blob: dd1b6aed540373bc9c9305e56cdf1308da661917 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Public key recovery support.
use crate::{Error, Result};
#[cfg(feature = "signing")]
use {
crate::{hazmat::SignPrimitive, SigningKey},
signature::{hazmat::PrehashSigner, DigestSigner, Signer},
#[cfg(feature = "verifying")]
use {
crate::{hazmat::VerifyPrimitive, VerifyingKey},
ops::{LinearCombination, Reduce},
sec1::{self, FromEncodedPoint, ToEncodedPoint},
AffinePoint, FieldBytesEncoding, FieldBytesSize, Group, PrimeField, ProjectivePoint,
#[cfg(any(feature = "signing", feature = "verifying"))]
use {
hazmat::{bits2field, DigestPrimitive},
Signature, SignatureSize,
generic_array::ArrayLength, ops::Invert, CurveArithmetic, PrimeCurve, Scalar,
/// Recovery IDs, a.k.a. "recid".
/// This is an integer value `0`, `1`, `2`, or `3` included along with a
/// signature which is used during the recovery process to select the correct
/// public key from the signature.
/// It consists of two bits of information:
/// - low bit (0/1): was the y-coordinate of the affine point resulting from
/// the fixed-base multiplication 𝑘×𝑮 odd? This part of the algorithm
/// functions similar to point decompression.
/// - hi bit (3/4): did the affine x-coordinate of 𝑘×𝑮 overflow the order of
/// the scalar field, requiring a reduction when computing `r`?
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct RecoveryId(u8);
impl RecoveryId {
/// Maximum supported value for the recovery ID (inclusive).
pub const MAX: u8 = 3;
/// Create a new [`RecoveryId`] from the following 1-bit arguments:
/// - `is_y_odd`: is the affine y-coordinate of 𝑘×𝑮 odd?
/// - `is_x_reduced`: did the affine x-coordinate of 𝑘×𝑮 overflow the curve order?
pub const fn new(is_y_odd: bool, is_x_reduced: bool) -> Self {
Self((is_x_reduced as u8) << 1 | (is_y_odd as u8))
/// Did the affine x-coordinate of 𝑘×𝑮 overflow the curve order?
pub const fn is_x_reduced(self) -> bool {
(self.0 & 0b10) != 0
/// Is the affine y-coordinate of 𝑘×𝑮 odd?
pub const fn is_y_odd(self) -> bool {
(self.0 & 1) != 0
/// Convert a `u8` into a [`RecoveryId`].
pub const fn from_byte(byte: u8) -> Option<Self> {
if byte <= Self::MAX {
} else {
/// Convert this [`RecoveryId`] into a `u8`.
pub const fn to_byte(self) -> u8 {
#[cfg(feature = "verifying")]
impl RecoveryId {
/// Given a public key, message, and signature, use trial recovery
/// to determine if a suitable recovery ID exists, or return an error
/// otherwise.
pub fn trial_recovery_from_msg<C>(
verifying_key: &VerifyingKey<C>,
msg: &[u8],
signature: &Signature<C>,
) -> Result<Self>
C: DigestPrimitive + PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic,
DecompressPoint<C> + FromEncodedPoint<C> + ToEncodedPoint<C> + VerifyPrimitive<C>,
FieldBytesSize<C>: sec1::ModulusSize,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
Self::trial_recovery_from_digest(verifying_key, C::Digest::new_with_prefix(msg), signature)
/// Given a public key, message digest, and signature, use trial recovery
/// to determine if a suitable recovery ID exists, or return an error
/// otherwise.
pub fn trial_recovery_from_digest<C, D>(
verifying_key: &VerifyingKey<C>,
digest: D,
signature: &Signature<C>,
) -> Result<Self>
C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic,
D: Digest,
DecompressPoint<C> + FromEncodedPoint<C> + ToEncodedPoint<C> + VerifyPrimitive<C>,
FieldBytesSize<C>: sec1::ModulusSize,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
Self::trial_recovery_from_prehash(verifying_key, &digest.finalize(), signature)
/// Given a public key, message digest, and signature, use trial recovery
/// to determine if a suitable recovery ID exists, or return an error
/// otherwise.
pub fn trial_recovery_from_prehash<C>(
verifying_key: &VerifyingKey<C>,
prehash: &[u8],
signature: &Signature<C>,
) -> Result<Self>
C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic,
DecompressPoint<C> + FromEncodedPoint<C> + ToEncodedPoint<C> + VerifyPrimitive<C>,
FieldBytesSize<C>: sec1::ModulusSize,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
for id in 0..=Self::MAX {
let recovery_id = RecoveryId(id);
if let Ok(vk) = VerifyingKey::recover_from_prehash(prehash, signature, recovery_id) {
if verifying_key == &vk {
return Ok(recovery_id);
impl TryFrom<u8> for RecoveryId {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(byte: u8) -> Result<Self> {
impl From<RecoveryId> for u8 {
fn from(id: RecoveryId) -> u8 {
#[cfg(feature = "signing")]
impl<C> SigningKey<C>
C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic + DigestPrimitive,
Scalar<C>: Invert<Output = CtOption<Scalar<C>>> + SignPrimitive<C>,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
/// Sign the given message prehash, returning a signature and recovery ID.
pub fn sign_prehash_recoverable(&self, prehash: &[u8]) -> Result<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> {
let z = bits2field::<C>(prehash)?;
let (sig, recid) = self
.try_sign_prehashed_rfc6979::<C::Digest>(&z, &[])?;
Ok((sig, recid.ok_or_else(Error::new)?))
/// Sign the given message digest, returning a signature and recovery ID.
pub fn sign_digest_recoverable<D>(&self, msg_digest: D) -> Result<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)>
D: Digest,
/// Sign the given message, hashing it with the curve's default digest
/// function, and returning a signature and recovery ID.
pub fn sign_recoverable(&self, msg: &[u8]) -> Result<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> {
#[cfg(feature = "signing")]
impl<C, D> DigestSigner<D, (Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> for SigningKey<C>
C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic + DigestPrimitive,
D: Digest,
Scalar<C>: Invert<Output = CtOption<Scalar<C>>> + SignPrimitive<C>,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
fn try_sign_digest(&self, msg_digest: D) -> Result<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> {
#[cfg(feature = "signing")]
impl<C> PrehashSigner<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> for SigningKey<C>
C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic + DigestPrimitive,
Scalar<C>: Invert<Output = CtOption<Scalar<C>>> + SignPrimitive<C>,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
fn sign_prehash(&self, prehash: &[u8]) -> Result<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> {
#[cfg(feature = "signing")]
impl<C> Signer<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> for SigningKey<C>
C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic + DigestPrimitive,
Scalar<C>: Invert<Output = CtOption<Scalar<C>>> + SignPrimitive<C>,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
fn try_sign(&self, msg: &[u8]) -> Result<(Signature<C>, RecoveryId)> {
#[cfg(feature = "verifying")]
impl<C> VerifyingKey<C>
C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic,
DecompressPoint<C> + FromEncodedPoint<C> + ToEncodedPoint<C> + VerifyPrimitive<C>,
FieldBytesSize<C>: sec1::ModulusSize,
SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
/// Recover a [`VerifyingKey`] from the given message, signature, and
/// [`RecoveryId`].
/// The message is first hashed using this curve's [`DigestPrimitive`].
pub fn recover_from_msg(
msg: &[u8],
signature: &Signature<C>,
recovery_id: RecoveryId,
) -> Result<Self>
C: DigestPrimitive,
Self::recover_from_digest(C::Digest::new_with_prefix(msg), signature, recovery_id)
/// Recover a [`VerifyingKey`] from the given message [`Digest`],
/// signature, and [`RecoveryId`].
pub fn recover_from_digest<D>(
msg_digest: D,
signature: &Signature<C>,
recovery_id: RecoveryId,
) -> Result<Self>
D: Digest,
Self::recover_from_prehash(&msg_digest.finalize(), signature, recovery_id)
/// Recover a [`VerifyingKey`] from the given `prehash` of a message, the
/// signature over that prehashed message, and a [`RecoveryId`].
pub fn recover_from_prehash(
prehash: &[u8],
signature: &Signature<C>,
recovery_id: RecoveryId,
) -> Result<Self> {
let (r, s) = signature.split_scalars();
let z = <Scalar<C> as Reduce<C::Uint>>::reduce_bytes(&bits2field::<C>(prehash)?);
let mut r_bytes = r.to_repr();
if recovery_id.is_x_reduced() {
match Option::<C::Uint>::from(
) {
Some(restored) => r_bytes = restored.encode_field_bytes(),
// No reduction should happen here if r was reduced
None => return Err(Error::new()),
let R = AffinePoint::<C>::decompress(&r_bytes, u8::from(recovery_id.is_y_odd()).into());
if R.is_none().into() {
return Err(Error::new());
let R = ProjectivePoint::<C>::from(R.unwrap());
let r_inv = *r.invert();
let u1 = -(r_inv * z);
let u2 = r_inv * *s;
let pk = ProjectivePoint::<C>::lincomb(&ProjectivePoint::<C>::generator(), &u1, &R, &u2);
let vk = Self::from_affine(pk.into())?;
// Ensure signature verifies with the recovered key
vk.verify_prehash(prehash, signature)?;
mod tests {
use super::RecoveryId;
fn new() {
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::new(false, false).to_byte(), 0);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::new(true, false).to_byte(), 1);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::new(false, true).to_byte(), 2);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::new(true, true).to_byte(), 3);
fn try_from() {
for n in 0u8..=3 {
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(n).unwrap().to_byte(), n);
for n in 4u8..=255 {
fn is_x_reduced() {
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(0).unwrap().is_x_reduced(), false);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(1).unwrap().is_x_reduced(), false);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(2).unwrap().is_x_reduced(), true);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(3).unwrap().is_x_reduced(), true);
fn is_y_odd() {
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(0).unwrap().is_y_odd(), false);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(1).unwrap().is_y_odd(), true);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(2).unwrap().is_y_odd(), false);
assert_eq!(RecoveryId::try_from(3).unwrap().is_y_odd(), true);