blob: ab4ea9c8c20525ff7c3a989a63bcc4520c7c689f [file] [log] [blame]
mod context;
use crate::edition_panic::use_panic_2021;
use crate::errors;
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::token;
use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{DelimSpan, TokenStream};
use rustc_ast::{DelimArgs, Expr, ExprKind, MacCall, MacDelimiter, Path, PathSegment, UnOp};
use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
use rustc_errors::PResult;
use rustc_expand::base::{DummyResult, ExtCtxt, MacEager, MacResult};
use rustc_parse::parser::Parser;
use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Ident, Symbol};
use rustc_span::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
use thin_vec::thin_vec;
pub fn expand_assert<'cx>(
cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
tts: TokenStream,
) -> Box<dyn MacResult + 'cx> {
let Assert { cond_expr, custom_message } = match parse_assert(cx, span, tts) {
Ok(assert) => assert,
Err(mut err) => {
return DummyResult::any(span);
// `core::panic` and `std::panic` are different macros, so we use call-site
// context to pick up whichever is currently in scope.
let call_site_span = cx.with_call_site_ctxt(span);
let panic_path = || {
if use_panic_2021(span) {
// On edition 2021, we always call `$crate::panic::panic_2021!()`.
Path {
span: call_site_span,
segments: cx
.std_path(&[sym::panic, sym::panic_2021])
.map(|ident| PathSegment::from_ident(ident))
tokens: None,
} else {
// Before edition 2021, we call `panic!()` unqualified,
// such that it calls either `std::panic!()` or `core::panic!()`.
Path::from_ident(Ident::new(sym::panic, call_site_span))
// Simply uses the user provided message instead of generating custom outputs
let expr = if let Some(tokens) = custom_message {
let then = cx.expr(
ExprKind::MacCall(P(MacCall {
path: panic_path(),
args: P(DelimArgs {
dspan: DelimSpan::from_single(call_site_span),
delim: MacDelimiter::Parenthesis,
expr_if_not(cx, call_site_span, cond_expr, then, None)
// If `generic_assert` is enabled, generates rich captured outputs
// FIXME(c410-f3r) See
else if let Some(features) = cx.ecfg.features && features.generic_assert {
context::Context::new(cx, call_site_span).build(cond_expr, panic_path())
// If `generic_assert` is not enabled, only outputs a literal "assertion failed: ..."
// string
else {
// Pass our own message directly to $crate::panicking::panic(),
// because it might contain `{` and `}` that should always be
// passed literally.
let then = cx.expr_call_global(
cx.std_path(&[sym::panicking, sym::panic]),
"assertion failed: {}",
expr_if_not(cx, call_site_span, cond_expr, then, None)
struct Assert {
cond_expr: P<Expr>,
custom_message: Option<TokenStream>,
// if !{ ... } { ... } else { ... }
fn expr_if_not(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
cond: P<Expr>,
then: P<Expr>,
els: Option<P<Expr>>,
) -> P<Expr> {
cx.expr_if(span, cx.expr(span, ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Not, cond)), then, els)
fn parse_assert<'a>(cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'a>, sp: Span, stream: TokenStream) -> PResult<'a, Assert> {
let mut parser = cx.new_parser_from_tts(stream);
if parser.token == token::Eof {
return Err(cx.create_err(errors::AssertRequiresBoolean { span: sp }));
let cond_expr = parser.parse_expr()?;
// Some crates use the `assert!` macro in the following form (note extra semicolon):
// assert!(
// my_function();
// );
// Emit an error about semicolon and suggest removing it.
if parser.token == token::Semi {
cx.emit_err(errors::AssertRequiresExpression { span: sp, token: parser.token.span });
// Some crates use the `assert!` macro in the following form (note missing comma before
// message):
// assert!(true "error message");
// Emit an error and suggest inserting a comma.
let custom_message =
if let token::Literal(token::Lit { kind: token::Str, .. }) = parser.token.kind {
let comma = parser.prev_token.span.shrink_to_hi();
cx.emit_err(errors::AssertMissingComma { span: parser.token.span, comma });
parse_custom_message(&mut parser)
} else if {
parse_custom_message(&mut parser)
} else {
if parser.token != token::Eof {
return parser.unexpected();
Ok(Assert { cond_expr, custom_message })
fn parse_custom_message(parser: &mut Parser<'_>) -> Option<TokenStream> {
let ts = parser.parse_tokens();
if !ts.is_empty() { Some(ts) } else { None }