blob: 0c820ef9a29a9a83db048c970244f80dd3196760 [file] [log] [blame]
// Tests that lint levels can be set for early lints.
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, unsafe_code, while_true, unused_parens)]
// The following is a check of the lints used here to verify they do not warn
// when allowed.
fn verify_no_warnings() {
type non_camel_type = i32; // non_camel_case_types
struct NON_CAMEL_IS_ALLOWED; // non_camel_case_types
unsafe {} // unsafe_code
enum Enum {
VARIANT_CAMEL // non_camel_case_types
fn generics<foo>() {} // non_camel_case_types
while true {} // while_true
type T = (i32); // unused_parens
// ################## Types
type type_outer = i32; //~ ERROR type `type_outer` should have an upper camel case name
type BareFnPtr = fn(#[deny(unused_parens)](i32)); //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
// There aren't any early lints that currently apply to the variadic spot.
// type BareFnPtrVariadic = extern "C" fn(i32, #[deny()]...);
// ################## Items
struct ITEM_OUTER; //~ ERROR type `ITEM_OUTER` should have an upper camel case name
mod module_inner {
fn f() {
unsafe {} //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
struct Associated;
impl Associated {
fn inherent_denied_from_inner() { unsafe {} } //~ usage of an `unsafe` block
fn inherent_fn() { while true {} } //~ ERROR denote infinite loops with
const INHERENT_CONST: i32 = {while true {} 1}; //~ ERROR denote infinite loops with
trait trait_inner { //~ ERROR trait `trait_inner` should have an upper camel case name
trait AssociatedTrait {
fn denied_from_inner() { unsafe {} } //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
fn assoc_fn() { while true {} } //~ ERROR denote infinite loops with
const ASSOC_CONST: i32 = {while true {} 1}; //~ ERROR denote infinite loops with
type assoc_type; //~ ERROR associated type `assoc_type` should have an upper camel case name
impl AssociatedTrait for Associated {
fn denied_from_inner() { unsafe {} } //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
fn assoc_fn() { while true {} } //~ ERROR denote infinite loops with
const ASSOC_CONST: i32 = {while true {} 1}; //~ ERROR denote infinite loops with
type assoc_type = (i32); //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
struct StructFields {
#[deny(unused_parens)]f1: (i32), //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
struct StructTuple(#[deny(unused_parens)](i32)); //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
enum Enum {
VARIANT_CAMEL, //~ ERROR variant `VARIANT_CAMEL` should have an upper camel case name
extern "C" {
fn foreign_denied_from_inner(x: (i32)); //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
extern "C" {
fn foreign_denied_from_outer(x: (i32)); //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
fn function(#[deny(unused_parens)] param: (i32)) {} //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
fn generics<#[deny(non_camel_case_types)]foo>() {} //~ ERROR type parameter `foo` should have an upper camel case name
// ################## Statements
fn statements() {
let x = (1); //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around assigned value
// ################## Expressions
fn expressions() {
let closure = |#[deny(unused_parens)] param: (i32)| {}; //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around type
struct Match{f1: i32}
// Strangely unused_parens doesn't fire with {f1: (123)}
let f = Match{#[deny(unused_parens)]f1: {(123)}}; //~ ERROR unnecessary parentheses around block return value
match f {
Match{f1} => {
unsafe {} //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
while true {} //~ ERROR denote infinite loops with
match f {
Match{f1: 0...100} => {}
//~^ ERROR range patterns are deprecated
//~| WARNING this is accepted in the current edition
_ => {}
// Statement Block
unsafe {} //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
let block_tail = {
unsafe {} //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
// Before expression as a statement.
unsafe {}; //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
[#[deny(unsafe_code)] unsafe {123}]; //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
(#[deny(unsafe_code)] unsafe {123},); //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
fn call(p: i32) {}
call(#[deny(unsafe_code)] unsafe {123}); //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
struct TupleStruct(i32);
TupleStruct(#[deny(unsafe_code)] unsafe {123}); //~ ERROR usage of an `unsafe` block
// ################## Patterns
fn patterns() {
struct PatField{f1: i32, f2: i32};
let f = PatField{f1: 1, f2: 2};
match f {
PatField {
f1: 0...100,
//~^ ERROR range patterns are deprecated
//~| WARNING this is accepted in the current edition
} => {}
_ => {}
fn main() {}