filetime = "0.2"
//! ```
//! # Usage
//! ```no_run
//! use std::fs;
//! use filetime::FileTime;
//! let metadata = fs::metadata("foo.txt").unwrap();
//! let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
//! println!("{}", mtime);
//! let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
//! assert!(mtime < atime);
//! // Inspect values that can be interpreted across platforms
//! println!("{}", mtime.unix_seconds());
//! println!("{}", mtime.nanoseconds());
//! // Print the platform-specific value of seconds
//! println!("{}", mtime.seconds());
//! ```
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_os = "redox")] {
#[path = ""]
mod imp;
} else if #[cfg(windows)] {
#[path = ""]
mod imp;
} else if #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] {
#[path = ""]
mod imp;
} else {
#[path = "unix/"]
mod imp;
/// A helper structure to represent a timestamp for a file.
/// The actual value contined within is platform-specific and does not have the
/// same meaning across platforms, but comparisons and stringification can be
/// significant among the same platform.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
pub struct FileTime {
seconds: i64,
nanos: u32,
impl FileTime {
/// Creates a new timestamp representing a 0 time.
/// Useful for creating the base of a cmp::max chain of times.
pub fn zero() -> FileTime {
FileTime {
seconds: 0,
nanos: 0,
fn emulate_second_only_system(self) -> FileTime {
if cfg!(emulate_second_only_system) {
FileTime {
seconds: self.seconds,
nanos: 0,
} else {
/// Creates a new timestamp representing the current system time.
/// ```
/// # use filetime::FileTime;
/// #
/// # fn example() -> std::io::Result<()> {
/// # let path = "";
/// #
/// filetime::set_file_mtime(path, FileTime::now())?;
/// #
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Equivalent to `FileTime::from_system_time(SystemTime::now())`.
pub fn now() -> FileTime {
/// Creates a new instance of `FileTime` with a number of seconds and
/// nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
/// Negative seconds represent times before the Unix epoch, and positive
/// values represent times after it. Nanos always count forwards in time.
/// Note that this is typically the relative point that Unix time stamps are
/// from, but on Windows the native time stamp is relative to January 1,
/// 1601 so the return value of `seconds` from the returned `FileTime`
/// instance may not be the same as that passed in.
pub fn from_unix_time(seconds: i64, nanos: u32) -> FileTime {
FileTime {
seconds: seconds + if cfg!(windows) { 11644473600 } else { 0 },
/// Creates a new timestamp from the last modification time listed in the
/// specified metadata.
/// The returned value corresponds to the `mtime` field of `stat` on Unix
/// platforms and the `ftLastWriteTime` field on Windows platforms.
pub fn from_last_modification_time(meta: &fs::Metadata) -> FileTime {
/// Creates a new timestamp from the last access time listed in the
/// specified metadata.
/// The returned value corresponds to the `atime` field of `stat` on Unix
/// platforms and the `ftLastAccessTime` field on Windows platforms.
pub fn from_last_access_time(meta: &fs::Metadata) -> FileTime {
/// Creates a new timestamp from the creation time listed in the specified
/// metadata.
/// The returned value corresponds to the `birthtime` field of `stat` on
/// Unix platforms and the `ftCreationTime` field on Windows platforms. Note
/// that not all Unix platforms have this field available and may return
/// `None` in some circumstances.
pub fn from_creation_time(meta: &fs::Metadata) -> Option<FileTime> {
imp::from_creation_time(meta).map(|x| x.emulate_second_only_system())
/// Creates a new timestamp from the given SystemTime.
/// Windows counts file times since 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z, and cannot
/// represent times before this, but it's possible to create a SystemTime
/// that does. This function will error if passed such a SystemTime.
pub fn from_system_time(time: SystemTime) -> FileTime {
let epoch = if cfg!(windows) {
UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_secs(11644473600)
} else {
.map(|d| FileTime {
seconds: d.as_secs() as i64,
nanos: d.subsec_nanos(),
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
let until_epoch = e.duration();
let (sec_offset, nanos) = if until_epoch.subsec_nanos() == 0 {
(0, 0)
} else {
(-1, 1_000_000_000 - until_epoch.subsec_nanos())
FileTime {
seconds: -1 * until_epoch.as_secs() as i64 + sec_offset,
/// Returns the whole number of seconds represented by this timestamp.
/// Note that this value's meaning is **platform specific**. On Unix
/// platform time stamps are typically relative to January 1, 1970, but on
/// Windows platforms time stamps are relative to January 1, 1601.
pub fn seconds(&self) -> i64 {
/// Returns the whole number of seconds represented by this timestamp,
/// relative to the Unix epoch start of January 1, 1970.
/// Note that this does not return the same value as `seconds` for Windows
/// platforms as seconds are relative to a different date there.
pub fn unix_seconds(&self) -> i64 {
self.seconds - if cfg!(windows) { 11644473600 } else { 0 }
/// Returns the nanosecond precision of this timestamp.
/// The returned value is always less than one billion and represents a
/// portion of a second forward from the seconds returned by the `seconds`
/// method.
pub fn nanoseconds(&self) -> u32 {
impl fmt::Display for FileTime {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}.{:09}s", self.seconds, self.nanos)
impl From<SystemTime> for FileTime {
fn from(time: SystemTime) -> FileTime {
/// Set the last access and modification times for a file on the filesystem.
/// This function will set the `atime` and `mtime` metadata fields for a file
/// on the local filesystem, returning any error encountered.
pub fn set_file_times<P>(p: P, atime: FileTime, mtime: FileTime) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
imp::set_file_times(p.as_ref(), atime, mtime)
/// Set the last access and modification times for a file handle.
/// This function will either or both of the `atime` and `mtime` metadata
/// fields for a file handle , returning any error encountered. If `None` is
/// specified then the time won't be updated. If `None` is specified for both
/// options then no action is taken.
pub fn set_file_handle_times(
f: &fs::File,
atime: Option<FileTime>,
mtime: Option<FileTime>,
) -> io::Result<()> {
imp::set_file_handle_times(f, atime, mtime)
/// Set the last access and modification times for a file on the filesystem.
/// This function does not follow symlink.
/// This function will set the `atime` and `mtime` metadata fields for a file
/// on the local filesystem, returning any error encountered.
pub fn set_symlink_file_times<P>(p: P, atime: FileTime, mtime: FileTime) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
imp::set_symlink_file_times(p.as_ref(), atime, mtime)
/// Set the last modification time for a file on the filesystem.
/// This function will set the `mtime` metadata field for a file on the local
/// filesystem, returning any error encountered.
/// # Platform support
/// Where supported this will attempt to issue just one syscall to update only
/// the `mtime`, but where not supported this may issue one syscall to learn the
/// existing `atime` so only the `mtime` can be configured.
pub fn set_file_mtime<P>(p: P, mtime: FileTime) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
imp::set_file_mtime(p.as_ref(), mtime)
/// Set the last access time for a file on the filesystem.
/// This function will set the `atime` metadata field for a file on the local
/// filesystem, returning any error encountered.
/// # Platform support
/// Where supported this will attempt to issue just one syscall to update only
/// the `atime`, but where not supported this may issue one syscall to learn the
/// existing `mtime` so only the `atime` can be configured.
pub fn set_file_atime<P>(p: P, atime: FileTime) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
imp::set_file_atime(p.as_ref(), atime)
mod tests {
use super::{
set_file_atime, set_file_handle_times, set_file_mtime, set_file_times,
set_symlink_file_times, FileTime,
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
use tempfile::Builder;
fn make_symlink_file<P, Q>(src: P, dst: Q) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
use std::os::unix::fs::symlink;
symlink(src, dst)
fn make_symlink_file<P, Q>(src: P, dst: Q) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file;
symlink_file(src, dst)
fn make_symlink_dir<P, Q>(src: P, dst: Q) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
use std::os::unix::fs::symlink;
symlink(src, dst)
fn make_symlink_dir<P, Q>(src: P, dst: Q) -> io::Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
Q: AsRef<Path>,
use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_dir;
symlink_dir(src, dst)
fn from_unix_time_test() {
let time = FileTime::from_unix_time(10, 100_000_000);
assert_eq!(11644473610, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(100_000_000, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_unix_time(-10, 100_000_000);
assert_eq!(11644473590, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(100_000_000, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_unix_time(-12_000_000_000, 0);
assert_eq!(-355526400, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
fn from_unix_time_test() {
let time = FileTime::from_unix_time(10, 100_000_000);
assert_eq!(10, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(100_000_000, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_unix_time(-10, 100_000_000);
assert_eq!(-10, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(100_000_000, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_unix_time(-12_000_000_000, 0);
assert_eq!(-12_000_000_000, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
fn from_system_time_test() {
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(10));
assert_eq!(11644473610, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_secs(10));
assert_eq!(11644473590, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_millis(1100));
assert_eq!(11644473598, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(900_000_000, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_secs(12_000_000_000));
assert_eq!(-355526400, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
fn from_system_time_test() {
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(10));
assert_eq!(10, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_secs(10));
assert_eq!(-10, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_millis(1100));
assert_eq!(-2, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(900_000_000, time.nanos);
let time = FileTime::from_system_time(UNIX_EPOCH - Duration::from_secs(12_000_000));
assert_eq!(-12_000_000, time.seconds);
assert_eq!(0, time.nanos);
fn set_file_times_test() -> io::Result<()> {
let td = Builder::new().prefix("filetime").tempdir()?;
let path = td.path().join("foo.txt");
let mut f = File::create(&path)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_file_times(&path, atime, mtime)?;
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(10_000, 0);
set_file_times(&path, atime, new_mtime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime, "modification should be updated");
// Update just mtime
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(20_000, 0);
set_file_handle_times(&mut f, None, Some(new_mtime))?;
let metadata = f.metadata()?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime, "modification time should be updated");
let new_atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(atime, new_atime, "accessed time should not be updated");
// Update just atime
let new_atime = FileTime::from_unix_time(30_000, 0);
set_file_handle_times(&mut f, Some(new_atime), None)?;
let metadata = f.metadata()?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime, "modification time should not be updated");
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(atime, new_atime, "accessed time should be updated");
let spath = td.path().join("bar.txt");
make_symlink_file(&path, &spath)?;
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath)?;
let smtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
set_file_times(&spath, atime, mtime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let cur_mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, cur_mtime);
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath)?;
let cur_mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(smtime, cur_mtime);
set_file_times(&spath, atime, new_mtime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, smtime);
fn set_dir_times_test() -> io::Result<()> {
let td = Builder::new().prefix("filetime").tempdir()?;
let path = td.path().join("foo");
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_file_times(&path, atime, mtime)?;
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(10_000, 0);
set_file_times(&path, atime, new_mtime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime, "modification should be updated");
// Update just mtime
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(20_000, 0);
set_file_mtime(&path, new_mtime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime, "modification time should be updated");
let new_atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(atime, new_atime, "accessed time should not be updated");
// Update just atime
let new_atime = FileTime::from_unix_time(30_000, 0);
set_file_atime(&path, new_atime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime, "modification time should not be updated");
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(atime, new_atime, "accessed time should be updated");
let spath = td.path().join("bar");
make_symlink_dir(&path, &spath)?;
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath)?;
let smtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
set_file_times(&spath, atime, mtime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let cur_mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, cur_mtime);
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath)?;
let cur_mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(smtime, cur_mtime);
set_file_times(&spath, atime, new_mtime)?;
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath)?;
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, smtime);
fn set_file_times_pre_unix_epoch_test() {
let td = Builder::new().prefix("filetime").tempdir().unwrap();
let path = td.path().join("foo.txt");
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_file_times(&path, atime, mtime).unwrap();
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(-10_000, 0);
set_file_times(&path, atime, new_mtime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
fn set_file_times_pre_windows_epoch_test() {
let td = Builder::new().prefix("filetime").tempdir().unwrap();
let path = td.path().join("foo.txt");
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_file_times(&path, atime, mtime).unwrap();
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(-12_000_000_000, 0);
assert!(set_file_times(&path, atime, new_mtime).is_err());
fn set_symlink_file_times_test() {
let td = Builder::new().prefix("filetime").tempdir().unwrap();
let path = td.path().join("foo.txt");
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_symlink_file_times(&path, atime, mtime).unwrap();
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(10_000, 0);
set_symlink_file_times(&path, atime, new_mtime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let spath = td.path().join("bar.txt");
make_symlink_file(&path, &spath).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath).unwrap();
let smtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let satime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_symlink_file_times(&spath, smtime, satime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let new_smtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(20_000, 0);
set_symlink_file_times(&spath, atime, new_smtime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&spath).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_smtime);
fn set_symlink_dir_times_test() {
let td = Builder::new().prefix("filetime").tempdir().unwrap();
let path = td.path().join("foo");
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_symlink_file_times(&path, atime, mtime).unwrap();
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(10_000, 0);
set_symlink_file_times(&path, atime, new_mtime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let spath = td.path().join("bar");
make_symlink_dir(&path, &spath).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath).unwrap();
let smtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let satime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_symlink_file_times(&spath, smtime, satime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let new_smtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(20_000, 0);
set_symlink_file_times(&spath, atime, new_smtime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&spath).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime);
let metadata = fs::symlink_metadata(&spath).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_smtime);
fn set_single_time_test() {
use super::{set_file_atime, set_file_mtime};
let td = Builder::new().prefix("filetime").tempdir().unwrap();
let path = td.path().join("foo.txt");
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
set_file_times(&path, atime, mtime).unwrap();
let new_mtime = FileTime::from_unix_time(10_000, 0);
set_file_mtime(&path, new_mtime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let mtime = FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(mtime, new_mtime, "modification time should be updated");
"access time should not be updated",
let new_atime = FileTime::from_unix_time(20_000, 0);
set_file_atime(&path, new_atime).unwrap();
let metadata = fs::metadata(&path).unwrap();
let atime = FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata);
assert_eq!(atime, new_atime, "access time should be updated");
"modification time should not be updated"