blob: 1d52335f28ebf2f82f410b8790fe3b95ffa0af28 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Trait implementations for `str`.
use crate::cmp::Ordering;
use crate::intrinsics::assert_unsafe_precondition;
use crate::ops;
use crate::ptr;
use crate::slice::SliceIndex;
use super::ParseBoolError;
/// Implements ordering of strings.
/// Strings are ordered [lexicographically](Ord#lexicographical-comparison) by their byte values. This orders Unicode code
/// points based on their positions in the code charts. This is not necessarily the same as
/// "alphabetical" order, which varies by language and locale. Sorting strings according to
/// culturally-accepted standards requires locale-specific data that is outside the scope of
/// the `str` type.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Ord for str {
fn cmp(&self, other: &str) -> Ordering {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl PartialEq for str {
fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool {
self.as_bytes() == other.as_bytes()
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Eq for str {}
/// Implements comparison operations on strings.
/// Strings are compared [lexicographically](Ord#lexicographical-comparison) by their byte values. This compares Unicode code
/// points based on their positions in the code charts. This is not necessarily the same as
/// "alphabetical" order, which varies by language and locale. Comparing strings according to
/// culturally-accepted standards requires locale-specific data that is outside the scope of
/// the `str` type.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl PartialOrd for str {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &str) -> Option<Ordering> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I> ops::Index<I> for str
I: SliceIndex<str>,
type Output = I::Output;
fn index(&self, index: I) -> &I::Output {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I> ops::IndexMut<I> for str
I: SliceIndex<str>,
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut I::Output {
const fn str_index_overflow_fail() -> ! {
panic!("attempted to index str up to maximum usize");
/// Implements substring slicing with syntax `&self[..]` or `&mut self[..]`.
/// Returns a slice of the whole string, i.e., returns `&self` or `&mut
/// self`. Equivalent to `&self[0 .. len]` or `&mut self[0 .. len]`. Unlike
/// other indexing operations, this can never panic.
/// This operation is *O*(1).
/// Prior to 1.20.0, these indexing operations were still supported by
/// direct implementation of `Index` and `IndexMut`.
/// Equivalent to `&self[0 .. len]` or `&mut self[0 .. len]`.
#[stable(feature = "str_checked_slicing", since = "1.20.0")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_slice_index", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl SliceIndex<str> for ops::RangeFull {
type Output = str;
fn get(self, slice: &str) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
fn get_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, slice: *const str) -> *const Self::Output {
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, slice: *mut str) -> *mut Self::Output {
fn index(self, slice: &str) -> &Self::Output {
fn index_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> &mut Self::Output {
/// Implements substring slicing with syntax `&self[begin .. end]` or `&mut
/// self[begin .. end]`.
/// Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range
/// [`begin`, `end`).
/// This operation is *O*(1).
/// Prior to 1.20.0, these indexing operations were still supported by
/// direct implementation of `Index` and `IndexMut`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `begin` or `end` does not point to the starting byte offset of
/// a character (as defined by `is_char_boundary`), if `begin > end`, or if
/// `end > len`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// assert_eq!(&s[0 .. 1], "L");
/// assert_eq!(&s[1 .. 9], "öwe 老");
/// // these will panic:
/// // byte 2 lies within `ö`:
/// // &s[2 ..3];
/// // byte 8 lies within `老`
/// // &s[1 .. 8];
/// // byte 100 is outside the string
/// // &s[3 .. 100];
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "str_checked_slicing", since = "1.20.0")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_slice_index", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl SliceIndex<str> for ops::Range<usize> {
type Output = str;
fn get(self, slice: &str) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
if self.start <= self.end
&& slice.is_char_boundary(self.start)
&& slice.is_char_boundary(self.end)
// SAFETY: just checked that `start` and `end` are on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
// We also checked char boundaries, so this is valid UTF-8.
Some(unsafe { &*self.get_unchecked(slice) })
} else {
fn get_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
if self.start <= self.end
&& slice.is_char_boundary(self.start)
&& slice.is_char_boundary(self.end)
// SAFETY: just checked that `start` and `end` are on a char boundary.
// We know the pointer is unique because we got it from `slice`.
Some(unsafe { &mut *self.get_unchecked_mut(slice) })
} else {
unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, slice: *const str) -> *const Self::Output {
let slice = slice as *const [u8];
// SAFETY: the caller guarantees that `self` is in bounds of `slice`
// which satisfies all the conditions for `add`.
let ptr = unsafe {
let this = ops::Range { ..self };
"str::get_unchecked requires that the range is within the string slice",
(this: ops::Range<usize>, slice: *const [u8]) =>
// We'd like to check that the bounds are on char boundaries,
// but there's not really a way to do so without reading
// behind the pointer, which has aliasing implications.
// It's also not possible to move this check up to
// `str::get_unchecked` without adding a special function
// to `SliceIndex` just for this.
this.end >= this.start && this.end <= slice.len()
let len = self.end - self.start;
ptr::slice_from_raw_parts(ptr, len) as *const str
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, slice: *mut str) -> *mut Self::Output {
let slice = slice as *mut [u8];
// SAFETY: see comments for `get_unchecked`.
let ptr = unsafe {
let this = ops::Range { ..self };
"str::get_unchecked_mut requires that the range is within the string slice",
(this: ops::Range<usize>, slice: *mut [u8]) =>
this.end >= this.start && this.end <= slice.len()
let len = self.end - self.start;
ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, len) as *mut str
fn index(self, slice: &str) -> &Self::Output {
let (start, end) = (self.start, self.end);
match self.get(slice) {
Some(s) => s,
None => super::slice_error_fail(slice, start, end),
fn index_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> &mut Self::Output {
// is_char_boundary checks that the index is in [0, .len()]
// cannot reuse `get` as above, because of NLL trouble
if self.start <= self.end
&& slice.is_char_boundary(self.start)
&& slice.is_char_boundary(self.end)
// SAFETY: just checked that `start` and `end` are on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
unsafe { &mut *self.get_unchecked_mut(slice) }
} else {
super::slice_error_fail(slice, self.start, self.end)
/// Implements substring slicing with syntax `&self[.. end]` or `&mut
/// self[.. end]`.
/// Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range \[0, `end`).
/// Equivalent to `&self[0 .. end]` or `&mut self[0 .. end]`.
/// This operation is *O*(1).
/// Prior to 1.20.0, these indexing operations were still supported by
/// direct implementation of `Index` and `IndexMut`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `end` does not point to the starting byte offset of a
/// character (as defined by `is_char_boundary`), or if `end > len`.
#[stable(feature = "str_checked_slicing", since = "1.20.0")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_slice_index", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl SliceIndex<str> for ops::RangeTo<usize> {
type Output = str;
fn get(self, slice: &str) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
if slice.is_char_boundary(self.end) {
// SAFETY: just checked that `end` is on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
Some(unsafe { &*self.get_unchecked(slice) })
} else {
fn get_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
if slice.is_char_boundary(self.end) {
// SAFETY: just checked that `end` is on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
Some(unsafe { &mut *self.get_unchecked_mut(slice) })
} else {
unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, slice: *const str) -> *const Self::Output {
// SAFETY: the caller has to uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked`.
unsafe { (0..self.end).get_unchecked(slice) }
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, slice: *mut str) -> *mut Self::Output {
// SAFETY: the caller has to uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked_mut`.
unsafe { (0..self.end).get_unchecked_mut(slice) }
fn index(self, slice: &str) -> &Self::Output {
let end = self.end;
match self.get(slice) {
Some(s) => s,
None => super::slice_error_fail(slice, 0, end),
fn index_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> &mut Self::Output {
if slice.is_char_boundary(self.end) {
// SAFETY: just checked that `end` is on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
unsafe { &mut *self.get_unchecked_mut(slice) }
} else {
super::slice_error_fail(slice, 0, self.end)
/// Implements substring slicing with syntax `&self[begin ..]` or `&mut
/// self[begin ..]`.
/// Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range \[`begin`, `len`).
/// Equivalent to `&self[begin .. len]` or `&mut self[begin .. len]`.
/// This operation is *O*(1).
/// Prior to 1.20.0, these indexing operations were still supported by
/// direct implementation of `Index` and `IndexMut`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `begin` does not point to the starting byte offset of
/// a character (as defined by `is_char_boundary`), or if `begin > len`.
#[stable(feature = "str_checked_slicing", since = "1.20.0")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_slice_index", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl SliceIndex<str> for ops::RangeFrom<usize> {
type Output = str;
fn get(self, slice: &str) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
if slice.is_char_boundary(self.start) {
// SAFETY: just checked that `start` is on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
Some(unsafe { &*self.get_unchecked(slice) })
} else {
fn get_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
if slice.is_char_boundary(self.start) {
// SAFETY: just checked that `start` is on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
Some(unsafe { &mut *self.get_unchecked_mut(slice) })
} else {
unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, slice: *const str) -> *const Self::Output {
let len = (slice as *const [u8]).len();
// SAFETY: the caller has to uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked`.
unsafe { (self.start..len).get_unchecked(slice) }
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, slice: *mut str) -> *mut Self::Output {
let len = (slice as *mut [u8]).len();
// SAFETY: the caller has to uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked_mut`.
unsafe { (self.start..len).get_unchecked_mut(slice) }
fn index(self, slice: &str) -> &Self::Output {
let (start, end) = (self.start, slice.len());
match self.get(slice) {
Some(s) => s,
None => super::slice_error_fail(slice, start, end),
fn index_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> &mut Self::Output {
if slice.is_char_boundary(self.start) {
// SAFETY: just checked that `start` is on a char boundary,
// and we are passing in a safe reference, so the return value will also be one.
unsafe { &mut *self.get_unchecked_mut(slice) }
} else {
super::slice_error_fail(slice, self.start, slice.len())
/// Implements substring slicing with syntax `&self[begin ..= end]` or `&mut
/// self[begin ..= end]`.
/// Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range
/// [`begin`, `end`]. Equivalent to `&self [begin .. end + 1]` or `&mut
/// self[begin .. end + 1]`, except if `end` has the maximum value for
/// `usize`.
/// This operation is *O*(1).
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `begin` does not point to the starting byte offset of
/// a character (as defined by `is_char_boundary`), if `end` does not point
/// to the ending byte offset of a character (`end + 1` is either a starting
/// byte offset or equal to `len`), if `begin > end`, or if `end >= len`.
#[stable(feature = "inclusive_range", since = "1.26.0")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_slice_index", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl SliceIndex<str> for ops::RangeInclusive<usize> {
type Output = str;
fn get(self, slice: &str) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
if *self.end() == usize::MAX { None } else { self.into_slice_range().get(slice) }
fn get_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
if *self.end() == usize::MAX { None } else { self.into_slice_range().get_mut(slice) }
unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, slice: *const str) -> *const Self::Output {
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked`.
unsafe { self.into_slice_range().get_unchecked(slice) }
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, slice: *mut str) -> *mut Self::Output {
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked_mut`.
unsafe { self.into_slice_range().get_unchecked_mut(slice) }
fn index(self, slice: &str) -> &Self::Output {
if *self.end() == usize::MAX {
fn index_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> &mut Self::Output {
if *self.end() == usize::MAX {
/// Implements substring slicing with syntax `&self[..= end]` or `&mut
/// self[..= end]`.
/// Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range \[0, `end`\].
/// Equivalent to `&self [0 .. end + 1]`, except if `end` has the maximum
/// value for `usize`.
/// This operation is *O*(1).
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `end` does not point to the ending byte offset of a character
/// (`end + 1` is either a starting byte offset as defined by
/// `is_char_boundary`, or equal to `len`), or if `end >= len`.
#[stable(feature = "inclusive_range", since = "1.26.0")]
#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_slice_index", issue = "none")]
unsafe impl SliceIndex<str> for ops::RangeToInclusive<usize> {
type Output = str;
fn get(self, slice: &str) -> Option<&Self::Output> {
fn get_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> Option<&mut Self::Output> {
unsafe fn get_unchecked(self, slice: *const str) -> *const Self::Output {
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked`.
unsafe { (0..=self.end).get_unchecked(slice) }
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(self, slice: *mut str) -> *mut Self::Output {
// SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `get_unchecked_mut`.
unsafe { (0..=self.end).get_unchecked_mut(slice) }
fn index(self, slice: &str) -> &Self::Output {
fn index_mut(self, slice: &mut str) -> &mut Self::Output {
/// Parse a value from a string
/// `FromStr`'s [`from_str`] method is often used implicitly, through
/// [`str`]'s [`parse`] method. See [`parse`]'s documentation for examples.
/// [`from_str`]: FromStr::from_str
/// [`parse`]: str::parse
/// `FromStr` does not have a lifetime parameter, and so you can only parse types
/// that do not contain a lifetime parameter themselves. In other words, you can
/// parse an `i32` with `FromStr`, but not a `&i32`. You can parse a struct that
/// contains an `i32`, but not one that contains an `&i32`.
/// # Examples
/// Basic implementation of `FromStr` on an example `Point` type:
/// ```
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Point {
/// x: i32,
/// y: i32
/// }
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// struct ParsePointError;
/// impl FromStr for Point {
/// type Err = ParsePointError;
/// fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
/// let (x, y) = s
/// .strip_prefix('(')
/// .and_then(|s| s.strip_suffix(')'))
/// .and_then(|s| s.split_once(','))
/// .ok_or(ParsePointError)?;
/// let x_fromstr = x.parse::<i32>().map_err(|_| ParsePointError)?;
/// let y_fromstr = y.parse::<i32>().map_err(|_| ParsePointError)?;
/// Ok(Point { x: x_fromstr, y: y_fromstr })
/// }
/// }
/// let expected = Ok(Point { x: 1, y: 2 });
/// // Explicit call
/// assert_eq!(Point::from_str("(1,2)"), expected);
/// // Implicit calls, through parse
/// assert_eq!("(1,2)".parse(), expected);
/// assert_eq!("(1,2)".parse::<Point>(), expected);
/// // Invalid input string
/// assert!(Point::from_str("(1 2)").is_err());
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub trait FromStr: Sized {
/// The associated error which can be returned from parsing.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
type Err;
/// Parses a string `s` to return a value of this type.
/// If parsing succeeds, return the value inside [`Ok`], otherwise
/// when the string is ill-formatted return an error specific to the
/// inside [`Err`]. The error type is specific to the implementation of the trait.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage with [`i32`], a type that implements `FromStr`:
/// ```
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// let s = "5";
/// let x = i32::from_str(s).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(5, x);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>;
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl FromStr for bool {
type Err = ParseBoolError;
/// Parse a `bool` from a string.
/// The only accepted values are `"true"` and `"false"`. Any other input
/// will return an error.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// assert_eq!(FromStr::from_str("true"), Ok(true));
/// assert_eq!(FromStr::from_str("false"), Ok(false));
/// assert!(<bool as FromStr>::from_str("not even a boolean").is_err());
/// ```
/// Note, in many cases, the `.parse()` method on `str` is more proper.
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("true".parse(), Ok(true));
/// assert_eq!("false".parse(), Ok(false));
/// assert!("not even a boolean".parse::<bool>().is_err());
/// ```
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<bool, ParseBoolError> {
match s {
"true" => Ok(true),
"false" => Ok(false),
_ => Err(ParseBoolError),