blob: 01a13bf7108acb03d961ad432c1cadd3c7085052 [file] [log] [blame]
extern crate cc;
fn find_assembly(
arch: &str,
endian: &str,
os: &str,
env: &str,
masm: bool,
) -> Option<(&'static str, bool)> {
match (arch, endian, os, env) {
// The implementations for stack switching exist, but, officially, doing so without Fibers
// is not supported in Windows. For x86_64 the implementation actually works locally,
// but failed tests in CI (???). Might want to have a feature for experimental support
// here.
("x86", _, "windows", "msvc") => {
if masm {
Some(("src/arch/x86_msvc.asm", false))
} else {
Some(("src/arch/x86_windows_gnu.s", false))
("x86_64", _, "windows", "msvc") => {
if masm {
Some(("src/arch/x86_64_msvc.asm", false))
} else {
Some(("src/arch/x86_64_windows_gnu.s", false))
("arm", _, "windows", "msvc") => Some(("src/arch/arm_armasm.asm", false)),
("aarch64", _, "windows", "msvc") => {
if masm {
Some(("src/arch/aarch64_armasm.asm", false))
} else {
Some(("src/arch/aarch_aapcs64.s", false))
("x86", _, "windows", _) => Some(("src/arch/x86_windows_gnu.s", false)),
("x86_64", _, "windows", _) => Some(("src/arch/x86_64_windows_gnu.s", false)),
("x86", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/x86.s", true)),
("x86_64", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/x86_64.s", true)),
("arm", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/arm_aapcs.s", true)),
("aarch64", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/aarch_aapcs64.s", true)),
("powerpc", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/powerpc32.s", true)),
("powerpc64", "little", _, _) => Some(("src/arch/powerpc64_openpower.s", true)),
("powerpc64", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/powerpc64.s", true)),
("s390x", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/zseries_linux.s", true)),
("mips", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/mips_eabi.s", true)),
("mips64", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/mips64_eabi.s", true)),
("sparc64", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/sparc64.s", true)),
("sparc", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/sparc_sysv.s", true)),
("riscv32", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/riscv.s", true)),
("riscv64", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/riscv64.s", true)),
("wasm32", _, _, _) => Some(("src/arch/wasm32.o", true)),
_ => None,
fn main() {
let arch = ::std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap();
let env = ::std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV").unwrap();
let os = ::std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap();
let endian = ::std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENDIAN").unwrap();
// We are only assembling a single file and any flags in the environment probably
// don't apply in this case, so we don't want to use them. Unfortunately, cc
// doesn't provide a way to clear/ignore flags set from the environment, so
// we manually remove them instead
for key in
std::env::vars().filter_map(|(k, _)| if k.contains("CFLAGS") { Some(k) } else { None })
let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();
let msvc = cfg.get_compiler().is_like_msvc();
let asm = if let Some((asm, canswitch)) = find_assembly(&arch, &endian, &os, &env, msvc) {
if canswitch {
} else {
"cargo:warning=Target {}-{}-{} has no assembly files!",
arch, os, env
if !msvc {
cfg.define(&*format!("CFG_TARGET_OS_{}", os), None);
cfg.define(&*format!("CFG_TARGET_ARCH_{}", arch), None);
cfg.define(&*format!("CFG_TARGET_ENV_{}", env), None);
// For wasm targets we ship a precompiled `*.o` file so we just pass that
// directly to `ar` to assemble an archive. Otherwise we're actually
// compiling the source assembly file.
if asm.ends_with(".o") {
} else {