blob: c5d807b2d7d909af8587f41d133af11dbc64ba94 [file] [log] [blame]
mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t sysfs none /sys
/sbin/mdev -s
# fill up our entropy pool, if we don't do this then anything with a hash map
# will likely block forever as the kernel is pretty unlikely to have enough
# entropy.
/addentropy < /addentropy
cat /dev/urandom | head -n 2048 | /addentropy
# Set up IP that qemu expects. This configures eth0 with the public IP that QEMU
# will communicate to as well as the loopback address.
ifconfig eth0
ifconfig lo up
# Configure DNS resolution of 'localhost' to work
echo 'hosts: files dns' >> /ubuntu/etc/nsswitch.conf
echo ' localhost' >> /ubuntu/etc/hosts
# prepare the chroot
mount -t proc proc /ubuntu/proc/
mount --rbind /sys /ubuntu/sys/
mount --rbind /dev /ubuntu/dev/
# Execute our `testd` inside the ubuntu chroot
cp /testd /ubuntu/testd
chroot /ubuntu /testd &