blob: 101ddf0225f31d3e2f0140f4dd27a3c7beedf107 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Context-specific field.
use crate::{
asn1::AnyRef, Choice, Decode, DecodeValue, DerOrd, Encode, EncodeValue, EncodeValueRef, Error,
Header, Length, Reader, Result, Tag, TagMode, TagNumber, Tagged, ValueOrd, Writer,
use core::cmp::Ordering;
/// Context-specific field which wraps an owned inner value.
/// This type decodes/encodes a field which is specific to a particular context
/// and is identified by a [`TagNumber`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct ContextSpecific<T> {
/// Context-specific tag number sans the leading `0b10000000` class
/// identifier bit and `0b100000` constructed flag.
pub tag_number: TagNumber,
/// Tag mode: `EXPLICIT` VS `IMPLICIT`.
pub tag_mode: TagMode,
/// Value of the field.
pub value: T,
impl<T> ContextSpecific<T> {
/// Attempt to decode an `EXPLICIT` ASN.1 `CONTEXT-SPECIFIC` field with the
/// provided [`TagNumber`].
/// This method has the following behavior which is designed to simplify
/// handling of extension fields, which are denoted in an ASN.1 schema
/// using the `...` ellipsis extension marker:
/// - Skips over [`ContextSpecific`] fields with a tag number lower than
/// the current one, consuming and ignoring them.
/// - Returns `Ok(None)` if a [`ContextSpecific`] field with a higher tag
/// number is encountered. These fields are not consumed in this case,
/// allowing a field with a lower tag number to be omitted, then the
/// higher numbered field consumed as a follow-up.
/// - Returns `Ok(None)` if anything other than a [`ContextSpecific`] field
/// is encountered.
pub fn decode_explicit<'a, R: Reader<'a>>(
reader: &mut R,
tag_number: TagNumber,
) -> Result<Option<Self>>
T: Decode<'a>,
Self::decode_with(reader, tag_number, |reader| Self::decode(reader))
/// Attempt to decode an `IMPLICIT` ASN.1 `CONTEXT-SPECIFIC` field with the
/// provided [`TagNumber`].
/// This method otherwise behaves the same as `decode_explicit`,
/// but should be used in cases where the particular fields are `IMPLICIT`
/// as opposed to `EXPLICIT`.
pub fn decode_implicit<'a, R: Reader<'a>>(
reader: &mut R,
tag_number: TagNumber,
) -> Result<Option<Self>>
T: DecodeValue<'a> + Tagged,
Self::decode_with(reader, tag_number, |reader| {
let header = Header::decode(reader)?;
let value = T::decode_value(reader, header)?;
if header.tag.is_constructed() != value.tag().is_constructed() {
return Err(header.tag.non_canonical_error());
Ok(Self {
tag_mode: TagMode::Implicit,
/// Attempt to decode a context-specific field with the given
/// helper callback.
fn decode_with<'a, F, R: Reader<'a>>(
reader: &mut R,
tag_number: TagNumber,
f: F,
) -> Result<Option<Self>>
F: FnOnce(&mut R) -> Result<Self>,
while let Some(octet) = reader.peek_byte() {
let tag = Tag::try_from(octet)?;
if !tag.is_context_specific() || (tag.number() > tag_number) {
} else if tag.number() == tag_number {
return Some(f(reader)).transpose();
} else {
impl<'a, T> Choice<'a> for ContextSpecific<T>
T: Decode<'a> + Tagged,
fn can_decode(tag: Tag) -> bool {
impl<'a, T> Decode<'a> for ContextSpecific<T>
T: Decode<'a>,
fn decode<R: Reader<'a>>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self> {
let header = Header::decode(reader)?;
match header.tag {
Tag::ContextSpecific {
constructed: true,
} => Ok(Self {
tag_number: number,
tag_mode: TagMode::default(),
value: reader.read_nested(header.length, |reader| T::decode(reader))?,
tag => Err(tag.unexpected_error(None)),
impl<T> EncodeValue for ContextSpecific<T>
T: EncodeValue + Tagged,
fn value_len(&self) -> Result<Length> {
match self.tag_mode {
TagMode::Explicit => self.value.encoded_len(),
TagMode::Implicit => self.value.value_len(),
fn encode_value(&self, writer: &mut impl Writer) -> Result<()> {
match self.tag_mode {
TagMode::Explicit => self.value.encode(writer),
TagMode::Implicit => self.value.encode_value(writer),
impl<T> Tagged for ContextSpecific<T>
T: Tagged,
fn tag(&self) -> Tag {
let constructed = match self.tag_mode {
TagMode::Explicit => true,
TagMode::Implicit => self.value.tag().is_constructed(),
Tag::ContextSpecific {
number: self.tag_number,
impl<'a, T> TryFrom<AnyRef<'a>> for ContextSpecific<T>
T: Decode<'a>,
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(any: AnyRef<'a>) -> Result<ContextSpecific<T>> {
match any.tag() {
Tag::ContextSpecific {
constructed: true,
} => Ok(Self {
tag_number: number,
tag_mode: TagMode::default(),
value: T::from_der(any.value())?,
tag => Err(tag.unexpected_error(None)),
impl<T> ValueOrd for ContextSpecific<T>
T: EncodeValue + ValueOrd + Tagged,
fn value_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<Ordering> {
match self.tag_mode {
TagMode::Explicit => self.der_cmp(other),
TagMode::Implicit => self.value_cmp(other),
/// Context-specific field reference.
/// This type encodes a field which is specific to a particular context
/// and is identified by a [`TagNumber`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct ContextSpecificRef<'a, T> {
/// Context-specific tag number sans the leading `0b10000000` class
/// identifier bit and `0b100000` constructed flag.
pub tag_number: TagNumber,
/// Tag mode: `EXPLICIT` VS `IMPLICIT`.
pub tag_mode: TagMode,
/// Value of the field.
pub value: &'a T,
impl<'a, T> ContextSpecificRef<'a, T> {
/// Convert to a [`ContextSpecific`].
fn encoder(&self) -> ContextSpecific<EncodeValueRef<'a, T>> {
ContextSpecific {
tag_number: self.tag_number,
tag_mode: self.tag_mode,
value: EncodeValueRef(self.value),
impl<'a, T> EncodeValue for ContextSpecificRef<'a, T>
T: EncodeValue + Tagged,
fn value_len(&self) -> Result<Length> {
fn encode_value(&self, writer: &mut impl Writer) -> Result<()> {
impl<'a, T> Tagged for ContextSpecificRef<'a, T>
T: Tagged,
fn tag(&self) -> Tag {
mod tests {
use super::ContextSpecific;
use crate::{asn1::BitStringRef, Decode, Encode, SliceReader, TagMode, TagNumber};
use hex_literal::hex;
// Public key data from `pkcs8` crate's `ed25519-pkcs8-v2.der`
const EXAMPLE_BYTES: &[u8] =
fn round_trip() {
let field = ContextSpecific::<BitStringRef<'_>>::from_der(EXAMPLE_BYTES).unwrap();
assert_eq!(field.tag_number.value(), 1);
let mut buf = [0u8; 128];
let encoded = field.encode_to_slice(&mut buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(encoded, EXAMPLE_BYTES);
fn context_specific_with_explicit_field() {
let tag_number = TagNumber::new(0);
// Empty message
let mut reader = SliceReader::new(&[]).unwrap();
ContextSpecific::<u8>::decode_explicit(&mut reader, tag_number).unwrap(),
// Message containing a non-context-specific type
let mut reader = SliceReader::new(&hex!("020100")).unwrap();
ContextSpecific::<u8>::decode_explicit(&mut reader, tag_number).unwrap(),
// Message containing an EXPLICIT context-specific field
let mut reader = SliceReader::new(&hex!("A003020100")).unwrap();
let field = ContextSpecific::<u8>::decode_explicit(&mut reader, tag_number)
assert_eq!(field.tag_number, tag_number);
assert_eq!(field.tag_mode, TagMode::Explicit);
assert_eq!(field.value, 0);
fn context_specific_with_implicit_field() {
// From RFC8410 Section 10.3:
// <>
// 81 33: [1] 00 19 BF 44 09 69 84 CD FE 85 41 BA C1 67 DC 3B
// 96 C8 50 86 AA 30 B6 B6 CB 0C 5C 38 AD 70 31 66
// E1
let context_specific_implicit_bytes =
let tag_number = TagNumber::new(1);
let mut reader = SliceReader::new(&context_specific_implicit_bytes).unwrap();
let field = ContextSpecific::<BitStringRef<'_>>::decode_implicit(&mut reader, tag_number)
assert_eq!(field.tag_number, tag_number);
assert_eq!(field.tag_mode, TagMode::Implicit);
fn context_specific_skipping_unknown_field() {
let tag = TagNumber::new(1);
let mut reader = SliceReader::new(&hex!("A003020100A103020101")).unwrap();
let field = ContextSpecific::<u8>::decode_explicit(&mut reader, tag)
assert_eq!(field.value, 1);
fn context_specific_returns_none_on_greater_tag_number() {
let tag = TagNumber::new(0);
let mut reader = SliceReader::new(&hex!("A103020101")).unwrap();
ContextSpecific::<u8>::decode_explicit(&mut reader, tag).unwrap(),