blob: 1f1784ec9b255cd3e945162a9cd4f0265ebab3d5 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Used for indexing operations (`container[index]`) in immutable contexts.
/// `container[index]` is actually syntactic sugar for `*container.index(index)`,
/// but only when used as an immutable value. If a mutable value is requested,
/// [`IndexMut`] is used instead. This allows nice things such as
/// `let value = v[index]` if the type of `value` implements [`Copy`].
/// # Examples
/// The following example implements `Index` on a read-only `NucleotideCount`
/// container, enabling individual counts to be retrieved with index syntax.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::Index;
/// enum Nucleotide {
/// A,
/// C,
/// G,
/// T,
/// }
/// struct NucleotideCount {
/// a: usize,
/// c: usize,
/// g: usize,
/// t: usize,
/// }
/// impl Index<Nucleotide> for NucleotideCount {
/// type Output = usize;
/// fn index(&self, nucleotide: Nucleotide) -> &Self::Output {
/// match nucleotide {
/// Nucleotide::A => &self.a,
/// Nucleotide::C => &self.c,
/// Nucleotide::G => &self.g,
/// Nucleotide::T => &self.t,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// let nucleotide_count = NucleotideCount {a: 14, c: 9, g: 10, t: 12};
/// assert_eq!(nucleotide_count[Nucleotide::A], 14);
/// assert_eq!(nucleotide_count[Nucleotide::C], 9);
/// assert_eq!(nucleotide_count[Nucleotide::G], 10);
/// assert_eq!(nucleotide_count[Nucleotide::T], 12);
/// ```
#[lang = "index"]
message = "the type `{Self}` cannot be indexed by `{Idx}`",
label = "`{Self}` cannot be indexed by `{Idx}`"
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[doc(alias = "]")]
#[doc(alias = "[")]
#[doc(alias = "[]")]
pub trait Index<Idx: ?Sized> {
/// The returned type after indexing.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "IndexOutput"]
type Output: ?Sized;
/// Performs the indexing (`container[index]`) operation.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if the index is out of bounds.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output;
/// Used for indexing operations (`container[index]`) in mutable contexts.
/// `container[index]` is actually syntactic sugar for
/// `*container.index_mut(index)`, but only when used as a mutable value. If
/// an immutable value is requested, the [`Index`] trait is used instead. This
/// allows nice things such as `v[index] = value`.
/// # Examples
/// A very simple implementation of a `Balance` struct that has two sides, where
/// each can be indexed mutably and immutably.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// enum Side {
/// Left,
/// Right,
/// }
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// enum Weight {
/// Kilogram(f32),
/// Pound(f32),
/// }
/// struct Balance {
/// pub left: Weight,
/// pub right: Weight,
/// }
/// impl Index<Side> for Balance {
/// type Output = Weight;
/// fn index(&self, index: Side) -> &Self::Output {
/// println!("Accessing {index:?}-side of balance immutably");
/// match index {
/// Side::Left => &self.left,
/// Side::Right => &self.right,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// impl IndexMut<Side> for Balance {
/// fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Side) -> &mut Self::Output {
/// println!("Accessing {index:?}-side of balance mutably");
/// match index {
/// Side::Left => &mut self.left,
/// Side::Right => &mut self.right,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// let mut balance = Balance {
/// right: Weight::Kilogram(2.5),
/// left: Weight::Pound(1.5),
/// };
/// // In this case, `balance[Side::Right]` is sugar for
/// // `*balance.index(Side::Right)`, since we are only *reading*
/// // `balance[Side::Right]`, not writing it.
/// assert_eq!(balance[Side::Right], Weight::Kilogram(2.5));
/// // However, in this case `balance[Side::Left]` is sugar for
/// // `*balance.index_mut(Side::Left)`, since we are writing
/// // `balance[Side::Left]`.
/// balance[Side::Left] = Weight::Kilogram(3.0);
/// ```
#[lang = "index_mut"]
_Self = "&str",
note = "you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
see chapter in The Book <>"
_Self = "str",
note = "you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
see chapter in The Book <>"
_Self = "std::string::String",
note = "you can use `.chars().nth()` or `.bytes().nth()`
see chapter in The Book <>"
message = "the type `{Self}` cannot be mutably indexed by `{Idx}`",
label = "`{Self}` cannot be mutably indexed by `{Idx}`"
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[doc(alias = "[")]
#[doc(alias = "]")]
#[doc(alias = "[]")]
pub trait IndexMut<Idx: ?Sized>: Index<Idx> {
/// Performs the mutable indexing (`container[index]`) operation.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if the index is out of bounds.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Idx) -> &mut Self::Output;