| // Checks that the setting "Directly go to item in search if there is only one result " is working as expected. |
| |
| define-function: ( |
| "check-setting", |
| (storage_value, setting_attribute_value), |
| block { |
| assert-local-storage: {"rustdoc-go-to-only-result": |storage_value|} |
| click: "#settings-menu" |
| wait-for: "#settings" |
| assert-property: ("#go-to-only-result", {"checked": |setting_attribute_value|}) |
| } |
| ) |
| |
| go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/index.html" |
| |
| call-function: ("check-setting", { |
| "storage_value": null, |
| "setting_attribute_value": "false", |
| }) |
| |
| // By default, the search doesn't automatically go to the page if there is only one result. |
| go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/index.html?search=HasALongTraitWithParams" |
| // It will timeout if the setting isn't working. |
| wait-for: "#search" |
| assert-document-property: ({"URL": "/lib2/index.html"}, CONTAINS) |
| |
| // Now we change its value. |
| click: "#settings-menu" |
| wait-for: "#settings" |
| click: "#go-to-only-result" |
| assert-local-storage: {"rustdoc-go-to-only-result": "true"} |
| |
| go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/index.html" |
| // We enter it into the search. |
| write: (".search-input", "HasALongTraitWithParams") |
| wait-for-document-property: {"title": "HasALongTraitWithParams in lib2 - Rust"} |
| assert-document-property: ({"URL": "/lib2/struct.HasALongTraitWithParams.html"}, ENDS_WITH) |
| |
| // We try again to see if it goes to the only result |
| go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/index.html?search=HasALongTraitWithParams" |
| wait-for-document-property: {"title": "HasALongTraitWithParams in lib2 - Rust"} |
| assert-document-property: ({"URL": "/lib2/struct.HasALongTraitWithParams.html"}, ENDS_WITH) |
| |
| // We check the settings |
| call-function: ("check-setting", { |
| "storage_value": "true", |
| "setting_attribute_value": "true", |
| }) |
| |
| // And now we re-disable the setting. |
| click: "#go-to-only-result" |
| assert-local-storage: {"rustdoc-go-to-only-result": "false"} |
| |
| go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/lib2/index.html?search=HasALongTraitWithParams" |
| // It will timeout if the setting isn't working. |
| wait-for: "#search" |
| assert-document-property: ({"URL": "/lib2/index.html"}, CONTAINS) |
| |
| // And we check everything is back the way it was before. |
| call-function: ("check-setting", { |
| "storage_value": "false", |
| "setting_attribute_value": "false", |
| }) |