blob: 49415a86b0d6f52a5e9e8e65ae2a486a2f649fbe [file] [log] [blame]
//! A NaN-canonicalizing rewriting pass. Patch floating point arithmetic
//! instructions that may return a NaN result with a sequence of operations
//! that will replace nondeterministic NaN's with a single canonical NaN value.
use crate::cursor::{Cursor, FuncCursor};
use crate::ir::condcodes::FloatCC;
use crate::ir::immediates::{Ieee32, Ieee64};
use crate::ir::types;
use crate::ir::{Function, Inst, InstBuilder, InstructionData, Opcode, Value};
use crate::opts::MemFlags;
use crate::timing;
// Canonical 32-bit and 64-bit NaN values.
static CANON_32BIT_NAN: u32 = 0b01111111110000000000000000000000;
static CANON_64BIT_NAN: u64 = 0b0111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
/// Perform the NaN canonicalization pass.
pub fn do_nan_canonicalization(func: &mut Function) {
let _tt = timing::canonicalize_nans();
let mut pos = FuncCursor::new(func);
while let Some(_block) = pos.next_block() {
while let Some(inst) = pos.next_inst() {
if is_fp_arith(&mut pos, inst) {
add_nan_canon_seq(&mut pos, inst);
/// Returns true/false based on whether the instruction is a floating-point
/// arithmetic operation. This ignores operations like `fneg`, `fabs`, or
/// `fcopysign` that only operate on the sign bit of a floating point value.
fn is_fp_arith(pos: &mut FuncCursor, inst: Inst) -> bool {
match pos.func.dfg.insts[inst] {
InstructionData::Unary { opcode, .. } => {
opcode == Opcode::Ceil
|| opcode == Opcode::Floor
|| opcode == Opcode::Nearest
|| opcode == Opcode::Sqrt
|| opcode == Opcode::Trunc
InstructionData::Binary { opcode, .. } => {
opcode == Opcode::Fadd
|| opcode == Opcode::Fdiv
|| opcode == Opcode::Fmax
|| opcode == Opcode::Fmin
|| opcode == Opcode::Fmul
|| opcode == Opcode::Fsub
InstructionData::Ternary { opcode, .. } => opcode == Opcode::Fma,
_ => false,
/// Append a sequence of canonicalizing instructions after the given instruction.
fn add_nan_canon_seq(pos: &mut FuncCursor, inst: Inst) {
// Select the instruction result, result type. Replace the instruction
// result and step forward before inserting the canonicalization sequence.
let val = pos.func.dfg.first_result(inst);
let val_type = pos.func.dfg.value_type(val);
let new_res = pos.func.dfg.replace_result(val, val_type);
let _next_inst = pos.next_inst().expect("block missing terminator!");
// Insert a comparison instruction, to check if `inst_res` is NaN. Select
// the canonical NaN value if `val` is NaN, assign the result to `inst`.
let is_nan = pos.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, new_res, new_res);
let scalar_select = |pos: &mut FuncCursor, canon_nan: Value| {
.select(is_nan, canon_nan, new_res);
let vector_select = |pos: &mut FuncCursor, canon_nan: Value| {
let is_nan = pos.ins().bitcast(val_type, MemFlags::new(), is_nan);
.bitselect(is_nan, canon_nan, new_res);
match val_type {
types::F32 => {
let canon_nan = pos.ins().f32const(Ieee32::with_bits(CANON_32BIT_NAN));
scalar_select(pos, canon_nan);
types::F64 => {
let canon_nan = pos.ins().f64const(Ieee64::with_bits(CANON_64BIT_NAN));
scalar_select(pos, canon_nan);
types::F32X4 => {
let canon_nan = pos.ins().f32const(Ieee32::with_bits(CANON_32BIT_NAN));
let canon_nan = pos.ins().splat(types::F32X4, canon_nan);
vector_select(pos, canon_nan);
types::F64X2 => {
let canon_nan = pos.ins().f64const(Ieee64::with_bits(CANON_64BIT_NAN));
let canon_nan = pos.ins().splat(types::F64X2, canon_nan);
vector_select(pos, canon_nan);
_ => {
// Panic if the type given was not an IEEE floating point type.
panic!("Could not canonicalize NaN: Unexpected result type found.");
pos.prev_inst(); // Step backwards so the pass does not skip instructions.