blob: 8bb19575779f80b1fb3cef7fe8d4a9509632e7a5 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use bstr::{BStr, BString, ByteSlice, ByteVec};
use crate::{pattern::Case, search::Pattern};
/// A list of patterns which optionally know where they were loaded from and what their base is.
/// Knowing their base which is relative to a source directory, it will ignore all path to match against
/// that don't also start with said base.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone, Default)]
pub struct List<T: Pattern> {
/// Patterns and their associated data in the order they were loaded in or specified,
/// the line number in its source file or its sequence number (_`(pattern, value, line_number)`_).
/// During matching, this order is reversed.
pub patterns: Vec<Mapping<T::Value>>,
/// The path from which the patterns were read, or `None` if the patterns
/// don't originate in a file on disk.
pub source: Option<PathBuf>,
/// The parent directory of source, or `None` if the patterns are _global_ to match against the repository root.
/// It's processed to contain slashes only and to end with a trailing slash, and is relative to the repository root.
pub base: Option<BString>,
/// An association of a pattern with its value, along with a sequence number providing a sort order in relation to its peers.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Clone)]
pub struct Mapping<T> {
/// The pattern itself, like `/target/*`
pub pattern: crate::Pattern,
/// The value associated with the pattern.
pub value: T,
/// Typically the line number in the file the pattern was parsed from.
pub sequence_number: usize,
fn read_in_full_ignore_missing(path: &Path, follow_symlinks: bool, buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> std::io::Result<bool> {
let file = if follow_symlinks {
} else {
Ok(match file {
Ok(mut file) => {
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => false,
Err(err) => return Err(err),
/// Instantiation
impl<T> List<T>
T: Pattern,
/// `source_file` is the location of the `bytes` which represents a list of patterns, one pattern per line.
/// If `root` is `Some(…)` it's used to see `source_file` as relative to itself, if `source_file` is absolute.
/// If source is relative and should be treated as base, set `root` to `Some("")`.
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8], source_file: impl Into<PathBuf>, root: Option<&Path>) -> Self {
let source = source_file.into();
let patterns = T::bytes_to_patterns(bytes, source.as_path());
let base = root
.and_then(|root| source.parent().expect("file").strip_prefix(root).ok())
.and_then(|base| {
(!base.as_os_str().is_empty()).then(|| {
let mut base: BString =
List {
source: Some(source),
/// Create a pattern list from the `source` file, which may be located underneath `root`, while optionally
/// following symlinks with `follow_symlinks`, providing `buf` to temporarily store the data contained in the file.
pub fn from_file(
source: impl Into<PathBuf>,
root: Option<&Path>,
follow_symlinks: bool,
buf: &mut Vec<u8>,
) -> std::io::Result<Option<Self>> {
let source = source.into();
Ok(read_in_full_ignore_missing(&source, follow_symlinks, buf)?.then(|| Self::from_bytes(buf, source, root)))
/// Utilities
impl<T> List<T>
T: Pattern,
/// If this list is anchored to a base path, return `relative_path` as being relative to our base and return
/// an updated `basename_pos` as well if it was set.
/// `case` is respected for the comparison.
/// This is useful to turn repository-relative paths into paths relative to a particular search base.
pub fn strip_base_handle_recompute_basename_pos<'a>(
relative_path: &'a BStr,
basename_pos: Option<usize>,
case: Case,
) -> Option<(&'a BStr, Option<usize>)> {
match self.base.as_deref() {
Some(base) => strip_base_handle_recompute_basename_pos(base.as_bstr(), relative_path, basename_pos, case)?,
None => (relative_path, basename_pos),
/// Return`relative_path` as being relative to `base` along with an updated `basename_pos` if it was set.
/// `case` is respected for the comparison.
/// This is useful to turn repository-relative paths into paths relative to a particular search base.
pub fn strip_base_handle_recompute_basename_pos<'a>(
base: &BStr,
relative_path: &'a BStr,
basename_pos: Option<usize>,
case: Case,
) -> Option<(&'a BStr, Option<usize>)> {
match case {
Case::Sensitive => relative_path.strip_prefix(base.as_bytes())?.as_bstr(),
Case::Fold => {
let rela_dir = relative_path.get(..base.len())?;
if !rela_dir.eq_ignore_ascii_case(base) {
return None;
basename_pos.and_then(|pos| {
let pos = pos - base.len();
(pos != 0).then_some(pos)