| X: usize //~ ERROR structure field `X` should have a snake case name |
| fn test(Xx: usize) { //~ ERROR variable `Xx` should have a snake case name |
| let Test: usize = 0; //~ ERROR variable `Test` should have a snake case name |
| //~^ ERROR variable `Foo` should have a snake case name |
| //~^^ ERROR `Foo` is named the same as one of the variants of the type `foo::Foo` |
| //~^^^ WARN unused variable: `Foo` |
| //~^ ERROR variable `Foo` should have a snake case name |
| //~^^ ERROR `Foo` is named the same as one of the variants of the type `foo::Foo` |
| //~^^^ WARN unused variable: `Foo` |
| fn in_param(Foo: foo::Foo) {} |
| //~^ ERROR variable `Foo` should have a snake case name |
| //~^^ ERROR `Foo` is named the same as one of the variants of the type `foo::Foo` |
| //~^^^ WARN unused variable: `Foo` |
| let _ = Something { X: 0 }; |