blob: 81aaf54862e9715653aa1918517266c34f6376ae [file] [log] [blame]
//! This implements the VCode container: a CFG of Insts that have been lowered.
//! VCode is virtual-register code. An instruction in VCode is almost a machine
//! instruction; however, its register slots can refer to virtual registers in
//! addition to real machine registers.
//! VCode is structured with traditional basic blocks, and
//! each block must be terminated by an unconditional branch (one target), a
//! conditional branch (two targets), or a return (no targets). Note that this
//! slightly differs from the machine code of most ISAs: in most ISAs, a
//! conditional branch has one target (and the not-taken case falls through).
//! However, we expect that machine backends will elide branches to the following
//! block (i.e., zero-offset jumps), and will be able to codegen a branch-cond /
//! branch-uncond pair if *both* targets are not fallthrough. This allows us to
//! play with layout prior to final binary emission, as well, if we want.
//! See the main module comment in `` for more details on the VCode-based
//! backend pipeline.
use crate::fx::FxHashMap;
use crate::fx::FxHashSet;
use crate::ir::RelSourceLoc;
use crate::ir::{self, types, Constant, ConstantData, DynamicStackSlot, LabelValueLoc, ValueLabel};
use crate::machinst::*;
use crate::timing;
use crate::trace;
use crate::CodegenError;
use crate::ValueLocRange;
use regalloc2::{
Edit, Function as RegallocFunction, InstOrEdit, InstRange, Operand, OperandKind, PRegSet,
RegClass, VReg,
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use cranelift_entity::{entity_impl, Keys, PrimaryMap};
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
/// Index referring to an instruction in VCode.
pub type InsnIndex = regalloc2::Inst;
/// Index referring to a basic block in VCode.
pub type BlockIndex = regalloc2::Block;
/// VCodeInst wraps all requirements for a MachInst to be in VCode: it must be
/// a `MachInst` and it must be able to emit itself at least to a `SizeCodeSink`.
pub trait VCodeInst: MachInst + MachInstEmit {}
impl<I: MachInst + MachInstEmit> VCodeInst for I {}
/// A function in "VCode" (virtualized-register code) form, after
/// lowering. This is essentially a standard CFG of basic blocks,
/// where each basic block consists of lowered instructions produced
/// by the machine-specific backend.
/// Note that the VCode is immutable once produced, and is not
/// modified by register allocation in particular. Rather, register
/// allocation on the `VCode` produces a separate `regalloc2::Output`
/// struct, and this can be passed to `emit`. `emit` in turn does not
/// modify the vcode, but produces an `EmitResult`, which contains the
/// machine code itself, and the associated disassembly and/or
/// metadata as requested.
pub struct VCode<I: VCodeInst> {
/// VReg IR-level types.
vreg_types: Vec<Type>,
/// Lowered machine instructions in order corresponding to the original IR.
insts: Vec<I>,
/// Operands: pre-regalloc references to virtual registers with
/// constraints, in one flattened array. This allows the regalloc
/// to efficiently access all operands without requiring expensive
/// matches or method invocations on insts.
operands: Vec<Operand>,
/// Operand index ranges: for each instruction in `insts`, there
/// is a tuple here providing the range in `operands` for that
/// instruction's operands.
operand_ranges: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
/// Clobbers: a sparse map from instruction indices to clobber masks.
clobbers: FxHashMap<InsnIndex, PRegSet>,
/// Move information: for a given InsnIndex, (src, dst) operand pair.
is_move: FxHashMap<InsnIndex, (Operand, Operand)>,
/// Source locations for each instruction. (`SourceLoc` is a `u32`, so it is
/// reasonable to keep one of these per instruction.)
srclocs: Vec<RelSourceLoc>,
/// Entry block.
entry: BlockIndex,
/// Block instruction indices.
block_ranges: Vec<(InsnIndex, InsnIndex)>,
/// Block successors: index range in the `block_succs_preds` list.
block_succ_range: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
/// Block predecessors: index range in the `block_succs_preds` list.
block_pred_range: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
/// Block successor and predecessor lists, concatenated into one
/// Vec. The `block_succ_range` and `block_pred_range` lists of
/// tuples above give (start, end) ranges within this list that
/// correspond to each basic block's successors or predecessors,
/// respectively.
block_succs_preds: Vec<regalloc2::Block>,
/// Block parameters: index range in `block_params` below.
block_params_range: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
/// Block parameter lists, concatenated into one vec. The
/// `block_params_range` list of tuples above gives (start, end)
/// ranges within this list that correspond to each basic block's
/// blockparam vregs.
block_params: Vec<regalloc2::VReg>,
/// Outgoing block arguments on branch instructions, concatenated
/// into one list.
/// Note that this is conceptually a 3D array: we have a VReg list
/// per block, per successor. We flatten those three dimensions
/// into this 1D vec, then store index ranges in two levels of
/// indirection.
/// Indexed by the indices in `branch_block_arg_succ_range`.
branch_block_args: Vec<regalloc2::VReg>,
/// Array of sequences of (start, end) tuples in
/// `branch_block_args`, one for each successor; these sequences
/// for each block are concatenated.
/// Indexed by the indices in `branch_block_arg_succ_range`.
branch_block_arg_range: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
/// For a given block, indices in `branch_block_arg_range`
/// corresponding to all of its successors.
branch_block_arg_succ_range: Vec<(u32, u32)>,
/// VReg aliases. Each key in this table is translated to its
/// value when gathering Operands from instructions. Aliases are
/// not chased transitively (we do not further look up the
/// translated reg to see if it is another alias).
/// We use these aliases to rename an instruction's expected
/// result vregs to the returned vregs from lowering, which are
/// usually freshly-allocated temps.
/// Operands and branch arguments will already have been
/// translated through this alias table; but it helps to make
/// sense of instructions when pretty-printed, for example.
vreg_aliases: FxHashMap<regalloc2::VReg, regalloc2::VReg>,
/// Block-order information.
block_order: BlockLoweringOrder,
/// ABI object.
pub(crate) abi: Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec>,
/// Constant information used during code emission. This should be
/// immutable across function compilations within the same module.
emit_info: I::Info,
/// Reference-typed `regalloc2::VReg`s. The regalloc requires
/// these in a dense slice (as opposed to querying the
/// reftype-status of each vreg) for efficient iteration.
reftyped_vregs: Vec<VReg>,
/// Constants.
constants: VCodeConstants,
/// Value labels for debuginfo attached to vregs.
debug_value_labels: Vec<(VReg, InsnIndex, InsnIndex, u32)>,
pub(crate) sigs: SigSet,
/// The result of `VCode::emit`. Contains all information computed
/// during emission: actual machine code, optionally a disassembly,
/// and optionally metadata about the code layout.
pub struct EmitResult<I: VCodeInst> {
/// The MachBuffer containing the machine code.
pub buffer: MachBuffer<I>,
/// Offset of each basic block, recorded during emission. Computed
/// only if `debug_value_labels` is non-empty.
pub bb_offsets: Vec<CodeOffset>,
/// Final basic-block edges, in terms of code offsets of
/// bb-starts. Computed only if `debug_value_labels` is non-empty.
pub bb_edges: Vec<(CodeOffset, CodeOffset)>,
/// Final instruction offsets, recorded during emission. Computed
/// only if `debug_value_labels` is non-empty.
pub inst_offsets: Vec<CodeOffset>,
/// Final length of function body.
pub func_body_len: CodeOffset,
/// The pretty-printed disassembly, if any. This uses the same
/// pretty-printing for MachInsts as the pre-regalloc VCode Debug
/// implementation, but additionally includes the prologue and
/// epilogue(s), and makes use of the regalloc results.
pub disasm: Option<String>,
/// Offsets of sized stackslots.
pub sized_stackslot_offsets: PrimaryMap<StackSlot, u32>,
/// Offsets of dynamic stackslots.
pub dynamic_stackslot_offsets: PrimaryMap<DynamicStackSlot, u32>,
/// Value-labels information (debug metadata).
pub value_labels_ranges: ValueLabelsRanges,
/// Stack frame size.
pub frame_size: u32,
/// The alignment requirement for pc-relative loads.
pub alignment: u32,
/// A builder for a VCode function body.
/// This builder has the ability to accept instructions in either
/// forward or reverse order, depending on the pass direction that
/// produces the VCode. The lowering from CLIF to VCode<MachInst>
/// ordinarily occurs in reverse order (in order to allow instructions
/// to be lowered only if used, and not merged) so a reversal will
/// occur at the end of lowering to ensure the VCode is in machine
/// order.
/// If built in reverse, block and instruction indices used once the
/// VCode is built are relative to the final (reversed) order, not the
/// order of construction. Note that this means we do not know the
/// final block or instruction indices when building, so we do not
/// hand them out. (The user is assumed to know them when appending
/// terminator instructions with successor blocks.)
pub struct VCodeBuilder<I: VCodeInst> {
/// In-progress VCode.
pub(crate) vcode: VCode<I>,
/// In what direction is the build occuring?
direction: VCodeBuildDirection,
/// Index of the last block-start in the vcode.
block_start: usize,
/// Start of succs for the current block in the concatenated succs list.
succ_start: usize,
/// Start of blockparams for the current block in the concatenated
/// blockparams list.
block_params_start: usize,
/// Start of successor blockparam arg list entries in
/// the concatenated branch_block_arg_range list.
branch_block_arg_succ_start: usize,
/// Current source location.
cur_srcloc: RelSourceLoc,
/// Debug-value label in-progress map, keyed by label. For each
/// label, we keep disjoint ranges mapping to vregs. We'll flatten
/// this into (vreg, range, label) tuples when done.
debug_info: FxHashMap<ValueLabel, Vec<(InsnIndex, InsnIndex, VReg)>>,
/// Direction in which a VCodeBuilder builds VCode.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VCodeBuildDirection {
// TODO: add `Forward` once we need it and can test it adequately.
/// Backward-build pass: we expect the producer to call `emit()`
/// with instructions in reverse program order within each block.
impl<I: VCodeInst> VCodeBuilder<I> {
/// Create a new VCodeBuilder.
pub fn new(
sigs: SigSet,
abi: Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec>,
emit_info: I::Info,
block_order: BlockLoweringOrder,
constants: VCodeConstants,
direction: VCodeBuildDirection,
) -> VCodeBuilder<I> {
let vcode = VCode::new(sigs, abi, emit_info, block_order, constants);
VCodeBuilder {
block_start: 0,
succ_start: 0,
block_params_start: 0,
branch_block_arg_succ_start: 0,
cur_srcloc: Default::default(),
debug_info: FxHashMap::default(),
pub fn init_abi(&mut self, temps: Vec<Writable<Reg>>) {
self.vcode.abi.init(&self.vcode.sigs, temps);
/// Access the ABI object.
pub fn abi(&self) -> &Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec> {
/// Access the ABI object.
pub fn abi_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec> {
&mut self.vcode.abi
pub fn sigs(&self) -> &SigSet {
pub fn sigs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut SigSet {
&mut self.vcode.sigs
/// Access to the BlockLoweringOrder object.
pub fn block_order(&self) -> &BlockLoweringOrder {
/// Set the current block as the entry block.
pub fn set_entry(&mut self, block: BlockIndex) {
self.vcode.entry = block;
/// End the current basic block. Must be called after emitting vcode insts
/// for IR insts and prior to ending the function (building the VCode).
pub fn end_bb(&mut self) {
let start_idx = self.block_start;
let end_idx = self.vcode.insts.len();
self.block_start = end_idx;
// Add the instruction index range to the list of blocks.
.push((InsnIndex::new(start_idx), InsnIndex::new(end_idx)));
// End the successors list.
let succ_end = self.vcode.block_succs_preds.len();
.push((self.succ_start as u32, succ_end as u32));
self.succ_start = succ_end;
// End the blockparams list.
let block_params_end = self.vcode.block_params.len();
.push((self.block_params_start as u32, block_params_end as u32));
self.block_params_start = block_params_end;
// End the branch blockparam args list.
let branch_block_arg_succ_end = self.vcode.branch_block_arg_range.len();
self.branch_block_arg_succ_start as u32,
branch_block_arg_succ_end as u32,
self.branch_block_arg_succ_start = branch_block_arg_succ_end;
pub fn add_block_param(&mut self, param: VirtualReg) {
fn add_branch_args_for_succ(&mut self, args: &[Reg]) {
let start = self.vcode.branch_block_args.len();
.extend(args.iter().map(|&arg| VReg::from(arg)));
let end = self.vcode.branch_block_args.len();
.push((start as u32, end as u32));
/// Push an instruction for the current BB and current IR inst
/// within the BB.
pub fn push(&mut self, insn: I) {
/// Add a successor block with branch args.
pub fn add_succ(&mut self, block: BlockIndex, args: &[Reg]) {
/// Set the current source location.
pub fn set_srcloc(&mut self, srcloc: RelSourceLoc) {
self.cur_srcloc = srcloc;
/// Add a debug value label to a register.
pub fn add_value_label(&mut self, reg: Reg, label: ValueLabel) {
// We'll fix up labels in reverse(). Because we're generating
// code bottom-to-top, the liverange of the label goes *from*
// the last index at which was defined (or 0, which is the end
// of the eventual function) *to* just this instruction, and
// no further.
let inst = InsnIndex::new(self.vcode.insts.len());
let labels = self.debug_info.entry(label).or_insert_with(|| vec![]);
let last = labels
.map(|(_start, end, _vreg)| *end)
labels.push((last, inst, reg.into()));
pub fn set_vreg_alias(&mut self, from: Reg, to: Reg) {
let from = from.into();
let resolved_to = self.resolve_vreg_alias(to.into());
// Disallow cycles (see below).
assert_ne!(resolved_to, from);
self.vcode.vreg_aliases.insert(from, resolved_to);
pub fn resolve_vreg_alias(&self, from: regalloc2::VReg) -> regalloc2::VReg {
Self::resolve_vreg_alias_impl(&self.vcode.vreg_aliases, from)
fn resolve_vreg_alias_impl(
aliases: &FxHashMap<regalloc2::VReg, regalloc2::VReg>,
from: regalloc2::VReg,
) -> regalloc2::VReg {
// We prevent cycles from existing by resolving targets of
// aliases eagerly before setting them. If the target resolves
// to the origin of the alias, then a cycle would be created
// and the alias is disallowed. Because of the structure of
// SSA code (one instruction can refer to another's defs but
// not vice-versa, except indirectly through
// phis/blockparams), cycles should not occur as we use
// aliases to redirect vregs to the temps that actually define
// them.
let mut vreg = from;
while let Some(to) = aliases.get(&vreg) {
vreg = *to;
/// Access the constants.
pub fn constants(&mut self) -> &mut VCodeConstants {
&mut self.vcode.constants
fn compute_preds_from_succs(&mut self) {
// Compute predecessors from successors. In order to gather
// all preds for a block into a contiguous sequence, we build
// a list of (succ, pred) tuples and then sort.
let mut succ_pred_edges: Vec<(BlockIndex, BlockIndex)> =
for (pred, &(start, end)) in self.vcode.block_succ_range.iter().enumerate() {
let pred = BlockIndex::new(pred);
for i in start..end {
let succ = BlockIndex::new(self.vcode.block_succs_preds[i as usize].index());
succ_pred_edges.push((succ, pred));
let mut i = 0;
for succ in 0..self.vcode.num_blocks() {
let succ = BlockIndex::new(succ);
let start = self.vcode.block_succs_preds.len();
while i < succ_pred_edges.len() && succ_pred_edges[i].0 == succ {
let pred = succ_pred_edges[i].1;
i += 1;
let end = self.vcode.block_succs_preds.len();
self.vcode.block_pred_range.push((start as u32, end as u32));
/// Called once, when a build in Backward order is complete, to
/// perform the overall reversal (into final forward order) and
/// finalize metadata accordingly.
fn reverse_and_finalize(&mut self) {
let n_insts = self.vcode.insts.len();
if n_insts == 0 {
// Reverse the per-block and per-inst sequences.
// block_params_range is indexed by block (and blocks were
// traversed in reverse) so we reverse it; but block-param
// sequences in the concatenated vec can remain in reverse
// order (it is effectively an arena of arbitrarily-placed
// referenced sequences).
// Likewise, we reverse block_succ_range, but the block_succ
// concatenated array can remain as-is.
// Likewise, branch_block_arg_succ_range is indexed by block
// so must be reversed.
// To translate an instruction index *endpoint* in reversed
// order to forward order, compute `n_insts - i`.
// Why not `n_insts - 1 - i`? That would be correct to
// translate an individual instruction index (for ten insts 0
// to 9 inclusive, inst 0 becomes 9, and inst 9 becomes
// 0). But for the usual inclusive-start, exclusive-end range
// idiom, inclusive starts become exclusive ends and
// vice-versa, so e.g. an (inclusive) start of 0 becomes an
// (exclusive) end of 10.
let translate = |inst: InsnIndex| InsnIndex::new(n_insts - inst.index());
// Edit the block-range instruction indices.
for tuple in &mut self.vcode.block_ranges {
let (start, end) = *tuple;
*tuple = (translate(end), translate(start)); // Note reversed order.
// Generate debug-value labels based on per-label maps.
for (label, tuples) in &self.debug_info {
for &(start, end, vreg) in tuples {
let vreg = self.resolve_vreg_alias(vreg);
let fwd_start = translate(end);
let fwd_end = translate(start);
.push((vreg, fwd_start, fwd_end, label.as_u32()));
// Now sort debug value labels by VReg, as required
// by regalloc2.
.sort_unstable_by_key(|(vreg, _, _, _)| *vreg);
fn collect_operands(&mut self, allocatable: PRegSet) {
for (i, insn) in self.vcode.insts.iter().enumerate() {
// Push operands from the instruction onto the operand list.
// We rename through the vreg alias table as we collect
// the operands. This is better than a separate post-pass
// over operands, because it has more cache locality:
// operands only need to pass through L1 once. This is
// also better than renaming instructions'
// operands/registers while lowering, because here we only
// need to do the `match` over the instruction to visit
// its register fields (which is slow, branchy code) once.
let vreg_aliases = &self.vcode.vreg_aliases;
let mut op_collector =
OperandCollector::new(&mut self.vcode.operands, allocatable, |vreg| {
Self::resolve_vreg_alias_impl(vreg_aliases, vreg)
insn.get_operands(&mut op_collector);
let (ops, clobbers) = op_collector.finish();
if clobbers != PRegSet::default() {
self.vcode.clobbers.insert(InsnIndex::new(i), clobbers);
if let Some((dst, src)) = insn.is_move() {
// We should never see non-virtual registers present in move
// instructions.
"the real register {:?} was used as the source of a move instruction",
"the real register {:?} was used as the destination of a move instruction",
let src = Operand::reg_use(Self::resolve_vreg_alias_impl(vreg_aliases, src.into()));
let dst = Operand::reg_def(Self::resolve_vreg_alias_impl(
// Note that regalloc2 requires these in (src, dst) order.
self.vcode.is_move.insert(InsnIndex::new(i), (src, dst));
// Translate blockparam args via the vreg aliases table as well.
for arg in &mut self.vcode.branch_block_args {
let new_arg = Self::resolve_vreg_alias_impl(&self.vcode.vreg_aliases, *arg);
trace!("operandcollector: block arg {:?} -> {:?}", arg, new_arg);
*arg = new_arg;
/// Build the final VCode.
pub fn build(mut self, allocatable: PRegSet, vregs: VRegAllocator<I>) -> VCode<I> {
self.vcode.vreg_types = vregs.vreg_types;
self.vcode.reftyped_vregs = vregs.reftyped_vregs;
if self.direction == VCodeBuildDirection::Backward {
// Apply register aliases to the `reftyped_vregs` list since this list
// will be returned directly to `regalloc2` eventually and all
// operands/results of instructions will use the alias-resolved vregs
// from `regalloc2`'s perspective.
// Also note that `reftyped_vregs` can't have duplicates, so after the
// aliases are applied duplicates are removed.
for reg in self.vcode.reftyped_vregs.iter_mut() {
*reg = Self::resolve_vreg_alias_impl(&self.vcode.vreg_aliases, *reg);
/// Is this type a reference type?
fn is_reftype(ty: Type) -> bool {
ty == types::R64 || ty == types::R32
impl<I: VCodeInst> VCode<I> {
/// New empty VCode.
fn new(
sigs: SigSet,
abi: Callee<I::ABIMachineSpec>,
emit_info: I::Info,
block_order: BlockLoweringOrder,
constants: VCodeConstants,
) -> VCode<I> {
let n_blocks = block_order.lowered_order().len();
VCode {
vreg_types: vec![],
insts: Vec::with_capacity(10 * n_blocks),
operands: Vec::with_capacity(30 * n_blocks),
operand_ranges: Vec::with_capacity(10 * n_blocks),
clobbers: FxHashMap::default(),
is_move: FxHashMap::default(),
srclocs: Vec::with_capacity(10 * n_blocks),
entry: BlockIndex::new(0),
block_ranges: Vec::with_capacity(n_blocks),
block_succ_range: Vec::with_capacity(n_blocks),
block_succs_preds: Vec::with_capacity(2 * n_blocks),
block_pred_range: Vec::with_capacity(n_blocks),
block_params_range: Vec::with_capacity(n_blocks),
block_params: Vec::with_capacity(5 * n_blocks),
branch_block_args: Vec::with_capacity(10 * n_blocks),
branch_block_arg_range: Vec::with_capacity(2 * n_blocks),
branch_block_arg_succ_range: Vec::with_capacity(n_blocks),
reftyped_vregs: vec![],
debug_value_labels: vec![],
vreg_aliases: FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(10 * n_blocks, Default::default()),
/// Get the number of blocks. Block indices will be in the range `0 ..
/// (self.num_blocks() - 1)`.
pub fn num_blocks(&self) -> usize {
/// The number of lowered instructions.
pub fn num_insts(&self) -> usize {
/// Get the successors for a block.
pub fn succs(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> &[BlockIndex] {
let (start, end) = self.block_succ_range[block.index()];
&self.block_succs_preds[start as usize..end as usize]
fn compute_clobbers(&self, regalloc: &regalloc2::Output) -> Vec<Writable<RealReg>> {
// Compute clobbered registers.
let mut clobbered = vec![];
let mut clobbered_set = FxHashSet::default();
// All moves are included in clobbers.
for edit in &regalloc.edits {
let Edit::Move { to, .. } = edit.1;
if let Some(preg) = to.as_reg() {
let reg = RealReg::from(preg);
if clobbered_set.insert(reg) {
for (i, (start, end)) in self.operand_ranges.iter().enumerate() {
// Skip this instruction if not "included in clobbers" as
// per the MachInst. (Some backends use this to implement
// ABI specifics; e.g., excluding calls of the same ABI as
// the current function from clobbers, because by
// definition everything clobbered by the call can be
// clobbered by this function without saving as well.)
if !self.insts[i].is_included_in_clobbers() {
let start = *start as usize;
let end = *end as usize;
let operands = &self.operands[start..end];
let allocs = &regalloc.allocs[start..end];
for (operand, alloc) in operands.iter().zip(allocs.iter()) {
// We're interested only in writes (Mods or Defs).
if operand.kind() == OperandKind::Use {
if let Some(preg) = alloc.as_reg() {
let reg = RealReg::from(preg);
if clobbered_set.insert(reg) {
// Also add explicitly-clobbered registers.
for preg in self
let reg = RealReg::from(preg);
if clobbered_set.insert(reg) {
/// Emit the instructions to a `MachBuffer`, containing fixed-up
/// code and external reloc/trap/etc. records ready for use. Takes
/// the regalloc results as well.
/// Returns the machine code itself, and optionally metadata
/// and/or a disassembly, as an `EmitResult`. The `VCode` itself
/// is consumed by the emission process.
pub fn emit(
mut self,
regalloc: &regalloc2::Output,
want_disasm: bool,
want_metadata: bool,
) -> EmitResult<I>
I: VCodeInst,
// To write into disasm string.
use core::fmt::Write;
let _tt = timing::vcode_emit();
let mut buffer = MachBuffer::new();
let mut bb_starts: Vec<Option<CodeOffset>> = vec![];
// The first M MachLabels are reserved for block indices, the next N MachLabels for
// constants.
// Construct the final order we emit code in: cold blocks at the end.
let mut final_order: SmallVec<[BlockIndex; 16]> = smallvec![];
let mut cold_blocks: SmallVec<[BlockIndex; 16]> = smallvec![];
for block in 0..self.num_blocks() {
let block = BlockIndex::new(block);
if self.block_order.is_cold(block) {
} else {
// Compute/save info we need for the prologue: clobbers and
// number of spillslots.
// We clone `abi` here because we will mutate it as we
// generate the prologue and set other info, but we can't
// mutate `VCode`. The info it usually carries prior to
// setting clobbers is fairly minimal so this should be
// relatively cheap.
let clobbers = self.compute_clobbers(regalloc);
// We need to generate the prologue in order to get the ABI
// object into the right state first. We'll emit it when we
// hit the right block below.
let prologue_insts = self.abi.gen_prologue(&self.sigs);
// Emit blocks.
let mut cur_srcloc = None;
let mut last_offset = None;
let mut inst_offsets = vec![];
let mut state = I::State::new(&self.abi);
let mut disasm = String::new();
if !self.debug_value_labels.is_empty() {
inst_offsets.resize(self.insts.len(), 0);
// Count edits per block ahead of time; this is needed for
// lookahead island emission. (We could derive it per-block
// with binary search in the edit list, but it's more
// efficient to do it in one pass here.)
let mut ra_edits_per_block: SmallVec<[u32; 64]> = smallvec![];
let mut edit_idx = 0;
for block in 0..self.num_blocks() {
let end_inst = self.block_ranges[block].1;
let start_edit_idx = edit_idx;
while edit_idx < regalloc.edits.len() && regalloc.edits[edit_idx].0.inst() < end_inst {
edit_idx += 1;
let end_edit_idx = edit_idx;
ra_edits_per_block.push((end_edit_idx - start_edit_idx) as u32);
let is_forward_edge_cfi_enabled = self.abi.is_forward_edge_cfi_enabled();
for (block_order_idx, &block) in final_order.iter().enumerate() {
trace!("emitting block {:?}", block);
let new_offset = I::align_basic_block(buffer.cur_offset());
while new_offset > buffer.cur_offset() {
// Pad with NOPs up to the aligned block offset.
let nop = I::gen_nop((new_offset - buffer.cur_offset()) as usize);
nop.emit(&[], &mut buffer, &self.emit_info, &mut Default::default());
assert_eq!(buffer.cur_offset(), new_offset);
let do_emit = |inst: &I,
allocs: &[Allocation],
disasm: &mut String,
buffer: &mut MachBuffer<I>,
state: &mut I::State| {
if want_disasm && !inst.is_args() {
let mut s = state.clone();
writeln!(disasm, " {}", inst.pretty_print_inst(allocs, &mut s)).unwrap();
inst.emit(allocs, buffer, &self.emit_info, state);
// Is this the first block? Emit the prologue directly if so.
if block == self.entry {
trace!(" -> entry block");
for inst in &prologue_insts {
do_emit(&inst, &[], &mut disasm, &mut buffer, &mut state);
// Now emit the regular block body.
if want_disasm {
writeln!(&mut disasm, "block{}:", block.index()).unwrap();
if want_metadata {
// Track BB starts. If we have backed up due to MachBuffer
// branch opts, note that the removed blocks were removed.
let cur_offset = buffer.cur_offset();
if last_offset.is_some() && cur_offset <= last_offset.unwrap() {
for i in (0..bb_starts.len()).rev() {
if bb_starts[i].is_some() && cur_offset > bb_starts[i].unwrap() {
bb_starts[i] = None;
last_offset = Some(cur_offset);
if let Some(block_start) = I::gen_block_start(
) {
do_emit(&block_start, &[], &mut disasm, &mut buffer, &mut state);
for inst_or_edit in regalloc.block_insts_and_edits(&self, block) {
match inst_or_edit {
InstOrEdit::Inst(iix) => {
if !self.debug_value_labels.is_empty() {
// If we need to produce debug info,
// record the offset of each instruction
// so that we can translate value-label
// ranges to machine-code offsets.
// Cold blocks violate monotonicity
// assumptions elsewhere (that
// instructions in inst-index order are in
// order in machine code), so we omit
// their offsets here. Value-label range
// generation below will skip empty ranges
// and ranges with to-offsets of zero.
if !self.block_order.is_cold(block) {
inst_offsets[iix.index()] = buffer.cur_offset();
if self.insts[iix.index()].is_move().is_some() {
// Skip moves in the pre-regalloc program;
// all of these are incorporated by the
// regalloc into its unified move handling
// and they come out the other end, if
// still needed (not elided), as
// regalloc-inserted moves.
// Update the srcloc at this point in the buffer.
let srcloc = self.srclocs[iix.index()];
if cur_srcloc != Some(srcloc) {
if cur_srcloc.is_some() {
cur_srcloc = Some(srcloc);
// If this is a safepoint, compute a stack map
// and pass it to the emit state.
if self.insts[iix.index()].is_safepoint() {
let mut safepoint_slots: SmallVec<[SpillSlot; 8]> = smallvec![];
// Find the contiguous range of
// (progpoint, allocation) safepoint slot
// records in `regalloc.safepoint_slots`
// for this instruction index.
let safepoint_slots_start = regalloc
.binary_search_by(|(progpoint, _alloc)| {
if progpoint.inst() >= iix {
} else {
for (_, alloc) in regalloc.safepoint_slots[safepoint_slots_start..]
.take_while(|(progpoint, _)| progpoint.inst() == iix)
let slot = alloc.as_stack().unwrap();
if !safepoint_slots.is_empty() {
let stack_map = self
.spillslots_to_stack_map(&safepoint_slots[..], &state);
// Get the allocations for this inst from the regalloc result.
let allocs = regalloc.inst_allocs(iix);
// If the instruction we are about to emit is
// a return, place an epilogue at this point
// (and don't emit the return; the actual
// epilogue will contain it).
if self.insts[iix.index()].is_term() == MachTerminator::Ret {
for inst in self.abi.gen_epilogue() {
do_emit(&inst, &[], &mut disasm, &mut buffer, &mut state);
} else {
// Emit the instruction!
&mut disasm,
&mut buffer,
&mut state,
InstOrEdit::Edit(Edit::Move { from, to }) => {
// Create a move/spill/reload instruction and
// immediately emit it.
match (from.as_reg(), to.as_reg()) {
(Some(from), Some(to)) => {
// Reg-to-reg move.
let from_rreg = Reg::from(from);
let to_rreg = Writable::from_reg(Reg::from(to));
debug_assert_eq!(from.class(), to.class());
let ty = I::canonical_type_for_rc(from.class());
let mv = I::gen_move(to_rreg, from_rreg, ty);
do_emit(&mv, &[], &mut disasm, &mut buffer, &mut state);
(Some(from), None) => {
// Spill from register to spillslot.
let to = to.as_stack().unwrap();
let from_rreg = RealReg::from(from);
let spill = self.abi.gen_spill(to, from_rreg);
do_emit(&spill, &[], &mut disasm, &mut buffer, &mut state);
(None, Some(to)) => {
// Load from spillslot to register.
let from = from.as_stack().unwrap();
let to_rreg = Writable::from_reg(RealReg::from(to));
let reload = self.abi.gen_reload(to_rreg, from);
do_emit(&reload, &[], &mut disasm, &mut buffer, &mut state);
(None, None) => {
panic!("regalloc2 should have eliminated stack-to-stack moves!");
if cur_srcloc.is_some() {
cur_srcloc = None;
// Do we need an island? Get the worst-case size of the
// next BB and see if, having emitted that many bytes, we
// will be beyond the deadline.
if block_order_idx < final_order.len() - 1 {
let next_block = final_order[block_order_idx + 1];
let next_block_range = self.block_ranges[next_block.index()];
let next_block_size =
(next_block_range.1.index() - next_block_range.0.index()) as u32;
let next_block_ra_insertions = ra_edits_per_block[next_block.index()];
let worst_case_next_bb =
I::worst_case_size() * (next_block_size + next_block_ra_insertions);
if buffer.island_needed(worst_case_next_bb) {
// Emit the constants used by the function.
let mut alignment = 1;
for (constant, data) in self.constants.iter() {
alignment = data.alignment().max(alignment);
let label = buffer.get_label_for_constant(constant);
buffer.defer_constant(label, data.alignment(), data.as_slice(), u32::max_value());
let func_body_len = buffer.cur_offset();
// Create `bb_edges` and final (filtered) `bb_starts`.
let mut bb_edges = vec![];
let mut bb_offsets = vec![];
if want_metadata {
for block in 0..self.num_blocks() {
if bb_starts[block].is_none() {
// Block was deleted by MachBuffer; skip.
let from = bb_starts[block].unwrap();
// Resolve each `succ` label and add edges.
let succs = self.block_succs(BlockIndex::new(block));
for &succ in succs.iter() {
let to = buffer.resolve_label_offset(MachLabel::from_block(succ));
bb_edges.push((from, to));
let value_labels_ranges =
self.compute_value_labels_ranges(regalloc, &inst_offsets[..], func_body_len);
let frame_size = self.abi.frame_size();
EmitResult {
disasm: if want_disasm { Some(disasm) } else { None },
sized_stackslot_offsets: self.abi.sized_stackslot_offsets().clone(),
dynamic_stackslot_offsets: self.abi.dynamic_stackslot_offsets().clone(),
fn compute_value_labels_ranges(
regalloc: &regalloc2::Output,
inst_offsets: &[CodeOffset],
func_body_len: u32,
) -> ValueLabelsRanges {
if self.debug_value_labels.is_empty() {
return ValueLabelsRanges::default();
let mut value_labels_ranges: ValueLabelsRanges = HashMap::new();
for &(label, from, to, alloc) in &regalloc.debug_locations {
let ranges = value_labels_ranges
.or_insert_with(|| vec![]);
let from_offset = inst_offsets[from.inst().index()];
let to_offset = if to.inst().index() == inst_offsets.len() {
} else {
// Empty range or to-offset of zero can happen because of
// cold blocks (see above).
if to_offset == 0 || from_offset == to_offset {
let loc = if let Some(preg) = alloc.as_reg() {
} else {
// We can't translate spillslot locations at the
// moment because ValueLabelLoc requires an
// instantaneous SP offset, and this can *change*
// within the range we have here because of callsites
// adjusting SP temporarily. To avoid the complexity
// of accurately plumbing through nominal-SP
// adjustment sites, we just omit debug info for
// values that are spilled. Not ideal, but debug info
// is best-effort.
ranges.push(ValueLocRange {
// ValueLocRanges are recorded by *instruction-end
// offset*. `from_offset` is the *start* of the
// instruction; that is the same as the end of another
// instruction, so we only want to begin coverage once
// we are past the previous instruction's end.
start: from_offset + 1,
// Likewise, `end` is exclusive, but we want to
// *include* the end of the last
// instruction. `to_offset` is the start of the
// `to`-instruction, which is the exclusive end, i.e.,
// the first instruction not covered. That
// instruction's start is the same as the end of the
// last instruction that is included, so we go one
// byte further to be sure to include it.
end: to_offset + 1,
/// Get the IR block for a BlockIndex, if one exists.
pub fn bindex_to_bb(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> Option<ir::Block> {
fn assert_no_vreg_aliases<'a>(&self, list: &'a [VReg]) -> &'a [VReg] {
for vreg in list {
fn assert_not_vreg_alias(&self, vreg: VReg) -> VReg {
debug_assert!(VCodeBuilder::<I>::resolve_vreg_alias_impl(&self.vreg_aliases, vreg) == vreg);
fn assert_operand_not_vreg_alias(&self, op: Operand) -> Operand {
// It should be true by construction that `Operand`s do not contain any
// aliased vregs since they're all collected and mapped when the VCode
// is itself constructed.
impl<I: VCodeInst> RegallocFunction for VCode<I> {
fn num_insts(&self) -> usize {
fn num_blocks(&self) -> usize {
fn entry_block(&self) -> BlockIndex {
fn block_insns(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> InstRange {
let (start, end) = self.block_ranges[block.index()];
InstRange::forward(start, end)
fn block_succs(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> &[BlockIndex] {
let (start, end) = self.block_succ_range[block.index()];
&self.block_succs_preds[start as usize..end as usize]
fn block_preds(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> &[BlockIndex] {
let (start, end) = self.block_pred_range[block.index()];
&self.block_succs_preds[start as usize..end as usize]
fn block_params(&self, block: BlockIndex) -> &[VReg] {
// As a special case we don't return block params for the entry block, as all the arguments
// will be defined by the `Inst::Args` instruction.
if block == self.entry {
return &[];
let (start, end) = self.block_params_range[block.index()];
let ret = &self.block_params[start as usize..end as usize];
// Currently block params are never aliased to another vreg, but
// double-check just to be sure.
fn branch_blockparams(&self, block: BlockIndex, _insn: InsnIndex, succ_idx: usize) -> &[VReg] {
let (succ_range_start, succ_range_end) = self.branch_block_arg_succ_range[block.index()];
let succ_ranges =
&self.branch_block_arg_range[succ_range_start as usize..succ_range_end as usize];
let (branch_block_args_start, branch_block_args_end) = succ_ranges[succ_idx];
let ret = &self.branch_block_args
[branch_block_args_start as usize..branch_block_args_end as usize];
fn is_ret(&self, insn: InsnIndex) -> bool {
match self.insts[insn.index()].is_term() {
// We treat blocks terminated by an unconditional trap like a return for regalloc.
MachTerminator::None => self.insts[insn.index()].is_trap(),
MachTerminator::Ret => true,
_ => false,
fn is_branch(&self, insn: InsnIndex) -> bool {
match self.insts[insn.index()].is_term() {
MachTerminator::Cond | MachTerminator::Uncond | MachTerminator::Indirect => true,
_ => false,
fn requires_refs_on_stack(&self, insn: InsnIndex) -> bool {
fn is_move(&self, insn: InsnIndex) -> Option<(Operand, Operand)> {
let (a, b) = self.is_move.get(&insn)?;
fn inst_operands(&self, insn: InsnIndex) -> &[Operand] {
let (start, end) = self.operand_ranges[insn.index()];
let ret = &self.operands[start as usize..end as usize];
for op in ret {
fn inst_clobbers(&self, insn: InsnIndex) -> PRegSet {
fn num_vregs(&self) -> usize {
std::cmp::max(self.vreg_types.len(), first_user_vreg_index())
fn reftype_vregs(&self) -> &[VReg] {
fn debug_value_labels(&self) -> &[(VReg, InsnIndex, InsnIndex, u32)] {
// VRegs here are inserted into `debug_value_labels` after code is
// generated and aliases are fully defined, so no double-check that
// aliases are not lingering.
for (vreg, ..) in self.debug_value_labels.iter() {
fn spillslot_size(&self, regclass: RegClass) -> usize {
self.abi.get_spillslot_size(regclass) as usize
fn allow_multiple_vreg_defs(&self) -> bool {
// At least the s390x backend requires this, because the
// `Loop` pseudo-instruction aggregates all Operands so pinned
// vregs (RealRegs) may occur more than once.
impl<I: VCodeInst> fmt::Debug for VCode<I> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "VCode {{")?;
writeln!(f, " Entry block: {}", self.entry.index())?;
let mut state = Default::default();
let mut alias_keys = self.vreg_aliases.keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for key in alias_keys {
let dest = self.vreg_aliases.get(&key).unwrap();
writeln!(f, " {:?} := {:?}", Reg::from(key), Reg::from(*dest))?;
for block in 0..self.num_blocks() {
let block = BlockIndex::new(block);
writeln!(f, "Block {}:", block.index())?;
if let Some(bb) = self.bindex_to_bb(block) {
writeln!(f, " (original IR block: {})", bb)?;
for succ in self.succs(block) {
writeln!(f, " (successor: Block {})", succ.index())?;
let (start, end) = self.block_ranges[block.index()];
" (instruction range: {} .. {})",
for inst in start.index()..end.index() {
" Inst {}: {}",
self.insts[inst].pretty_print_inst(&[], &mut state)
writeln!(f, "}}")?;
/// This structure manages VReg allocation during the lifetime of the VCodeBuilder.
pub struct VRegAllocator<I> {
/// Next virtual register number to allocate.
next_vreg: usize,
/// VReg IR-level types.
vreg_types: Vec<Type>,
/// A set with the same contents as `reftyped_vregs`, in order to
/// avoid inserting more than once.
reftyped_vregs_set: FxHashSet<VReg>,
/// Reference-typed `regalloc2::VReg`s. The regalloc requires
/// these in a dense slice (as opposed to querying the
/// reftype-status of each vreg) for efficient iteration.
reftyped_vregs: Vec<VReg>,
/// The type of instruction that this allocator makes registers for.
_inst: core::marker::PhantomData<I>,
impl<I: VCodeInst> VRegAllocator<I> {
/// Make a new VRegAllocator.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
next_vreg: first_user_vreg_index(),
vreg_types: vec![],
reftyped_vregs_set: FxHashSet::default(),
reftyped_vregs: vec![],
_inst: core::marker::PhantomData::default(),
/// Allocate a fresh ValueRegs.
pub fn alloc(&mut self, ty: Type) -> CodegenResult<ValueRegs<Reg>> {
let v = self.next_vreg;
let (regclasses, tys) = I::rc_for_type(ty)?;
self.next_vreg += regclasses.len();
if self.next_vreg >= VReg::MAX {
return Err(CodegenError::CodeTooLarge);
let regs: ValueRegs<Reg> = match regclasses {
&[rc0] => ValueRegs::one(VReg::new(v, rc0).into()),
&[rc0, rc1] => ValueRegs::two(VReg::new(v, rc0).into(), VReg::new(v + 1, rc1).into()),
// We can extend this if/when we support 32-bit targets; e.g.,
// an i128 on a 32-bit machine will need up to four machine regs
// for a `Value`.
_ => panic!("Value must reside in 1 or 2 registers"),
for (&reg_ty, &reg) in tys.iter().zip(regs.regs().iter()) {
self.set_vreg_type(reg.to_virtual_reg().unwrap(), reg_ty);
/// Set the type of this virtual register.
pub fn set_vreg_type(&mut self, vreg: VirtualReg, ty: Type) {
if self.vreg_types.len() <= vreg.index() {
self.vreg_types.resize(vreg.index() + 1, ir::types::INVALID);
self.vreg_types[vreg.index()] = ty;
if is_reftype(ty) {
let vreg: VReg = vreg.into();
if self.reftyped_vregs_set.insert(vreg) {
/// This structure tracks the large constants used in VCode that will be emitted separately by the
/// [MachBuffer].
/// First, during the lowering phase, constants are inserted using
/// [VCodeConstants.insert]; an intermediate handle, [VCodeConstant], tracks what constants are
/// used in this phase. Some deduplication is performed, when possible, as constant
/// values are inserted.
/// Secondly, during the emission phase, the [MachBuffer] assigns [MachLabel]s for each of the
/// constants so that instructions can refer to the value's memory location. The [MachBuffer]
/// then writes the constant values to the buffer.
pub struct VCodeConstants {
constants: PrimaryMap<VCodeConstant, VCodeConstantData>,
pool_uses: HashMap<Constant, VCodeConstant>,
well_known_uses: HashMap<*const [u8], VCodeConstant>,
u64s: HashMap<[u8; 8], VCodeConstant>,
impl VCodeConstants {
/// Initialize the structure with the expected number of constants.
pub fn with_capacity(expected_num_constants: usize) -> Self {
Self {
constants: PrimaryMap::with_capacity(expected_num_constants),
pool_uses: HashMap::with_capacity(expected_num_constants),
well_known_uses: HashMap::new(),
u64s: HashMap::new(),
/// Insert a constant; using this method indicates that a constant value will be used and thus
/// will be emitted to the `MachBuffer`. The current implementation can deduplicate constants
/// that are [VCodeConstantData::Pool] or [VCodeConstantData::WellKnown] but not
/// [VCodeConstantData::Generated].
pub fn insert(&mut self, data: VCodeConstantData) -> VCodeConstant {
match data {
VCodeConstantData::Generated(_) => self.constants.push(data),
VCodeConstantData::Pool(constant, _) => match self.pool_uses.get(&constant) {
None => {
let vcode_constant = self.constants.push(data);
self.pool_uses.insert(constant, vcode_constant);
Some(&vcode_constant) => vcode_constant,
VCodeConstantData::WellKnown(data_ref) => {
match self.well_known_uses.entry(data_ref as *const [u8]) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let vcode_constant = self.constants.push(data);
Entry::Occupied(o) => *o.get(),
VCodeConstantData::U64(value) => match self.u64s.entry(value) {
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let vcode_constant = self.constants.push(data);
Entry::Occupied(o) => *o.get(),
/// Return the number of constants inserted.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Iterate over the [VCodeConstant] keys inserted in this structure.
pub fn keys(&self) -> Keys<VCodeConstant> {
/// Iterate over the [VCodeConstant] keys and the data (as a byte slice) inserted in this
/// structure.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (VCodeConstant, &VCodeConstantData)> {
/// A use of a constant by one or more VCode instructions; see [VCodeConstants].
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct VCodeConstant(u32);
/// Identify the different types of constant that can be inserted into [VCodeConstants]. Tracking
/// these separately instead of as raw byte buffers allows us to avoid some duplication.
pub enum VCodeConstantData {
/// A constant already present in the Cranelift IR
/// [ConstantPool](crate::ir::constant::ConstantPool).
Pool(Constant, ConstantData),
/// A reference to a well-known constant value that is statically encoded within the compiler.
WellKnown(&'static [u8]),
/// A constant value generated during lowering; the value may depend on the instruction context
/// which makes it difficult to de-duplicate--if possible, use other variants.
/// A constant of at most 64 bits. These are deduplicated as
/// well. Stored as a fixed-size array of `u8` so that we do not
/// encounter endianness problems when cross-compiling.
U64([u8; 8]),
impl VCodeConstantData {
/// Retrieve the constant data as a byte slice.
pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
match self {
VCodeConstantData::Pool(_, d) | VCodeConstantData::Generated(d) => d.as_slice(),
VCodeConstantData::WellKnown(d) => d,
VCodeConstantData::U64(value) => &value[..],
/// Calculate the alignment of the constant data.
pub fn alignment(&self) -> u32 {
if self.as_slice().len() <= 8 {
} else {
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::mem::size_of;
fn size_of_constant_structs() {
assert_eq!(size_of::<Constant>(), 4);
assert_eq!(size_of::<VCodeConstant>(), 4);
assert_eq!(size_of::<ConstantData>(), 24);
assert_eq!(size_of::<VCodeConstantData>(), 32);
size_of::<PrimaryMap<VCodeConstant, VCodeConstantData>>(),
// TODO The VCodeConstants structure's memory size could be further optimized.
// With certain versions of Rust, each `HashMap` in `VCodeConstants` occupied at
// least 48 bytes, making an empty `VCodeConstants` cost 120 bytes.