blob: b910c1f058f088ff1222d407a83e131c0bd8a1ad [file] [log] [blame]
//! This crate provides a cross-platform library and binary for translating addresses into
//! function names, file names and line numbers. Given an address in an executable or an
//! offset in a section of a relocatable object, it uses the debugging information to
//! figure out which file name and line number are associated with it.
//! When used as a library, files must first be loaded using the
//! [`object`]( crate.
//! A context can then be created with [`Context::new`](./
//! The context caches some of the parsed information so that multiple lookups are
//! efficient.
//! Location information is obtained with
//! [`Context::find_location`](./struct.Context.html#method.find_location) or
//! [`Context::find_location_range`](./struct.Context.html#method.find_location_range).
//! Function information is obtained with
//! [`Context::find_frames`](./struct.Context.html#method.find_frames), which returns
//! a frame for each inline function. Each frame contains both name and location.
//! The crate has an example CLI wrapper around the library which provides some of
//! the functionality of the `addr2line` command line tool distributed with [GNU
//! binutils](
//! Currently this library only provides information from the DWARF debugging information,
//! which is parsed using [`gimli`]( The example CLI
//! wrapper also uses symbol table information provided by the `object` crate.
extern crate alloc;
#[cfg(feature = "cpp_demangle")]
extern crate cpp_demangle;
#[cfg(feature = "fallible-iterator")]
pub extern crate fallible_iterator;
pub extern crate gimli;
#[cfg(feature = "object")]
pub extern crate object;
#[cfg(feature = "rustc-demangle")]
extern crate rustc_demangle;
use alloc::borrow::Cow;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
#[cfg(feature = "object")]
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
use alloc::sync::Arc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::cmp::{self, Ordering};
use core::iter;
use core::mem;
use core::num::NonZeroU64;
use core::u64;
use crate::function::{Function, Functions, InlinedFunction};
use crate::lazy::LazyCell;
#[cfg(feature = "smallvec")]
mod maybe_small {
pub type Vec<T> = smallvec::SmallVec<[T; 16]>;
pub type IntoIter<T> = smallvec::IntoIter<[T; 16]>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "smallvec"))]
mod maybe_small {
pub type Vec<T> = alloc::vec::Vec<T>;
pub type IntoIter<T> = alloc::vec::IntoIter<T>;
mod function;
mod lazy;
type Error = gimli::Error;
/// The state necessary to perform address to line translation.
/// Constructing a `Context` is somewhat costly, so users should aim to reuse `Context`s
/// when performing lookups for many addresses in the same executable.
pub struct Context<R: gimli::Reader> {
dwarf: ResDwarf<R>,
/// The type of `Context` that supports the `new` method.
#[cfg(feature = "std-object")]
pub type ObjectContext = Context<gimli::EndianRcSlice<gimli::RunTimeEndian>>;
#[cfg(feature = "std-object")]
impl Context<gimli::EndianRcSlice<gimli::RunTimeEndian>> {
/// Construct a new `Context`.
/// The resulting `Context` uses `gimli::EndianRcSlice<gimli::RunTimeEndian>`.
/// This means it is not thread safe, has no lifetime constraints (since it copies
/// the input data), and works for any endianity.
/// Performance sensitive applications may want to use `Context::from_dwarf`
/// with a more specialised `gimli::Reader` implementation.
pub fn new<'data: 'file, 'file, O: object::Object<'data, 'file>>(
file: &'file O,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Self::new_with_sup(file, None)
/// Construct a new `Context`.
/// Optionally also use a supplementary object file.
/// The resulting `Context` uses `gimli::EndianRcSlice<gimli::RunTimeEndian>`.
/// This means it is not thread safe, has no lifetime constraints (since it copies
/// the input data), and works for any endianity.
/// Performance sensitive applications may want to use `Context::from_dwarf_with_sup`
/// with a more specialised `gimli::Reader` implementation.
pub fn new_with_sup<'data: 'file, 'file, O: object::Object<'data, 'file>>(
file: &'file O,
sup_file: Option<&'file O>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let endian = if file.is_little_endian() {
} else {
fn load_section<'data: 'file, 'file, O, Endian>(
id: gimli::SectionId,
file: &'file O,
endian: Endian,
) -> Result<gimli::EndianRcSlice<Endian>, Error>
O: object::Object<'data, 'file>,
Endian: gimli::Endianity,
use object::ObjectSection;
let data = file
.and_then(|section| section.uncompressed_data().ok())
Ok(gimli::EndianRcSlice::new(Rc::from(&*data), endian))
let mut dwarf = gimli::Dwarf::load(|id| load_section(id, file, endian))?;
if let Some(sup_file) = sup_file {
dwarf.load_sup(|id| load_section(id, sup_file, endian))?;
impl<R: gimli::Reader> Context<R> {
/// Construct a new `Context` from DWARF sections.
/// This method does not support using a supplementary object file.
pub fn from_sections(
debug_abbrev: gimli::DebugAbbrev<R>,
debug_addr: gimli::DebugAddr<R>,
debug_aranges: gimli::DebugAranges<R>,
debug_info: gimli::DebugInfo<R>,
debug_line: gimli::DebugLine<R>,
debug_line_str: gimli::DebugLineStr<R>,
debug_ranges: gimli::DebugRanges<R>,
debug_rnglists: gimli::DebugRngLists<R>,
debug_str: gimli::DebugStr<R>,
debug_str_offsets: gimli::DebugStrOffsets<R>,
default_section: R,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Self::from_dwarf(gimli::Dwarf {
debug_types: default_section.clone().into(),
locations: gimli::LocationLists::new(
ranges: gimli::RangeLists::new(debug_ranges, debug_rnglists),
file_type: gimli::DwarfFileType::Main,
sup: None,
/// Construct a new `Context` from an existing [`gimli::Dwarf`] object.
pub fn from_dwarf(sections: gimli::Dwarf<R>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut dwarf = ResDwarf::parse(Arc::new(sections))?;
dwarf.sup = match dwarf.sections.sup.clone() {
Some(sup_sections) => Some(Box::new(ResDwarf::parse(sup_sections)?)),
None => None,
Ok(Context { dwarf })
/// The dwarf sections associated with this `Context`.
pub fn dwarf(&self) -> &gimli::Dwarf<R> {
/// Finds the CUs for the function address given.
/// There might be multiple CUs whose range contains this address.
/// Weak symbols have shown up in the wild which cause this to happen
/// but otherwise this can happen if the CU has non-contiguous functions
/// but only reports a single range.
/// Consequently we return an iterator for all CUs which may contain the
/// address, and the caller must check if there is actually a function or
/// location in the CU for that address.
fn find_units(&self, probe: u64) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ResUnit<R>> {
self.find_units_range(probe, probe + 1)
.map(|(unit, _range)| unit)
/// Finds the CUs covering the range of addresses given.
/// The range is [low, high) (ie, the upper bound is exclusive). This can return multiple
/// ranges for the same unit.
fn find_units_range(
probe_low: u64,
probe_high: u64,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&ResUnit<R>, &gimli::Range)> {
// First up find the position in the array which could have our function
// address.
let pos = match self
.binary_search_by_key(&probe_high, |i| i.range.begin)
// Although unlikely, we could find an exact match.
Ok(i) => i + 1,
// No exact match was found, but this probe would fit at slot `i`.
// This means that slot `i` is bigger than `probe`, along with all
// indices greater than `i`, so we need to search all previous
// entries.
Err(i) => i,
// Once we have our index we iterate backwards from that position
// looking for a matching CU.
.take_while(move |i| {
// We know that this CU's start is beneath the probe already because
// of our sorted array.
debug_assert!(i.range.begin <= probe_high);
// Each entry keeps track of the maximum end address seen so far,
// starting from the beginning of the array of unit ranges. We're
// iterating in reverse so if our probe is beyond the maximum range
// of this entry, then it's guaranteed to not fit in any prior
// entries, so we break out.
probe_low < i.max_end
.filter_map(move |i| {
// If this CU doesn't actually contain this address, move to the
// next CU.
if probe_low >= i.range.end || probe_high <= i.range.begin {
return None;
Some((&self.dwarf.units[i.unit_id], &i.range))
/// Find the DWARF unit corresponding to the given virtual memory address.
pub fn find_dwarf_unit(&self, probe: u64) -> Option<&gimli::Unit<R>> {
for unit in self.find_units(probe) {
match unit.find_function_or_location(probe, &self.dwarf) {
Ok((Some(_), _)) | Ok((_, Some(_))) => return Some(&unit.dw_unit),
_ => {}
/// Find the source file and line corresponding to the given virtual memory address.
pub fn find_location(&self, probe: u64) -> Result<Option<Location<'_>>, Error> {
for unit in self.find_units(probe) {
if let Some(location) = unit.find_location(probe, &self.dwarf.sections)? {
return Ok(Some(location));
/// Return source file and lines for a range of addresses. For each location it also
/// returns the address and size of the range of the underlying instructions.
pub fn find_location_range(
probe_low: u64,
probe_high: u64,
) -> Result<LocationRangeIter<'_, R>, Error> {
LocationRangeIter::new(self, probe_low, probe_high)
/// Return an iterator for the function frames corresponding to the given virtual
/// memory address.
/// If the probe address is not for an inline function then only one frame is
/// returned.
/// If the probe address is for an inline function then the first frame corresponds
/// to the innermost inline function. Subsequent frames contain the caller and call
/// location, until an non-inline caller is reached.
pub fn find_frames(&self, probe: u64) -> Result<FrameIter<R>, Error> {
for unit in self.find_units(probe) {
match unit.find_function_or_location(probe, &self.dwarf)? {
(Some(function), location) => {
let inlined_functions = function.find_inlined_functions(probe);
return Ok(FrameIter(FrameIterState::Frames(FrameIterFrames {
sections: &self.dwarf.sections,
next: location,
(None, Some(location)) => {
return Ok(FrameIter(FrameIterState::Location(Some(location))));
_ => {}
/// Initialize all line data structures. This is used for benchmarks.
pub fn parse_lines(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
for unit in &self.dwarf.units {
/// Initialize all function data structures. This is used for benchmarks.
pub fn parse_functions(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
for unit in &self.dwarf.units {
/// Initialize all inlined function data structures. This is used for benchmarks.
pub fn parse_inlined_functions(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
for unit in &self.dwarf.units {
struct UnitRange {
unit_id: usize,
max_end: u64,
range: gimli::Range,
struct ResDwarf<R: gimli::Reader> {
unit_ranges: Vec<UnitRange>,
units: Vec<ResUnit<R>>,
sections: Arc<gimli::Dwarf<R>>,
sup: Option<Box<ResDwarf<R>>>,
impl<R: gimli::Reader> ResDwarf<R> {
fn parse(sections: Arc<gimli::Dwarf<R>>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Find all the references to compilation units in .debug_aranges.
// Note that we always also iterate through all of .debug_info to
// find compilation units, because .debug_aranges may be missing some.
let mut aranges = Vec::new();
let mut headers = sections.debug_aranges.headers();
while let Some(header) = {
aranges.push((header.debug_info_offset(), header.offset()));
aranges.sort_by_key(|i| i.0);
let mut unit_ranges = Vec::new();
let mut res_units = Vec::new();
let mut units = sections.units();
while let Some(header) = {
let unit_id = res_units.len();
let offset = match header.offset().as_debug_info_offset() {
Some(offset) => offset,
None => continue,
// We mainly want compile units, but we may need to follow references to entries
// within other units for function names. We don't need anything from type units.
match header.type_() {
gimli::UnitType::Type { .. } | gimli::UnitType::SplitType { .. } => continue,
_ => {}
let dw_unit = match sections.unit(header) {
Ok(dw_unit) => dw_unit,
Err(_) => continue,
let mut lang = None;
let mut have_unit_range = false;
let mut entries = dw_unit.entries_raw(None)?;
let abbrev = match entries.read_abbreviation()? {
Some(abbrev) => abbrev,
None => continue,
let mut ranges = RangeAttributes::default();
for spec in abbrev.attributes() {
let attr = entries.read_attribute(*spec)?;
match {
gimli::DW_AT_low_pc => match attr.value() {
gimli::AttributeValue::Addr(val) => ranges.low_pc = Some(val),
gimli::AttributeValue::DebugAddrIndex(index) => {
ranges.low_pc = Some(sections.address(&dw_unit, index)?);
_ => {}
gimli::DW_AT_high_pc => match attr.value() {
gimli::AttributeValue::Addr(val) => ranges.high_pc = Some(val),
gimli::AttributeValue::DebugAddrIndex(index) => {
ranges.high_pc = Some(sections.address(&dw_unit, index)?);
gimli::AttributeValue::Udata(val) => ranges.size = Some(val),
_ => {}
gimli::DW_AT_ranges => {
ranges.ranges_offset =
sections.attr_ranges_offset(&dw_unit, attr.value())?;
gimli::DW_AT_language => {
if let gimli::AttributeValue::Language(val) = attr.value() {
lang = Some(val);
_ => {}
// Find the address ranges for the CU, using in order of preference:
// - DW_AT_ranges
// - .debug_aranges
// - DW_AT_low_pc/DW_AT_high_pc
// Using DW_AT_ranges before .debug_aranges is possibly an arbitrary choice,
// but the feeling is that DW_AT_ranges is more likely to be reliable or complete
// if it is present.
// .debug_aranges must be used before DW_AT_low_pc/DW_AT_high_pc because
// it has been observed on macOS that DW_AT_ranges was not emitted even for
// discontiguous CUs.
let i = match ranges.ranges_offset {
Some(_) => None,
None => aranges.binary_search_by_key(&offset, |x| x.0).ok(),
if let Some(mut i) = i {
// There should be only one set per CU, but in practice multiple
// sets have been observed. This is probably a compiler bug, but
// either way we need to handle it.
while i > 0 && aranges[i - 1].0 == offset {
i -= 1;
for (_, aranges_offset) in aranges[i..].iter().take_while(|x| x.0 == offset) {
let aranges_header = sections.debug_aranges.header(*aranges_offset)?;
let mut aranges = aranges_header.entries();
while let Some(arange) = {
if arange.length() != 0 {
unit_ranges.push(UnitRange {
range: arange.range(),
max_end: 0,
have_unit_range = true;
} else {
have_unit_range |= ranges.for_each_range(&sections, &dw_unit, |range| {
unit_ranges.push(UnitRange {
max_end: 0,
let lines = LazyCell::new();
if !have_unit_range {
// The unit did not declare any ranges.
// Try to get some ranges from the line program sequences.
if let Some(ref ilnp) = dw_unit.line_program {
if let Ok(lines) = lines
.borrow_with(|| Lines::parse(&dw_unit, ilnp.clone(), &*sections))
for sequence in lines.sequences.iter() {
unit_ranges.push(UnitRange {
range: gimli::Range {
begin: sequence.start,
end: sequence.end,
max_end: 0,
res_units.push(ResUnit {
funcs: LazyCell::new(),
// Sort this for faster lookup in `find_unit_and_address` below.
unit_ranges.sort_by_key(|i| i.range.begin);
// Calculate the `max_end` field now that we've determined the order of
// CUs.
let mut max = 0;
for i in unit_ranges.iter_mut() {
max = max.max(i.range.end);
i.max_end = max;
Ok(ResDwarf {
units: res_units,
sup: None,
fn find_unit(&self, offset: gimli::DebugInfoOffset<R::Offset>) -> Result<&ResUnit<R>, Error> {
match self
.binary_search_by_key(&offset.0, |unit| unit.offset.0)
// There is never a DIE at the unit offset or before the first unit.
Ok(_) | Err(0) => Err(gimli::Error::NoEntryAtGivenOffset),
Err(i) => Ok(&self.units[i - 1]),
struct Lines {
files: Box<[String]>,
sequences: Box<[LineSequence]>,
impl Lines {
fn parse<R: gimli::Reader>(
dw_unit: &gimli::Unit<R>,
ilnp: gimli::IncompleteLineProgram<R, R::Offset>,
sections: &gimli::Dwarf<R>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut sequences = Vec::new();
let mut sequence_rows = Vec::<LineRow>::new();
let mut rows = ilnp.rows();
while let Some((_, row)) = rows.next_row()? {
if row.end_sequence() {
if let Some(start) = sequence_rows.first().map(|x| x.address) {
let end = row.address();
let mut rows = Vec::new();
mem::swap(&mut rows, &mut sequence_rows);
sequences.push(LineSequence {
rows: rows.into_boxed_slice(),
let address = row.address();
let file_index = row.file_index();
let line = row.line().map(NonZeroU64::get).unwrap_or(0) as u32;
let column = match row.column() {
gimli::ColumnType::LeftEdge => 0,
gimli::ColumnType::Column(x) => x.get() as u32,
if let Some(last_row) = sequence_rows.last_mut() {
if last_row.address == address {
last_row.file_index = file_index;
last_row.line = line;
last_row.column = column;
sequence_rows.push(LineRow {
sequences.sort_by_key(|x| x.start);
let mut files = Vec::new();
let header = rows.header();
match header.file(0) {
Some(file) => files.push(render_file(dw_unit, file, header, sections)?),
None => files.push(String::from("")), // DWARF version <= 4 may not have 0th index
let mut index = 1;
while let Some(file) = header.file(index) {
files.push(render_file(dw_unit, file, header, sections)?);
index += 1;
Ok(Self {
files: files.into_boxed_slice(),
sequences: sequences.into_boxed_slice(),
fn render_file<R: gimli::Reader>(
dw_unit: &gimli::Unit<R>,
file: &gimli::FileEntry<R, R::Offset>,
header: &gimli::LineProgramHeader<R, R::Offset>,
sections: &gimli::Dwarf<R>,
) -> Result<String, gimli::Error> {
let mut path = if let Some(ref comp_dir) = dw_unit.comp_dir {
} else {
// The directory index 0 is defined to correspond to the compilation unit directory.
if file.directory_index() != 0 {
if let Some(directory) = {
&mut path,
.attr_string(dw_unit, directory)?
&mut path,
.attr_string(dw_unit, file.path_name())?
struct LineSequence {
start: u64,
end: u64,
rows: Box<[LineRow]>,
struct LineRow {
address: u64,
file_index: u64,
line: u32,
column: u32,
struct ResUnit<R: gimli::Reader> {
offset: gimli::DebugInfoOffset<R::Offset>,
dw_unit: gimli::Unit<R>,
lang: Option<gimli::DwLang>,
lines: LazyCell<Result<Lines, Error>>,
funcs: LazyCell<Result<Functions<R>, Error>>,
impl<R: gimli::Reader> ResUnit<R> {
fn parse_lines(&self, sections: &gimli::Dwarf<R>) -> Result<Option<&Lines>, Error> {
let ilnp = match self.dw_unit.line_program {
Some(ref ilnp) => ilnp,
None => return Ok(None),
.borrow_with(|| Lines::parse(&self.dw_unit, ilnp.clone(), sections))
fn parse_functions(&self, dwarf: &ResDwarf<R>) -> Result<&Functions<R>, Error> {
.borrow_with(|| Functions::parse(&self.dw_unit, dwarf))
fn parse_inlined_functions(&self, dwarf: &ResDwarf<R>) -> Result<(), Error> {
.borrow_with(|| Functions::parse(&self.dw_unit, dwarf))
.parse_inlined_functions(&self.dw_unit, dwarf)
fn find_location(
probe: u64,
sections: &gimli::Dwarf<R>,
) -> Result<Option<Location<'_>>, Error> {
if let Some(mut iter) = LocationRangeUnitIter::new(self, sections, probe, probe + 1)? {
match {
None => Ok(None),
Some((_addr, _len, loc)) => Ok(Some(loc)),
} else {
fn find_location_range(
probe_low: u64,
probe_high: u64,
sections: &gimli::Dwarf<R>,
) -> Result<Option<LocationRangeUnitIter<'_>>, Error> {
LocationRangeUnitIter::new(self, sections, probe_low, probe_high)
fn find_function_or_location(
probe: u64,
dwarf: &ResDwarf<R>,
) -> Result<(Option<&Function<R>>, Option<Location<'_>>), Error> {
let functions = self.parse_functions(dwarf)?;
let function = match functions.find_address(probe) {
Some(address) => {
let function_index = functions.addresses[address].function;
let (offset, ref function) = functions.functions[function_index];
.borrow_with(|| Function::parse(offset, &self.dw_unit, dwarf))
None => None,
let location = self.find_location(probe, &dwarf.sections)?;
Ok((function, location))
/// Iterator over `Location`s in a range of addresses, returned by `Context::find_location_range`.
pub struct LocationRangeIter<'ctx, R: gimli::Reader> {
unit_iter: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (&'ctx ResUnit<R>, &'ctx gimli::Range)> + 'ctx>,
iter: Option<LocationRangeUnitIter<'ctx>>,
probe_low: u64,
probe_high: u64,
sections: &'ctx gimli::Dwarf<R>,
impl<'ctx, R: gimli::Reader> LocationRangeIter<'ctx, R> {
fn new(ctx: &'ctx Context<R>, probe_low: u64, probe_high: u64) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let sections = &ctx.dwarf.sections;
let unit_iter = ctx.find_units_range(probe_low, probe_high);
Ok(Self {
unit_iter: Box::new(unit_iter),
iter: None,
fn next_loc(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(u64, u64, Location<'ctx>)>, Error> {
loop {
let iter = self.iter.take();
match iter {
None => match {
Some((unit, range)) => {
self.iter = unit.find_location_range(
cmp::max(self.probe_low, range.begin),
cmp::min(self.probe_high, range.end),
None => return Ok(None),
Some(mut iter) => {
if let item @ Some(_) = {
self.iter = Some(iter);
return Ok(item);
impl<'ctx, R> Iterator for LocationRangeIter<'ctx, R>
R: gimli::Reader + 'ctx,
type Item = (u64, u64, Location<'ctx>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.next_loc() {
Err(_) => None,
Ok(loc) => loc,
#[cfg(feature = "fallible-iterator")]
impl<'ctx, R> fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator for LocationRangeIter<'ctx, R>
R: gimli::Reader + 'ctx,
type Item = (u64, u64, Location<'ctx>);
type Error = Error;
fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Self::Item>, Self::Error> {
struct LocationRangeUnitIter<'ctx> {
lines: &'ctx Lines,
seqs: &'ctx [LineSequence],
seq_idx: usize,
row_idx: usize,
probe_high: u64,
impl<'ctx> LocationRangeUnitIter<'ctx> {
fn new<R: gimli::Reader>(
resunit: &'ctx ResUnit<R>,
sections: &gimli::Dwarf<R>,
probe_low: u64,
probe_high: u64,
) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
let lines = resunit.parse_lines(sections)?;
if let Some(lines) = lines {
// Find index for probe_low.
let seq_idx = lines.sequences.binary_search_by(|sequence| {
if probe_low < sequence.start {
} else if probe_low >= sequence.end {
} else {
let seq_idx = match seq_idx {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(0) => 0, // probe below sequence, but range could overlap
Err(_) => lines.sequences.len(),
let row_idx = if let Some(seq) = lines.sequences.get(seq_idx) {
let idx = seq.rows.binary_search_by(|row| row.address.cmp(&probe_low));
let idx = match idx {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(0) => 0, // probe below sequence, but range could overlap
Err(x) => x - 1,
} else {
Ok(Some(Self {
seqs: &*lines.sequences,
} else {
impl<'ctx> Iterator for LocationRangeUnitIter<'ctx> {
type Item = (u64, u64, Location<'ctx>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(u64, u64, Location<'ctx>)> {
loop {
let seq = match self.seqs.get(self.seq_idx) {
Some(seq) => seq,
None => break,
if seq.start >= self.probe_high {
match seq.rows.get(self.row_idx) {
Some(row) => {
if row.address >= self.probe_high {
let file = self
.get(row.file_index as usize)
let nextaddr = seq
.get(self.row_idx + 1)
.map(|row| row.address)
let item = (
nextaddr - row.address,
Location {
line: if row.line != 0 { Some(row.line) } else { None },
column: if row.column != 0 {
} else {
self.row_idx += 1;
return Some(item);
None => {
self.seq_idx += 1;
self.row_idx = 0;
fn path_push(path: &mut String, p: &str) {
if has_unix_root(p) || has_windows_root(p) {
*path = p.to_string();
} else {
let dir_separator = if has_windows_root(path.as_str()) {
} else {
if !path.is_empty() && !path.ends_with(dir_separator) {
*path += p;
/// Check if the path in the given string has a unix style root
fn has_unix_root(p: &str) -> bool {
/// Check if the path in the given string has a windows style root
fn has_windows_root(p: &str) -> bool {
p.starts_with('\\') || p.get(1..3) == Some(":\\")
struct RangeAttributes<R: gimli::Reader> {
low_pc: Option<u64>,
high_pc: Option<u64>,
size: Option<u64>,
ranges_offset: Option<gimli::RangeListsOffset<<R as gimli::Reader>::Offset>>,
impl<R: gimli::Reader> Default for RangeAttributes<R> {
fn default() -> Self {
RangeAttributes {
low_pc: None,
high_pc: None,
size: None,
ranges_offset: None,
impl<R: gimli::Reader> RangeAttributes<R> {
fn for_each_range<F: FnMut(gimli::Range)>(
sections: &gimli::Dwarf<R>,
unit: &gimli::Unit<R>,
mut f: F,
) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let mut added_any = false;
let mut add_range = |range: gimli::Range| {
if range.begin < range.end {
added_any = true
if let Some(ranges_offset) = self.ranges_offset {
let mut range_list = sections.ranges(unit, ranges_offset)?;
while let Some(range) = {
} else if let (Some(begin), Some(end)) = (self.low_pc, self.high_pc) {
add_range(gimli::Range { begin, end });
} else if let (Some(begin), Some(size)) = (self.low_pc, self.size) {
add_range(gimli::Range {
end: begin + size,
/// An iterator over function frames.
pub struct FrameIter<'ctx, R>(FrameIterState<'ctx, R>)
R: gimli::Reader + 'ctx;
enum FrameIterState<'ctx, R>
R: gimli::Reader + 'ctx,
Frames(FrameIterFrames<'ctx, R>),
struct FrameIterFrames<'ctx, R>
R: gimli::Reader + 'ctx,
unit: &'ctx ResUnit<R>,
sections: &'ctx gimli::Dwarf<R>,
function: &'ctx Function<R>,
inlined_functions: iter::Rev<maybe_small::IntoIter<&'ctx InlinedFunction<R>>>,
next: Option<Location<'ctx>>,
impl<'ctx, R> FrameIter<'ctx, R>
R: gimli::Reader + 'ctx,
/// Advances the iterator and returns the next frame.
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Frame<'ctx, R>>, Error> {
let frames = match &mut self.0 {
FrameIterState::Empty => return Ok(None),
FrameIterState::Location(location) => {
// We can't move out of a mutable reference, so use `take` instead.
let location = location.take();
self.0 = FrameIterState::Empty;
return Ok(Some(Frame {
dw_die_offset: None,
function: None,
FrameIterState::Frames(frames) => frames,
let loc =;
let func = match {
Some(func) => func,
None => {
let frame = Frame {
dw_die_offset: Some(frames.function.dw_die_offset),
function:|name| FunctionName {
language: frames.unit.lang,
location: loc,
self.0 = FrameIterState::Empty;
return Ok(Some(frame));
let mut next = Location {
file: None,
line: if func.call_line != 0 {
} else {
column: if func.call_column != 0 {
} else {
if func.call_file != 0 {
if let Some(lines) = frames.unit.parse_lines(frames.sections)? {
next.file = lines.files.get(func.call_file as usize).map(String::as_str);
} = Some(next);
Ok(Some(Frame {
dw_die_offset: Some(func.dw_die_offset),
function:|name| FunctionName {
language: frames.unit.lang,
location: loc,
#[cfg(feature = "fallible-iterator")]
impl<'ctx, R> fallible_iterator::FallibleIterator for FrameIter<'ctx, R>
R: gimli::Reader + 'ctx,
type Item = Frame<'ctx, R>;
type Error = Error;
fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Frame<'ctx, R>>, Error> {
/// A function frame.
pub struct Frame<'ctx, R: gimli::Reader> {
/// The DWARF unit offset corresponding to the DIE of the function.
pub dw_die_offset: Option<gimli::UnitOffset<R::Offset>>,
/// The name of the function.
pub function: Option<FunctionName<R>>,
/// The source location corresponding to this frame.
pub location: Option<Location<'ctx>>,
/// A function name.
pub struct FunctionName<R: gimli::Reader> {
/// The name of the function.
pub name: R,
/// The language of the compilation unit containing this function.
pub language: Option<gimli::DwLang>,
impl<R: gimli::Reader> FunctionName<R> {
/// The raw name of this function before demangling.
pub fn raw_name(&self) -> Result<Cow<str>, Error> {
/// The name of this function after demangling (if applicable).
pub fn demangle(&self) -> Result<Cow<str>, Error> {
self.raw_name().map(|x| demangle_auto(x, self.language))
/// Demangle a symbol name using the demangling scheme for the given language.
/// Returns `None` if demangling failed or is not required.
pub fn demangle(name: &str, language: gimli::DwLang) -> Option<String> {
match language {
#[cfg(feature = "rustc-demangle")]
gimli::DW_LANG_Rust => rustc_demangle::try_demangle(name)
.map(|x| format!("{:#}", x)),
#[cfg(feature = "cpp_demangle")]
| gimli::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_03
| gimli::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_11
| gimli::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus_14 => cpp_demangle::Symbol::new(name)
.and_then(|x| x.demangle(&Default::default()).ok()),
_ => None,
/// Apply 'best effort' demangling of a symbol name.
/// If `language` is given, then only the demangling scheme for that language
/// is used.
/// If `language` is `None`, then heuristics are used to determine how to
/// demangle the name. Currently, these heuristics are very basic.
/// If demangling fails or is not required, then `name` is returned unchanged.
pub fn demangle_auto(name: Cow<str>, language: Option<gimli::DwLang>) -> Cow<str> {
match language {
Some(language) => demangle(name.as_ref(), language),
None => demangle(name.as_ref(), gimli::DW_LANG_Rust)
.or_else(|| demangle(name.as_ref(), gimli::DW_LANG_C_plus_plus)),
/// A source location.
pub struct Location<'a> {
/// The file name.
pub file: Option<&'a str>,
/// The line number.
pub line: Option<u32>,
/// The column number.
pub column: Option<u32>,
mod tests {
fn context_is_send() {
fn assert_is_send<T: Send>() {}